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How To Use Unisex In A Sentence

  • Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
  • Members of Atripliceae are characterized by flowers that are usually unisexual, with a perianth present in staminate flowers, and with pistillate flowers lacking a perianth but having accrescent bracteoles in fruit.
  • When H. frenatus arrives on an island, the population of the unisexual species plummets.
  • The genus has reduced unisexual flowers grouped into characteristic pseudanthia called cyathia.
  • Dioecious Flowers unisexual; the male and female flowers on different plants (cf. monoecious). Chapter 9
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  • Today he was wearing what I sort of called a unisex wig that sort of had remnants or reminders of a bit of Austin Powers, maybe when Austin Powers gets to be around 70 years old, sort of a pageboy blondish blond wig, that ` s how I would best describe it. CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2007
  • W.A. DiMichele has argued that free-sporing heterospory will only be favored in swamp environments, where gametes can move easily between unisexual gametophytes.
  • The starting-point of the class, however, and the position within it of apetalous families with frequently unisexual flowers, have provoked much discussion. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • An assessment of genetic and epigenetic diversity that exists in unisexual populations in spite of "clonal" reproduction is largely lacking.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Although unisex vests are available in every police station in a variety of sizes, body armour is not currently personally issued to each officer.
  • This means that the unisexual females are actually parasitizing bisexual males of these other species.
  • She had to find things that were unisex, or at least looked like it.
  • Two weeks after announcing plans to launch a nail polish line, the 16-year-old singer is getting ready to debut his first unisex fragrance, My World.
  • The prefix uni- often means "characterized by one thing," but in this word and in the word unisex it is more like "both. Week in Words
  • The ability to undergo both unisexual and bisexual reproduction may provide evolutionary advantages in environments where suitable mating partners are scarce.
  • Soon I expect other players will be following the trail blazed by Cipriani, Henson and Ben Foden – currently dating Una Healy from the Saturdays, apparently, and with a taxi-rank scuffle to his name already this year – and be opening city-centre nitespots named Rockafellas, or unisex fashion boutiques selling mauve Crimplene bell-bottoms, being photographed cuddling Old English sheepdogs and swaying about embarrassedly in the background as Pickettywitch launch a TV comeback. Danny Cipriani and playboy players are dragging rugby into the 70s | Harry Pearson
  • It seems like we are about the last state of all 50 holding onto this so-called unisex insurance provision," said Sen. Gary Perry, R-Manhattan.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • If the tag doesn't differentiate genders, the skate is unisex.
  • Left-wing movements have tended to be unisex, and asexual in their imagery.
  • This bag category is unisex and covers home as well as office use.
  • One of the most obvious changes is that the new uniforms are unisex.
  • Though the clothes aren't billed as unisex, Wentz, a guy known for his penchant for dark eyeliner and matching nail polish, is partial to one of his word-search-emblazoned hoodies. Fall Out Boy Wentz springs up in Nordstrom
  • I start dialing again as I hover in the bathroom watching unzippered elephants shuffle listlessly into unisex stalls and blasting out minutes later on electrified rails. Mr. Sunrise
  • And its about the only one which can be classified as a unisex white flower fragrance! White Floral Queen, Part One – Frederic Malle Carnal Flower
  • Quantitative description of unisexual reproduction, and detailed comparisons between unisexual and bisexual reproduction, are lacking.
  • Unisexual flowers with three white petals produce numerous stamens or carpels and both present floral nectar.
  • As is the condition in other unisexual vertebrates, the silver crucian carp probably has a hybridization origin.
  • With an eight-day, eight-hour power reserve, the unisex watches are available for custom-order with options such as monogramming the second hand with the wearer's initials. Nst online
  • The stupidity of this debate is part of the reason I am a unisexual. Frank slams Obama for 'big mistake' on Defense of Marriage Act (updated)
  • One applies to females only - the siren; one to men only - the rake; and the rest - the ideal lover, dandy, natural, charismatic, star - are unisex.
  • Unisexual flowers with three white petals produce numerous stamens or carpels and both present floral nectar.
  • To hammer the point home, he provided an equation and summed up, “There are no living beings that can bluntly be described as being unisexual and of one definite sex.” Bloodlust
  • I had a girlfriend some years ago who had a bad experience with a creep who tried to assault her in a unisex bathroom and a constablery which wouldn't even deign to accept a statement from her since she wasn't a fluent French speaker and an American tourist. Paris.
  • British waif Kate Moss was to follow, helping to launch his unisex perfume CK one.
  • She sounds like the unisexual mating of Dinah Washington and Janis Joplin. Trey Ellis: Obama/McCain: Kennedy/Nixon or Eisenhower/Stevenson?
  • While the unisexual salamanders usually reproduce through cloning, they "borrow" salamander sperm from other species to stimulate egg production.
  • Gold's milieu, the laid-back '70s, saw things move away from the highly tailored mod look to unisex dressing inspired by the sexual revolution and feminism.
  • Emasculation and bagging was done at the beginning of anthesis, that is, when the first unisexual male catkins began to shed pollen. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 44th Annual Meeting Rochester, N.Y. August 31 and September 1, 1953
  • The genera of Atripliceae, as the tribe is traditionally defined, have flowers that are usually unisexual and enclosed by well-developed bracteoles.
  • Also, haircare is a more unisex activity than say, getting a facial.
  • In the text books they call it parthenogenetic unisexual pseudocopulation, or uniparens (one parent). Autotomous Penes & Endless War
  • The landmark Cosmos collection of 1964, with tunic and hose for both men and women, was a confident statement about unisex clothing.
  • Intrigued, I walked up the stairs to use the men's room and discovered that the bathrooms were unisex.
  • They have unisexual flowers, are wind-pollinated, and apparently have a very short and inconspicuous flowering time so that the presence of flowers is easily overlooked.
  • The androgyny of today, where everything is unisex and uniform, destroys culture by divorcing it from the reality of human existence.
  • He asked a girl whose name was unisex like Casey, Jamie, Kelsey or Dakota.
  • The flowers of Zamioculcas are morphologically hermaphroditical, but physiologically unisexual.
  • Various species may be unisexual, hermaphroditic, or have separate sexes.
  • Only 16 percent of those who identify themselves as conservatives approve of unisex, while 34 percent of those who call themselves liberals are fond of the look.
  • The biology and evolution of unisexual mole salamanders has become a contentious and much-debated subject.
  • Plants are characterized as having unisexual flowers and dichotomously forked leaves arranged in crowded whorls.
  • A global take on the unisex galabiya, a loose-fitting outer garment, designed to protect wearers from the sun as well as sand and wind, might conceivably gain popularity among UV-shunning followers of fashion outside the Sahara and the Arabian Peninsula. The English Is Coming!
  • A Fine line between sex and unisexuality: The phylogenetic constraints on parthenogenesis in lacertid lizards. Biological diversity in the Caucasus
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • This means that the unisexual females are actually parasitizing bisexual males of these other species.
  • Yes, it was easy and unisex, but it was also wet, greasy, required a regiment of malodorous chemicals for upkeep and extensive processing, and looked just plain weird on most.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Yes, it was easy and unisex, but it was also wet, greasy, required a regiment of malodorous chemicals for upkeep and extensive processing, and looked just plain weird on most.
  • They'd dressed Sam in the usual unisex white jumpsuit, showing no imagination at all.
  • In fungi, unisexual reproduction, where sexual development is initiated without the presence of two compatible mating type alleles, has been observed in several species that can also undergo traditional bisexual reproduction.
  • The 1970s vogue for what was rather unsexily termed "unisex" styles matching big hair and top-to-toe denim was actually the realisation of the 1960s civil rights dream of equality. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The original is unisex and in a yellow box because in 1916 most of the fragrances were colognes and everybody wore them.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Exceptions exist, of course, and in our time, with the disordered, unisexual-masculine influences of modern "culture," and the vices prevalent therein, many girls sadly are tempted easily by the flesh. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The Hawaiian Islands have long been home to Lepidodactylas lugubris, a species of unisexual lizards.
  • But if women wear unisex trousers without comment, men in skirts can still raise eyebrows.
  • Still, she's insistent that the sporran is a unisex accessory.
  • The film, which featured a women's football team, has opened to rave reviews in the US, where women's football is hugely popular and the game is regarded as unisex.
  • Flowers are unisexual, dichogamous in nature and, thus, most species are open-pollinated.
  • We lived a unisex dorm; both dorms on campus were unisex.
  • Flowers in Uncinia are unisexual, that is male and female reproductive structures are on separate flowers. Museum Blogs
  • I was bit worried that it was mainly for women, but the sales assistant convinced me it was unisex.
  • The prefix uni- often means "characterized by one thing," but in this word and in the word unisex it is more like "both. Week in Words
  • The dancers are dressed unisexly in suits and ties, raincoats and fedoras (the brims pulled down), the colours drab brown or slate.
  • Although unisex vests are available in every police station in a variety of sizes, body armour is not currently personally issued to each officer.
  • The ability to undergo both unisexual and bisexual reproduction may provide evolutionary advantages.
  • The newspaper reports that Walters and partner Bill Geddie are "quietly developing a 'unisex' spinoff of 'The View' that will attempt to inject a male perspective into the topics of the day. 'The View' For Men? Barbara Walters Eyes Bryant Gumbel Panel Show
  • Sexually the species are structurally gynodioecious, but there is a strong tendency towards dioecism with apparently bisexual flowers often being functionally unisexual.
  • How are these animals able to avoid the problems otherwise associated with unisexual reproduction?
  • Barry, who has stoically remained a traditional barber while many other salons went unisex, said he had seen hair lengths go full circle through the years.
  • The prefix uni- often means "characterized by one thing," but in this word and in the word unisex it is more like "both. Week in Words
  • After all, most of us use unisex toilets every day in our own homes.
  • Still, she's insistent that the sporran is a unisex accessory.
  • Unisexual salamanders are polyploids, meaning they have more than two sets of chromosomes.
  • Its unisex design goes equally well with a man's suit, a lady's sweater or a jogging outfit.
  • As long ago as 1963 it was more efficient for chaps to change their kecks in a unisex environment. Staffs Police Have Some Fun SHOCK!! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The spikelets are all unisexual, spicate, the male and female spikelets are dissimilar, and are on the same or on different spikes. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The genera of Atripliceae, as the tribe is traditionally defined, have flowers that are usually unisexual and enclosed by well-developed bracteoles.
  • The loosening up of clothing for women in the 1970s, begun by "unisex" fashions and kicked into high gear by feminists and Lesbians, occurred not from women who tried to dress "like men" but by women who pointedly said "I'm dressing like a woman, this is how women dress" as they rejected the boxes. BROAD CAST AND UPDATES, 29 OCTOBER 2007
  • After all, jeans are a relatively unisex piece of clothing, right?
  • Both individuals and gametes were unisexual, and self-fertilization was allowed.
  • I use the word "sambo" - it means something similar to a common-law husband (or wife, since it's a unisex word). Weddingbee
  • Unisexual flowers with three white petals produce numerous stamens or carpels and both present floral nectar.
  • This means a basic, unisex, T-shirt program is a volume program, where hundreds, even thousands of units are being prepared for a giveaway or as a premium to promote anything and everything under the sun.
  • As a so-called unisex scent, this blatant ‘shock-value’ name fails on two levels. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Wealthier widows received a regular allowance from their families abroad and lived in well-appointed rooms, some even adopting “sons” from the Sephardic community who would care for their needs and ease their solitude; however, most of the women were not rich, and they created a unique female (unisexual) community. Old Yishuv: Palestine at the End of the Ottoman Period.
  • The reason that scent was such a hit wasn't the campaign or that the idea of unisex scents were so new, but that the scent was the right one at the right time: bright bergamot, sparkling hedione and a skin-musk drydown as addictive as crack. Perfume-Smellin' Things Perfume Blog
  • Several Ambystoma species are unisexual—that is, they consist only of parthenogenetic females.
  • In France, I believe, a kiss on each cheek is appropriate, and unisex.

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