How To Use Uninhabited In A Sentence

  • From here, a telescope would show Earth as an uninhabited and uninhabitable world of water, with a few islands here and there.
  • The 60 mostly uninhabited islands which comprise the group lie within an area only 20 miles square.
  • These nine were, according to the barbarous practice of those kind of people, marooned, that is, set on shore on an uninhabited island. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • One of the largest of the latter is the pine marten, which is still found in remote and uninhabited parts of our country. Chatterbox, 1906
  • Many of these storms, if they occurred in uninhabited areas, would pass without any notice or impacts.
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  • The group of uninhabited islets about 180 km north of Taiwan are claimed by Taiwan, China and Japan.
  • His Canadian co-pilot Lorne White will be travelling alongside him over some of the most uninhabited regions in the world.
  • This uninhabited islet would have been our second stage had we been allowed to cross the Lake, as it is of the people themselves; it is as far beyond it to the mainland, called Manda, as from Masantu's to Mpabala. The Last Journals of David Livingstone from 1865 to His Death
  • The earth is largely uninhabited from the perspective of geographical area. Sound Politics: Schools, minds, closed yet again
  • You will find yourself on a mysterious and uninhabited island, solving loads of puzzles to unlock its secrets. The Sun
  • So they decided to take them to an uninhabited planet that would serve as an asylum and where they could roam free and act goofy. Christianity Today
  • A chartered helicopter transported construction materials out to the uninhabited islet to allow the construction of the three metre high light.
  • Ahead is a barren land of lochans and beautifully-ridged mountains rising steeply from an uninhabited wilderness.
  • Just looking at the lactescent SavMart or the uninhabited appearance of Sy's apartment is enough to make you feel hollow inside.
  • After a short hike around 18th-century limestone ruins on rocky Crab Cay, we camped on the sand of an unnamed barrier island, uninhabited but for a ravenous air force of mosquitoes and no-see-ums.
  • Sixteen Irish people would be brought to an uninhabited island in the South Pacific and left there to survive on the food they could gather or kill for themselves.
  • Only in magazine illustrations are designs uninhabited, a practice that has been much criticized. A Philosophy of Interior Design
  • This small, neatly shuttered mews house looked uninhabited. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let us hope that some of the islands remain uninhabited, so that these unfortunate brutes may escape being exterminated entirely. As I Please
  • There are about 50 islands and cays (most of which are uninhabited) in the US Virgin Islands, which lie about 40 miles east of Puerto Rico.
  • The first two doors led to uninhabited rooms, only filled with unused beds and bureaus.
  • In the summer of 1974, my brother John spent the summer with three students from Aberdeen University, studying the breeding biology of falcons and shearwaters on the uninhabited island of Dragonada, off the north-eastern coast of Crete. Family life
  • Plans to build a house on an uninhabited islet off the south of Sanday were turned down by islands' councillors on Thursday morning.
  • Less than 30 miles from the centre of Glasgow, in the fresh waters of Loch Lomond, three uninhabited islands are for sale.
  • Go into a room where the shutters are always shut (in a sick room or a bedroom there should never be shutters shut), and though the room be uninhabited, though the air had never been polluted by the breathing of human beings, you will observe a close, musty smell of corrupt air, of air i.e. unpurified by the effect of the sun's rays. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • Dressed in their finest and bedecked with gold jewellery, their appearance seemed at odds in that uninhabited place.
  • He finds the uninhabited west coast of the Isle of Jura most conducive, with 'no schedule to keep, no deadlines to meet'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was resting in a valley in an uninhabited region of the Atlas Mountains.
  • Yes, I know that archives exist, but archives are invariably dusty, filled with cobwebs and virtually uninhabited.
  • He went through the big house by himself, and he admitted to me that it had an uncomfortable feeling about it; but, of course, that might be nothing more than the natural dismalness of a big, empty house, which has been long uninhabited, and through which you are wandering alone. Carnacki, the Ghost Finder
  • In 1856 Congress authorised the annexation of any uninhabited or unclaimed island from which guano could be recovered, and more than seventy Pacific and Caribbean islands were commandeered in the next thirty years.
  • He was referring to the uninhabited stretch of desert northwest of the city where many of the murdered women’s bodies had been found. THE DAUGHTERS OF JUÁREZ
  • As we were in uninhabited country, and expected to be for a month or more, the appearance of four men and some camels was a welcome sight and the occasion of marked politeness on both sides, Mr. Rijnhart presenting them with some bread, and Rahim exchanging tobacco with them. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • This small, neatly shuttered mews house looked uninhabited. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even on the stormy day that we visited, the vista over some of the uninhabited islands was magical.
  • In three small lifeboats they reached an uninhabited island 350 miles away. The Sun
  • Their swords clashed with each other, ringing loudly over their uninhabited location.
  • Even traditional patrols were flown now over uninhabited areas, to allow the current agitation about the "parasitical" Weyr to die down. DragonFlight
  • These guidelines specifically exclude manned aircraft but include the export of uninhabited aerial aircraft and related technology.
  • The jump is likely to take place in May next year in an uninhabited area of Canada, although the details have not been finalised.
  • Many settlers made their way to Utah by wagon train in search of an uninhabited land to start their own way of life.
  • It's an uninhabited cottage with a boarded up window.
  • Owned by Mexico, the islands are uninhabited except for a naval base on Socorro.
  • It turns the fan at a public toilet on an uninhabited island in Boston Harbor.
  • Neither are so-called “industrial-use” products, even ozone generators, sold to and intended for use by professionals in uninhabited spaces. California air-purifier regulations hit home
  • Some urban areas are overcrowded, while other regions are almost uninhabited.
  • So they decided to take them to an uninhabited planet that would serve as an asylum and where they could roam free and act goofy. Christianity Today
  • This is an uninhabited island, deserted. Times, Sunday Times
  • His aircraft crashed in a remote, uninhabited wasteland. Times, Sunday Times
  • It concentrates on places devoid of human interference, focusing on patterns made on often extreme and uninhabited places.
  • There are many uninhabited islands to explore nearby, plus one of the best house reefs in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • For complete peace, and literally miles upon miles of uninhabited, pinky coral sand, the 15 - minute air hop to the sister isle is more than worth it.
  • The same day they passed another uninhabited island, which they called the isle of Birds, from its many wild-fowl. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 02 of 55 1521-1569 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Bradford: That's why the Gedankenexperiment takes place on another planet uninhabited by humans. The Memory Hole
  • There are large swathes of uninhabited land on the coast of sub-Saharan Africa. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victorine Meurent lived in another system of reference, in a narrative as yet unformulated and uncodified, but not uninhabited.
  • But after we had retired to rest and were sound alseep, my two sisters arose and took me up, bed and all, and threw me into the sea: they did the same with the young Prince who, as he could not swim, sank and was drowned and Allah enrolled him in the noble army of Martyrs. 323 As for me would Heaven I had been drowned with him, but Allah deemed that I should be of the saved; so when I awoke and found myself in the sea and saw the ship making off like a dash of lightning, He threw in my way a piece of timber which I bestrided, and the waves tossed me to and fro till they cast me upon an island coast, a high land and an uninhabited. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • an uninhabited island
  • I grew up in London but each summer my father took us to an uninhabited island off the west coast of Scotland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Four thousand years ago the valley of Mecca was a dry and uninhabited place.
  • The accident had occurred in the midst of a wooded stretch, wild and uninhabited, with "soup" (as Sydney called the boggy land) on both sides in the dense undergrowth. The Mystery at Number Six
  • They had built huts in uninhabited places, or made a twisted bower of strong green creepers, and lived their primitive paradisal life wanting nothing but each other; sometimes, through accidents and illness, they had nursed each other, with such unwearied tenderness that death himself had to withdraw, defeated by love. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • This small, neatly shuttered mews house looked uninhabited. Times, Sunday Times
  • A whole small uninhabited town was erected nearby with two shops, a metro station, a factory and road and railway bridges.
  • It turns the fan at a public toilet on an uninhabited island in Boston Harbor.
  • Teal-blue water licked at uninhabited gleaming, creamy beaches backdropped by vertically faced limestone cliffs hundreds of feet straight up.
  • The tiny uninhabited island is in the Sea of Japan halfway between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.
  • This recalls had the effect of making 90% of the UO world uninhabited, untraversed, and utterly devoid of The Once and Future MMO
  • He claimed Midway for the U.S., based on the Guano Acts of 1856, which authorized Americans to temporarily occupy uninhabited islands to obtain guano.
  • The new airport was to be built at Chek Lap Kok, a largely uninhabited island north of Lantau island.
  • The high urbanisation has resulted in massive tracts of uninhabited land across the country.
  • There are many uninhabited islands to explore nearby, plus one of the best house reefs in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first Europeans to visit these uninhabited islands thought they were bewitched.
  • Rusty iron scraps, pipes and unusually shaped stones were scattered around the inhospitable and largely uninhabited area, it said.
  • Surrounded by the natural silence of this uninhabited place, the German ships coaled again and the admiral conducted a ceremony. Castles of Steel
  • The other detraction from the pleasures of the evening, consisted in the dark uninhabited remoteness of the large chamber, from which we witnessed the exhibition; a flight of dark stairs led up to it; a few pieces of ambiguous lumber were its only furniture, and even by daylight, I did not pass the foot of that flight without a response from my nerves. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • He was banished to an uninhabited island for a year.
  • In three small lifeboats they reached an uninhabited island 350 miles away. The Sun
  • The ground was difficult and rough, the island having been uninhabited; and the Lacedaemonians, who were incumbered by their arms, could not pursue them in such a place. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • There are many uninhabited islands to explore nearby, plus one of the best house reefs in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gen. Angus Watt, has ordered the program fast-tracked, and his staff plan to give special consideration to companies that can quickly deliver the so-called uninhabited aerial vehicles or UAVs. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Other creatures turn them away, until they find an uninhabited island. Times, Sunday Times
  • The UCAO needs to codify its due regard procedures for uninhabited aircraft flying in international airspace.
  • The Scandinavian Peninsula is halved by an uninhabited mountain range, thus permitting the existence of two countries, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The uninhabited ones require more ingenuity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of these places include uninhabited sites, places where an array of spirit beings including jinn and ghosts are believed to reside.
  • The area is largely uninhabited.
  • It was also not uncommon for people to steal rooms: simply to open a door and take over an uninhabited room in the flat next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2002, a dozen Moroccan soldiers planted a flag on Parsley Island, a small, uninhabited outcropping off the shore near Ceuta.
  • If it's solitude you're seeking, Rannoch Moor is the largest uninhabited area in Britain.
  • I trust the decent people will rally and gets the snouty pencil pushing ones out and put them on uninhabited island to earn their keep if they want to live, so that the decent ones can enjoy the benefits of real living .. The Inside Story of the Dog Who Changed My Life « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Given the speeds and the fact that satellite phones offer better coverage primarily in uninhabited, rural areas, but not underground or inside buildings, where most consumers experience dropped calls, I think the consumer opportunity is pretty small. The Ominous Return of the Satellite Phone
  • Mr. Kan told reporters in Tokyo that the group of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea where the man was detained is an integral part of Japanese territory. Tensions Still High Over Japanese Detention of Chinese Fishing Boat Captain
  • Twenty years ago this land was unusable and uninhabited, its soil burdened by a high degree of aluminium toxicity.
  • The little territory, chiefly consisting of a mountain covered with palm-forests, was then almost uninhabited, but the strategetic importance of the position resulted in the establishment of an English Through the Malay Archipelago
  • The owl fled to the wild, uninhabited places, and now mournfully cries out for her home.
  • Ahead is a barren land of lochans and beautifully-ridged mountains rising steeply from an uninhabited wilderness.
  • On through Crick tunnel and then mile after mile of seemingly uninhabited country as we boxed the compass on the summit section towards Welford.
  • The Hague Convention, Article Four, states that you are not allowed to bombard uninhabited villages or villages that are not occupied by defendants.
  • There are large swathes of uninhabited land on the coast of sub-Saharan Africa. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catastrophists love to point out the damage that might have been caused if a fireball that exploded over an uninhabited forest area in eastern Siberia known as Tunguska on June 30, 1908, had hit elsewhere. Godzilla's Attacking Babylon!
  • Would it not be better if such a terminal was in a more uninhabited area?
  • The fact that most of the rainforest is uninhabited, with only a few pockets of indigenous communities, makes exploitation attractive.
  • It is uninhabited by man, but his mark is there: a convenient stake in the ground for dinghy tie up and, of course, the endless jetsam on the windward shore.
  • Wide expanses of countryside are uninhabited save for the occasional ramshackle farmhouse.
  • Dashed upon a bleak, inhospitable and unfortunately uninhabited shore, the five shipwrecked souls were faced with extinction if not rescued.
  • If I find out that someone used to call themself Christian but dropped their faith because they originally believed that God was a purely anthropomorphic individual residing in the Pleiades star system and have since come to believe that the Pleiades is uninhabited, I'm not committing a fallacy by questioning whether they truly had a handle on Christianity. Blind Faith?
  • As the evening , wore on the dancing grew more and more uninhabited.
  • The only survivor of a shipwreck washed up on a small uninhabited island. Christianity Today
  • By sheer luck, the gas released in Oklahoma City was blown into a mostly uninhabited area.
  • The map of Pellinge shows an arc of uninhabited skerries west of Glosholm; they may be connected with a ridge of random formations on the sea bed. Archive 2005-06-19
  • This had the effect of making 90% of the UO world uninhabited, untraversed, and utterly devoid of Players. The Once and Future MMO
  • From that point, the property has remained uninhabited, and has slowly decayed.
  • Gen. Angus Watt, has ordered the program fast-tracked, and his staff plan to give special consideration to companies that can quickly deliver the so-called uninhabited aerial vehicles or UAVs... Archive 2007-11-01
  • American artist Michael Ashkin also employs uninhabited panoramas in a series of photographs and videos that suggest what happens when heavy industry moves on.
  • Wesselmann's roughly 2-by-3-foot graphite drawing of an uninhabited, full-frontal Volkswagen in a bosky landscape, Drawing for Landscape #2, recalls the confident hand of Rivers.
  • He finds the uninhabited west coast of the Isle of Jura most conducive, with 'no schedule to keep, no deadlines to meet'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was also not uncommon for people to steal rooms: simply to open a door and take over an uninhabited room in the flat next door. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new airport was to be built at Chek Lap Kok, a largely uninhabited island north of Lantau island.
  • There are thousands of uninhabited islands which the plane could have reached. The Sun
  • So they decided to take them to an uninhabited planet that would serve as an asylum and where they could roam free and act goofy. Christianity Today
  • But many of the 700 islands and 2,000 cays that make up the archipelago are either uninhabited or have much smaller-scale tourism.
  • Another take on a love story is in store in "The Island," a second feature by Bulgarian director Kamen Kalev, whose €1.5 million budget didn't discourage established French actress/model Laetitia Casta from shooting on a tiny, uninhabited isle in the Black Sea. The Other Cannes Film Festival
  • We are not opposed to hot pursuit in uninhabited areas.
  • The two seek refuge on an uninhabited island.
  • The uninhabited and forested Noises Islands (Motuhoropapa and Otata) off northeast New Zealand were reinvaded by Norway rats at least six times between 1981 and 2002.
  • Sea-kayak around uninhabited islands and hike desert arroyos, then spend evenings swapping expedition tales with Messner and Kane.
  • They stopped at a normally uninhabited site and chose it to host the fire.
  • Some small uninhabited Pacific islands that have existed for centuries have disappeared.
  • Australian landscape painting is perhaps better known for scenes of the vast uninhabited bush, or else gritty urban scenes.
  • I left [school] to help my sister who was fishing in inland water ponds, which are situated in uninhabited areas.
  • He had he proceeded to free-select an uninhabited island.
  • You will find yourself on a mysterious and uninhabited island, solving loads of puzzles to unlock its secrets. The Sun
  • gaping doors of uninhabited houses
  • The Dancer is a "clever little prehuman statue," she learns, which was discovered on an uninhabited planet by the hapless crew of a space freighter and has been wreaking havoc ever since. January 15th, 2009
  • He just sends me out, and I direct the people to the uninhabited areas of the junkyard.

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