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  1. lacking in impressiveness
    on the whole the results of this system are unimposing

How To Use unimposing In A Sentence

  • on the whole the results of this system are unimposing
  • My father was a quiet, unimposing man who was not in fact afraid of anyone or anything.
  • He's six-foot-something but unimposing, his soft voice roughened by a rasp.
  • While these objects are seemingly simple in construction and unimposing in materials, Doris illuminated the many rich layers of meaning they encode.
  • Initially, it is hard to imagine that this unimposing white guy, who appears not to have suffered an angry day in his life, could have much to offer this group.
  • The building itself is unimposing but possesses a simple beauty.
  • Maybe the buildings had been deliberately designed to be unimposing and functional. LOST SUMMER
  • However, I found the perennial Russian babushkas, old ladies who usually chat on the benches, and they pointed out the library, which is small and unimposing.
  • Try him for his unimposing grasp of the music, his quiet, absolute authority, and the commitment he gets from the players in his orchestra, down to the last fiddler and the fourth flute.
  • BLONDIE PARK » Blog Archive » Stonefish The stonefish is a relatively unimposing creature at about 10 inches long, awkward in its movements, and intentionally evasive. Indian Buzz Remixed
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