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How To Use Unimportant In A Sentence

  • The urson plays a not unimportant part in the destruction of the forests of With Axe and Rifle
  • Many of the proposed fine distinctions seem relatively unimportant in routine neurological practice.
  • Astrocytes, previously thought to be unimportant in neuronal transmission, have recently been implicated in long-term modulation of neuronal synapses. Health News from Medical News Today
  • No hereditarians I've ever heard of believe the environment is unimportant.
  • But in this present world we have entire nations that see the woman, her nature, and her femininity as worthless, unimportant, purposeless, and unproductive. Women must ask whose thinking is that?
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  • When she gets nervous she fusses over unimportant details.
  • The reflections and soliloquies of Artamène recur; but a not unimportant, although subordinate, new character appears -- not as the first example, but as the foremost representative, in the novel, of the great figure of the "confidante" -- in Martésie, Mandane's chief maid of honour. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Teamwork is considered to be unimportant, so the tendency to become more individualistic increases; moreover, tolerance toward peers decreases.
  • All that was needed was a sustained opportunistic exploitation and minimal encouragement of what were still rather unimportant plant food sources.
  • It's been a week of finding tiny unimportant things indicative of larger ones that do matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • They twinkled bright in the dark sky, beautiful and old and they made her unimportant.
  • Still, wasn't that also unimportant, although in a less acceptable way?
  • It used to be that the Vice President was expendable, relatively unimportant and rather decorative.
  • It is a sadly inverted and trivialized world in which all that is unimportant becomes important and all that is important becomes unimportant.
  • So while I can't say that I swell with national pride when I read this kind of thing, I wonder if it is actually quite unimportant?
  • This is not to say that making promises is unimportant, but rather that we accept promise-breaking in everyday life with more magnanimity than we sometimes pretend.
  • A nurse's aide gathered his belongings together, threw out a few unimportant scraps of paper, put the rest in a plastic bag.
  • I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks.
  • Keelboat and steamboat navigation was always treacherous, and with the arrival of railroads, river transportation became unimportant.
  • Let's not quarrel about such unimportant matters.
  • The complaints are often petty and unimportant, yet when aired in public, they take on a certain gravitas and momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was as indiscernible and unimportant as my newly inflected mid-Atlantic accent.
  • Every activity is either important or unimportant, urgent or not urgent.
  • Inevitably, there was a docket to sign, which Rob described as unimportant but necessary, and at last I could continue my journey. THE SCHEME FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT
  • It does the world no good for members in marginal seats to put districts at risk over unimportant things, or lost causes, but casting tough votes on the big issues is what members of congress come to Washington to do. Matthew Yglesias » Tom Perriello Explains What It’s All About
  • It is more likely because the deficiencies are relatively unimportant or because there are some offsetting benefits. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The perception of plants as unimportant is the antithesis of the idea we should be promulgating, which is developing an appreciation of our dependence on plants for food, shelter, and medicine.
  • This is a singularly unaccomplished and unimportant man.
  • Look at the intricate beauty of the leaves on the trees and see that our petty desires are so unimportant.
  • But further visual examination led the engineers to misidentify it as silver or cadmium plating which, according to the maintenance task card guiding maintenance staff, was "unimportant" and did not require the gearbox to be removed from service or to be put on "close monitoring". North Sea helicopter crash report says gearbox failed after maintenance error
  • That kind of data may seem obscure and unimportant, but it's a useful tool for researchers and insurance companies wanting to know long-term hurricane trends.
  • Conditions change: and suddenly the overlooked and unimportant becomes central and vital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why should such an unimportant jewel be first in Topaz's hands, then on the wrist of her greatest rival?
  • The medical pedagogues of my day were far too busy hammering anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and all the other ‘ologies’ into our unwilling skulls, so that ‘unimportant’ bits like stress were not covered.
  • It doesn't matter how small or unimportant it seems. The Sun
  • Devouring fashion has provided a uniquely unimportant and frivolous thing to direct all my worry towards.
  • Nothing really matters since you are so taken by the immensity of the world that your own life seems unimportant by comparison.
  • As no writer has contributed so much as Mr. Walpole to depreciate the character of the Duke of Newcastle, this kind of palinode is not unimportant. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • Centuries before the term "hologram" was coined, Taoists knew the holographic nature of existence, and that nothing is unimportant or isolated. Olivia Rosewood: Please Meditate: Try the Tao (VIDEO)
  • The fact that it is of variable potency seems to be unimportant in practice. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • What seems unimportant now could soon become central to your existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • A DON'T sweat about the small unimportant stuff. The Sun
  • The patient feels unimportant and stubborn, and [is] ultimately noncompliant.
  • It is for the parties to decide whether they wish to be bound and, if so, by what terms, whether important or unimportant.
  • Everything that she made a mental note of seemed unimportant and frivolous.
  • You may have had a similar experience—that sense of irreality and of focusing on the unimportant detail in the face of something hideous. In the Fullness of Time
  • Even if the malpractice case was lost, the defense can claim that the perjured testimony was unimportant or was a result of honest confusion.
  • a relatively unimportant feature of the system
  • Telling your employees they're unimportant is a fatal error.
  • But those objectives are relatively unimportant when set against the question of what follows.
  • The sun was beating down upon my skin but I didn't care whether I freckled, that was completely unimportant now.
  • Happiness is not senseless, mindless, silly, stupid, corny, cheesy or unimportant.
  • Both species use a mixed breeding system, consisting of xenogamy, geitonogamy, and autogamy; agamospermy is unimportant.
  • On the question of regional differences, these studies of financial exchanges suggest that geographical location is rather unimportant.
  • The worst choice here would be to present something unimportant in such a way as to invite argument. Training with N.L.P.
  • I might have been talking of a library book which had helped wile away an unimportant hour or two. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • It's not the small and unimportant details of life but a broader perspective that allows you to move ahead more quickly. The Sun
  • In the word " unimportant " , " un - " is a prefix.
  • Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.
  • As someone noted above, the false positives only come out of the total positives – the example, though not unimportant, is kinda … wrong. Matthew Yglesias » Bacterial Fingerprints and Bayes’ Law
  • Banishing theology as insignificant and unimportant is no longer a legitimate option in the current post-modern age, when all voices demand an equal if not impartial hearing. Answering Questions about ID
  • Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.
  • Lowering the PSA threshold for proceeding to prostate biopsy would increase the risks of overdiagnosing and overtreating clinically unimportant disease.
  • She shrugged it off as unimportant information as the man asked another question.
  • It would be a mistake to regard the incident as unimportant.
  • It is easy to dismiss terrorist bombings in far away countries as being unimportant to us.
  • The hope that they will not notice the age-guidance figure, or think it unimportant, is unfounded. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Before warming there was a significant but clinically unimportant difference in hand temperatures.
  • McCarthy’s mare, in extended order, a tree’s length from the longest way out, down the switchbackward slidder of the land-sown route of Hauburnea’s liveliest vinnage on the brain, the unimportant Parthalonians with the mouldy Firbolgs and the Finnegans Wake
  • The fact that he wasn't shying away from the fact that I wasn't human, and was simply shrugging it off as unimportant gave me some strength.
  • Actually, you may well have neglected to mention certain things you thought unimportant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is surely possible to imagine a culture, for instance, in which race would be an unimportant, insignificant characteristic of individuals.
  • These were important things not because the other things were unimportant. Christianity Today
  • I had wanted to prove my bravery, but I failed, because to them I was only an unimportant little creature.
  • It would be a mistake to regard the incident as unimportant.
  • Modern aluminium sprocket wheels are so light, he says, that doubling their size is relatively unimportant.
  • Between a stone, which is part of the body of the earth, and a leaf which is part of the body of a plant, and a lock of hair which is part of the body of a man, there may be certain unimportant chemical differences, justifying us in using the terms animate and inanimate. The Complex Vision
  • How success was achieved, argued Welch, was unimportant - it was just vital that it was achieved.
  • I think that the issue of historical analogies is unimportant if they stay within bounds. Matthew Yglesias » What Would Harry Truman Do?
  • The notion that the worshiper covers the floor surface, making its material composition acoustically unimportant is false. Rip up those carpets!
  • They are confusing, exhausting and often about completely unimportant things. Times, Sunday Times
  • The point is now practically unimportant since the fears raised were soon obviated by an informal agreement among insurance companies not to enforce their rights of subrogation in this respect in the absence of fraud.
  • The secretary, and maybe acting contumaciously, believes that unimportant text messaging is rampant in the country and the people should pay taxes for wasting time, energy and money. Tax proposal on text messaging bucks
  • It is well known that epidemic diarrhœa, viz., a diarrhœa resulting from peculiar alterations of the normal condition of the atmosphere, earth, water, indispensable food, or from other still unknown elementary influences inevitably acting upon every body, commences in the form of a simple, apparently unimportant diarrhœa; that it gradually increases in intensity as the processes of nutrition and sanguification become more deeply disturbed, and that it finally terminates in life-destroying cholera. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • One often has the feeling that the more trivial and unimportant is the reason for a conflict, the more probable it is for it to degenerate into something serious. Totem And Task
  • He notes, however, that this provision although illogical, is “unimportant in its practical effects.” The Volokh Conspiracy » WINE WARS, PART 13
  • The MSM has become irrelevant to say Van Jones is unimportant, Rev. Wright is unimportant, Ayers in unimportant, Van Jones is unimportant, increasing the size of government and spending is not important. Trippi: GOP trying to turn Obama into another Jimmy Carter
  • Once you focus on them, you'll wonder why you allowed yourself to become obsessed by something so unimportant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old lady is always fretting over something unimportant.
  • They seem to stand for all I think is wrong with writing about literature, arbitrary disputes laced with hysteria, the creation of pointless ghettos, self-righteous sneering thinly disguised as intellectual superiority, tantrums about issues so unimportant in the global scale of things that I start to wonder myself about the point of what we do. The Grumpy Critic « Tales from the Reading Room
  • It is the nature of every living being, whether big or small, important or unimportant, to strive for happiness.
  • Police have asked anyone reporting a sighting of him to try and give as much detail as possible, even if it seems unimportant.
  • If our schools would drop from their course of studies some of the comparatively unimportant "ologies," and substitute the qualifications for good citizenship, the change would be greatly for the better. Forty-Six Years in the Army
  • He still insists that metaphysics is, above all else, a form of “questioning and interro - gation,” but by now his own survey forces him to go on to say that “the particular form given to the inter - rogation is, in the last resort, unimportant.” METAPHYSICAL IMAGINATION
  • A little later the involucrum becomes developed, and is no unimportant feature. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • In one way, you might argue, if what was involved was unimportant - a parking ticket or whatever - the instinctive knee-jerk reaction to cover it up, to brazen it out was peripheral enough in the great scheme of things.
  • Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.
  • To paraphrase Trotsky, even in times of unexampled crisis, mad acts like this constitute an unimportant percentage.
  • He has the choice of being a chronologer or a ballad-monger-obsolete and unimportant occupations. South Wind
  • This is not to say that feedback in unimportant -- far from it. Last night's debauchery
  • Both species use a mixed breeding system, consisting of xenogamy, geitonogamy, and autogamy; agamospermy is unimportant.
  • The grayling butterfly also attracts lurking predators by displaying the eye-spots, but at the same time diverts their attention to the unimportant parts of their body.
  • = -- This is the little story of a stickful or less, which merely announces the result of some distant or unimportant game. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • The cartilages are the (1) epiglottis, (2) thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, the two small, unimportant cornicula laryngis, or cartilages of Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
  • Passion requires that you own up whatever you take up, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant.
  • I have no word to say for or about the microscopically unimportant excessivist, the dipsomaniac. Chapter 2
  • Let's not quarrel about such unimportant matters.
  • That sounds awfully dramatic, but it's actually quite depressingly trivial and unimportant.
  • But this also is unimportant, because his liability on the oath of witness came to an end, as well as that of the warrantor, before the foundations were laid for the rule which I am seeking to explain. The Common Law
  • Initially tax relief was relatively unimportant because most people did not pay income tax. Home-ownership - differentiation and fragmentation
  • Inevitably, there was a docket to sign, which Rob described as unimportant but necessary, and at last I could continue my journey. THE SCHEME FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT
  • Firstly, it is claimed that gender is unimportant online - that you are free to be yourself, or whomsoever you choose.
  • I'm sure every creative innovator has moments of terrible self doubt says she, attempting to aggrandise a very unimportant issue. And it's Friday again already...
  • The inconsistency is minor and arguably unimportant in a novel this lighthearted, but it's still bothersome. Book Review: Space Vulture
  • Attending to political perceptions and consequences, while not unimportant, is nowhere to be found in the rite of episcopal ordination.
  • Design used to be siloed, viewed by most as peripheral and unimportant.
  • However, this federally restricted use of the word research does not mean that the observations from personal life (herein called Type I Investigations) or experimenter pretesting (Type II Investigations) are either unimportant or uninformative and should therefore be dismissed. The Sacred Promise
  • The MSM has become irreleveant to say Van Jones is unimportant, Rev. Wright is unimportant, Ayers in unimportant, Van Jones is unimportant, increasing the size of government and spending is not important. Trippi: GOP trying to turn Obama into another Jimmy Carter
  • Whether those attending religious services understand a sermon is evidently unimportant.
  • Under the condition of unchanged classification and decision abilities, attribute reduction is to delete irrelative or unimportant attribute.
  • As I recall, Rummy found actually signing the letters that went to families of fallen soldiers too unimportant to actually take up his time, so he had them signed mechanically by an autopen. Rumsfeld says Obama made 'bald misstatement'
  • The game becomes totally unimportant when that happens. The Sun
  • It seems many people in this town instead prefer to focus on the minor and unimportant features of the town.
  • So ultimately the difference in metal is unimportant compared to basic shooting skill. Ignoring the Lead Ban
  • Basically it emphasised not the state, but class solidarity across frontiers and dismissed national boundaries as comparatively unimportant.
  • The exact date of the beginning of our post-imperial era is, however, relatively unimportant.
  • This is not meant to suggest that mortgages over realty are unimportant, or do not give rise to legal problems.
  • A second curiosity in the fort is a small unimportant temple, now much dilapidated, which is considered as very sacred by the Hindoos. A Woman's Journey Round the World
  • The three of us made idle chatter, mostly about unimportant things.
  • Whether the process of creation took a single week or billions of years is relatively unimportant from a philosophical or theological standpoint. Blast From the Past
  • Once you focus on them, you'll wonder why you allowed yourself to become obsessed by something so unimportant. Times, Sunday Times
  • I might have been talking of a library book which had helped wile away an unimportant hour or two. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Attending to political perceptions and consequences, while not unimportant, is nowhere to be found in the rite of episcopal ordination.
  • It is the ability to record the ordinary, seemingly unimportant detail that makes photography so democratic.
  • The difficulty seems to lie primarily in getting used to the odd way metre will stress unimportant words or syllables.
  • Compared with this core relationship, childcare is relatively unimportant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The explanation offered in his letter - 'a journey a not entirely unimportant cause' - was nebulous and unpersuasive. The Times Literary Supplement
  • he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant
  • This is the bread of life, this unimportant failure to be perfect.
  • Staffing is still a relatively unimportant issue compared to the other problems that we're encountering.
  • In a play so charged with realistic menace, such details are unimportant. 2.
  • His time in the event was unimportant, and that applies to many of the races he competes in these days.
  • Many of those exceptional individuals who retained the ‘photographic’ or eidetic memory that is common in children but rare in adults, have had their lives blighted by their inability to forget unimportant details.
  • Telling your employees they're unimportant is a fatal error.
  • Standards may have to be raised or dropped and a blind eye turned to unimportant differences of habit and behaviour. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • Both species use a mixed breeding system, consisting of xenogamy, geitonogamy, and autogamy; agamospermy is unimportant.
  • Rather, you should recognize that all our everyday concerns and worries are really petty and unimportant.
  • It's been a week of finding tiny unimportant things indicative of larger ones that do matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • But was the principal treasurer of the Conservative party really so unimportant? Times, Sunday Times
  • Your partner might have difficulty thinking of an example for the bottom few; it can be hard for something we consider unimportant. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was just a young girl from a small planet and I felt very unimportant here.
  • The form of prayer is unimportant; whatever the form its aim is to bring us into communion with the divine.
  • His main weakness is to quibble over unimportant things.
  • Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.
  • the question seems unimportant
  • It seems to me to demonstrate only a lamentable lack of any informed thought in a matter which, however unimportant it may have seemed to the Bank, was and is of real importance to Mrs Burgess.
  • In this article we have tried to tease the meaning out of just a few of the sounds that have either been ignored or dismissed as relatively unimportant.
  • Issues that disrupt the apologist's arguments are carefully avoided or conceitedly derided as imaginative or unimportant. Book Review - The new imperialists - Ideologies of Empire
  • Its unnecessary; the only musical statement it makes is how unimportant and irrelevant this band are now.
  • But beyond the pledgee and the sequester (a receiver appointed by the court) these exceptions are unimportant and disputed. The Common Law
  • You worry too much, often about unimportant details.
  • The distinction between body and soul seemed unimportant here. The Tribes Triumphant
  • I won't go into the idea in detail now as it's unimportant to the point I am trying to make.
  • The so-called captivation of our visual capacity plays a not unimportant part in distinguishing correct from illusory seeing. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • It is a detailed narrative of the unimportant Kirbit expedition, which is ascribed to the governor Nur ekalli umu. Assyrian Historiography
  • Original paragraph: The feelings of the lower-status party may be discounted in two ways: by considering them rational but unimportant or by considering them irrational and hence dismissible.
  • No matter what the outcome, no-one should ever feel that their view is too small, unimportant or insignificant for them to put it forward and have their voice heard.
  • Very often these changes can be triggered by seemingly unimportant things, but the effects colour our whole outlook for as long as the mood lasts. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • It is an interesting point that this vascular hood, called the allantois, is represented in the Amphibians by an unimportant bladder growing out from the hind end of the food-canal. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • No cricket country in the world pays less attention to the important things and more to the unimportant things when addressing the question of cricket. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we are working on something unimportant, we are showing bad judgment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's most important trunk road starts somewhere rather unimportant.
  • Relatively speaking, this matter is unimportant.
  • A thing as important as thistledown is as unimportantly dismissed. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • The details are unimportant, but it feels like maybe some of the goodwill or aroha we picked up earlier in the year is evaporating.
  • Again, the economics of redistribution is unimportant for many egalitarians.
  • Yes, the media can be blamed for making big deals about almost every unimportant issue, but people thinking the worst in this blunder of hers -- the fourth time she's "blundered" -- is her fault and her fault alone. Hillary Hits Critics For Taking Her RFK Assassination Remarks "Out Of Context"
  • CONS: Plot is wildly disjoint, and strangely most characters are uninteresting and unimportant. REVIEW: Stardust by Neil Gaiman
  • Concerned above all else that their names should appear in the Book of Life, the brothers were to consider the making of gold as unimportant-although for the true philosophers (Occultists) this was an easy matter and a parergon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • Unfortunately, if these once mighty thespians can't give the performances of their lives, their future in show business is unimportant.
  • Try to do some rather unimportant, trivial activities just for the pleasure of doing it, not for how you think others will think of you. Coping with Angina
  • This consideration was not unimportant.
  • The public needs to see how useful mathematics can be, not how it can be applied to unimportant, meaningless things.
  • They were wrong both about how to interpret Genesis and in thinking that evolutionary theory was unimportant to modern science.
  • Although occasionally lentigines are part of a rare genetic syndrome, for the most part they are just isolated and unimportant spots.
  • It is anyway a false distinction to divide marriages into the happy and the unhappy, and to say that when they are happy, ownership is unimportant.
  • I took the view that my own fortunes were relatively unimportant. Ford Madox Ford
  • That is to say, motivation is unimportant factor affecting performance level.

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