How To Use Unilateralist In A Sentence
Prof Wilkinson points out that the international community might not decry unilateralist intervention provided that it approves of the outcome.
The unilateralists would weaken the Western coalition now by abolishing our nuclear weapons.
Much of Europe still sees him as a unilateralist, the president who came into office determined to abrogate this or that treaty.
The unilateralist neocons were actually asking for help from foreigners.
He presents an even-handed look at the president's unilateralist approach to foreign affairs.

A much larger group is made up of nuclear unilateralists of one kind or another.
His unilateralist world view, reinforced by his close advisers, cannot work in a world where global cooperation is necessary.
Unilateralists are inclined to jump straight to nuclear disarmament on the assumption that this is an end in itself.
He was in truth a unilateralist—he decided where the boundary lay and refused to negotiate on it.
The president came to power with "unilateralist" tendencies but must now assemble the most complex diplomatic armada since the Allies in World War II.
A President Finds His True Voice
The dominant theme of today's Washington battles is that most of America's current problems are self-inflicted wounds attributable to overly muscular and "unilateralist" Bush administration policies.
Diplomacy in the Post-9/11 Era
And we will reap a whirlwind if we push the Americans into a unilateralist position in which they are the centre of this unipolar world.
From one point of view, Britain is now marooned in the Atlantic - distrusted by the Europeans, and ill-used by an American administration which remains stubbornly unilateralist and even nationalist.
The two surge speeches showed Bush, the unilateralist, and Obama, the multilateralist, throughout.
A tale of two very different surge speeches
If it had failed to win Britons to its unilateralist strategy, it had helped to make its goal—a nuclear-free world—an inescapable part of public opinion.
He points out that the single greatest unilateralist out there is the dictator himself.
However the sensible option would be to drop the unilateralist VSE of Bush; in favour of a multilateralist VSE of Obama and continuously expand the ISS as is.
Russia Sees Future for its ISS Modules Beyond 2020 - NASA Watch
So Teddy Roosevelt, better remembered by later generations of Americans as a unilateralist Rough Rider, had strong internationalist credentials.
Labour won the 1964 elections, but it did so without adopting a unilateralist platform or other solid commitment to CND.
Excuse me for being cynical, but we are all unilateralists.
The Bush administration's charm offensive may have demonstrated that not all of Europe is aligned against it, and that despite popular rhetoric America is neither wholly "unilateralist" nor entirely isolated.
A Friend Indeed
George W Bush is not shackled to the unilateralist idea, and in office realism would no doubt often prevail.
Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, with us or against us approach that we saw in the first term.
CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
Our foreign policy was about to take a sharp unilateralist and militarist turn.
He's the latest leader to face a party rebellion over nuclear weapons, but it is often forgotten that he himself was once a unilateralist.
Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, "with us or against us" approach that we saw first term.
CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
He has surprisingly done everything the unilateralist screamers assured us he would not do; namely, take every precautionary step the UN has asked him to take.
It is pursuing a nationalist, unilateralist policy, dressed up in the language of non-intervention.
Times, Sunday Times
We haven't done any unilateralist actions that had any real significance.
If we back down, we'll lose credibility, but if we go to war we'll look like bullheaded unilateralists.
But neither, in his words, could be the reaction of the United States to terrorism, which he calls unilateralist, he calls unfair and he called it biased against the Muslim world.
CNN Transcript May 28, 2003
It was the tone from what critics called a unilateralist White House.
CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2008
Mr. Ozawa argues that Japan's deployment supports a "unilateralist" and "illegal" war by the United States in Afghanistan.
Tokyo Retreat
They made little headway popularizing Britain's unilateral nuclear disarmament, and the unilateralist tide lacked any consistent direction.
The small but influential world federalist movement, although uncomfortable with unilateralist proposals, took a strong anti-nuclear stand.
He called for a 'multilateralist, not unilateralist' approach that meant a 'rules-based international system'.
Times, Sunday Times
Firstly, the US implements hegemony policy, uses its unrivaled strength and unilateralist policy to undermine the authority of international law.
This administration is often presented as arrogant and unilateralist, probably because successes are kept quiet.
Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist "with us or against us" approach that we saw in the first term.
CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2006
It makes no sense to argue, as do unilateralists, that abolishing nuclear weapons on one side only is a reasonable goal.
Although this put the group in the position of opposing the nuclear program, it was careful to take a balanced approach and stress that it was not unilateralist.
For arrogant unilateralists, it is a dramatic reversal.
Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, "with us or against us" approach that we saw in the first term.
CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2006
He has been criticised privately as an abrasive unilateralist who showed contempt for the UN.