How To Use Unified In A Sentence
Within five years, a unified currency in 1933 the "central" issue of "legal tender" currency has been relatively stable, so Donglai Bank has to resume business.
This state of things was fastened all the more firmly on the people by strong kings such as Hammurabi, who lived about B.C. 2000 and who unified the country under a powerful central government with his own city, Babylon, as the capital.
Hebrew Life and Times
This led rebel leaders to agree to combine their forces in one division under a unified command structure.
Is the ultimate unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?
In 1991 the new Länder accounted for 20 per cent of reunified Germany's combined labour force but less than 7 per cent of its combined GNP.

Remember the importance of the visual image and try to keep your theme unified and simple.
In the past floods have joined together Buttermere and Crummock lakes into one huge mere, and unified Thirlmere periodically long before Manchester Corporation turned it into one big reservoir.
A seasonal lament
What has historically happened to diplomatic services when nations have been unified?
Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.
Hinduism is not a unified system of belief and practice, and should at best be regarded as a convenient shorthand for a complex social and cultural phenomenon.
In 279, Jin conquered the Wu regime and unified China.
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
They were regarded as the main tool for keeping citizenry informed and engaged in building a unified nation.
Tonight he can become a unified world champion and remove any doubts about his standing.
Times, Sunday Times
Supreme Court after that court criticized Florida for lacking what they called a unified standard of counting ballots.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Florida Gov. Jeb Bush Presides Over Electoral Vote Casting in Tallahassee - December 18, 2000
Emerald Valley Unified had constructed it right before the budget sublimed like the synthetic snow at Christmastime Disneyland.
High School Confidential
On the other hand, the war discourse about Malraux's own war experiences becomes the dominant discourse in his writing, thus making his writing highly unified in language and style.
Is the ultimate unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?
In the following chapters I survey this unified bionic frontier.
CheckPoint is a pioneer in stateful inspection firewalls and, like Avaya and unified communications, is focused solely on the security business with products dedicated to firewalling, VPNs, unified threat management and intrusion prevention.
Cisco's top 10 rivals
The causal mechanism has been postulated to be a field effect of consciousness: enlivenment of the unified field by the peace-creating group produces an effect of collective coherence that extends into the larger population.
Peace for Uganda? Yes, Says Science on the Maharishi Effect
Her range of styles is unified by her use of shells, seeds and feathers.
Perhaps something new and different, yet traditional, will spring from its roots, like Goodhue's Gothic sprung from the earlier work of Pugint, Scot and Bodley, or how Comper's unified eclecticism came from everything he saw, but we have to start somewhere, and there is still so much to learn, in terms of design and craftsmanship.
The Dangers of Architectural Positivism
He also warned of dire consequences such as hyper-inflation if the country failed to maintain a unified budget and a co-ordinated fiscal policy.
It was unified with the altar, its frame echoed the architecture of the building and in some cases, like the high altar in St Peter's, Rome, was given a ciborium.
It's a professional manufacturer of wire thread inserts according to National Military Standard, Aviation Industry Standard and Unified Thread Standard and it also makes all kinds of related tools.
There are, however, many cultural barriers to be surmounted on the path toward a unified and modernized Sierra Leone.
The exhibition Driving in the Landscape attempts to map notions of displacement, migration, immigration, isolation, and Canadiana within an urban landscape that is often presented as culturally unified and even homogenous.
Piece of Art or Piece of Shit?
They would also appreciate assistance from anyone with a knowledge of the following sports - aquatics, athletics, cycling, table tennis, basketball, football, unified football and judo.
The historical tendency of the unity of science movement is toward a unified science departmentalized into special sciences, and not toward a speculative juxtaposition of an autonomous philosophy and a group of scientific disciplines.
Archive 2009-09-01
Indeed, because there's no such thing as a unified self, just a collection of modules, the very phrase "self-deception" is misleading in the author's view.
Hard-Wired Hypocrisy in Our Divided Minds
San Francisco Unified is not alone in trying to find ways to address the dearth of minority teaching candidates.
But this was not a race riot; it included people from a range of backgrounds and ethnicities, who were without any unified ideological cause.
The main feature express by the experience of no break of page, function part design alone and the page unified dynamic load, so that give user the experience of C/S Structure in B/S Structure.
Counterculture environmentalists never constructed a unified philosophy that united like-minded individuals and organizations under one banner.
It shows that there is no unified front even within the field of conjuring and that personal biases can affect the theory and, therefore, the understanding of methods.
The paper analyses the necessity of unified legislation of environment and natural resource protection from two aspects of the theoretical basis and significance.
In abstracting from the morphology of our bas-relief towards a Grand Unified Morphology with a cardinal morphological form as Prime Cause, they seek an articulation of the ground as a figure in its own right, the frame as form, not a sub-class of Being but a class of NonBeing, something beyond reality itself.
Archive 2007-04-01
There are few layers of hierarchy, there is a simple, unified chain of command, and there is little horizontal differentiation.
His moives creation has reflected that commerciality and perfection of artistry are unified, Help we to find a new outlet for China moives whose market was depressed, as to Ang Lee analysis of movies.
There's an interesting thread at The Peking Duck that takes off from an article about "vanishing dialects and greater adoption of putonghua" and turns into a discussion of whether there is in fact a unified writing system in China. CHINESE "DIALECTS" AND WRITING.
We will go forward as a unified, independent, and sovereign nation that has regained a respected place in the world.
Lego is, like, the perfect device to enculturate a citizenry intolerant of smell, intestinal by-products, nonadherence to unified standards, decay, blurred edges, germination, and death.
‘The series of prints constitutes a well-defined and unified aesthetic whole,’ he says.
Freed from distracting desires which could never be adequately fulfilled, I pass through life with confidence and purpose, the multiple identities of my past consolidated into a unified whole.
These results invalidate the current concept of cell proliferation and offer a unified view of tumor development.
The task of composing a unified ‘Dies irae’ made Poulenc shy from a full requiem.
Recognizing temporal aspects of reductionism alongside other representational issues like intrinsicality, which are not captured by a focus on mereology alone, supplements the evidential base for an argument in favor of talking about different kinds of reductionism rather than in terms of one unified account of reduction or overarching dichotomies of “reductionism” versus
Reductionism in Biology
The Soul, like the Intelligence, is a unified existent, in spite of its dual capacity as contemplator and actor.
Although politically unified since the reign of the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabel in the late fifteenth century, Spain continues to be divided by regional loyalties.
Eisenhower had long favored a more closely unified defense establishment.
This means that form and content are not fully unified but retain a structure of abstract contraposition: the content is inscribed in the form while retaining much that cannot be grasped in it.
We want to keep the ethos of the unified hospital team, but could something similar work in the NHS?
Times, Sunday Times
Strong support for the war has unified the nation.
However, new research from Yale on synesthesia is now revealing that there is a complex interaction between the senses in the brain - an interaction that enables us to understand the world in a unified way.
Until eventually a perfect unified, timeless nothingness is all that is left.
Dawkins and ID
He said this accord is an important step, the RHDP is now a reality and soon will be a single, unified party.
Ivorian Opposition Candidates Have Shared Plan for Government
These include instant video calling, unified messaging, call screening and routing.
Within that image he unified three unmanageable forces in his life - nature, the muse, and his mother.
The state was reunified and a legitimate democratic government in power.
Before string theory won the full attention of the theoretical physics community, the most popular unified theory was an eleven dimensional theory of supergravity, which is supersymmetry combined with gravity.
If the bold scheme could be carried through there would again be a Roman emperor in the West, Latin Christianity would stand strong and unified against schismatic Byzantium and threatening Saracens, and, by the awe and magic of the imperial name, barbarized Europe might reach back across centuries of darkness, and inherit and Christianize the civilization and culture of the ancient world.
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
The unified budget deficit for 2004 through 2013, on this adjusted basis, would cumulate to about $5 trillion.
Budget Woes, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
According to a statement from the Tea Party Express, one of the groups participating, the federation is being "established to create a unified message and media response amongst key leadership and their affiliates.
Tea Party movement attempts to unite?
He rather cultivates them, not for their own sake, but because of their potentialities, bringing to living consciousness an experience that is unified and total ....
John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
This is an act of "apperception" -- taking many separate pieces of evidence and experience and forging them together into a unified representation.
Archive 2009-08-01
Under the argument that states need to protect themselves against voter fraud, Republicans are making a unified push for election reform, and at the forefront is the campaign for implementing and strengthening voter ID requirements.
Victoria Coats: Protecting Or Suppressing The Vote?
It claimed that "taking the Shu kingdom means taking Chu; and if Chu is taken, All-Under-Heaven is unified" (de shu ze de chu, chu wang ze tianxia bingyi) .9 Zhuang Qiao's campaign was aimed at threatening Qin's Sichuan in order to contain the Qin's military advance into the Chu area.
Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
It opens in 1860—when Garibaldi and his patriotic troops land in Sicily, and the Risorgimento that will ultimately produce a unified Italy begins in earnest.
A Lyric, Elegiac Lament for a Lost World
Kamehameha the Great, who first unified the islands, himself had an aikane partner, a high chief named Kuakini.
Why Marriage Matters
The Panasas system seamlessly scales capacity from gigabytes to petabytes within a single unified namespace.
The church should become one, unified.
Christianity Today
EU has successfully unified rules by form of Regulation regarding enforcement of international civil and commercial judgments and conflict of laws rules of non-contractual obligations.
As a collection of works the exhibition doesn't seem very unified, it doesn't have a coherent visual voice.
The six different modules of the product include hot-desking, unified messaging, fax messaging, voice mail, auto-attendant and Text To Speech functions.
The forces arrayed against us would wither before a unified, spiritually fortified, determined people.
You have said that a unified movement of the peoples of the South is a prerequisite for change in the present situation.
By 1774, Virginia was taking the lead as the colonies began to organize and formulate a unified response to British rule.
You will be able to stitch these worlds together into a seamless and unified sermon.
Christianity Today
It proved impossible to create a firm, unified command for the aircraft fleet, which was due to perform the airdrop and provide air cover for the brigades.
Hitachi said it plans to deliver early next year what it calls a unified compute platform that is suited for both enterprise data centers and hosted cloud providers.
Redmond Channel Partner Online | News
How can a bureaucrat exhibit his or her customary arm's-length skepticism when the law of the land demands cooperation, facilitation, and a unified common objective?
See also grand unified theory; radiant energy.
The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
In religion, logocentrism implies monotheism; in psychology, it assumes an autonomous, unified subjectivity.
The Times Literary Supplement
Given the peculiarities of the Nazi state and the lack of an active nonconformist tradition, there could be no unified mass resistance movement in Germany.
Richmond Unified turned to certificates of participation, a first cousin of lease-financing, to upgrade the schools.
In the following chapters I survey this unified bionic frontier.
Ethnic tribes that still hold on to the dream of a unified Pashtun nation refuse to recognize what they call an "arbitrary line".
Attacks Continue on Afghanistan-Pakistan Border
Although labor is obviously better served when it is organized into trade unions to bargain with a unified voice, the bargaining between labor and capital goes on even if workers are unorganized.
The evidence statute book, must be formulated which adapts with various lawsuits, or completes corresponding content in three procedural laws, but not the unified evidence statute book.
Also, unlike Impressionism, post-Impressionism was not a unified movement.
A big contributor to the dynamism of the massing is the recessed wing on the right-hand side, visually unified with the main portion of the house by the deep eave and modillions (oversized brackets) below it.
New Orleans Saints Central
But only recently have videogames started making leaps and bounds towards a unified interactive product.
a unified utility system
Conservatives have long taken it as self-evident that the press unfavorably distorts the war, which may be the case; but today that country is a vastation, and the unified field theory of media bias has not been altered one jot.
Here we go again
So I hope with this decision all of us democrats got to come together unified as 1 democratical party.
Full Michigan delegation with half-vote to be seated by Dems
Therefore, following the convention used by Rewcastle, the immobile, unified lacertilian crus-astragalocalcaneum will be referred to here as simply the crus.
But it does fall short of the admittedly ambitious goal of being a unified, indispensable do-it-all communications program.
James acknowledges that there was something delusory about this ostensibly unified culture.
For decades he has been able to play on the fears of Turkish Cypriots that they would suffer a second class status if the island was reunified.
As he sifts through the works of scientists, naturalists, composers and poets, Rothenberg performs intellectual contortions in an attempt to assemble or establish a unified theory of why birds sing.
Currently Glasgow is a disunified city bisected by a river that most people are embarrassed by.
Its cadaverous Borg villains are depersonalized members of a cybernetically unified mind.
World Wide Mind
These ten poems are not joined together by a narrative structure, or recurring rhetorical devices intended to produce a unified group of poems.
Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.
However, they could not stay unified and have since divided into five separate church groups.
The advantage of the cointegration approach is that it allows one to integrate the long-run and short-run relationships between variables within a unified framework.
They are unified by both technical concerns and thematic links, and could almost be sections of a single opus.
Times, Sunday Times
WARNER: I had the opportunity to question him, because I was concerned about this recent military action and whether that sort of sidetracked the -- what I called the central focus now on electing a unified -- not electing, but forming a unified government.
CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2006
The phone has been designed with one unified shape, in which the handset and stand are interlocking and where the phone can be placed vertically or rested on horizontally.
The Reunified Christian Church is deeply concerned about the implications of bitek and affinity, for with a person able to call upon the immediate support of thousands of other human minds to any crisis or problem, they grow up better-adjusted and in less need of psychological reassurance.
Archive 2009-08-01
Finally are the qualities of the anserine, hebetate, anserine and inserate are unified within person. Stories / Popular
Strong support for the war has unified the nation.
The trio asked him, he said, if he would support a land swap - the Santee site for property that L.A. Unified owns in the garment district.
What we see in the hajj is not just a unified pilgrimage which draws millions of Muslims around the globe each year, but in fact a multiplicity of hajjes that co-exist through time and in space.
Zahra N. Jamal, Ph.D.: Hajj Diaries: The Multiple Dimensions Of Muslim Pilgrimage
Kennedy seems to be suggesting that not only is the lack of a unified self a human condition, but it is also a subaltern condition, aggravated by racial animosity.
That unified front has not appeared.
Times, Sunday Times
It was decided early that the organization should be strongly business-led with unified functional departments in support.
Thus, the spinor formalism and the complex-vector formalism of general relativity are unified on the basis of the unimodular group SL(2C) and its Lie algebra.
They could not achieve that goal in 2000 when Yasser Arafat was ruling over a unified Palestinian camp, when a relatively moderate political figure was serving as Israel's PM -- and at a time when the U.S. was at the peak of its so-called unipolar moment and Iran, Hizbollah and Hamas were having great difficulties in trying to exert their influence.
Leon T. Hadar: Obama's Mideast Policy: An Unpromising Drive Towards a Cost-Effective Pax Americana
There was no unified standard as there is in Judaism, sundown to sundown.
The teacher unified the answer of her pupil with hers.
Depending on what potentiality he develops, he may become a plant, an animal, a celestial being, an angel, or he may even be unified with God himself.
One must also question the assumption that single-discipline degrees are themselves immaculately unified.
Namely, on the legislative aspect, our country has not yet set up an independent, unified system of arbitration rules.
Last summer, comScore took a new tack, rolling out what it calls a unified approach.
Dot-Complicated: Measuring Traffic on the Web
Incongruities prohibit constructing a unified picture of anything we could call Orphism.
On the contrary, in every organic process, the antitheses always reflect a unified totality, and civilization is an organic process.
In the following sections, we re-evaluate the continuity or discontinuity of magnitude and then briefly consider whether events that might be regarded as mass extinctions can be unified by effect or cause.
Researchers now acknowledge that there is no one simple unified theory of how birds can navigate so precisely.
Animating one unified gear object is faster than doing it for 3 separate gears.
In other words, those who we love deeply become part of us forever~for there isno time and space in aUnified Fieldof love and soul consciousness.
Synchronicity / The Chariot Of The Heart
Tonight he can become a unified world champion and remove any doubts about his standing.
Times, Sunday Times
He unified opposition among the disparate Indian community to the passing of racially discriminatory laws and pioneered the techniques of satyagraha (non-violent resistance), which later were to make him famous.
Commanded by a four-star general, USSOCOM is a unified combatant command with three service components.
He followed the advance of the railways that abbreviated time and conquered space as they unified America, but he knew that these technological changes had been anticipated, with epochal gradualness, by nature itself.
Eadweard Muybridge: pioneer photographer
A unified team does not question the captain.
The Sun
He spent much of his career trying to find a'a grand unified theory' that would reconcile the two.
Times, Sunday Times
A concrescence of prehensions, then, is a growing together of processes of becoming that allows some relations to function as a unified, distinct thing, or ‘actual entity.’
A clear distinction can be made within the supposedly unified London Underground system.
On the down side, the British army was not a unified army in the sense of divisions and corps sized units.
Wang Kon, who established the Koryo Dynasty, eventually reunified the nation.
While no fully unified vision emerged, the basic parameters of a rough consensus were forged during these years.
These devices are also used as linking pieces between monologues, and help give the production a unified feel.
Unity is the first quality of an effective sentence. A unified sentence expresses a single complete thought.
State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
Yet particle theories like Grand Unified Theories and superstring theory predict magnetic monopoles should exist.
They also propose creating unified health and social work budgets to be managed by community health trusts.
Reporters will seldom acknowledge that the climatologist is speaking for science, who is unified in their understanding of climate trends, and that the spokesman is saying what the energy industry pays him to say.
Waldo Jaquith - Lazy journalism.
Creating unified government databases of citizen records increases the risk of ID theft.
The unifying feature of this theory was that it unified Einstein's theory of gravitation and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.
Arctic outbreak to follow Thursday storm: The models are fairly unified in suggesting frigid air will pour southeastward following Thursday's storm whether it's a hit or a miss.
Three possible storms: will any pack a punch?
The unified bank will be divided into retail and corporate divisions.
Both the United States and Japan are deeply worried about the future trajectory of a nuclear-equipped North Korean state, and in the long run by a unified Korea strategically tied more to its historical suzerain - China - than to the West.
But the fighting between Vietnamese forces continued until 30 April 1975 when communist troops captured Saigon and reunified the country.
Now, four years into Benedicts's pontificate and nearly 100 days into Kirill's patriarchate, nearly all Vatican observers agree that, as Pope John Paul II was driven by the desire to end the scourge of atheist Communism, so Pope Benedict XVI still hopes passionately to see the restoration of a unified Church.
State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
The unified formula results from the revolution and translational movement of the coordinate axis.
The family remained ostensibly a privileged domain, even while it was being legally and ideologically constructed and unified.
The unified messaging server gives the user a single in-box for e-mail, voice mail and fax transmissions.
However, new research from Yale on synesthesia is now revealing that there is a complex interaction between the senses in the brain - an interaction that enables us to understand the world in a unified way.
Western officials say that the counter-insurgency effort against the Taliban should be strengthened by the unification of the Nato and US missions in Afghanistan under the single command of McKiernan no--the missions will not be unified, they will just have the same commander, double-hatted, which is due to be confirmed by Congress later this month. posted by Mark, Ottawa at 8:27 AM
Afstan: Greater restrictions on ISAF air strikes
In that case, we're left with little to say about Dante or, even more obviously, Dickens - both of whom made use of strongly sentiment-charged visual imaginations - and this long before the first bioscopes echoed our unified oohs and aahs.
At the same time, all this diverse material is unified and made mysteriously figurative.
To complain individually is not as successful as to complain within a unified forum.
This kind of knowing is what permits swift, unified action in times of rapid change.
The appearance of Unified Modeling Language (UML) has formed the theoretical basis of visual software modeling.
EU has successfully unified rules by form of Regulation regarding enforcement of international civil and commercial judgments and conflict of laws rules of non-contractual obligations.
The next small room, unified by the square format of the paintings and their palette of light green and blue, served as an antechamber to the final gallery.
New results from neuroscience and recent work with artificial neural networks together suggest a unified set of answers to these questions.
Christianity Today
The nineteenth century saw the emergence of Italy as a unified state and as a modern political system, moving from the ancien régime of monarchs and feudal aristocracies to an elected parliament and civil rights.
Before that time, the Bible was generally read as a unified body of Scripture with its hermeneutical center in the Gospels.
In the longer run, China may expect to regain the sort of influence over a unified Korea that, as the dominant Asian land power, it has exercised throughout most of history.
With a unified approach they would be almost unbeatable.
Strong support for the war has unified the nation.
A lot of states are working on these issues but it's not a unified approach, Alcock said.
New ways to tackle college readiness
For the remainder of his life he sought without success a unified field theory embracing electromagnetism, gravitation, and quantum mechanics.
He finished the year at the head of a nation more unified than at any time since the end of World War II.
The teacher unified the answer of her pupil with hers.
The movement has been called disorganized, and criticized for not having a unified message, leaving many of us to wonder what exactly people are protesting about.
ABC News: Top Stories
We must be unified into a united front.
See also grand unified theory; radiant energy.
The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
In this view-a tip of the hat to Stephen Jay Gould's "non-overlapping magisteria" principle-intellectual schizophrenia is nowhere to be found because it offers a unified synthesis of science and faith, to wit, that science and faith offer answers to questions asked within their respective domains-domains which interdigitate but don't overlap.
Now this might seem to be hinting at the possibility of a unified man, but it does so by underlining an essential dualism.
To go beyond in one's rejection the anarchism of the social communist into what is called individualistic anarchism is mere egotistic madness and has as its only value the possible poetry of a unified personal expression.
An Anarchist Woman
Two subsumptively unified states will have what they call a conjoint phenomenology: a phenomenology of having both states at once that subsumes the phenomenology of the individual states:
The Unity of Consciousness
The method thus supplies greater transparency and insight and leads to a unified approach offering progress along a wide front.
This kind of knowing is what permits swift, unified action in times of rapid change.
The diffusers provide a unified, decorative look to the ceiling, reducing glare and spreading the light smoothly over a large area.
The holy grail of theoretical physics is to find a single unified theory that describes the four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces.
SonicWall, which makes unified threat management, firewall, VPN and backup appliances as well as endpoint security, e-mail security and antispam software, says the deal will buy out current shareholders for $11.50 per share in cash, which is 63% more than the stock is going for publicly.
SonicWall directors accept $717M acquisition offer
The cyclic integration and thematic affinity between movements of the work is not remotely an exaggerated claim by Schumann; the symphony is in fact as thematically unified as any ever written.
The main feature express by the experience of no break of page, function part design alone and the page unified dynamic load, so that give user the experience of C/S Structure in B/S Structure.
State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
He unified his state in order to support an army strong enough to defend it.
Fertility is regarded as a unified principle, equally held by male and female forces.
Weave the threads of all customer interactions into a unified portrait of your customer.
It needs to follow examples in Ireland, Ontario and Texas, where a unified government agency tracks PPTA proposals and makes sure that the bids are competitive and that the contracting process is efficient.
Va. transportation: Is 'public-private' the answer?
In the mid-eleventh century CE, King Anawrahta unified northern Burma, conquered the Mon kingdom at Thaton, established his capital at Pagan, and invited the Mon bhikkhu Arahanta to establish Theravada Buddhism throughout his kingdom.
A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part One: Background
This feature is present in the standard unified model, so it is not surprising that the experimental data are satisfied.
Rebel leaders have been trying to create a unified army from the remains of the badly fractured military.