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How To Use Unidentified In A Sentence

  • ‘Behind the scenes there are still a number of points that deserve attention,’ the unidentified official said, according to the semi-official Central News Agency.
  • We have a report that four unidentified persons have set up a rocket launcher two hundred yards west of seventeenth green.
  • An unidentified pilot could be no more than a private aviator who unknowingly sends out a wrong signal on his transponder.
  • The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, we're going to taste the chateau musar (ph) '95. CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2003
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  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don ` t think security needs to be a main focus, like cops and everything all over, but there should be an undertone, an undertoned measure of security. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2005
  • Rather Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, both discernably more open to Russian influence than Yushchenko (who was poisoned by unidentified assailants on the occasion of his last run for President), will face each other in the runoff. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka: Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Got to call Kirstie, tell her I lost 26 pounds. CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2007
  • A series of quick clips of previously unseen and unidentified sailors and marines was aired. The Sun
  • He reportedly arrived at the restaurant by himself, but was seen walking out of the restaurant with an unidentified man described as heavyset, with dark facial hair. Boston Weather, Breaking News and Sports from WBZ-TV
  • An intercellular space is developing, but it appears filled with unidentified material.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I ` m standing in the north bend, and there ` s a piece that ` s about a third of the way south that kind of buckles, and that ` s preventing the view into the water from the north end. CNN Transcript Aug 1, 2007
  • Additional genes important for eye development may remain unidentified because they cause early lethality when mutated.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We found varying levels of nicotine, carcinogens, which are cancer-causing chemicals, and even a poison, and it's ethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2009
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some areas of Hollenbeck, the taggers are the minor league, if you will, the farm team for the gangs. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2007
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I were to write a death certificate, I would say the cause of death was due to shock, which causes cardiogenic (ph) shock, or the failure of the heart as a pump. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2008
  • An unidentified woman clutches a mouchoir while writing a sentimental family letter.
  • A surveillance camera captured the Orange Line drama, which began when an unidentified man described as "unsteady on his feet" fell off the southbound platform as a train approached around 3:20 p.m., WCBV-TV and the Boston Globe report. Quick action, luck save man who fell onto Boston subway tracks
  • Nearby an unidentified skier ran into a 14-year-old Swedish girl and broke her leg.
  • The next day, their father read about the body of an unidentified young woman being found on the outskirts of the capital.
  • He died in his sleep from as yet unidentified causes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have twelve olive trees, four fig trees, one pomegranate and a couple of as-yet-unidentified trees.
  • A mercenary spaceship ferrying a convict is attacked by a horde of unidentified fighter craft. Filmstalker: The Planet trailer online - Scottish Sci-Fi
  • Next I had a swordfish medallion with a crispy crust made of prawns and things, and some squid on the side and some unidentified vegetables, a bit like the ones you put in ratatouille. Palace
  • So they just assume that some as-yet-unidentified borer drilled the holes.
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Guinea, the paradise of jembe drum. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2003
  • After I dropped them off, I took a ride. I saw 2 jackals skulking up the road and an unidentified fox crossed in front of me.
  • I honestly prefer Unidentified Flying Chickens in jackson heights, Queens over both bon chon and kyochon. BREAKING: Kyochon to Open on Wednesday | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Roger, we got distracted and we have overflown Minneapolis. CNN Transcript Nov 27, 2009
  • Grimy wards, with paint peeling, dust gathering on windowsills and numerous unidentified stains, frighten patients and demoralise staff.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's like what I call the St. Louis snow effect. CNN Transcript Sep 12, 2001
  • Crooks is also planning to bring in a third, as yet unidentified, coach as he is looking towards an Alliance team next season.
  • The 1.0-carat stone was fashioned into a marquise and shows several tiny unidentified mineral inclusions only visible under the microscope.
  • Pope John Paul II is kissed by an unidentified nun during a weekly general audience at the Vatican on Wednesday.
  • Sir Walter Scott gave an account of an unidentified friend who had been in Paris and discovered a ‘tall, thin, raw-boned, grim-looking old man’ with a sunburned and heavily freckled face.
  • There was no sound — which lent merciful distance to what it showed: the interrogation of some unidentified middle-aged man, undergoing falanga, mostly (beatings to pulp the feet), though the session culminated in anal rape with a stick. Watching Torture
  • The experience of reading it is bewildering at first, with no friendly narrator to hold your hand and just a cacophony of unidentified voices for company. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Bellori chose portraits for his Lives, by a still unidentified artist, he or his amanuensis decided to include such props as a book for Nicolas Poussin and a burin for Agostino Carracci.
  • The guests would be terribly kind, behaving as if she were all right or suffering an unidentified malady.
  • When a nuclear submarine has a close encounter with an unidentified object, it crashes in the ocean depths. The Sun
  • Even the rare soi-disant "butcher shops" obtain their goods from far-flung and unidentified sources, the product often pre-cut and pre-packaged and pre-almost-everything. Neil Zevnik: Small Town Hearts in the Big City: A Slow Food Tale
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): The state says the woman once honored by Nancy Reagan at the White House for her work with children suffers from a bizarre mental disorder called Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2007
  • It is thought to be caused by a faulty immune system reaction to a currently unidentified trigger. The Sun
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's the candidate with a tax cut called Reaganesque and worthy of a new president. CNN Transcript Jun 7, 2004
  • He had heard of the term flying saucers, better known as Unidentified Flying Objects. Encounter Group
  • An as yet unidentified Norwich Green councillor has been banned from being a national member for 5 years for actions which seem to amount what the Greens tribunal is interpretting as breaching the Data Protection Act. Yet because of their bizare system this individual can continue to be a Norwich Green councillor. The not so clean Green Party
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With his wife Silda by his side, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the man once known as Mr. Clean, addressed his fall from grace. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2008
  • (Soundbite of song) Unidentified Woman (Singer): (Singing) ... blamed him from wanting an allegro. The Hammersteins' Path From Brooms to Broadway
  • Why do they just come in the form of unidentified flying objects? The Sun
  • Canadian and U. S. authorities searched for several hours for her body, but came up instead on Monday morning with the "unidentified human remains of a male" in the lower Niagara River.
  • He was shot this morning by unidentified intruders at his house.
  • A government minister said there had been a mixup, and that another unidentified vessel was the slave ship.
  • Four other unidentified officials have been suspended while investigations continue into their conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • Four other unidentified officials have been suspended while investigations continue into their conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Brutish, but also kind of hottish. CNN Transcript Nov 9, 2009
  • As Jacques Delors once put it, this is an unidentified flying object.
  • The reason why the identification will remain intact is that identified works compete on an equal footing, if not better, with any illegal, unidentified copies; there is no penalty for holding a properly identified copy so why risk holding an illegal copy? Copyright in a digital world
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The explorers came upon an auriferous discovery. CNN Transcript May 16, 2007
  • Tonight there will be row upon row of long tables set up, where the brave gastronome can tuck into boiled snails or dunk fresh bread into pots of hot, unidentified tagine: Morocco is not ideal for vegetarians.
  • The daily newspaper Le Figaro quoted an unidentified source close to the woman as saying she was a ‘mythomaniac’.
  • The airline is currently having merger talks with an unidentified rival.
  • These included white and red floc lightly fortified, chilled aperitifs, some unidentified red liqueur derived from cognac, red and white table wines, and a dessert-accompanying concoction made by pouring an unaged, 40-percent-alcohol Armagnac into a saucepan, dumping in a handful of sugar cubes and setting the liquid ablaze until the alcohol burned off, which took about 15 minutes. The Foie Gras Wars
  • Another word, * - paga, identifies such * ugali mixers in West Ruvu and Kagulu languages, though its sound correspondence is suggestive of a word transfer from a yet-unidentified source. 118 The fact that a proto-Ruvu-era word for such distinct mixers cannot be reconstructed may reflect refinement in food preparation specific to porridges and the ways they are made that developed in recent historical periods. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We ` re going to put the (INAUDIBLE) you plunker (ph)! CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
  • Many were arrested by police and others were injured by unidentified vigilantes.
  • But they are thought to be switched on by as yet unidentified environmental triggers. Times, Sunday Times
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To the first woman speaker in our history, the gentlelady from California, Nancy Pelosi. CNN Transcript Jan 5, 2007
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that's what we call eating and drinking at the same time. CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2009
  • He was sprayed in the face with an unidentified liquid from a can.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police found preliminary evidence of blood in several rooms, on an axehead and under a steam vacuum cleaner. CNN Transcript Jan 22, 2009
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: His neighbors say there's no justice that someone the papers have called the lotto lout can win so much money. CNN Transcript Oct 18, 2003
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The LAPD police chief said that they are looking for the coroner ` s report to corroborate the cause of death -- "corroborate," which clearly implies that they have a strong belief that something was involved, and that something in this case is clearly drug abuse. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2009
  • At the trial's conclusion last Tuesday, the jury foreperson, an unidentified black woman, wept as she read out the verdicts - one for each of the four schoolgirls.
  • Archaeologists and site-workers anxiously probed into the sand and uncover three magnificently carved unidentified wooden anthropoid sarcophagi dating back to the 26th Dynasty.
  • While Shell officials tried to investigate, a group of unidentified saboteurs set the pipeline on fire, Shell said in a statement.
  • His unidentified mate suffered second- and third-degree burns to his face, arms and torso and required two skin-grafts.
  • Alternatively, it may have derived from one or more unidentified animal coronaviruses that only recently mutated or recombined to create a human pathogen, he says.
  • The painting was sold to an unidentified American dealer .
  • It's unsurprising that the modern age hasn't given rise to many more unidentified bleeps and bloops, but perhaps we've become inured to the crackle of unwanted aural static.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And their reaction was, as they said that I'm a little meshuga. CNN Transcript Oct 14, 2008
  • (Soundbite of newsreel) Unidentified Man (Announcer): At Groton, Connecticut, a new naval era dawns with the launching of the Nautilus, one of the largest submarines ever built, and the first atomic-powered craft in history ... Sci-Fi Inspires Engineers To Build Our Future
  • Hopkins, a New York artist, had in 1964 seen an unidentified flying object over Cape Cod.
  • Some of them had numerous relatives who had also lived to advanced old age, which would suggest that other, as yet unidentified genes are involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two illustrated here are probably St Barbara with the tower and martyr's palm, and an unidentified bishop-saint carrying the Greek Orthodox cross.
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They ` re reporting that Dr. Conrad Murray made what they ` re calling incriminating statements to authorities when he was interviewed just a few days after Michael Jackson died. CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2009
  • Police say the vehicles involved were a white Mitsubishi Colt, a red Mercedes and a black, unidentified car.
  • The newspaper quoted unidentified soldiers as saying the captive had been threatened with execution and was later dumped from the back of a moving vehicle.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The localizer is the instrument on the runway that sets this instrument here, guides this instrument. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A former Bush administration counterdrug official says this is the wrong time to show federal tolerance. CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2009
  • I saw a leg and another piece of unidentified body in the road. Broken Lives
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Randy Tom here, from your bird's eye view as Bill said, are you able to see any kind of swath that this storm basically carved through Florida or is it just too wide a thing to see from the air? CNN Transcript Aug 14, 2004
  • Some say they were found by locals on the bed of a river, others in an unidentified cave.
  • Some type of unidentified green liquid is added to the mix, turning the liquid tofu into a jelly-like substance after several minutes.
  • An unidentified farm labourer cuts through a piece of steel with a gas torch without the use of mandatory safety goggles.
  • We also have drawings in caves from the earliest cavemen showing various animal drawings in detail with unidentified flying objects above them.
  • Other claims were based on audio recordings and satellite images, and still more were based on unverifiable claims from unidentified human witnesses and ‘defectors.’
  • He often goes online, unidentified, and tells others to log on to an interesting interview with a certain actor.
  • A majority of the film is set in a sparse bedroom, where two unidentified strangers exchange abstract dialogue and act out a series of shocking images over a period of four nights.
  • Some survivors remained unidentified in hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Once it would hit a brushier area, as of out there, it would build its velocity, build its heat, because these smaller sticks and trees represent kindling that add coals and fuels to a fire, that make it hotter and more dangerous. CNN Transcript Aug 29, 2001
  • TUCHMAN: After meeting Denise, we called morgue officials, who this week notified Denise Herbert that one of their unidentified bodies was indeed her mother. CNN Transcript Feb 10, 2006
  • She did not disclose that the pastor was counseling the unidentified woman. Christianity Today
  • An unidentified man is burnt to death in a garden shed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A self-described spokesperson for the unidentified students said Friday that they are worried about backlash for their whistle-blowing, but continue to stand behind the decision.
  • The heavy security was apparently prompted by intelligence reports that unidentified groups planned to disrupt the controversial exercises.
  • an unidentified species
  • The police suspected that an unidentified truck, while reversing, ran over him.
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't think the word hijack was ever used. CNN Transcript - Sunday Morning News: Hijack Victims Due to Return to Saudi Arabia Today - October 15, 2000
  • The unidentified flying object has been identified, and cannot fly any more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Authorities in Iraq say unidentified gunmen have killed a Sunni Arab tribal chief, three of his sons and a close relative.
  • The incredibly helpful error message of ‘an unidentified error has occurred’ isn't exactly helpful when it comes to fault-finding and trouble-shooting either.
  • The unidentified man appears to greet them before walking away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The addition of a clove to beef stock or to a stew gives it a richness whose source will be unidentified.
  • English method of cheating involving making the old ball swing by impregnating it with sugary saliva, voodoo or as-yet-unidentified unfair dinkum substance. The Ashes 2010 A-Z: baggy greens, doing a Harmy and lucky red hankies
  • The painting was sold to an unidentified American dealer .
  • The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome.
  • It has not been said why the unidentified woman took so long to come forward. The Sun
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With his wife Silda by his side, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the man once known as Mr. Clean, addressed his fall from grace. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2008
  • He said police then followed spoors into the Santa informal settlement and saw the cattle with an unidentified man.
  • Many other members of the Acari are microscopic, like this unidentified mite photographed with UCMP's Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope.
  • Unidentified owls on the Mascarenes, the Andaman and Nicobar islands; a black, long-tailed passerine, notable for its startling rattle-like call, from Goodenough Island in the D’Entrecastaeux Archipelago; mystery African gallinules and touracos; a Kenyan long-tailed passerine with reddish undertail-coverts; an all-black Kenyan swift (Ali & Ripley 1969, Williams & Arlott 1980, Beehler 1991, Shuker 1998). Archive 2006-05-01
  • Have any formerly unidentified flying objects been convincingly shown to be alien spaceships?
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First you'll select the master arm switch, like you said, and then you'll press what we call the pickle button, right here. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2003
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: An angry judge in Las Vegas scolded O.J. Simpson today for what she called his arrogance, ignorance, or both. CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2008
  • The man, who has not been named, was in a stable condition at an unidentified hospital, the department added.
  • This will isolate any unidentified infestations and will protect vulnerable products from reinfestation. Times, Sunday Times
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This kind of systematize friendly touch keeps my world in orbit. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2009
  • WorldNetDaily: Air Force colonel reports lights 'not of this world': In the wake of reports of unidentified objects flying over Chicago's O'Hare Airport, a retired Air Force pilot has his own mystery with a rash of bright, colorful lights he photographed hovering in skies over western Arkansas last week. Archive 2007-01-14
  • Prayer, my sin-beset brethren, standfast prayer, is the otherwise unidentified haemony whose best habitat was the Garden of Gethsemane; and with that holy root in your heart and in your mouth, there is "no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Bunyan Characters (2nd Series)
  • The unadorned stones had marked the graves of unidentified Confederate soldiers.
  • They're all nameless, faceless, jobless, unidentified people.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It sort of represents our collective dreams of the freedom of the road, of automobility, of movement from the industrial heartland to the Pacific shores, to Hollywood. CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2001
  • She expected - maybe unrealistically - to remain unidentified, and is now worried about the impact on her family, career and personal life. Craigslist personals trigger an unintended spotlight
  • The unidentified base metals are overlaid with silver.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was a defensive strike, because the gentleman kind of aggressed toward him like he was going to hit him. CNN Transcript Sep 3, 2009
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As the glass started flying, we just kind of scooted back even farther into the bathtub. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2006
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this what you call a diploma mailed (ph) to some extent? CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2008
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My name is Kris Clayborne (ph) and I'm an elevator constructer. CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2009
  • There was nothing, then an unidentified aircraft appeared on the controllers' radar screens.
  • Unidentified armed groups continue to attack villages and connecting roads.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I am not so much worried as I am excited about by the whole drama of this, and I think in one way it is good for the country because it brings a lot of people and focuses their attention on this, and helps kind of galvanize the whole youth and the rest of ... CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Election 2000: Middle Americans Sound Off on Florida Recount - November 10, 2000
  • She expected -- maybe unrealistically -- to remain unidentified, and is now worried about the impact on her family, career and personal life. Chris Lee scandal: Yesha Callahan, the woman who met him on Craigslist, tells her story
  • This is not a terribly convincing theory if only because the source was a dinner conversation among unidentified subjects, but at least those were informed media workers.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tired of being nickelled and dimed by other airlines? CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2009
  • The document was excerpted from an unidentified FBI file.
  • The decorative glass panels feature figures such as St Gregory, St Jeronimus, an unknown Bishop and an unidentified Saint.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Away from home, kids taunted Deshante, called her harelip, physically abused her. CNN Transcript Mar 26, 2004
  • Several unidentified men began unfurling banners of white cloth on which they had written statements.
  • It has been proposed that monocytes activated by opsonized merozoites, release an unidentified soluble factor that inhibits the growth of surrounding intra-erythrocytic parasites. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This, however, allows for unidentified and thus unquantified errors to be dispersed, with potential risk to patient health.
  • According to one overseas tabloid report, his alleged paramour gave a tell-all interview to an unidentified American broadcast network.
  • An officer of the Police Department pursued the suspect but the latter escaped in an unidentified white van.
  • Yet the only target they fired on was an unidentified animal, whose cries then kept the unit awake all night.
  • These results led Stepp to suspect the existence of an unidentified factor but he was unable to identify it as a lipoid. The Vitamine Manual
  • An unidentified poacher opened fire on the leopardess with the bullet hitting her in the back, WWF representatives said in a statement.
  • an unidentified witness
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We've got lanterns upstairs, we have a bilevel. CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2007
  • Unidentified Man #4: On a foggy Saturday morning, five blocks north of the Empire State Building, James E. Ager (ph) was dictating into his sound-scriber machine a letter to Dean Crawford (ph) of the University of Michigan. The Day A Bomber Hit The Empire State Building
  • A message inside some bags and backpacks takes a dig at an unidentified president - but you have to know the secret language to understand it.
  • * An unidentified Major in Iraq -- a fundamentalist Christian pretending to be a "freethinker" -- for attending the first meeting of atheist service members under the umbrella of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, then verbally berating the other attendees, accusing them of plotting against Christians and disrespecting soldiers who have died protecting the Constitution. Paul Krassner: A**holes of the Week #6
  • The development of new discoveries and revisiting of old discoveries is a fairly predictable factor, and a large portion, if not the entirety, of the so-called unidentified projects should be expected to materialize. Priorities « PubliCola
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But if flopped, selling a scant 300 copies and the label dropped her. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2008
  • At least three men and a woman are unidentified. The Sun
  • The D-shaped sideboard of mahogany with unidentified lightwood string inlay, was probably made in Boston, about 1795 to 1810.
  • Novels by unidentified authors have made the bestseller lists before.
  • We also found four sesquiterpenes, a diterpene, and several unidentified compounds.
  • The airline is currently having merger talks with an unidentified rival.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Two Charlotte Mosier ice tools, curved handles, one pad, two runners, one locking carabineer and some anchor strap. CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2006
  • (Soundbite of movie, "Gerrymandering") Unidentified Man #6 (Actor): (as character) Willie Brown recalls a gerrymandered district that was once proposed to help him win. Movie Fact Often More Engaging Than Fiction
  • What was it about the unidentified fingerprint at the crime scene that led to this ‘mistake’?
  • They (plain clothed unidentified cops) held the guy wearing a jean jacket and carrying his lunch down and shot him while in their custody. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 2, 2006
  • Her gran said yesterday that police had told the family that an unidentified body had been found. The Sun
  • Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found in Crackley Woods yesterday.
  • Their new Iranian president is described as a "hardliner" who is "fiercely anti-American" These claims are normally accompanied by quotes from unidentified sources who refer to a fictional nuclear-weapons program that is just months away from developing the bomb. The Inevitable War with Iran
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, if I receive a request that is signed by the elector, that is a request from the elector. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Seminole County Circuit Court Hears Democratic Challenge to Absentee Ballots - December 6, 2000
  • Researchers study effects of unidentified products that are highly-contaminated with residues of carbamate, organophosphate and chlorine pesticides, dioxin in the smoke from the chlorine pesticides and bleached paper, cancer-causing polonium 210 radiation from certain phosphate fertilizers, any of about 1400 untested and often toxic non-tobacco additives, added burn accelerants, kid-attracting sweets and flavorings etc, carcinogenic filter components, and addiction-enhancing additives. Pesticide Industry War On Mothers
  • When there was more than one person in the photograph, it was usually an unidentified attendant shielding the oba with an umbrella, or an anonymous retinue of other attendants and uncrowned chiefs of the village.
  • Footage showed an unidentified red-haired woman attempting to cross a swimming pool on a set of plastic lily pads. The Sun
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I personally don't think that's a very accurate use of the word "restrictionist," but words that have those ethical connotations always tend to be used in these context, precisely because they are so loaded. CNN Transcript Dec 13, 2005
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you indeed find lead antimony barium, which is confirmed gunshot residue, on that robe? CNN Transcript Feb 21, 2005
  • Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found in Crackley Woods yesterday.
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have, first of all, fried fruit, cod fish, roast pig, steam calalu (ph), jerk pork, curried goods (ph), lobster tail (ph). CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2003
  • In undiluted samples, ribose, fructose, rhamnose, glucose, and one unidentified sugar were detected at low concentrations (data not shown).
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I certainly don't think the way he's acting is condonable. CNN Transcript Sep 17, 2007
  • Over a soundtrack of appropriate chart hits, unidentified teenagers talked about coming to terms with their own sexuality.
  • (Soundbite of song, "I Love My Hair") Unidentified Child: (Singing) My hair looks good in a cornrow. 'I Love My Hair': A Father's Tribute To His Daughter
  • Several non-infectious diseases including the leaf red spot, gummosis , herbicide in jury, typhoon damage and genetic albinism and an unidentified leaf crinkle disease are also described.
  • Prescott's room was organised by an unidentified property developer.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There he goes, an accipiter (ph) flying right. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2008
  • This unidentified artist specialized in depictions of Italian peasants wearing jackets, aprons and dresses made from what was then called "genes," fustian cotton named after its assumed city of origin in Genoa, Italy. Forever in Blue Jeans
  • A common fossil in the basal impure limestone beds is a bivalve that Silberling referred to as ‘an unidentified concavo-convex radially ribbed oysterlike pelecypod.’
  • The freighter was unidentified, flew no flag and offered a false ship's manifest.
  • Footage showed an unidentified red-haired woman attempting to cross a swimming pool on a set of plastic lily pads. The Sun
  • The airline is currently having merger talks with an unidentified rival.
  • Train evacuated after suspicious package found at Riverstone railway station A COMMUTER train has been evacuated after an "unidentified object" with the word bomb written on it was found on it just after 9am. | Top Stories
  • Mullen presented 238 world-wide records of acarine parasites of mosquitoes but more than half of the observations concerned unidentified or doubtfully identified mites.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One thing we teach is what we call a desperation trench. CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2006
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMA.E: A.filiate CTV reports an A. Jenkins has a car similar to the one reportedly seen at the motel when Jenkins checked in. CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2009
  • While that film examined Israeli society through the prism of a terrorist attack and one of its unidentified victims, his latest film tackles a similar topic through the experiences of those trying to adjust to Israeli society in an ulpan – an intensive Hebrew-language school. This Week at the 16th Street J « The Blog at 16th and Q

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