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How To Use Unhelpful In A Sentence

  • The critics call its recipes bland, unhelpful, unoriginal and unhealthy. The Sun
  • One of my least favorite locutions in politics is the statement by an official or politician that someone's criticism of government policy is ‘unhelpful.’
  • Unhelpful Labels: art for arts sake, tales from the cafe Archive 2009-02-01
  • You could have the ‘generally lazy but remarkably unhelpful’ instead of the ‘bored but capable’ as one of the essential non police staff whose main aim is to reinforce all the urgent and important things from the world where messages ‘really’ matter and the foundations of empire building are well on the way to approval by the forces that do stuff. Cross and Rude. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Why have the Saudis behaved in this unhelpful way? Times, Sunday Times
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  • As for streaming, it deserves to be condemned by the strongest term of reprobation known to the vocabulary of consensus: unhelpful.
  • This is a deeply unhelpful comment. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Lying is unhelpful when there is incontrovertible evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Currie is extremely polite and diplomatic, it is clear he finds these frustrating and unhelpful.
  • I'm not moralizing here - I find that unhelpful, not to mention boring.
  • Many sufferers have found their doctors unhelpful and unsympathetic when they first sought help. Repetitive Strain Injury
  • It was very unhelpful in another way in that the vast majority of officers saw it as a personal affront. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, a derisory vote, after a contest creating a lot of thoroughly unhelpful aggravation.
  • Shortly afterwards they issued a Secondary Statement that described his comments as ` derisory ' and `unhelpful'. THE SCHEME FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT
  • He's pulled to his feet and stands vacantly and unhelpfully behind the coffin as it seesaws up the steps, carried by the royal family, in a confusion of priests and cameramen.
  • Some intrusive thoughts can be pernicious and unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a demand is an unhelpful confusion in the free speech debate.
  • I think cap-and-trade would be a ham-fisted, unhelpful, damaging thing to the economy. ... Tim Pawlenty: Cap-And-Trade Support Was 'A Mistake' (AUDIO)
  • Unhelpful Labels: customers say the darndest things, tales from the cafe Archive 2009-03-01
  • The instructions were badly written and unhelpful.
  • The Minnesota Statute providing for vacancies in Senate seats unhelpfully defines ‘vacancy’ to mean ‘vacancy.’
  • We do not accept involuntary ejections of speech if they are abusive or plainly unhelpful: it is not what the blog is about.
  • There is no use ignoring the obstructionist approach that China displayed in Copenhagen, and the fact that this is unhelpful if a forum such as the UNFCCC is to be successful.
  • His success as a melodramatist may have been responsible for an occasional, unhelpful reliance on artifice, and for certain antiquated strains in the structure of books such as The Siege of Pleasure and Hangover Square. Giddy & Malevolent
  • The classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis are unhelpful in the early stages of the disease, but the need for disease modifying antirheumatic drugs can be accurately predicted by clinical and laboratory Latest headlines from BMJ
  • Wilson said that the college has been ‘completely and utterly unhelpful - they just hoick prices up when they want.’
  • In addition to being unhelpful, this juror also made an unfortunate comment, insulted this same underboss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faculties also seemed to be unhelpful despite the fact that they have a certain level of autonomy in examination procedure.
  • All this leaves business ethics in a state of unhelpful flux.
  • Why did some of his answers seem to support the government in its war with the BBC, while others were actively unhelpful?
  • For example, although she was gregarious, she avoided social gatherings in which there was too much gossip, observing that such conversation was at best unhelpful.
  • Yet the notion of the thrusting career woman, starkly contrasted to the selfless home-maker, lurks unhelpfully in the background.
  • Meanwhile, disability charities criticised a measure designed to help unemployed incapacity benefit claimants back to work as unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he unhelpfully insisted on surviving, the multi-talented Borgias produced brother Cesare to strangle him in his sickbed.
  • I do not agree with the closure of Frenches Road and think the process of building the relief road has been most unhelpful to residents and visitors.
  • But the concierge at the Astoria was unhelpful, gruff almost.
  • According to the customer survey, 6% said employees were unhelpful and discourteous.
  • These are likely to be unhelpful to women with bacterial vaginosis because the lactobacilli are directed at the wrong anatomical site and are of the wrong kind.
  • Planet Mars is most unhelpful this week, but do try to allow partners more freedom.
  • It tilts things in an unhelpful way, but diet and exercise can counter this to a substantial degree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malouma is from Mauritania on the west coast of Africa, immediately to the north of Senegal, and could rarely have encountered such an unhelpful context in which to impress the huddle of promoters and journalists.
  • Insiders worried that it could in fact be unhelpful and make it more difficult to create good syllabuses.
  • It is, as a friend unhelpfully told me when I was about to direct it, ‘so good not even a director could mess it up’.
  • The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.
  • These programmes are disturbing to watch because the resolution seems false and unhelpful — a bit like having a television show where major surgery is performed by a first aider.
  • icily neutral, disagreeably unhelpful
  • The three most common complaints were long queues in branches, unhelpful call centres and untrained staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most were highly unsuspicious and unhelpful in the least.
  • Treating the presence of a genetic marker as though it were the clinical disease can be very unhelpful.
  • Usually a person sees something and thinks to themselves in an unhelpful voice. The Sun
  • Eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century texts on smalt were also unhelpful, generally failing to describe how to apply it to large vertical surfaces.
  • But there are two unhelpful, unfriendly kinds of manitous.
  • These intuitionist approaches, whether at the level of specific precepts or general principles, are not only theoretically unsatisfying, but are also quite unhelpful in practical matters.
  • She had been on crutches and in pain and thought the staff were being unhelpful.
  • In this case it is deeply unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was very unhelpful in another way in that the vast majority of officers saw it as a personal affront. Times, Sunday Times
  • But an undifferentiated attack on all magazine articles that deal with sexuality is unfounded and unhelpful.
  • After all, his own staff were so unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are foul, surly, nasty, unhelpful, unpleasant and clearly you have a lot of issues.
  • `There aren't any doors that small in Fiddleford,' he said unhelpfully. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • If the bank is unhelpful take it up with the Ombudsman.
  • Worse, the data that it has collected has been made public in a patchy and unhelpful way. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the customer survey, 6% said employees were unhelpful and discourteous.
  • We've all faced it: red tape, small print, bureaucratic bungling or sheer unhelpfulness that can make doing even the simplest task a nightmare.
  • He was having difficulty getting through to anyone and the friends he contacted seemed unconcerned and unhelpful.
  • For some, with overseas borrowings, it can be positively unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was livid, in that most unhelpful way. Christianity Today
  • This week's two documentaries both tell good stories in slightly unhelpful ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have just come off the phone following the most incredibly obstructive and unhelpful call in the history of mankind.
  • Anecdotally we found no supporting evidence in the literature, some pain theorists view swearing as a sign of ‘pain-related catastrophising’, which may be defined as a maladaptive response in which negative and unhelpful thoughts and ideas are brought to bear when pain is experienced. Oh $#*%! Cursing can reduce pain perception
  • Such poets as these, and Lowell especially, gave rise to the critics' cant phrase, ‘confessional poetry’, which is seriously unhelpful.
  • People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful.
  • Those who oppose or support GM crops per se make an unhelpful generalisation.
  • At 25, her success has been formidable, but she is oddly unhelpful about applying her reputed intelligence to an understanding of it.
  • Wishful thinking is generally understandable, even if it's unhelpful.
  • The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful.
  • Paddy Cunneen's music, screechily inapposite Irish jigs scraped out on one or two instruments, is as unhelpful as the by-now-clichéd Edwardian costuming.
  • Three Beanie Baby birthdays have fallen in the last eight days and by tonight when I was being asked to suggest presents for a lobster I confess I was feeling unhelpful.
  • But this view of creativity is simply wrong, and unhelpful in a corporate setting.
  • The fee has brought its own pressure to bear on a quiet young man already - perhaps unhelpfully - described as a superstar by his international manager.
  • The government should rethink this new and unhelpful requirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • People are stereotyped as rude, ignorant and unhelpful.
  • So, RTÉ wants to quieten brilliant satirist Oliver Callan - in the interests of "fairness" - because in "these troubled times" (yadda, yadda, yadda), don't you know, it's unhelpful to have the head of government looking like a pisshead. Irish Blogs
  • This kind of nit-picking, especially from Repubicans, is unhelpful.
  • At least half of your audience may be openly hostile in an attempt to undermine and discredit what you are saying if it is unhelpful to their cause.
  • Anecdotally (we found no supporting evidence in the literature), some pain theorists view swearing as a sign of ‘pain-related catastrophising’, which may be defined as a maladaptive response in which negative and unhelpful thoughts and ideas are brought to bear when pain is experienced. Oh $#*%! Cursing can reduce pain perception
  • On the first landing she attempts to stand, but one leg is an unhelpful position, and she bonks her head on the landing.
  • Her comments were perfectly unexceptionable if a little unhelpful.
  • I would think that people would prefer media that soundly analyzes what they're writing about, rather than drawing unhelpful analogies.
  • People can be taught to banish the unhelpful thoughts that lead to negative feelings and behaviour and to embrace positive, helpful thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • You try to remain objective and impartial, to distance yourself and not form a view - which would be unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • All too often, the problem is not that the axiom is unhelpful or untrue, but that over time it has come, ploughshare into sword, to be adopted by one side or the other as a weapon. Bradley Burston: Israelis Need a Gandhi of Their Own
  • People search endlessly for a psychological trigger, for a cause, but it can be unhelpful because often there isn't one.
  • I think that it is unhelpful to introduce private law concepts of estoppel into planning law.
  • ‘It lays to rest some of the wild rumours that have been circulating which have been unhelpful and distressing for the families,’ he said.
  • Instrumentalists also claim that poulantzas' conception of the state as the factor of cohesion in the social formation is equally unhelpful.
  • What is more important is to discover the causes of delay, without which general conclusions are likely to be unhelpful.
  • He has been uncooperative, unhelpful, and particularly rude to teaching staff.
  • Unhelpful Labels: customers say the darndest things, tales from the cafe reasons to keep on blogging: kelli said ... Tales from the Cafe
  • Don't you hate it when people give you ‘helpful feedback’ of an unhelpful nature?
  • This is unhelpful if you are a City worker expected to turn up and toil for long hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conservatives are quick to write off the New Deal as unhelpful in dragging America out of the Great Depression. Aemilia Scott: Your Conservative Friend Is Actually a Big Pinko. Or: How We Got Out of the Great Depression.
  • During that time all but one restroom on the train failed, an airhose broke and needed to be replaced and almost all the train staff remained as stoic and unhelpful as your average DMV worker. RateItAll: The Buzz Feed
  • The delays gave a window to vent the unhelpful attitudes disabled people experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a mindset which appears to delight in unhelpfulness.
  • That sort of cattiness is entirely unhelpful and, if I thought that the nasty reviewer couldn’t do any better, I’d just ban him altogether. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How to take criticism professionally
  • Still, I could make some calls and see if the name rang any bells, and there was always Eldritch and Associates although, in my experience, lawyers tended to be unhelpful at best in these situations. The Unquiet
  • This is unhelpful if you are a City worker expected to turn up and toil for long hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every time I backed the car off the drive, for instance, it became unhelpfully scared of the camber in the road.
  • The government should rethink this new and unhelpful requirement. Times, Sunday Times
  • These intuitionist approaches, whether at the level of specific precepts or general principles, are not only theoretically unsatisfying, but are also quite unhelpful in practical matters.
  • My questions to other flying crew members brought ribald responses and suggestions of a quite unhelpful nature.
  • Anyone seeking clues as to the identity of these NYC-based electronicists will find their website unhelpful.
  • That some newspapers had already had their say before the match, according to Taylor, was deeply unhelpful.
  • Try to solve the problem with pat answers and unhelpful advice. Christianity Today
  • Instrumentalists also claim that poulantzas' conception of the state as the factor of cohesion in the social formation is equally unhelpful.
  • They think they'll get into trouble, or become unhelpful and difficult.
  • Try to solve the problem with pat answers and unhelpful advice. Christianity Today
  • Saying that just because we didn't hit targets we have failed and should be closed down is an immature and unhelpful approach.
  • This arrangement proved to be both damaging and unhelpful for the battered wife.
  • This is an unhelpful hyperbole, but it is certainly true that there must be contexts in which a statement of these truths is politically inopportune.
  • Mr Layton was due before a disciplinary committee to answer charges that he was unhelpful to Pocklington's new arts centre and its staff, and sarcastic and bad-tempered in general.
  • A may also be abandoned if seen as the source of unhelpful advice. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • In 2003, Dr. Gershon Ejeckam wrote a series of memos in which he dubbed hormone receptor testing erratic, unreliable and unhelpful. The Telegram: National News
  • Bending yourself into a pretzel is probably unhelpful. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How to Deal With Conflicting Advice About Your Story
  • The shop assistant was rude and unhelpful.
  • Of course, this was a slightly unhelpful five years after the event.
  • As well as the academic rigour of the business course, there is an unhelpful exam timetable. Times, Sunday Times
  • My own experience with our own legal department is they have actually been quite difficult and unhelpful.
  • These guys are usually horrid and mean and unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.
  • `I don't know," Iris wobbled unhelpfully, and, returning to basics, asked plaintively again, `Where am I? TO HIS JUST DESSERTS
  • If you decide to dump a "shamer" , be sure, when you see a new doc to have an upfront conversation with him/her about the unhelpfulness of shaming and what feels like shaming to you. Shaming the Patient
  • The authorities are being particularly unhelpful.
  • You are foul, surly, nasty, unhelpful, unpleasant and clearly you have a lot of issues.
  • So I shall set out on another long drive today, and while I drive I shall ponder the general unhelpfulness of inanimate things.
  • It can be unhelpful if someone has got a damaging habit and has made a snap decision between Christmas and New Year that they are going to stop without weighing up the pros and cons.
  • According to the customer survey, 6% said employees were unhelpful and discourteous.
  • My physiotherapist, GP and other doctors I saw thought this would be unhelpful, so I refused.
  • This week is full up with appointments and social engagements, I'm sure of it, but I can hardly remember any specifics, my diary unhelpfully empty.
  • The staff were unhelpful and the ambience quite shocking. The Sun
  • Theological answers, even though correct, can be unhelpful to both of these types, though in different ways.
  • Removing the unhelpful heat from the debate, which can all too easily become polarised, is a necessary first step.
  • But in fact, despite my scientific interest in describing languages as they actually are, I am as free as anyone else to have negative reactions to unintentional bathos or unhelpful confusion caused by bad writing.
  • On Saturday, having had enough of our unhelpful mobile phone operator, we decided to go shopping for a pair of new phones.
  • The instructions were badly written and unhelpful.
  • People can be taught to banish the unhelpful thoughts that lead to negative feelings and behaviour and to embrace positive, helpful thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • he stood by unhelpfully while the house burned down
  • Meanwhile, we have submitted requests for diesel-electric submarines, F-16C/Ds, and a retrofit of the ROC's existing fleet of F-16A/Bs, which are currently being considered by the U.S. As a decision is pending, any speculation as to the outcome is unwarranted and unhelpful. Taiwan Can Keep America's Military Secrets
  • Not only is it unhelpful to treat an enuretic child this way, but it may actually prolong or worsen the problem, and the child may suffer emotionally as well. Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems
  • The gay and lesbian rights group, Stonewall, sees outing as completely unhelpful.
  • The game's only detectable flaw is occasionally unhelpful camera work.
  • But the present analysis of lawsuits and prosecutions involving illegitimacy suggests both the considerable resilience of popular culture and the unhelpfulness of simple dichotomies between popular and elite culture.
  • You are foul, surly, nasty, unhelpful, unpleasant and clearly you have a lot of issues.
  • I don't think she knows that much about the internet, and she seems very unhelpful, vetoing my ideas without directing me towards anything else.
  • You try to remain objective and impartial, to distance yourself and not form a view - which would be unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally, your GP may have been unhelpful because you did not fully explain the extent of your suffering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Days later, the Caricom summit's opening session heard Mr Manning's recriminations, unbecomingly and unhelpfully directed at former regional beneficiaries of T & T largesse.
  • Some intrusive thoughts can be pernicious and unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'll kick and scream when your suggestion turns out to be unhelpful.
  • It is unhelpful to send a team of administrators when there is administer!
  • Faulkner, on the other hand, was unhelpfully obscure.
  • A senior security industry source said the UK advice was unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'll kick and scream when your suggestion turns out to be unhelpful.
  • Instead of helping me, he became offended and childish in his unhelpfulness.
  • Companies are still unhelpfully shy of hiring, preferring to squeeze yet more output from fewer people.
  • Having said that, if it's fit for purpose anyone standing in our way is being unhelpful and we shall be disappointed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He has been uncooperative, unhelpful, and particularly rude to teaching staff.
  • He's pulled to his feet and stands vacantly and unhelpfully behind the coffin as it see-saws up the steps, carried by the royal family, in a confusion of priests and cameramen.
  • The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful.

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