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How To Use Unhappiness In A Sentence

  • Substantial evidence now attests to the extent of doctors' unhappiness with the state of their relationships with managers.
  • I'm suddenly overcome by a surge of unhappiness and slump down on the desk, resting on my bloated belly, burying my face in the comforting but annoyingly podgy darkness of my arms.
  • Social factors include habituation to sex with the partner, and unhappiness with the relationship.
  • Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.
  • I didn't realise the extent of his unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
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  • My heart goes out to particular moments and people, both recent and distant, and holds on for dear life, impervious to happiness or unhappiness.
  • Combine these qualities of self-denial and there is a propensity for deep unhappiness.
  • To chivvy the unconjugal to conjugate may to be store up greater unhappiness. David Cameron should honour his marriage vow
  • Scientology is meant to help clear people of unhappiness.
  • Most disturbing is the almost giddy pleasure they take in each other's unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Believe me, you will eventually find that you are relieved you were able to escape the trap of unhappiness you were in!
  • It is still a tale of thwarted hopes and suppressed unhappiness, but the misery she reveals is calamitous only in its traumatic effects on one family.
  • The officer - now but a poor, sorry soul mourning for Christmas - could scarcely contain his unhappiness.
  • The other spectre that haunts liberal economics – other than the lingering unhappiness that its happy-clappy consumerism generates – is the broaching of planetary boundaries for survival. The wellbeing agenda isn't navel-gazing, it's innovation and survival | Pat Kane
  • It's really in the same way that unhappiness is easier to describe than happiness. Let's not talk about sex – why passion is waning in British books
  • Dr. Purnell: who knows, her handling of her unhappiness was instrumental in cluing the public in about Griffin, and therefore useful, but it calls into question her political tactical maturity. A Brief History of C'ville Superintendents at
  • I can understand his unhappiness. But to attempt suicide!
  • While many virgins and singles reported unhappiness about the lack of sexual contact, some expressed a greater sadness about not having love or a relationship.
  • But at such moments he recognized in himself, behind the badinage, a cold touch of unhappiness, of deprivation. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • His ability seemed to spring from perversity; perhaps even from unhappiness.
  • An early life of insecure attachments does not necessarily mean a future of unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unhappiness fuels great disdain for all of suburbia and its inhabitants.
  • That disproportion brings unhappiness we know - not always, of course, practicing proportionality ourselves.
  • Desire must be subordinate to reason, or else they will throw the individual out of balance and lead him into injustice and unhappiness.
  • There is no need to think that you are sentenced to a lifetime of unhappiness.
  • They would prefer more subtle methods of signaling unhappiness with a stock.
  • Girls of Sidwell's delicacy do not misally themselves, for they take into account the fact that such misalliance is fraught with elements of unhappiness, affecting husband as much as wife. Born in Exile
  • In several poems that refer to her native Costa Rica, we begin to understand one of the reasons for her unrest and unhappiness.
  • It seems a fitting observation on the lives of comedians behind whose talent to amuse so often lies private unhappiness.
  • On the other hand, if the good-for-nothing in the next cubicle earns five dollars more an hour than you do, that could be the source of great indignation, uneasiness, and unhappiness.
  • His triumphs on the political stage were won at the cost of unhappiness, loneliness and disappointment. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Kieran, heavy-hearted at his lord's unhappiness, lay sleepless at his side.
  • By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure.
  • There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage. Seneca 
  • I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.
  • However, to ignore what effect having the government incentivize, with ever increasing vigor, over years and decades, real estate speculation, and real estate lending spoeculation, had on the event leading to our current unhappiness, is just silly. Matthew Yglesias » The Costliest Bailout
  • But unhappiness at workloads has been building up across the country for three years.
  • The chirpy gurgles of my child takes away all the unhappiness at the end of a hard day's work.
  • What I wanted was darkness, unhappiness… I thought of giving Xander a call back.
  • doomed to unhappiness
  • So the evil monster had brought unhappiness and death to a dear old man who had never hurt anybody.
  • Though Schopenhauer's view is colored heavily by his own personal unhappiness, still it is difficult to deny the inbuilt despair in the life of every self-conscious, free-thinking individual.
  • There is as much misery riding and driving about in carriages as there is walking about on foot: there is as much unhappiness in ceiled houses as in humble cottages.
  • We cannot come to appreciate the happy times unless we have experienced the pain of unhappiness.
  • his face was clouded with unhappiness
  • Her daughter, Mary, is torn between Margaret's unhappiness at being out of her home and the advice of the safety experts and authorities who say it is not safe for her to return.
  • They need to learn Micawber economics - earn nineteen shillings, spend twenty shillings - result unhappiness. Earn twenty shillings spend nineteen shillings - result happiness. Simples.
  • It's easy to be concerned with problems across the other side of the world and not see the poverty and unhappiness on your own doorstep.
  • Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives.
  • Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives.
  • Such an autocratic style of leading a family leads to repression and suppression giving rise to feelings of discontentment and unhappiness.
  • A basic minimum amount of wealth provides a crucial bulwark against many sources of stress and unhappiness. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • Would you expect other people to feel happy about your unhappiness? Times, Sunday Times
  • His habits were unhinged; his restless mind roused from its sleep, ambition must now be his companion through life; and if he did not succeed in his present attempt, she foresaw that unhappiness and cureless discontent would follow. The Last Man
  • There is widespread unhappiness about the cost and complexity of the system.
  • If their unhappiness translates to a significant decline in ticket sales or an aggressive campaign against a new building, it could be a mortal blow to the franchise.
  • The reluctance of the peasants to sign statutory documents reflects their unhappiness about the terms of the Act of Emancipation of 1861.
  • Should their unhappiness with their contracts affect their draft status?
  • Bottling up your anger can only lead to unhappiness.
  • Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.
  • It's easy to be concerned with problems across the other side of the world and not see the poverty and unhappiness on your own doorstep.
  • In the light of that, my little niggles and the odd feelings of unhappiness seem pretty trivial.
  • He said scarcely a word; it was as though his unhappiness merely craved company and shrank from the knowledge of what the night might bring. The Windy Hill
  • Unhappiness with unplowed streets was strongest in the outer boroughs, and Bloomberg offered a consolation prize of sorts in the form a plan to allow some cabs to pick up street fares in outer boroughs. Dan Collins: Mayor Bloomberg Takes On Unions, Albany
  • After much thought and reasoning, however, Jack reached no satisfactory conclusion regarding Johnnie's unhappiness.
  • On the downside, I had projected a deep and profound unhappiness.
  • It could be indicative of a problem or unhappiness in your current self and, therefore, a desire to reconnect with a younger one. Times, Sunday Times
  • He detects her unhappiness and remoteness and intuits that all is not well at home.
  • I felt an osculatory unhappiness circumnavigate my soul. Hope's Amanuensis
  • She looked up, guilt and unhappiness contending in her eyes. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Aesthetic relation deals with the emotional relation of happiness and unhappiness between subject soul and object form, it differs from the other two relations.
  • Polly Harvey has forged a career as the blacksmith of unhappiness, mostly her own and of a coruscatingly personal nature. Evening Standard - Home
  • There is a considerable body of case-law to this effect in the United States and elsewhere, even where the court expresses some unhappiness at the result.
  • One "little thing" that can be a source of unhappiness is being stuck on an activity that's boring. Gretchen Rubin: 6 Tips for Fighting Boredom
  • Jung believed that the more secular, materialistic, and compulsively extraverted our civilization became, the greater the unhappiness, senselessness and aimlessness of our lives.
  • Unfortunately, her attractiveness is the source of much unhappiness.
  • A basic minimum amount of wealth provides a crucial bulwark against many sources of stress and unhappiness. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • We see Annie Allen grow from childhood to womanhood in an atmosphere conditioned by poverty, racial discrimination, parental expectations, and unhappiness.
  • The unhappiness stemmed from a nagging sense that he could have been so much more. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he believed that most inter-union spats were caused by unhappiness with the service provided, rather than active ‘poaching’ by another union.
  • That there was no room for unhappiness as long as I was free.
  • His unhappiness was all too apparent.
  • The notes by the deceased may, he submitted, have genuinely expressed unhappiness at the time of writing.
  • Even the ballads sound like the singers have only vaguely heard of the concept of romantic unhappiness.
  • Danny is a truculent teenager, expressing unhappiness through behaviour that perplexes his parents and leads to eventual expulsion from school.
  • He argued that conscious anti-Semites, especially "the 'unadjusted' veterans," would identify unconsciously with the GIs: "just demobilized, ordinary, white native Protestant, 'our kind, '— a band of comrades with battle records, plagued by the unhappinesses and insecurities of that new, troubling No Man's Land between war and postwar. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • It was his great unhappiness that he was again assaulted by the temptation; and no other could be expected, for this was a place, this an hour, of temptation. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Weber has read one great slate of unhappiness, history as written by sects and prophets, millenarians, chiliasts, and televangelists.
  • The unhappiness comes because the wiring and socialisation are at odds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider how subtly the following beliefs contribute to long-term unhappiness, even though they might seem innocuous in the short run: Deepak Chopra: Why You Don't Want to Be Happy
  • This idea that freedom holds as much in the way of unhappiness as totalitarianism harks back to the existential writers who influenced Brink when he studied at the Sorbonne in the 1950s.
  • There is another and possibly even more serious result of the west's unhappiness over their position in confederation and this could result in the actual break-up of the country. The Politics of Western Canada: Revolt or Reform
  • My unhappiness with the curriculum at the Academy deepened day by day.
  • One does not labor in order to fulfill oneself: it is an act that produces unhappiness, lacks mental energy, and ‘mortifies his flesh and ruins his mind.’
  • More to the point, his suffering and unhappiness had taken their toll.
  • Inconsistencies can be very confusing for young children and conflicting attitudes over toilet training and discipline can lead to frustration and unhappiness.
  • Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.
  • The game remained heated, with the sent-off players voicing their unhappiness on the sidelines and adding to a stream of expletives.
  • There is a sense of dissatisfaction amongst Australians, and unhappiness perhaps.
  • There is a lot of discomfort and unhappiness around the country about congestion and about transportation services in general.
  • It may also happen that a husband and wife may have a mutual period of quarrels or unhappiness.
  • Inconsistencies can be very confusing for young children and conflicting attitudes over toilet training and discipline can lead to frustration and unhappiness.
  • In addition to resistance, you will find a mixture of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and of course, unhappiness.
  • He had listened in his role of father confessor, increasingly concerned as he sensed her pain and unhappiness. RIOT
  • When you go to the dole office wearing a suit and shirt, you get your pride and dignity back in the face of serious unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without exception, they all pinpoint their problem to a personal unhappiness and lack of self-esteem.
  • ‘In Africa,’ he writes, ‘it is synonymous with unhappiness, with being accursed.’
  • Most disturbing is the almost giddy pleasure they take in each other's unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main reason for his departure was his unhappiness with the company's performance.
  • Maybe by the time I was born, my parents had no need to pretend unhappiness to placate jealous spirits.
  • I found myself quietly cheering at some of your eloquent criticisms of the pharmacological approach to unhappiness.
  • Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.
  • We cannot come to appreciate the happy times unless we have experienced the pain of unhappiness.
  • Attachment is not wholesome; it will sooner or later bring unhappiness.
  • The thought of her unhappiness pricked his conscience
  • And there were bishops who did not disguise their unhappiness with bishops who even raised such awkward questions.
  • If your stylist is running late, express your unhappiness with the situation and give them a chance to toe the line next time.
  • Remember that you are partially responsible for their unhappiness.
  • We get little reward for enduring the story's extremes of unhappiness, not to mention its occasional bits of medical scariness. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you go to the dole office wearing a suit and shirt, you get your pride and dignity back in the face of serious unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • A number of recent studies which have examined the problem of "affluenza" highlight the heightened unhappiness levels seen in children in affluent families. Stephen Josephson: Teach Your Children Well
  • It fills up your heart and the inner life with unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
  • As I write this, I find myself spiralling down into even more unhappiness and depression.
  • They are stuck in that whirling vortex of unhappiness, loneliness and boredom; maybe their partner is working long hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a time when avarice and greed is epidemic, why is a belief system that targets desire and possessions as the cause of unhappiness drawing hundreds of new followers each year?
  • The unhappiness is probably a combined result of the stress of the commute itself (traffic, catching a train or bus, etc) and the time it takes away from family and “after work socializing and dinner with friends.” Matthew Yglesias » Another Reason for Congestion Pricing
  • Weber has read one great slate of unhappiness, history as written by sects and prophets, millenarians, chiliasts, and televangelists.
  • While professing unhappiness with what he called a handful of "mistakes," he held fast to his basic support of Bush's policies. Suzanne Nossel: Letting Go of Joe
  • Jasper was sitting in the back, groaning in unhappiness.
  • An early life of insecure attachments does not necessarily mean a future of unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • She didn't want contentment but she wanted strong feeling, and you ask whether unhappiness is the price of feeling fully alive.
  • Moscow has frequently expressed its unhappiness at losing control over the region.
  • One does not labor in order to fulfill oneself: it is an act that produces unhappiness, lacks mental energy, and ‘mortifies his flesh and ruins his mind.’
  • The physical environment itself is a crucial factor in the creation of unhappiness, ennui, anger, alienation and despair.
  • Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone.
  • He said afterwards that he would be seeking legal advice about the aftercare his mother received and about his unhappiness with the evidence given.
  • We go through periods of relative unhappiness or relative contentment.
  • Tally watched the glassblower with growing unhappiness. Scott Westerfeld: Uglies Quartet
  • The quarrel caused her intense unhappiness.
  • Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.
  • I found this constant pressure, to have a well-paid job and stuff like that, just increased unhappiness. No country for young people: is this generation under strain?
  • Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.
  • He bore always unhappiness in his heart, and his eyes shone with determination behind his spectacles.
  • We do it too, sometimes, and it's one of my unhappinesses with my current domesticity.
  • That may be so, but it is frightening to imagine a future in which our current happinesses and unhappinesses will no longer exist.
  • Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness.
  • In an apologetic tone, Norwich regrets his failure to explain this unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his adult life all these painful thoughts had been buried but still caused a great deal of unhappiness.
  • Those wishing further ill may hope that a Sox loss will preserve the Fragile Equilibrium of Unhappiness that Boston fans know all too well.
  • She thought her crossness was the cause of the princess's unhappiness, and had no idea that she was really and deeply hurt at not being believed. The Princess and the Goblin
  • He was angry, while the organisers made plain their unhappiness at what they saw as a petulant show of defiance.
  • With Newsweek reporting that one out of three women is on anti-depressant, studies show that the shopping remains a woman's foremost cure for unhappiness. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Why Values-Voters Have Completely Failed
  • Would you expect other people to feel happy about your unhappiness? Times, Sunday Times
  • Compulsive spending is often a symptom of deep unhappiness.
  • This is a tragedy, in the true sense of not being about unhappiness, but in the remorseless working out of events.
  • Remember that you are partially responsible for their unhappiness.
  • You could spend long, deliciously miserable evenings in a corner of your local watering hole, grizzling into your beer and moaning to your mates about the general unhappiness of your lot.
  • Why do we continue to toil away so very eagerly at creating our own unhappiness?
  • His concern for society and the City, unhappiness with politicians, vast experience in managing the finances of public bodies, and keen study of the ills of Bangalore make him interesting.
  • In Couples, however, it is ultimately the community that rots under the weight of accumulated fornication: wives go to therapy to understand their unhappiness aka, "frigidity" and one ultimately work up the courage to leave her husband. Adultery Carnival: John Updike's Couples and the Sexual Revolution
  • Delight with the Former; but especially for Persons that have the unhappiness of looking asquint, it is an excellent Disposer of the sight, to a direct Line, and helps that _Watermans_ quality of _Looking one way, and Rowing another_. The School of Recreation (1684 edition) Or, The Gentlemans Tutor, to those Most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Racing, Hawking, Riding, Cock-fighting, Fowling, Fishing
  • It's unhappy to be separated, but we bear our unhappiness out of respect for what you call prejudices, because we know how our defying them would hurt those we love. Woman on Her Own, False Gods and The Red Robe Three Plays By Brieux
  • Weight and food become the symptoms of your unhappiness, and so you eat to compensate for your feelings.
  • Her approach forced me to think about my contribution to the unhappiness in our home.
  • He was also deeply flawed and troubled, and his essential loneliness and unhappiness were evident to all who knew him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bottling up your anger can only lead to unhappiness.
  • I understated the grouchiness of the article, and the author's obvious unhappiness with a lot of new historicism.
  • Would you expect other people to feel happy about your unhappiness? Times, Sunday Times
  • In one sense these apprehensions did her good, for they kept her from dwelling upon her own unhappiness.
  • The sad part is no one saw my unhappiness.
  • As she withdraws from people her isolation grows along with her unhappiness. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • The best cure for unhappiness is to hurl yourself into your work.
  • Every step forward, every sentence of the book seems to contain a balance of unhappiness.
  • Most disturbing is the almost giddy pleasure they take in each other's unhappiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unhappiness stemmed from a nagging sense that he could have been so much more. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's coming in at a time when there's a lot of unhappiness with the field.
  • But that did not prevent rumours that it was due to her unhappiness about the marriage and speculation that her sudden passing had placed a curse on the union.
  • I´ve seen what people´s lives are actually like in unreconstructed tribal units, and the kind of brutality, unhappiness, narrowness, and spiritual impoverishment which is the human fate in such circumstances- and its a very hard fate to get out of, because a self-referential, collective self-hypnotic trance of entrapment within the tribal story is part of the landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, the Libertarian Party candidate for the President of the United States of America
  • It will only increase your unhappiness and loneliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unhappiness burnout causes can eventually threaten your job, your relationships, and your health.
  • Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.
  • Our opposition is determined to create the myth that the last three years represented a period of unhappiness and gloom.
  • Nonetheless, I figured the benefits to you outweigh any unhappiness reduced page view stats bring to me.
  • Simply indulging in whatever pleasures are close at hand will ultimately bring one unhappiness.
  • So the evil monster had brought unhappiness and death to a dear old man who had never hurt anybody.
  • Dubbed the "godmother" of consumer-driven health care by Money magazine, Herzlinger notes that boomers as a generation are busier and better educated than previous generations and not shy about voicing their unhappiness. Doctors Making Housecalls: 8 Ways Post 50s Are Transforming Health Care
  • The heavy cloying unhappiness of the dream still clung around her like an aura. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • When we dare to accept the full social responsibilities that governments are seeking to evade, we shall gain the initiative and defeat our unhappiness.
  • Schools, businesses, heritage sites, householders, as well as the Shipley firefighters themselves… all are coming forward to express their unhappiness with the plan.
  • For example, in the old days, which is to say before the DSM-III, doctors talked about manic-depressive illness, in which patients alternated between those two poles; involutional psychotic reaction, a condition of delusional guilt and self-loathing that came on in middle age; and depressive neurosis, the garden-variety unhappiness that psychoanalysts treated in the Freudian heyday. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The unhappiness stemmed from a nagging sense that he could have been so much more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone.
  • It is perfectly normal that there are family memories that hold unhappiness and pain, particularly around times of loss and trauma. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd like to sing a sad ballad about all this - sing a song about my unhappiness and frustration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The practice of loving & kindness can uplift us of relieve sorrow & unhappiness. Allan Lokos 
  • There's still a lot of unhappiness with him among the base, particularly on immigration and campaign finance reform.
  • Would you expect other people to feel happy about your unhappiness? Times, Sunday Times
  • It may be that mother was growing more unhappy but I do not believe that she avowed her unhappiness and asserted a trial separation when coming to England.
  • But the level of support for the motion shows the unhappiness among members.
  • In so far as leaks advertise unhappiness about a line of policy they undermine the principle of collective responsibility, as well as the confidentiality of proceedings.

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