
How To Use Unfounded In A Sentence

  • There was at that time unfounded speculation that B vitamins acted as systemic insect repellants, 12 possibly because of the aroma of yeast excreted via the sweat.
  • Judging from what I saw in Brasilia, these hopes are not unfounded. Nikolas Kozloff: Part III: What Is the Brazilian Brand?
  • Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Unfounded generalisations and unproven claims are common in intellectual pursuits.
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  • It's my own duty to expose Caz for the flimsy lies and unfounded insults she slaps up here on a weekly basis.
  • As far as community activism is concerned, do not victimise people with unfounded and destructive remarks or allegations.
  • Allegations that her comments caused a disturbance at Bradford Magistrates Court between white and Asian youths proved to be unfounded.
  • It could be argued that to a large extent such fears are unfounded or else that the difficulties have been overcome.
  • The allegation is unfounded, according to police. Times, Sunday Times
  • The concern that collagen injections can trigger autoimmune diseases like lupus is also unfounded, experts say.
  • The media should refrain from reporting on events staged by politicians trying to excuse their own misconduct or making unfounded accusations.
  • It's really important to get beyond those completely unfounded generalizations.
  • A spokesman for the party said the allegations were totally unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.
  • I think it is important to be clear that the Committee on Standards cleared you of the unfounded allegations made against you. Times, Sunday Times
  • The allegation is unfounded, according to police. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is plenty of unfounded snobbery as well (Where the dead sergeant's wife becomes the general's widow) and wannabee poets, artists and the suchlike finding happiness in their reinventions. Page 2
  • Panel members and airline and government officials insist that fears about bias and invasion of privacy are unfounded.
  • Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
  • To oppugn the superstitious opinions of man, is to commence hostilities with his imagination -- to attack his fancy -- to be at war with his organization -- to enter the lists with his habits, which are of themselves sufficient to identify with his existence, the most absurd, the most unfounded ideas. The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • But his worries proved unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • My anxiety about the interview proved to be unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded.
  • He also dismissed as unfounded the father's claim that his family had conspired against him.
  • Let me stop here, before this devolves into another frenzied and unfounded rant.
  • His lawyer dismissed the allegations as unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, I deeply deplore the unfounded allegations and personal insults put forth in the letter.
  • In the new democratic system that is now operating, both views are unfounded.
  • Nothing is truly comparable to this Russian holiday based on unfounded expectations and ungrounded hopes culminating in one night of absolute happiness.
  • Unfortunately, she too often uses her skills to rail against what she calls unfounded, unsupported assumptions rather than to shatter them.
  • To our utter disbelief, the story turned out to be totally unfounded, without a grain of truth.
  • In very rare cases, the allegation may be unfounded, made out of malice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company has yet to remark whether the report was founded or unfounded.
  • We also want to put a stop to malicious and unfounded allegations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Havill's blond wig disguise as 'Brook' amusingly leavens his unfounded rage at being cuckolded. Rodney Punt: The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tours Santa Monica's Broad Stage
  • Panel members and airline and government officials insist that fears about bias and invasion of privacy are unfounded.
  • Overpopulation and rampant species loss are ‘unfounded or undue concerns.’
  • Reports had preceded her which even if they had been unfounded would have thrown any noble-minded woman into agonies of distress.
  • We need to be able to determine accurately and fairly those with unfounded claims.
  • I really don't give a toss if CNN prints this or not; the moderation of these comments isn't nearly as strict as some of you seem to think it is anyway – they print what best advances the conversation at hand, even if it is unfounded blather from the masses, so just take off your tinfoil hats and get on with your lives, please. Obama, Medvedev reach 'substantial' deal on Afghanistan
  • I believe we may expect another upwards spiral of completely unfounded populist, propagandistic documents, which will involve no analysis of any profound processes of world social development.
  • Hope that this was just a case of teething trouble and that common ground would be found was to prove unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • These claims were not altogether unfounded.
  • Microsoft dismissed the allegations as unfounded, saying its practices were specifically allowed by the consent decree.
  • I'm pleased to see that our fears about the weather proved totally unfounded.
  • Archer had left her with the conviction that Count Olenski's accusation was not unfounded.
  • He endured years of senseless, unfounded, unstopped bullying, knowing he was too physically weak to defeat his enemies, yet he tried.
  • It was, of course, all empty wind and unfounded wailing, but it still had an impact.
  • At the core of this political estop of action by the left and center is the unfounded faith that Republicans will not completely renew, or do worse than, what they did the last time they had power. Stephen Herrington: There's No Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
  • There were unfounded rumours of alcohol abuse.
  • It's true that poor behavior can cause people to start questioning religion and that this might eventually lead them to atheism, but otherwise this strikes me as more an attempt to "psychologize" atheism - to treat it as nothing more than a psychological reaction to human beings rather than a reasoned rejection of irrationality or unfounded ideology. Agnosticism / Atheism
  • Yet expectations of a deluge of cheap labour have so far proved unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early fears that residual values may be somewhat fragile have proven unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Microsoft dismissed the allegations as unfounded, saying its practices were specifically allowed by the consent decree.
  • I will give him the chance to prove that my worst fears are unfounded.
  • Maternity wards were notably slow to improve, largely due to their popularly believed, if apparently unfounded, association with prostitution.
  • This was his first run since then, but fears that he might lack race fitness proved unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The assumption that robots will make humans redundant and replaceable is unfounded.
  • Shirt buttons unaligned, fly unzipped… It wasn't unfounded.
  • Those are padded out with a farrago of insinuation and unfounded claims that he can produce no evidence for.
  • How about insulting and unfounded accusations posted after a teacher has had to discipline a pupil for misbehaviour? Times, Sunday Times
  • It turned out my concerns about strict rule interpretation were unfounded.
  • They said that unfounded allegations would have no effect on his'good name '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early fears of waterlogging and flooding in various of the venue's marquees proved unfounded.
  • On the other hand, his reputation as a ‘labour man’ is also unfounded: although he was a meat packer for seven years, he was never active in the union movement as a politician.
  • Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
  • Making unfounded claims in a public forum - a press conference no less - are the actions of a very weak and cowardly man.
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions.
  • That Pheidias died in prison under mysterious circumstances, as Plutarch says, is a later and unfounded tradition.
  • You can see why people might get a little tetchy about their personal privacy with one company carving so many avenues into their lives, even if I do think those worries are ultimately unfounded.
  • I'm sure the allegations are totally unfounded and hope she gets what she deserves. The Sun
  • The hope that they will not notice the age-guidance figure, or think it unimportant, is unfounded. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Yet the government's worry about loosening the restrictions was not unfounded.
  • This is, at least, a far more interesting debate than the unfounded fear that computer games, like gory films, cause violent behaviour over time or at least 'desensitise' the young to violence. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.
  • Havill's blond wig disguise as 'Brook' amusingly leavens his unfounded rage at being cuckolded. Rodney Punt: The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tours Santa Monica's Broad Stage
  • The company said claims of fox holes being bulldozed over was unfounded.
  • It was all very negative and most of it was unfounded and/or hyperbole which I was able to refute fairly easily and did so.
  • Cx has accomplished a lot over the past three years, even while under budget (and understaffed); its unfortunate that our successes (earned one telecon at a time) don't rip across the internet as quickly as unfounded rumors and senseless bashing. exactly I can name ONE Jeff Hanley's Latest Update From the Denial Zone - NASA Watch
  • Their bitterness then, is understandable and not altogether unfounded.
  • But an undifferentiated attack on all magazine articles that deal with sexuality is unfounded and unhelpful.
  • Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
  • A folk etymology is one that is widely believed but which is unfounded linguistically, though often it ‘seems’ right. 6 posts from January 2009
  • It hardly mattered whether unfounded suspicion, bred by professional jealousy, or something more serious had prompted this anonymous note.
  • I hope the passage of time proves these fears unfounded and that the province moves into an era of greater peace and prosperity.
  • Even the accusation that the Anonymous Fellowships require a religious understanding and belief is unfounded.
  • Claims that Puerto Rican protesters planned to canoe out to hinder firings proved unfounded.
  • Archer had left her with the conviction that Count Olenski's accusation was not unfounded.
  • Although the word ‘conspiracy’ simply refers to the act of joining together in secret agreement to do a wrongful act, tacking it on as an adjective somehow evokes images of unfounded fears and even paranoia.
  • A victim said he was shocked and appalled that anyone could make such an unfounded and untruthful remark.
  • If the allegation of infringement proves unfounded, there will have been no breach.
  • In a conference call Tuesday, Sino-Forest CEO Allen Chan said he was deeply disappointed by the decline in the company's stock caused by what he called "inaccurate and unfounded" fraud allegations levied in a report by Muddy Waters Research. Sino-Forest Posts Loss; Allegations to Hurt Short-Term Business
  • This ignorant attitude reigning supreme is unfounded and discourteous.
  • Though her initial fears that Warners would turn her into just another bland popstrel proved unfounded, Carthy did have her own insecurities to overcome.
  • Again, his hopes proved unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the great war hero is going to bring up unfounded accusations against George Bush.
  • Survey calls time on fears Government concerns that the 1988 Licensing Act would encourage greater consumption of alcohol have been proved unfounded.
  • Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.
  • Yet the arguments against doing something are based on unfounded fears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently, he called our esteemed governor and complained about your unprofessional conduct, your handling of the case, and your unfounded accusations. Best Kept Secrets
  • Even worse, while typographical errors were maintained, a sprinkling of unfounded exaggerations were inserted to strengthen the claims made in the thesis.
  • They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.
  • But growth should benefit, while the belief that inflation will be reignited is liable to prove unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Fear that most of the seasonal birds had flown was unfounded, as Harlequin Ducks had been reported recently along with an array of equally enticing avians.
  • Timidity solicits that mercy which pride is most gratified to grant; the blushes of juvenile shame atone for the deficiencies which cause them; and aukwardness itself, in the unfounded terrors of youth, is perhaps more interesting than grace. Camilla
  • The Book of Enoch, which is not included in the Bible, is attributed to the patriarch, but it is considered an example of the body of works known as pseudepigrapha, texts whose claimed authorship is unfounded. RSS
  • The allegation is unfounded, according to police. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maternity wards were notably slow to improve, largely due to their popularly believed, if apparently unfounded, association with prostitution.
  • Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
  • Ultimately, rationalism is just another ‘ism’ - a religion of ideology the fundamentalist worship of which is just as dangerous as any other unfounded belief on how the world works.
  • They pretended that the ships were not sufficient, or sufficiently furnished with provisions for a voyage to Europe, and that, therefore, General Howe contemplated the shorter voyage to Sandy Hook or Delaware; and they further pretended that some of the British soldiers had secreted their cartouch-boxes, which were, they said, comprehended in the technical term "arms," and upon such futile and unfounded pretensions they gravely concluded that the convention was broken. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • There were unfounded fears that his departure would prompt an exodus or that people would simply go for the job for the knighthood. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.
  • Concerns the picture quality would be dubious - or the screen would freeze - also proved unfounded. The Sun
  • Meanwhile (and I can find no mention of this at The Torch) the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service had a looky-see and concluded that all charges of complicity were unfounded: Archive 2009-09-01
  • Cx has accomplished a lot over the past three years, even while under budget (and understaffed); its unfortunate that our successes (earned one telecon at a time) don't rip across the internet as quickly as unfounded rumors and senseless bashing. Jeff Hanley's Latest Update From the Denial Zone - NASA Watch
  • Suggestions that the testing or using of genetically engineered plants may lead to production of super weeds are similarly unfounded.
  • Suspicions that their act was a 'mockney' fake were unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finley said that he had a clear conscience and that the charges were unfounded.
  • From this misconception have come all the unfounded charges that Buḍḍhism is an "atheistical," that is to say, a grossly materialistic, a nihilistic, a negative, a vice-breeding religion. The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons
  • This, however, is unfounded; since it is precisely by the disposition of the leaves, and the absence of stipules, that the cuspa differs totally from the trees of the rubiaceous family. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • That inquiry found the bribery claim to be unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personally, I think the hovering of the Holy Spirit recorded in Genesis 1 provides a physical foundation of a potentially literal "yom" that can be billions of years long, removing the need for both symbolism and unfounded interpretations for the Hebrew word 'yom'. Take Those Days Literally!
  • This allegation is completely unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early fears that residual values may be somewhat fragile have proven unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proposal follows complaints from parents and doctors, who faced fitness to practice claims when abuse fears had proved unfounded in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rumours are not unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your fears of posting IM information on a completely public imageboard are completely unfounded, there is no reason to be frightened. Friday Points of Interest | My[confined]Space
  • At most this student will be remembered for a while for being the subject of unfounded allegations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember, the only thing "grand or incredible" about such conspiracies is how false, fabricated, and unfounded they are. Col. Tom Collins, USAF (Ret) - Military Veteran Phony Tests
  • The report said that warnings about foundation trusts had so far been unfounded.
  • The allegations were denied and they are totally unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • If your fears are unfounded, your irrational thoughts may stem from an earlier loss, maybe your marriage. The Sun
  • It boils down to whether we want to pursue the truth or chase after unfounded beliefs that make us feel special.
  • It comes from an unfounded suspicion that we will use new science and technology to destroy the planet, and ourselves.
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • But I can no longer allow her to continue to spread hurtful allegations that are totally unfounded and malicious. The Sun
  • It doesn't matter how awful the accusation is, it doesn't matter how scurrilous and unfounded it is.
  • unfounded suspicions
  • Perhaps these liabilities were the reason dance audiences were small, but if so, people's fears were unfounded.
  • Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.
  • Friends may know no more than you do and some of their scare stories, which are probably totally unfounded, will not actually help. Say Goodbye to Debt
  • Survey calls time on fears Government concerns that the 1988 Licensing Act would encourage greater consumption of alcohol have been proved unfounded.
  • A number of entries also contain assertions that are unfounded or highly speculative.
  • His claim of Hester's historical existence is entirely unfounded.
  • We also want to put a stop to malicious and unfounded allegations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Editors, meanwhile, began routinely winking at copy containing unfounded speculation, rumor, and unchecked facts.
  • Unfounded rumours began circulating that Ian and Susan were having an affair.
  • Unfounded facts and interpretations assumed a self-perpetuating quality and, over time, gained historical credibility.
  • Survey calls time on fears Government concerns that the 1988 Licensing Act would encourage greater consumption of alcohol have been proved unfounded.
  • The board has now concluded its investigation and found these rumours to be totally unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • It boils down to whether we want to pursue the truth or chase after unfounded beliefs that make us feel special.
  • What we have got from both camps is a farrago of half-truths and unproven assertions that are repeated even when shown to be blatantly unfounded.
  • There were unfounded rumours of alcohol abuse.
  • Concerns the picture quality would be dubious - or the screen would freeze - also proved unfounded. The Sun
  • With largely unfounded concern, museum administrators, curators and other critics worried audiences would be disgusted when shown vivid details about human anatomy. Smithsonian Mag
  • While both manage to strike a balance between being suitably other-worldly and maintaining their audience's sympathy, their respective complaints at the harshness of the colonial yolks of their masters seem unfounded.
  • We use the term cyberchondria to refer to the unfounded escalation of concerns about common symptomatology, based on the review of search results and literature on the Web. Information, Culture, Policy, Education:
  • Solicitors representing the University claim that the grounds of the boycott are unfounded.
  • These scurrilous and totally unfounded allegations will be proven false in a court room.
  • If the accusation was unfounded, the Association could preempt the reprisal; if true, the YMCA worked to redress the original grievance to resecure the withdrawn privileges. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Instead, they want all complaints subjected to a vetting process to weed out those that are malicious or unfounded.
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Mr Grant's letter was far from accurate, in fact the statements he made would appear to be unfounded.
  • I think those two particular concerns are totally unfounded and the issue has been largely demagogued.
  • He said fears reduced spending would harm improvements to roads and footpaths were unfounded.
  • Her trust in him was unfounded.
  • We hold that their proposal is unfounded.
  • The claims proved unfounded and were a disaster for politicians and spy chiefs alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite some superficial and unfounded criticism about the fact that the manual would be outdated, much of it still retains significant validity.
  • Initial fears that oil from the tanker would cause an environmental hazard proved unfounded.
  • I hate these unfounded accusations made by know-nothings.
  • Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.
  • Don't you see, it's the likes of you and your ilk, who keep writing this unfounded garbage, that keep the fires stoked.
  • A plethora of unfounded health scare stories warned us of exaggerated or mythical risks, often based on brief, hyperbolized or misinterpreted medical research.
  • But their fears proved unfounded because half the building is effectively below street level.
  • Maternity wards were notably slow to improve, largely due to their popularly believed, if apparently unfounded, association with prostitution.
  • That Pheidias died in prison under mysterious circumstances, as Plutarch says, is a later and unfounded tradition.
  • Fears that her voice would fail to fill the large ROH auditorium proved unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was sick of the personal vitriol and unfounded character assassination that was arriving via Letters to the Editor.
  • Early fears of waterlogging and flooding in various of the venue's marquees proved unfounded, although heavy downpours all morning long subdued delegates' spirits.
  • Hope that this was just a case of teething trouble and that common ground would be found was to prove unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • I now have to admit that I was wrong about this all being unfounded rumour.
  • Sometimes a pet growls or exhibits unfounded aggression during this time.
  • Tennessee state law Do you have to fill out a 21 page genogram on a child that had a home assessment and the complaint was completly unfounded and case was closed? Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • There are still some unfounded fears floating around out there about cancer being contagious.
  • Wilson's fear that this opens the door to Nationalism seems unfounded because the future is already here and it works.
  • Sir, stop spreading your unfounded belief systems. greenfish Grassley highlights Kagan's lack of judicial experience
  • And fears that gasoline prices would spike nationally proved unfounded.
  • From there on rational thought was lost in a fug of unfounded speculation.
  • His remarks that nine out of ten people in City Hall don't help anyone are unfounded, unprofessional and have no basis in fact and indeed are a discredit to the position he holds.
  • Sources close to her, though, said the rumours were unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their dark warnings about economic collapse proved to be unfounded. The Sun
  • The anticipation that a book will always be easily procurable is often unfounded, but, so long as the anticipation exists, it restrains collecting. Book Collecting
  • Knox has nothing to go on but suspicions and hints, and unfounded assertions from the yellow press. THEFT
  • Thankfully, that proved to be unfounded and we can continue to savour the prospect of some exciting action.

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