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How To Use Unfortunate In A Sentence

  • It should be a baritone scoring game and the unfortunate should be in early disceptation for a top 3 pick. Xml's
  • Unfortunately she has to work and then has class after work which is a bit of a bummer.
  • Unfortunately, she was also one of those women born to be adored by men.
  • The foreign birds, most of these parrots and cockatoos, unfortunately need to be kept in cages.
  • Unfortunately, in many cases, the first real symptom is a broken bone.
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  • Unfortunately, many contaminants remain unbanned, and an average of seven new chemicals are put on the market daily, most of them not tested for toxicity.
  • Unfortunately, I found the obvious talents of him and the director to have been gelded along the way and prevented from reaching the level of punch and impact that I think could have otherwise been delivered.
  • Unfortunately, the locker room is full of private equity houses hoping to refloat gym club chains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, these birds fed in large flocks on fruit and other crops, and were shot in huge numbers by farmers.
  • The Holy Alliance was the joint labour of an unfortunate man who had suffered a terrible mental shock and who was trying to pacify his much-disturbed soul, and of an ambitious woman who after a wasted life had lost her beauty and her attraction and who satisfied her vanity and her desire for notoriety by assuming the rôle of self-appointed Messiah of a new and strange creed. The Story of Mankind
  • Unfortunately, the anger was short-lived and a teensy bit of paranoia set in.
  • The most striking but by no means the only instances are the hole cut in a page of his novel Albert Angelo and the presentation, in The Unfortunates, of a box containing a bundle of unbound gatherings to be read in random order.
  • Unfortunately, the group's dalliance with satanism proved to be their undoing, the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.
  • Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
  • Unfortunately, we knew the shutout streak would come to an end," Buffalo captain Stu Barnes said. NHL - National Hockey League - Buffalo vs. Ottawa
  • Unfortunately, adhoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication.
  • Quarterback Brady Anderson was injured in an unfortunate collision with one of his team-mates.
  • Unfortunately, the company decided that after the Christmas rush, there was no need for all the extra people they took on, so your old pal Jean was out on her keister!
  • Unfortunately, the show's message to millions of impressionable teens is that it's OK to take drugs.
  • Unfortunately, Bulgarian coal is lignite, we have no anthracite, no petrol or gas,’ he said.
  • Mr Abbott noted that it was unfortunate he had been verballed'' by some protesters. | Top Stories
  • Country folk in both the United States and Mexico often live under unfortunate circumstances but that does not excuse your belittling them because you consider yourself to be "highborn". Small town living
  • Unfortunately, no one took my messages seriously.
  • Instinctively, Hunter tried to field the ball barehanded - an unfortunate decision, as it turned out - and incurred a hairline fracture to his right thumb.
  • It is easy to see religious motivations here in terms of imperatives to care for the unfortunate; 'almsgiving' is undoubtedly a strong theme in most faith traditions. New Perspectives on Faith and Development
  • If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate, nobody will know you. 
  • I was unfortunate enough to have an accident while on holiday in Minorca, where I spent eight days in hospital after an operation for a broken hip.
  • The lawyer-turned-playwright's "true story" of her friendship with a convicted "homegrown" terrorist does suffer from an unfortunate Pollyannaism, however. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Everything will work fine, but unfortunately your phone will be stuck in restore mode until you jailbreak it, which is what we're doing next.
  • Unfortunately the glow is so faint that no readily foreseeable telescope will be able to capture it.
  • All of these are unfortunately no more than vague calls for perfecting ourselves.
  • I was wearing my Smokey the Bear cap, the one that ultimately shrank to an unwearable size in the wake of an unfortunate sprinkler related accident.
  • Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation.
  • Unfortunately for both, their careers took a nosedive after they both became embroiled in controversy.
  • unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter
  • That argument is unfortunately over-simple.
  • Rome and her iniquities; the streets, deserted by the people, were trodden by French patrols; all was silent as the grave itself; and not a friend was there to bid them adieu; not a relative to speak a consoling word to the departing; and none to acquaint the unfortunates who remained behind with their terrible calamity! Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
  • The officers 'servants, commonly called "batmen," were unfortunate rankers who, in moments of weakness, had sold themselves into slavery for half a crown per week. Kitchener's Mob Adventures of an American in the British Army
  • Unfortunately I doubt the students know who Ezra Levant is and the vice-principal probably never gave them a chance to defend their shirts. The Volokh Conspiracy » Discourteous to Wear American Flag Images on Cinco de Mayo?
  • Unfortunately, academic research is not always about telling the truth.
  • I think on the one hand Leigh's talking most immediately about the issues developers have with criticism of games, which seems to stem from the use of metacritic as a basis for determining where money in the games industry goes, which unfortunately codifies antagonism between game critics and game creators, who both love games. Tape Song
  • He is unfortunate to snooker himself in the pack after potting a long red.
  • Unfortunately, no details were given as to the criteria for selection of the hymnals nor were the hymnals themselves named.
  • Unfortunately, whatever mojo he worked in the mountains has reversed the Earth's cool polarity and Superman is temporarily cooler than Batman.
  • Unfortunately the problem of shoddy workmanship continues even today.
  • After the lapse of a fortnight, Hepburn, candidate for congressman-at-large, declined to accept because "it is quite apparent that a very large portion of the Republicans, owing to the unfortunate circumstances which have come to light since the adjournment of the convention, are not disposed to accept its conclusion as an authoritative utterance of the party." [ A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • Now they find themselves thrust yet again into an intense triangular relationship: Jimmy the avenger, Sean the truth-seeker and Dave the unfortunate.
  • Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
  • However, there are some excellent 'old labour 'style policies I'd vote for, unfortunately allied to post-modern, psuedo-sciencey rubbish that reads like the ramblings of a drugged horse (halts to stem cell research, animal experimentation and a promotion of alternative therpaies etc). The murky politics of the Green Party
  • A feeding frenzy ensued - within minutes the unfortunate man was stripped of his clothes.
  • Unfortunately, you can't become a nurse without submitting yourself to this horror.
  • The saint's reaction was instant and he heaped maledictions on the unfortunate salmon, forbidding it or any of its kind ever to enter the lake again.
  • The loss of the barbican had also this unfortunate effect, that, notwithstanding the superior height of the castle walls, the besieged could not see from them, with the same precision as before, the operations of the enemy; for some straggling underwood approached so near the sallyport of the outwork, that the assailants might introduce into it whatever force they thought proper, not only under cover, but even without the knowledge of the defenders. Ivanhoe
  • Unfortunately, even where a study or claim is noted, the majority of the references in the endnotes section are in Norwegian and untranslated.
  • Unfortunately when washday comes, as it indubitably has, we can all be in for a right good soaking.
  • And Scotland has a habit of tripping up from time to time - unfortunately
  • Unfortunately, at this point you might also be feeling the beginnings of your resistance to sticking to your resolutions and asking yourself why discipline and willpower seem to elude you. Jason Mannino: How to Plan For R.E.A.L. Change
  • It was also the scene of murders: mafia henchmen allegedly threw unfortunates who couldn't pay their debts from the seven-floor building.
  • Unfortunately, Medusa chose just that moment to arrive with Stheno and Euryale. Aphrodite the Beauty
  • Scragg, meanwhile, stuck to her graymare, and went bumping along to the admiration of all beholders, and was soon out of sight: luckily a joskin, who witnessed my dear aunt's immersion, ran to her assistance, and, with the help of his pitch-fork, safely landed her; for unfortunately the pond was not above three or four feet deep! and so she missed the chance of being an angel! Sketches — Volume 05
  • The elements are present for a really good sci-fi cinematic romp but unfortunately the movie's screenplay holds the film back from achieving great things.
  • Similarly, in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, identical pigments are found in the megalopal retina (unfortunately, zoea larvae have not yet been studied) and in the adult.
  • Unfortunately, this feature, together with poor detailing to the windows and the use of ferrous rods as wall ties, has led to structural problems due to water penetration.
  • The boys reddened, but unfortunately held their ground.
  • Dry, brittle hair and split ends were the unfortunate consequence of years of dyeing it peroxide blond.
  • I am disabled with RA and nerve issues so unfortunately I become bedbound quite often. The Winner of the SlouchBack Giveaway
  • There was even a magician performing some wonderful tricks, unfortunately he had done a disappearing act by the time I turned up.
  • Unfortunately, the PSA department was not in the right hands, and by 1967, the cracks in the system had begun to show.
  • Unfortunately, the mob was more organized that they expected as freshly reloaded guns began to fire at them.
  • Unfortunately the final ball was often overhit and few chances were created.
  • Unfortunately, as a child, I was not given the opportunity to learn and as I have recently retired and have a little spare time on my hands, I thought it time to stop wittering on about it and bite the bullet.
  • Unfortunately it's weighted down with accretion upon accretion of utterly self-indulgent pomposity.
  • ‘Illegal occupants were previously removed last year due to unsafe building conditions, but unfortunately the building was reinvaded,’ Singh said.
  • Unfortunately, unless I'm mistaken, the on / off switch for that has disappeared from Blogger's publishing dashboard.
  • Unfortunately, none of these will fix or eliminate the damaged veins that hinder proper circulation of blood through the body.
  • I also recall an unfortunate Laotian woman who scarified her back in an attempt to treat her menstrual problems.
  • Worse still, he smells and if you're unfortunate enough to get next to him on the cross trainer and he starts really pumping it, it can cause disturbed breathing that leads to a fatal arrhythmia.
  • Unfortunately, the America's-always-to-blame bozos get all the publicity - and you're giving them more by implying that their moral blindness characterizes the academy as a whole.
  • Unfortunately, we were going in the wrong direction.
  • Other annual writing competitions are open to unpublished writers, but note that some unfortunately, ask for an entry fee.
  • The fact of the matter is, Albert, I have devoted my unfortunate life to two arts: the military and the potatory. Greener Than You Think
  • Unfortunately, when these rules are broken there is a real danger that an ingenuous error will evolve from self-delusion to fraud.
  • Unfortunately it was merely the not inconsiderable technical prowess of his dancers that Page showed off in his emotionally inexpressive choreography.
  • Unfortunately, in close combat, the rule is straight forward and brutal: the more ranks you have the better.
  • Unfortunately, the society that we live in reinforces the belief that you can't make money doing what you love but rather earning money doing something that you have no passion for. Natasha Dern: Finding Success: Are You Doing What You Love?
  • Some of those antiquated attitudes are unfortunately still kicking around, according to Warner.
  • Saddled with the most unfortunate perm in the history of the coiffeur, she still manages to create an incredibly believable teen protagonist, filled with instantly recognizable angst and insecurity.
  • This, unfortunately, is a human condition we are now finally becoming keenly “aware” of. Legalizing drug user possession
  • Suddenly, benign words like "boutonniere" and "function hall" have the power to bring Andy to his knees but not, unfortunately, in the proposal position. Get Real Men Of Steel!
  • He unleashed a torrent of abuse againstthe unfortunate shop assistant.
  • Before anything approaching a thorough and profitable study of the sounds of the American common speech is possible, there must be a careful assembling of the materials, and this, unfortunately, still awaits a phonologist of sufficient enterprise and equipment. Chapter 9. The Common Speech. 10. Vulgar Pronunciation
  • Unfortunately, because I was so worried that my art work would not be good enough, I wasn't really concerned about what I was supposed to be learning.
  • Unfortunately, that is highly unlikely in the United States, where a bloated budget deficit has already become a major talking point for politicians looking to November's congressional elections.
  • The excesses committed during the unfortunate period are regrettable.
  • Unfortunately, on the last restart, I got caught behind a backmarker and dropped from third to seventh.
  • This is an unfortunate misrepresentation of my remarks, and misleads readers about the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not “good form,” and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word “beslobber” was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • This is unfortunate because wasps are nasty little critters whose sole aim in life is to ruin picnics and barbecues.
  • Unfortunately for Mark, although he came through the war unscathed, he has suffered since.
  • Those unfortunates who don't make it will then play up to seven more events to determine who gets to play the tour in 2008 and who doesn't.
  • The syncopations available through this electro-extension were captivating, though Kim's performance was unfortunately marred by the multiple technical failures.
  • Good stuff, but unfortunately I still think Rand would just roll up and balefire everyone. I Can Haz Better Stories Pls?
  • It all comes down to ignorance though, fundamentally, if a substantial minority of the population is unable to even attempt an informed debate without resorting to pachydermal vitriol, then you will unfortunately be left with a corrupt, morally bankrupt set of lunatics. McCain's Lying Has Gone Too Far, According To ... Karl Rove!
  • Unfortunately, it is difficult to give the Pittsburgh Steelers that honor.
  • Unfortunately the minuses of the disc so outweigh the scant positives.
  • Unfortunately the tendering process is compromising the value of that investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters.
  • It's unfortunate, however, that he has to rely on jaded Irish clichés of booze and blarney to enliven a story that is powerful enough to survive on its own merits.
  • Unfortunately, rather than considering specific solutions, opponents of spam are currently adopting a blunderbuss approach, latching on to every anti-spam technology going in the vain hope that one of them might do the job.
  • He usually works in this breezy location, which, unfortunately, he cannot afford to connect to the electricity grid.
  • Unfortunately, due to the large number of papers presented at most sessions, hardly any discussion took place.
  • Unfortunately the next day was gray and "muggy" -- a quality which the Queen had been told was characteristic of the Irish climate. Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 2
  • Unfortunately, she's picked a substantial, all-dressed high-school boy. Meli Diary Entry
  • The economy will eventually turn around and it will happen soon, unfortunately americans have become so clueless, partisan and ingrateful, that america will be stuck in soul less and angy recovery for years to come. Obama: Jobs news 'modestly encouraging'
  • Unfortunately, the conservative argument against gay marriage often reeks of hypocrisy.
  • Unfortunately, his vendetta against us will only serve to ruin football for the masses. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, however, kids today are not just growing upwards, they are growing outwards.
  • This is unfortunate, though not terribly surprising.
  • Unfortunately, since volunteering means absenting oneself from employment, not everyone can afford the experience.
  • Unfortunately, this approach has the unintended potential consequence of increasing stock option overhang.
  • Unfortunateley in Queensland they had a despot called Johannes Bjelke-Petersen, a Kiwi of determined jackboot disposition. Cheeseburger Gothic » God bless you, big insurance company.
  • OK. It turns out the starting pitcher for the Red Sox has an unfortunate unibrow problem.
  • Unfortunately it has not been possible before this to remove all diseased portions, no matter what method was applied, because often tiny lupous tubercles spring up which are almost invisible to the naked eye. Prof. Koch's Method to Cure Tuberculosis Popularly Treated
  • Unfortunately they were unable to find a suitable person to fill the post .
  • Unfortunately, this manipulation results in their coming off as the most two-dimensional characters.
  • Badly chosen baby names can lead to low self-esteem, low education and more smoking: study Most people would rather be single than date someone with an 'unfortunate' name, research shows Amanda Mikelberg / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Think your name ruined your life? NYDN Rss
  • Seated in a large arm-chair, a smoking tumbler of mulled port before him, sat my friend Mike, dressed in my full regimentals, even to the helmet, which, unfortunately however for the effect, he had put on back foremost; a short "dudeen" graced his lip, and the trumpet so frequently alluded to lay near him. Charles O'Malley — Volume 2
  • Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map.
  • I tried to get the money off him later, told him she'd changed her mind, but unfortunately he twigged and---" I laughed. GO!
  • They were unfortunate not to have held the lead at the interval, after matching the lively home side in most aspects of play.
  • Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.
  • Unfortunately, suburban sprawl in the area limits further extension of the quarry perimeter, and it is likely that this quarry may run out of stone to blast by 2015.
  • The sailor, who was a "Bostonian," an inheritance with the ship, opened his mouth in favor of the unfortunate professor, but like his mates, he stood in much awe of a master whose indulgence demanded implicit obedience in return. Rezánov
  • Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.
  • Not many cities, unfortunately, have been means to announce such certain mercantile headlines in the stream business climate. Editorial: chattem commits to city, growth
  • The latest survey of women's and children's health and nutrition, based on a survey of 23,000 households throughout the nation, reveals that a marked decrease in malnutrition is being replaced, unfortunately, by a higher incidence of obesity. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report - August 2000
  • The situation is at the stage where the total damage cannot be estimated, because the water has not cleared, as yet, and unfortunately today they are expecting more rain.
  • Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured.
  • Finally Parker raises, but unfortunately has not space to pursue, the important issue of the light changes in patterns of theophoric name usage may shed on changes in religious attitudes.
  • Unfortunately, the headhunter forgot to inform the candidate, so the meeting between the candidate and the client collapsed in misunderstanding.
  • Unfortunately, the proposed code appears to be little more than another exercise in self-justification by the commission.
  • Unfortunately they can often be abrasive and overbearing personality types.
  • Unfortunately for him it is not entirely populated by dorks, and the same people that can succeed in sport can also have sharp intellect.
  • The astonishment and anguish depictured on her countenance increased the apprehensions of this unfortunate father, and he renewed his question. The Romance of the Forest
  • a subtone, his brain was afire with keen activity; but unfortunately for the going forward of things, this mental state was divided into so many battalions, led by so many generals, indirectly and indecisively, nowhere. The Place of Honeymoons
  • It's unfortunate we are continually deprived of our potential benefits for residents.
  • Unfortunately, bankers and investment analysts took it seriously - unable, it seems, to do simple sums.
  • Unfortunately, while it is eminently pragmatic, that doesn't mean that it's actually morally right.
  • Martin Kozlowski Asked to critique these endeavors, Mr. Gates demurs: "I applaud people for coming into this space, but unfortunately it hasn't led to significant improvements. Was the $5 Billion Worth It?
  • Unfortunately the bashing our President has incurred is evidence that we still need more growth. Gingrich praises Obama's speech
  • And, as if the moment couldn't turn any more unfortunate, one of these shadow spikes struck the car's fuel tank, rupturing it and causing the yellow cab to explode into shrapnel and into flames.
  • Parents and children were all buried together and although the parents lived to a decent old age they were unfortunate to lose their children, either in infancy, pre-adolescence or early adulthood.
  • Unfortunately for Stanley, these are the footgear of baseball player Clyde Livingstone, who has donated them to a local orphanage.
  • Unfortunately for Dr. Newdow, the mother she spends the other 20 days or so with is just fine with the pledge, and the court isn't interested in refereeing the family feud. Archive 2004-06-01
  • Unfortunately, this species sometimes hybridizes with its distasteful European cousin (especially near urban areas), polluting its pure flavor.
  • His responses are delivered without so much as even a change in inflection, always acknowledging the absurdity of his circumstances and the unfortunate reality that has come as a result. This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: A Serious Man, Couples Retreat, Bronson, and More | /Film
  • Unfortunately, quite a few children with attention control problems are accurately described as insatiable. A Mind at a Time
  • Unfortunately time was against me and I didn't read as much of it as I probably should have done, so when I saw the pocketbook in a bookshop in Cardiff itself, I bought it immediately.
  • Unfortunately, the lady who usually catered to that sort of need was "inconvenienced" with her moon-days. Oathblood
  • Unfortunately, the tire blew out on my way to office.
  • The evil wizard Tymon the Black is actually not so evil - he's an unfortunate precognitive who's compelled to arrange events for the best possible outcome for the world. Odin's Day
  • Unfortunately, not all newsreader software (the programs you and I use to access newsgroups) can handle this new method, and that's creating a real bunfight in the binaries newsgroups.
  • an unfortunate night for all concerned
  • There are unfortunate chamfers on the back corners of the plan to allow for rights of light of neighbouring buildings.
  • Unfortunately, VOD probably won't offer movies in letterbox format with extra goodies like DVDs do.
  • Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.
  • Now in Ljubljana, although unfortunately we're having a bit of a downpour, that doesn't look like it's about to let up. Breakfast in Bed
  • They drove away leaving the unfortunate Tiller writhing in agony. A SEASON IN HELL
  • It is so unfortunate that there is still a need for journalistic muckraking.
  • Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.
  • The General was said to be battered and bruised, but was not one of the unfortunate 420000 who fell during the battle.
  • For this was the unfortunate moment which he chose to launch another of his impassioned diatribes at the worldliness, the luxury, the intrigues, the meretricious bedizenment of wealthy and high-born women. Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • Unfortunately, the first test was not one of driving experience or skills, but how many squat thrusts and press-ups could be completed in five minutes.
  • Such lack of organization was unfortunately all too common among preachers of his day.
  • Unfortunately, in spite of some progress, many of these kids are still tormented and teased.
  • Flot, derived from the French _flottant_, floating; and jet, from the verb _jeter_, to _throw up_; both used in seignoral rights, granted by kings to favourites, empowering them to take possession of the property of any man who might happen to be unfortunate, which was in those times tantamount to being guilty. Newton Forster The Merchant Service
  • Now, unfortunately, it seems that I am retroactively a lawbreaker.
  • Unfortunately, the music on the whole is prosaic, even boring at times.
  • No, the simultaneous attacks were probably just an unfortunate result of chance.
  • Unfortunately, the disclosures are hard to read due to legalese and boilerplate language.
  • Difficult in this practical time to find a sincere husband like Wally & a lover wife like Fae, they are a romantic couple disappeared unfortunately from the youth generation, except few young people. John Brown – the author’s official site » Blog Archive » “Wally” by Aslyn
  • Unfortunately, without his glasses, George literally could not distinguish a tramcar from a haystack. THE LONELY SEA
  • This unfortunately means that the difficult and tragic is overrepresented in the discussion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, for me, the audio is almost impossible to hear. Meet Dana Walsh (R CAND, CA-08). | RedState
  • Unfortunately she was sitting next to him - he was silently adamant about that.
  • Unfortunately, it falls short when it comes to the main story, which is (to be kind) overfamiliar.
  • Unfortunately, another hinderance is your son’s age. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Trying to Find a Job As A Teenager
  • Unfortunately, what could have been a powerful drama fell flat.
  • I actually caught the error and corrected it in the draft, but unfortunately, the uncorrected version was sent out.
  • Unfortunately, the severity of the fire meant that as he set a path for Le Bourget he lost both port engines as the fire consumed the left hand side of the aircraft and all controls failed to respond.
  • The macer ` pitched the baby card, 'and of course lost, as well as the unfortunate victim. The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
  • Unfortunately, this record didn't get a lot of airplay, which is a typical problem for so many bands today because the radio can be so narrow. Mike Ragogna: Monday Madness: Chatting with Rob Zombie, Danny Elfman, Devo's Gerald Casale and More
  • Unfortunately, Toni reflected, even war could not eliminate the emotional complications which beset man's life. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • It seems to me that the State goes out of its way to accommodate unfortunate unwed mothers while holding hard-working spouses with children to child care costs as high as their mortgage payments.
  • Unfortunately, his name is often most closely identified with these works that actually are only tangential to his primary concerns.
  • Unfortunately, the advertiser didn't count on dim-witted viewers.
  • She admitted, that when she heard the poor petitioner turn from the door, her heart was softened, and she did intend to open with the purpose of offering her at least a shelter; but that before she could “hirple to the door, and get the bar taken down,” the unfortunate supplicant was not to be seen; which strengthened the old woman’s opinion, that the whole was Saint Ronan's Well
  • However, this patient unfortunately died shortly after transformation of this papillary thyroid carcinoma.
  • Unfortunately, the Dingle man managed to get his ball just nine metres from the hole but it was a very credible attempt for someone unused to the tee.
  • Unfortunately I have to update the operating system regularly; and when every PHP application running on my computer and in needs of talking to a MySQL database started malfunctioning after the 10.4.4 update, I began to transform my disappointment in angriness. The wonderful world of Apple RSS « Scripting News Annex

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