How To Use Unforgivable In A Sentence
They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.
Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful.
Georgia Takes a Beating in the Cyberwar With Russia - Bits Blog -
This slant is most unforgivable in its news coverage, given that paper's claim of journalistic objectivity.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Parasites, Politics, and the Press: Social Security Attackers' Covert Ops
The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly. Theodore Roosevelt
I am a senior and when I try to tell the younger generation what really happened they smile and more or less give the idea that old people are senile and the good people of the US would never have committed such an unforgivable sin.
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He recommitted an unforgivable error.
Death is the unforgivable sin of modernity, and the modern world will have nothing to do with her.
For the latter, the act is unforgivable and the perpetrator irredeemable.
This is unsisterly and unforgivable, and actually counter-productive.
This was unforgivable form - but I was hot, sweating, badly sunburnt, my feet were freezing, wet and blistered, I was frantic with thirst, hungry and utterly dispirited.
One of our best subs, taken to task this morning for what I described as the unforgivable crime of putting an acute accent on the artist Edgar Degas 'surname in last week's paper, held his hand up to the offence but pointed out that he had been working on seven different pages under severe time pressure," Marsh writes.
Regret the Error
It was an unforgivable crime to take her out into the Channel and blow her up.
Times, Sunday Times
The conventional view today is that the war was an unforgivable waste of human life.
This is unsisterly and unforgivable, and actually counter-productive.
Drugs, of course, have replaced alcohol as the unforgivable sin, and to be found smoking cannabis is considered every bit as serious a crime as downing vintage cognac.
He explained that he was in fact on indefinite exile from the Parish for committing the unforgivable and irredeemable sins of garrulity, irreverent laughter, vile thoughts and oversleeping.
What is unforgivable though is the pointless gumph when Aragorn falls in to the river and drifts off, only, gosh, he returns just in time for the battle.
The awful bristliness of my still-unshaven face had now surpassed mere "designer stubble" and passed into the unforgivable realms of "actually a beard".
Bin Laden's fear of religious division, or fitna, is perhaps the main reason why hatred of the Saudi royal family, which has committed the unforgivable sin of allowing U.S. soldiers on Saudi soil since 1990, has not turned into a violent campaign against the house of as-Sa'ud and its very bombable oil wells.
The Gospel According to Osama Bin Laden
The scale of the industrial action is unforgivable.
The Sun
Conservatives have disagreed with the President before, on issues like “No Child Left Behind”, domestic spending and the Harriet Miers nomination, but this deviation from rightish orthodoxy was treated as the Unforgivable Sin.
They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.
That's a mortal trespass, an unforgivable transgression that must be stopped.
In the world of Phoebe, striving unbacked by integrity may be blameworthy, but dullness is unforgivable.
To cap it all I wrote you that perfectly ghastly, unforgivable letter six short days ago!
The colliding egos of senior officials caused momentary and unforgivable lapses.
Times, Sunday Times
A source said: 'It was an unforgivable blunder.
The Sun
Now is the time for homophobic legislation and talk to be seen for what it is: as shocking as racism, as unforgivable as antisemitism.
It is unforgivable - and it is absolutely imperative that we make speedy restitution to the victims of the cover-ups.
Times, Sunday Times
The use of force is appalling, indiscriminate barbarity unforgivable.
Two types of forgiveness may thus be distinguished: conditional ( "calculable" forgiveness following an act of repentance in which the guilty party promises never to engage in what is demanded by forgiveness) andunconditional (forgiving the unforgivable without conditions, a forgiveness which is incalculable and therefore impossible).
Jacques Derrida, 9/11, And The Democracy Which is Yet to Come
Being late is an unforgivable sin round here.
Being late is an unforgivable sin round here.
If you go (metaphorically speaking) down the British class scale, you've gone from Cockney to "mockney," and can expect a public tar and feathering; to go the other way is to perform an unforgivable act of class betrayal.
Speaking in Tongues
But if I was looking to buy a house, for me there are some unforgivable sins.
The Sun
What she did was unforgivable, but the odd thing was he didn't seem to mind.
With his mother and her unforgivable be - haviour!
The Bellini Bride
I guess it's unforgivable that I read them before I give them to her.
But there are a couple of things that are unforgivable, regardless which tie-in a game is part of.
The Sun
The mad girl crouching in the corner with her frock up and the unforgivable substance coming from her mouth.
What happened was that I had committed an unforgivable sin.
The Other Side of Me
Such crude words from your lips is unforgivable in the daughter of a titled lord, is it not?
I think that sometimes “forgiving” the unforgivable is another form of denial.
The Glass Castle « Tales from the Reading Room
This manipulation of masses of people was an unforgivable violation of his cetic ethics.
And what's particularly unforgivable is the way the theme music is ruined.
However, the restaurant's most unforgivable sin, for which the cook should be banished to Hades forever, was to overcook the pasta.
But the behavior of the media this season has been unforgivable, and the media in abstracto can accurately be said to have operated as a subsidiary of the Obama campaign, and to the extent that a subset generally shares the characteristic of a superset, are part of a machine that has its mind set on causing great harm to this country and its Constitution.
Joe the Journalist.
It is no disgrace to try and fail but to waste so much possession without having a go from scoreable positions is unforgivable.
Luke O'Malley had committed the unforgivable sin - he had informed on his friends.
We shouldn't let religiosity have us think that it's as simple as unforgivable sin.
Times, Sunday Times
With the technology and experience at our disposal, it would be unforgivable to miss this historic opportunity.
Molly spent an unforgivable moment fighting the feeling of inadequacy she'd carried away from the witness stand with her.
But he found that, as he talked on, saying unforgivable things in a low, unemphatic voice, he could not, in fact, watch her face.
The existence of the petition process is an unforgivable sin, and we actually permit this to exist for decades!
Prejudice can take many forms, most of which are unforgivable.
Aside from an entertaining opening sequence, the only new ground that this film covers is when it commits the unforgivable sin of revising one of Milne's past stories.
What Will had just done was, by the driver's standards, unforgivable.
No offense is unforgivable unless you make It'so . Use your power wisely.
And for that wilful and unforgivable act, he deserves no sympathy at all.
The Sun
To go into someone's house and be obscene is unforgivable.
It was then, and then only, that I decided to embark on the series of actions that I now agree were unforgivable.
Rhyming "through a storm" with "whatever weather/cold or warm" in the chorus is unforgivable for a master rhymer.
Eminem: Recovery
Being late is an unforgivable sin round here.
It also commits two completely unforgivable sins, both of which I will get to momentarily.
It is outrageous, unforgivable and a total travesty of the law.
The Sun
A good midwestern girl, raised on corn and chicken and food you could grab ahold of, must have done something unforgivable to deserve this slippery thing.
Day of Honey
But dishing out unscreened and potentially-lethal blood transfusions to wounded troops on the battlefield is completely avoidable - and utterly unforgivable.
The Sun
And to sell out all superheroes as Tony Stark’s lapdog is unforgivable.
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The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly. Theodore Roosevelt
All the more unforgivable is the fact that this claim was even necessary to protect our constitutional right to gather and engage in peaceful protest, for this was a lawsuit never should have been.
Civil Rights
Peter Drucker called this vested interest in despoiling employees an "unforgivable social crime" on the part of America's management class.
Good Times for the Bad Guys
Plans to introduce tougher planning rules are unforgivable.
This was an aberration on my part but I make no excuses for what was an unforgivable incident.
Life Changers teach us to forgive ourselves for things we imagine to be unforgivable.
It is unforgivable - and it is absolutely imperative that we make speedy restitution to the victims of the cover-ups.
Times, Sunday Times
If Rowling had written it, it would be called an Unforgivable, the Broken Heart Curse, to be hit with a hex that forces you to relive your greatest regrets in magnified, accusatory glory.
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It is difficult to decide whether this indifference is another instance of charming whimsicality or just unforgivable negligence.
The Times Literary Supplement
The unforgivable, reality , however, was the loss of the border provinces, Alsace and Lorrain.
Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful.
Georgia Takes a Beating in the Cyberwar With Russia - Bits Blog -
In Robert Bloch’s short story "The Unforgivable Sin", mopery is the titular indiscretion
God's apparent abdication from the affairs of the world seemed unforgivable.
Even worse, director John Irvin commits the unforgivable sin of mistaking shocks for scares.
Being late is an unforgivable sin round here.
Unlike some, I don't consider it an unforgivable sin to be a social conservative.
It is outrageous, unforgivable and a total travesty of the law.
The Sun
It is difficult to decide whether this indifference is another instance of charming whimsicality or just unforgivable negligence.
The Times Literary Supplement
That is why murder is literally unforgivable: How can a dead man absolve his killer?
I only avoid anyone that has no excuse for not using their brain - unforgivable waste of air and space.
On Being a Woman and a Scientist
To compound this unforgivable error of judgement, I then only gave his work a cursory glance before allowing him to leave.
To drag an old friend and a new one into a maelstrom of complications was nearly unforgivable.
The divisiveness and hate mongering that Sarah Palin propagated during her election run is not only unforgivable, it was treasonous.
Palin's PAC forced to correct FEC filing
Molly spent an unforgivable moment fighting the feeling of inadequacy she'd carried away from the witness stand with her.
Without the stellar writing that fueled the books/radio show/etc., you're left with an empty shell of banal surreality, which is unforgivable given that this series has -- built right in -- the greatest plot contrivance in the history of storytelling: the Infinite Improbability Drive.
May 2nd, 2005
But investigating a pupil's sex life would be an unforgivable intrusion.
No offense is unforgivable unless you make It'so.
That they disintegrated to an ill-behaved rabble, with senior players in open dissent, was unforgivable.
They endured some bad luck along the way - losing the toss, losing the nuggetty Khaled Mashud to an unfortunate lbw - but they lost their heads as well, and that was more unforgivable.
If women knew that their spite will go unrewarded, perhaps fewer would stoop to this despicable, and unforgivable, crime.
They are being met with indifference or active hostility because they have committed the unforgivable sin of cooperating with the Americans.
For others, the distance of three years makes what happened feel both implausible and unforgivable.
The present old age pension compared to today's average wage is an unforgivable insult and an absolute disgrace.
To mislead parliament - even inadvertently - is the unforgivable sin.
THE greed and cynicism of lawyers who accused British soldiers of war crimes is unforgivable.
The Sun
A blasé approach to such a shocking crime is unforgivable.
The Sun
If you feel the infidelity is unforgivable and you cannot move on from the affair then it is time to leave.
That husbands, fathers, or sons are never wrong, and must always be right presupposes a perfectionism most men cannot live up to, and betrayal of the patriarchy is always considered the worst betrayal to other men, the one unforgivable sin that cannot be tolerated.
Subverting Patriarchy: Not just for chicks anymore. « A Bird’s Nest
I put down the pen, because this would be the great, unforgivable Miltonian sin.
For the latter, the act is unforgivable and the perpetrator irredeemable.
The Chorus of Furies insists that no one can save him from their clutches, because the crime of matricide is an unforgivable sin no matter what, adding that they want to drain away all of his blood and take his life.
Wronging a woman is the unforgivable sin in Holmes's book.
It's faux news for a slow day, not even a slow day but a slow hour, which in cable apparently is an unforgivable sin.
The controls are sluggish and unresponsive, which when you're trying to pull off a series of trick moves is just unforgivable.
That is an unforgivable failure, in my judgment, and one that we ought to debate.
This is unforgivable in the realm of scientific methodology.
the blatancy of his attempt to whitewash the crime was unforgivable
Marriage in his eyes is sacred; adultery the unforgivable sin.
What is most unforgivable is to leave and not see your child.
Nevertheless, it is unforgivable to reduce it to the easy, depoliticised humour of this offering.
This one has an unforgivable, unnecessary shot that resolves a mini-plot thread featuring a legless little girl.
His personality was horribly deformed; his crimes were unforgivable.
That they disintegrated to an ill-behaved rabble, with senior players in open dissent, was unforgivable.
And Lordy, the script committed two unforgivable sins.
Members see any concession not as a necessary compromise but as an unforgivable sellout to a sworn enemy.