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How To Use Unfavourable In A Sentence

  • The disappointing profits are due to unfavourable currency translations.
  • While SocGen management has called Kerviel a trader "without genius" who was "acting alone," French bloggers are touting his "lucidity" and bravery for standing up to a system that "brings up its shady dealings only when they are unfavorable to them. France’s New Anti-Hero
  • These major die-offs will continue to occur at unpredictable intervals when the most extensive, persistent, extremely unfavourable snow and ice conditions prevail.
  • Her achievement was more impressive given the unfavourable prevailing economic conditions.
  • Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
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  • But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. George Washington 
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • Funes says that "dollarization" and the adoption of the Central American Free Trade Agreement in 2006 have had negative effects such as inflation and unfavorable competition for small-scale farmers but that it is too late to scrap these policies. CounterPunch
  • Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
  • So, in a sense, Michael Apted's new film is something of a counterweight to balance an unfavourable scale.
  • unfavorable impression
  • And if there is an unfavourable wind or swell, there are plenty of worthwhile sheltered sites which are also suitable for novices.
  • He said special attention will be paid to overcoming the unfavourable demographic situation by supporting parents.
  • Still the angle was unfavourable, but an adroit flick of his right foot settled the issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • One question, for example, asks them to recount in 100 words a recent stressful incident in which they averted an unfavourable outcome.
  • The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
  • It can, however, without prejudicing the objective, be restricted to those cases which constitute a danger to their acquaintances and so to patients with open tuberculosis in hygienically unfavourable conditions. Robert Koch - Nobel Lecture
  • The Department head took away some of her responsibilities, she said, and then wrote unfavourable reports about her performance.
  • The clouds and the rainy haze weren't going to be unfavorable factors. MAMBO
  • Major climate limitations include short growing seasons (not enough time to mature or to produce high yields of harvestable crop), lack of heat energy (too few GDDs during the season), long and/or unfavorable winter weather that can limit survival of many perennial crops, and high moisture stress in some areas. Agriculture in the Arctic
  • made an unfavorable impression
  • The high prices at many airports have incurred many complaints and also drew unfavourable media attention.
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • Hadji Baba, had described the manners and vices of the Eastern nations, not only with fidelity, but with the humour of Le Sage and the ludicrous power of Fielding himself, one who was a perfect stranger to the subject must necessarily produce an unfavourable contrast. The Talisman
  • The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
  • The play got splendid, excellent, unfavourable, etc reviews.
  • Based on the analysis of favorable and unfavorable position of the Chinese gold market , some advices are given.
  • In their place is the belief that human problems arise from the interaction of individual experience with unfavourable social and environmental conditions.
  • Some species also form internal buds, called gemmules, which can survive extremely unfavorable conditions that cause the rest of the sponge to die.
  • In contrast, Zambia's imports rose in the same period under review leading to unfavourable trade imbalances.
  • We used repeat deliberate self harm as a marker of an unfavourable outcome.
  • The only areas where conditions are utterly unfavourable for it to grow are the poles and tropics. Fats, Nutrition and Health
  • For example, seed dormancy, leading to the production of soil seed banks, allows escape from unfavourable conditions in time rather than in space.
  • The footbridge is designed to accommodate loads of public crowds, taken as full or partial loading in the most unfavourable conditions.
  • With the shrinking dollar and unfavorable exchange rates, the Astra is a rather expensive car to build overseas and import here. Lifting the hood on the Saturn Astra
  • an unfavorable comparison
  • a decision unfavorable to the opposition
  • It was also shown that the hindered rotation of 4-phenyl in the molecule of 2,4,6-triphenyl pyrylium salt is unfavorable to its fluorescence emission.
  • Still the angle was unfavourable, but an adroit flick of his right foot settled the issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, it is a style easily imitated, and so is not unfavourable to autorial equality. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Active management of labor is not associated with unfavorable maternal or neonatal outcomes.
  • I never met a writer who didn't bleed at the slightest unfavorable comment, and no number of favorable or even ecstatic remarks will serve as a styptic pencil. "...there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
  • All they get is criticism and unfavorable comparison with their foreign colleagues.
  • The lump was very deep-seated, and in what he called `an unfavourable position". THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The clouds and the rainy haze weren't going to be unfavorable factors. MAMBO
  • I have received the lion's share of unfavourable media attention and felt the heat of public scrutiny for two weeks.
  • That is, low levels of aptitude, a lack of interest in mathematics, and unfavourable attitudes toward the course tend to result in high levels of anxiety which eventuates in poor performance on the statistics examination.
  • In the overall survey, 57 percent said they have an unfavorable opinion of Perot and 29 percent reported a favorable view.
  • The organisers were embarrassed by the unfavourable media publicity.
  • Mr. Jay (who lives by supplying the newspapers with short paragraphs relating to accidents, offenses, and brief records of remarkable occurrences in general -- who is, in short, what they call a penny-a-liner) told his landlord that he had been in the city that day and heard unfavourable rumours on the subject of the joint-stock banks. Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes Detective Stories
  • Such arrangements were much too common for any unfavourable comment to be made. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • The media coverage of the two visits was noteworthy for its lack of any unfavourable commentary on the government's foreign policy.
  • He and four other senators were writhing in the glare of unfavorable publicity.
  • When Rocky received this somewhat exaggerated and highly unfavorable profile of them he assigned three of his heaviest hitters to consummate the transaction.
  • Your expression, "and tends to depart in a slight degree," I think hardly grammatical; a _tendency_ to depart cannot very well be said to be in a slight degree; a _departure_ can, but a tendency must be either a _slight tendency_ or a _strong tendency_; the degree to which the departure may reach must depend on favourable or unfavourable causes in addition to the tendency itself. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
  • The problem for the insurers was, as usual, to balance off favourable against unfavourable statistics in the setting of their rates. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • An unfavorable change in consumer preferences will cause demand to decrease, shifting the curve to the left.
  • We inclose the statement of account which leaves us still creditors, owing principally to the unfavourable sale of the 'Remains'; and some additions must very shortly be made to the balance by the expenses of new editions of the Rural Tales and Letter 409
  • However, some shops may ask you to pay in sterling and may apply currency exchange and commission rates which are unfavourable.
  • The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
  • It's also a good time to modify the microclimates where you can - by planting hedges for windbreaks or trees for shade - or to move struggling plants from an unfavorable area to a better one.
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • unfavorable comments
  • Her bold look, denuded bosom, and flaunty air, were sufficient to impress at once our heroine with an unfavourable opinion of her; and after she had retired with Rosse she expressed her dislike to him, and enquired whether she was not right in her conjectures. Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
  • The meat industry complained that the nutrition chart cast its products in an unfavorable way.
  • Sydenham's basic premise is that historians have either neglected this revolutionary, or given him a rather unfavourable press.
  • The high prices at many airports have incurred many complaints and also drew unfavourable media attention.
  • At Leghorn I took a passage for Marseille in a xebeque, but after sailing for three days the weather proved very unfavourable, and I landed at Spezia and proceeded by Genoa and the Cornici Road to Marseille. Autobiography
  • All they get is criticism and unfavorable comparison with their foreign colleagues.
  • In contrast, Zambia's imports rose in the same period under review leading to unfavourable trade imbalances.
  • A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.
  • Though he notes occasional heroism, his general verdict on the working classes is unfavourable.
  • Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an unfavourable impression .
  • Although they laboured under the unfavourable conditions, they fulfilled the plan.
  • Should the disease take an unfavorable turn, the pulse grows more feeble and frequent, the tongue dryer and more cracked, the skin cold and mottled; while hiccup, subsultus, dyspnoea or coma comes on and death closes the scene by claiming its victim. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
  • The tundras are also treeless owing to their marshiness and unfavourable climatic conditions.
  • The highlanders, with their visible poverty and audible oddity of speech, met with a mixed reception and often sent home unfavourable reports.
  • Both teams have poor fan support and unfavorable stadium contracts.
  • Third, no one denies the ability of an unfavorable (or less than maximally favorable) environment in limiting one's potential. Baffled by "Analytical Egalitarianism", Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But grazing at the right time of the year and in the right environmental conditions can curb hopper numbers by creating unfavorable habitats for them.
  • Net margins were 14% of turnover, a very good performance considering the very unfavourable worldwide economic climate.
  • He said special attention will be paid to overcoming the unfavourable demographic situation by supporting parents.
  • On the north-east coast, Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's race officials were thwarted by unfavourable tides and dying wind for day one of their dinghy regatta.
  • At any rate, having author - ized me to propose terms of accommodation here, it would probably wait for information concerning the manner in which they had - been re* reived, before it would consent to more unfavorable conditions. Congressional Reporter, Containing the Public Documents, and the Debates [in Congress]
  • A famously lapsed Catholic herself, Greer's desire to criticise the document in unfavourable terms is not surprising.
  • Its influence was always dreaded in mundane astrology, being unfavourable to the farmer's work.
  • The evidence linking increased weight with unfavourable levels of objective physical health indicators is well supported.
  • Many arctic animals possess adaptations for escaping unfavorable weather, resource shortages, or other unfavorable conditions through either winter dormancy or by selection of refuges at a wide range of spatial scales, including microhabitat selection at any given site, seasonal habitat shifts within landscapes, and long-distance seasonal migrations within or across geographic regions. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • In this low-demand scenario, the lingering demand for oil could be met even if the nondemand factors were unfavorable. Energy Bulletin -
  • Tourists visiting Bangalore to get away from the torrid heat in cities such as Chennai and Hyderabad are now forced to endure the same unfavourable weather conditions here as well, though minus the humidity.
  • A famously lapsed Catholic herself, Greer's desire to criticise the document in unfavourable terms is not surprising.
  • China is such an outsourcing recipient country in the process of development, facing both rare opportunities for development and challenges of unfavorable factors.
  • The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.
  • Statements unfavourable to democracy are made with unhesitating confidence, and with the utmost bitterness of language.
  • If the laws are unfavourable, we must make the country ungovernable.
  • Critical judgement of the play has tended to be unfavourable.
  • From this we can predict favourable and unfavourable outcomes.
  • After several hours, the mercenaries found themselves in an unfavorable position and some wanted to depart on the aircraft, which needed fuel.
  • So it might be more a matter of identifying the particular kinds of unfavourable adjective that are most prone to subsequent reconsideration - "unlistenable" certainly springs to mind, perhaps because the gauntlet it throws down is so easy to pick up - and learning to keep an eye out for them. The Guardian World News
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • Long period of financial straitness exerts great spiritual pressure and psychological obstacle on the exceptionally poor college students, which was unfavourable to their growing up healthy and sound.
  • When his physician announced an unfavourable change in his condition, he expressed entire resignation, and requested his friends to sing a hymn expressive of that feeling.
  • He could light a fire in a minute under the most unfavorable conditions and with the most unpromising material, made the best coffee to be tasted outside of a creole kitchen, was a "dab" at camp stews and roasts, groomed my horses (one of which he rode near me), washed my linen, and was never behind time. Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War
  • Instead, we must be vigilant in guarding against the distasteful practice of having unfavourable preconceived notions against individuals based on their origin.
  • Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
  • I think we both saw young Mr Venn in new lights, and they were neither favorable nor unfavorable, just new.
  • Another intimate friend of the kaiser, who possesses much the same talents de societe as Baron Kiderlen-Waechter, and whose position in the high favor of the kaiser has been a subject of much unfavorable comment, and even of open abuse in Berlin, is Baron Holstein, popularly known as the “Austern-Freund” or “Oyster-Friend,” owing to his altogether phenomenal capacity for the absorption of bivalves, and his strongly developed fondness for good cheer! The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe
  • It is simpleminded to infer from the rate at which intermarriage was increasing in one decade and the rate it was increasing in the subsequent decade that a fall off must reflect an unfavorable “trend” with respect to progress toward greater interracial harmony. The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Turn Good News into Bad News
  • The surface of the bilayer of anhydrous cholesterol is highly corrugated and thus the lattice energy of such a bilayer is less stable than that of the flat bilayer and would be unfavorable on a flat water surface.
  • It is more likely that change of paternal genes or antigens would result in heterogeneous outcomes rather than unfavourable pregnancy outcomes.
  • Another form of augury was the examination of the marks on the carapax of a tortoise; thus the Martial King in 146 consulted, and found unfavourable, such marks -- this was before attacking the last Ancient China Simplified
  • Or if the growth of the probosces of the moths had from other causes increased quicker than that of the nectary, or if the increased length of proboscis had been injurious to them in any way, or if the species of moth with the longest proboscis had become much diminished by some enemy or other unfavourable conditions, then, in any of these cases, the shorter nectaried flowers, which would have attracted and could have been fertilized by the smaller kinds of moths, would have had the advantage. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • Many rabid political partisans are so thin-skinned that any unfavorable truth about their heroes muddles their thinking.
  • One question, for example, asks them to recount in 100 words a recent stressful incident in which they averted an unfavourable outcome.
  • I did prepare myself for an unfavorable position, but it never occurred to me it would be a toilet cleaner, " said Ju.
  • Germany is how much of a recovery it really can get while it continues to labour under short-term macroeconomic conditions and policies that are distinctly unfavourable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best response to either a favourable or an unfavourable review is to ignore it, except perhaps to discuss a point or two raised in it, or to point out an actual error.
  • unfavorable conditions
  • Though he notes occasional heroism, his general verdict on the working classes is unfavourable.
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
  • The purpose is not in doubt: to inform all parties as soon as possible of the outcome, but apparently only where that outcome is unfavourable to the applicant.
  • A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.
  • But even if the taxmen did decide to take a closer look at AJS, it would still be in little danger of an unfavorable ruling.
  • However, as a result of unfavourable press, the company decided it faced what it referred to as a genuine moral issue and changed its views of these men.
  • The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.
  • Non-parasitic (non-infectious) diseases are caused by unfavorable growing conditions or other nonparasitic factors such as: Chapter 10
  • The Romans entered Macedonia, and the Macedonian phalanx fought its last battle on unfavourable ground at Pydna, on the morrow of the lunar eclipse in June 168.
  • unfavorable winds
  • His initial impressions were unfavourable: he hated the food (‘foul vinaigrette had been slimed over the salad’) and was frightened by the prospect of having to speak the language.
  • To the first of these plans were many objections; amongst the principal ones, were, the very unfavourable accounts given both by Captain Sturt, and Major Mitchell, of the country to the west of the Darling River — the fact of Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • At the moment, our medical sector is very inefficient so our cost-quality curve is in a very unfavorable location. Matthew Yglesias » Productivity and Medicine
  • Such arrangements were much too common for any unfavourable comment to be made. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • Captain Forsyth, Settlement Officer of Nimar, had a very unfavourable opinion of the Bhilalas, whom he described as proverbial for dishonesty in agricultural engagements and worse drunkards than any of the indigenous tribes. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • The paper argued that a venture capitalist with highly volatile status was more likely to have an unfavorable economic outcome.
  • Although he sounds completely satisfied with the band, Andrew is also disappointed with the content of a few unfavourable record reviews.
  • Their low altitude, the unfavourable climatic conditions and the fire were the factors that led to the fatal outcome.
  • Sonnino had pointed out that the Navy and the whole country expected of him that he would alter Italy's unfavourable position on the Adriatic, where from Venice to Taranto she had not one serviceable harbour, that is to say serviceable war-harbour. The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 2
  • a decision unfavorable to the opposition
  • He makes unfavourable comparisons between British and French cooking.
  • Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an unfavourable impression .
  • However, as a result of unfavourable press, the company decided it faced what it referred to as a genuine moral issue and changed its views of these men.
  • Actually, they considered that complexity may be a response to unfavorable environmental perturbations. chunkdz: and the initial state must be biased towards adaptivity and increased complexity. A Different Perspective on Irreducible Complexity
  • In lyophobic colloids the particle-solvent interaction is energetically unfavorable and the suspension will sooner or later separate.
  • The conditions of 1930-3 were unfavourable to unity among employers.
  • The unfavorable economic conditions at home contributed to this year's falling exports, Irwandy said.
  • We used repeat deliberate self harm as a marker of an unfavourable outcome.
  • Their low altitude, the unfavourable climatic conditions and the fire were the factors that led to the fatal outcome.
  • The odds are so unfavourable that unless you really liked to take on risks at unfavourable odds why would you ever buy a lottery ticket?
  • Although present surface conditions on Mars appear unfavorable for life, orbital images of Mars show numerous water-carved channels and possible paleolake basins where water may have once ponded.
  • From this we can predict favourable and unfavourable outcomes.
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.
  • Was the employee the victim of an adverse action such as undesired transfers, threats, unfavorable references to a new employer, harassment, termination, loss of benefits, an unreasonable increase in workload or poor performance evaluations? - Retaliation for discrimination claims is prohibited
  • This suggests that if the conditions surrounding contact do matter, then the contact between anglophone and francophone Canadians that has taken place has occurred more often under favourable than under unfavourable conditions.
  • Active management of labor is not associated with unfavorable maternal or neonatal outcomes.
  • The paper argued that a venture capitalist with highly volatile status was more likely to have an unfavorable economic outcome.
  • One could go so far as to say that tests have been designed to conceal unfavourable outcomes.
  • In considering the evidence of the manurial value of salt, we are at once brought face to face with the fact that the experience of its action in the past has as often been unfavourable as favourable. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • The assessment also includes the likely favourable and unfavourable consequences of the decision for oneself and for others.
  • A more unfavourable response was given today by the Prime Minister.
  • The effects of the mutation are often more obvious under unfavorable conditions, ie. short photoperiods for long-day plants and long photoperiods for short-day plants.
  • In recent years, Schröder has filed a series of lawsuits to deflect unfavourable media attention, on one occasion suing a journalist who accused him of dying his hair.
  • Although he sounds completely satisfied with the band, Andrew is also disappointed with the content of a few unfavourable record reviews.
  • The best response to either a favourable or an unfavourable review is to ignore it, except perhaps to discuss a point or two raised in it, or to point out an actual error.
  • I have received the lion's share of unfavourable media attention and felt the heat of public scrutiny for two weeks.
  • Current address: Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, United States of America signal to the worms that local conditions are unfavorable for growth (e.g., inadequate food supply or overcrowding), and induce entry into diapause, a process called dauer entry. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Infection with mycotoxins is most common on grains damaged by insects, birds, mites, hail, early frost, heat and drought stress, windstorms, and other unfavorable weather.
  • But though Einhard declared he would record nothing through hearsay, he also glossed over facts unfavourable to his hero.
  • The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.
  • Furthermore, the unfavourable climate may have repercussions on the general attitudes to the black population in the United Kingdom.
  • Unfavourable weather has had damaging effects on this year's harvest.
  • He had acquired the knack of snatching his siesta in the most unfavourable circumstance.
  • Surely they can't stand idly by while their party leader levels accusations of treason at newspapers just because their coverage is unfavourable to him.
  • But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. George Washington 
  • These factors increase parents' vulnerability to opportunistic exploitation and raise their overall transaction costs with unfavourable implications for value creation.
  • Unfavorable governments in favor of big business therefore remain in power at the cost of a representative government.
  • Germany is how much of a recovery it really can get while it continues to labour under short-term macroeconomic conditions and policies that are distinctly unfavourable. Times, Sunday Times
  • This result may provide some support not that fifty-fifty divisions are unfavorable for democracy, but that more fragmentation leads to less democracy.
  • As the epidemic on board the Kate had been contracted at Nassau, and still prevailed on shore, we were at a loss to understand why we should be refused "pratique"; but it gave our little party no concern, as the town did not present an attractive or inviting appearance from the quarantine ground; nor were our unfavorable impressions removed upon a nearer acquaintance with it two or three months afterwards. The Narrative of a Blockade-Runner
  • CONCLUSION Right ventricular restriction exists in a significant subset of patients with tetralogy of Fallot following surgical repair and exerts unfavorable effects on post-operative course.
  • But Ford is understood to be looking closely at overseas manufacture in order to reduce showroom prices and its exposure to unfavourable exchange rates.
  • An extraordinary story is told, then retold with embellishments and remodeled with favorable points emphasized while unfavorable ones are dropped.
  • Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
  • What I read was an unfavourable description of myself, a documentation of my failings as a decent human being - and all entirely true.
  • He flew to a military base to shore up his support in the face of unfavourable polls and growing unease in Washington about the conflict.
  • Furthermore, the unfavourable climate may have repercussions on the general attitudes to the black population in the United Kingdom.
  • Conditions were even unfavorable for the large-scale use of wind power, though some windmills were established.
  • But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. George Washington 
  • Plants have evolved various protective mechanisms that allow them to acclimate to unfavourable environments for continued survival and growth.
  • To prevent an unfavourable outcome, ultimately for all members of society, careful consideration of diverse issues surrounding human tissue is needed.
  • The purpose is not in doubt: to inform all parties as soon as possible of the outcome, but apparently only where that outcome is unfavourable to the applicant.
  • Lin had scarcely been released in a blaze of unfavorable publicity when the Immigration Department was at it again.
  • All previous home condition reports have to be included in the pack, and there will be a record held on a central register, so hiding unfavourable surveys won't be an option.
  • A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.
  • Surely they can't stand idly by while their party leader levels accusations of treason at newspapers just because their coverage is unfavourable to him.
  • Unfavorable interactions could occur at high ionic strength between adjacent tropomyosin molecules, between tropomyosin and troponin, or between other protein pairs.
  • Despite this negative conclusion regarding one of his aims I do not want to leave the reader with an unfavourable impression of the book.
  • In recent years, Schröder has filed a series of lawsuits to deflect unfavourable media attention, on one occasion suing a journalist who accused him of dying his hair.
  • The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
  • At the same time, 47 percent had a favorable view of Forbes, while only 21 percent had an unfavorable view.
  • It is probable that the death of the patient on the fifth day is to be attributed to a phrenitis, with unfavorable evacuations. Of The Epidemics
  • Hough introduces Sarwar Khan in conspicuously unfavorable terms as follows: Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.
  • Possibly the disastrous results were due to overdosage; but I feel it a duty to state the unfavorable experience, and to call attention to the difference between cancer and papillomata. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • To prevent an unfavourable outcome, ultimately for all members of society, careful consideration of diverse issues surrounding human tissue is needed.
  • Is this simply a way of diverting attention from the unfavourable headlines some have faced in recent months?
  • On the other hand, any planet in unfavorable zodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic.
  • Both teams have poor fan support and unfavorable stadium contracts.
  • Still the angle was unfavourable, but an adroit flick of his right foot settled the issue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the bad weather the fête raised a record £2,268 and the Rev Sally Attwater thanked everyone for turning out and supporting it in such unfavourable conditions.
  • But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. George Washington 
  • Its influence was always dreaded in mundane astrology, being unfavorable to the farmer's work.
  • Her achievement was more impressive given the unfavourable prevailing economic conditions.
  • But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. George Washington 
  • Corner processing, its modelling, color is collected, all should be subject to integral space pattern, unfavorable and beyond the mark emphasize, lest a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role.
  • It was gastric fever, and before long there _were_ unfavourable symptoms -- pallid changes in the aspect, hurried breathing, wandering senses -- all noted with heart-breaking anxiety by the loving nurses, the Queen and Princess Alice -- the daughter so tender and beloved, the "dear little wife," the "good little wife," whose ministerings were so comfortable to the sufferer overwearied with the great burden of life. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • The change in the government's stance came after a spate of unfavorable newspaper editorials and commentaries.
  • Detection is diagnostic of myocardial damage in patients admitted with suspected acute coronary syndromes and indicates an unfavourable outcome.
  • This is because the early-arriving males often suffer from unfavorable weather conditions and lack of suitable food.
  • Sydenham's basic premise is that historians have either neglected this revolutionary, or given him a rather unfavourable press.
  • The exquisite feminine beauty of her countenance, now shaded only by a profusion of sunny tresses; the sylph-like form, disencumbered of her heavy riding-skirt and mantled in azure silk; the grace of her manner and of her smile, cleared, with a celerity which surprised the Master himself, all the gloomy and unfavourable thoughts which had for some time overclouded his fancy. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • There has been a lot of unfavourable publicity about the hospital.
  • Hadji Baba, had described the manners and vices of the Eastern nations, not only with fidelity, but with the humour of Le Sage and the ludicrous power of Fielding himself, one who was a perfect stranger to the subject must necessarily produce an unfavourable contrast. The Talisman
  • What I read was an unfavourable description of myself, a documentation of my failings as a decent human being - and all entirely true.
  • Detection is diagnostic of myocardial damage in patients admitted with suspected acute coronary syndromes and indicates an unfavourable outcome.
  • The assessment also includes the likely favourable and unfavourable consequences of the decision for oneself and for others.
  • Any unfavourable decision vis-a vis an inter-State dispute is bound to result in a political fallout.
  • In MB, over-expression of c-MYC has been shown to cause anaplasia and correlate with unfavorable prognosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Rule utilitarianism holds that a behavioral code or rule is morally right if the consequences of adopting that rule are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone.
  • He flew to a military base to shore up his support in the face of unfavourable polls and growing unease in Washington about the conflict.
  • No desire is entertained to justify all the zeal and all the means which are employed to prevent the free exercise of the human mind, in its researches after divine knowledge, and to retard the influx of that light which would prove unfavourable to doctrines which have little more than prescription for their support; but it seems reasonable to make a proper distinction between what may be called a salutary principle in the human mind, and a wrong application or an erroneous indulgence of it. A Series of Letters in Defence of Divine Revelation
  • So far, on-air replies to prodding by radio and television hosts have cast the candidate in an unfavourable light.
  • On the north-east coast, Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's race officials were thwarted by unfavourable tides and dying wind for day one of their dinghy regatta.
  • Everything about him seemed to emphasize how unreachable he would prove to be for a fatherless, penniless, unworldly girl like me, but something in his eyes told me that I had affected him in a way that was not completely unfavorable.
  • The play got splendid, excellent, unfavourable, etc reviews.
  • Furthermore, the unfavourable climate may have repercussions on the general attitudes to the black population in the United Kingdom.
  • However most of the reviews she got in the Sydney and Melbourne press were unfavourable.
  • If we heed the voices of the timid, the skeptic and those whose personal interest lies in magnifying unfavourable factors we can create a synthetic setback for Canada's growth. Dollars and Sense
  • In the Eurobond markets there is a growing list of potential issuers who have postponed or cancelled issues because of unfavourable or poor market conditions.
  • This is because the early-arriving males often suffer from unfavorable weather conditions and lack of suitable food.
  • If be, slot opens on the wall of the ferroconcrete , should use marble machine to have cut, unfavorable use report hammer.
  • The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
  • Readers and other members of the public, sensing a clear impulse to beat down an unfavourable report, must have suspected some truth was giving offence.
  • From this we can predict favourable and unfavourable outcomes.
  • The exquisite feminine beauty of her countenance, now shaded only by a profusion of sunny tresses; the sylph-like form, disencumbered of her heavy riding-skirt and mantled in azure silk; the grace of her manner and of her smile, cleared, with a celerity which surprised the Master himself, all the gloomy and unfavourable thoughts which had for some time overclouded his fancy. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • The station of kings is, in a moral sense, so unfavourable, that those who are least prone to servile admiration should be on their guard against the opposite error of an uncandid severity.
  • But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with. George Washington 
  • Mr. Jay (who lives by supplying the newspapers with short paragraphs relating to accidents, offenses, and brief records of remarkable occurrences in general -- who is, in short, what they call a penny-a-liner) told his landlord that he had been in the city that day and heard unfavorable rumors on the subject of the joint-stock banks. The Queen of Hearts
  • Sarah Palin prepares for the next stage of her political career, a majority of Americans hold an unfavorable view of her, and there is broad public doubt about her leadership skills and understanding of complex issues, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 24, 2009
  • In lyophobic colloids the particle-solvent interaction is energetically unfavorable and the suspension will sooner or later separate.
  • Unfortunately, the qualities of this horse were so well concealed under his strange-colored hide and his unaccountable gait, that at a time when everybody was a connoisseur in horseflesh, the appearance of the aforesaid pony at Meung — which place he had entered about a quarter of an hour before, by the gate of Beaugency — produced an unfavorable feeling, which extended to his rider. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
  • Judges highly unfavorable to the prisoner, — “He blasphemes the Holy Vehme — Let his mouth be closed forever!” Anne of Geierstein
  • Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.
  • The unfavorable economic conditions at home contributed to this year's falling exports, Irwandy said.
  • Some people use the term donation-ware to get around restrictions that would otherwise raise the cost to unfavorable levels. VersionTracker: Mac OS X
  • I’m kind of boggled at the mostly unfavorable reviewer response to Prince Caspian. In Gordath Wood: Writer Patrice Sarath » Prince Caspian — what are the reviewers going on about?
  • —With the shrinking dollar and unfavorable exchange rates, the Astra is a rather expensive car to build overseas and import here. Lifting the hood on the Saturn Astra
  • After the death of Brian Johnston he seemed to abandon levity and good humour, on air at least, alternating between choleric disdain for the players he thought not good enough and an unsatisfiable appetite for contrasting the modern game in a stridently unfavourable light with the one in which he had made his name. Fred Trueman: the good, the bad and the grouchy | Rob Bagchi
  • It is more likely that change of paternal genes or antigens would result in heterogeneous outcomes rather than unfavourable pregnancy outcomes.
  • In so far, then, as euthenics is actually providing man with more favorable surroundings, -- not with ostensibly more favorable surroundings which, in reality, are unfavorable -- there can be no antagonism between it and eugenics. Applied Eugenics
  • The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
  • The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
  • The media coverage of the two visits was noteworthy for its lack of any unfavourable commentary on the government's foreign policy.
  • This paper presents the producing cause of different unfavourable flow conditions in the outlet area of approach channel for ship gate and its perniciousness.
  • Your expression, "and tends to depart in a slight degree," I think hardly grammatical; a _tendency_ to depart cannot very well be said to be in a slight degree; a _departure_ can, but a tendency must be either a _slight tendency_ or a _strong tendency_; the degree to which the departure may reach must depend on favourable or unfavourable causes in addition to the tendency itself. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
  • The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
  • One could go so far as to say that tests have been designed to conceal unfavourable outcomes.
  • The Department head took away some of her responsibilities, she said, and then wrote unfavourable reports about her performance.
  • That approach had two great advantages: first, it was entirely accurate; and, second, it permitted those of us on the unfavourable side of the comparison to try and do something about bridging the unbridgeable gap.
  • An unfavorable depreciation allowance may keep the foreign investor out.
  • We may shudder at the "heathenism" of a Turkish harem, and send missionaries to convert the Mohammedans; we may stand aghast at the idea of twenty thousand Syrian women sold to supply the harems of the Mussulmans, and pour out our money like water to relieve or release them; but wherein is all this a whit worse than what is constantly practiced, with scarce a word of unfavorable comment, in our own "Christian" (?) land? Louisa Picquet, the Octoroon: or Inside Views of Southern Domestic Life.
  • While the purchase was cleared by regulators, it led to such unfavorable press that Green decided to back down.
  • _Resolved_, That the people of Ohio now, as they have always done, look upon slavery as an evil, and unfavorable to the development of the spirit and practical benefits of free institutions; and that, entertaining these sentiments, they will at all times feel it to be their duty to use all power clearly given by the terms of the national compact, to prevent its increase, to mitigate, _and finally eradicate the evil_. Americanism Contrasted with Foreignism, Romanism, and Bogus Democracy in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture; In which Certain Demagogues in Tennessee, and Elsewhere, are Shown Up in Their True Colors
  • All previous home condition reports have to be included in the pack, and there will be a record held on a central register, so hiding unfavourable surveys won't be an option.
  • Is this simply a way of diverting attention from the unfavourable headlines some have faced in recent months?
  • In the Eurobond markets there is a growing list of potential issuers who have postponed or cancelled issues because of unfavourable or poor market conditions.
  • The country has an unfavorable trade balance, although it is alleviated somewhat by remittances sent by Mozambicans working in South Africa.
  • Several weeks later, Pioneer retracted its decision, allegedly due to concern about unfavorable publicity and pressure from its labor union.
  • The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
  • Warington at Rothamsted, who showed that the power of nitrification could be communicated to media, which did not nitrify, by simply seeding them with a nitrifying substance, and that light was unfavourable to the process. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • From this we can predict favourable and unfavourable outcomes.
  • The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
  • The evidence linking increased weight with unfavourable levels of objective physical health indicators is well supported.
  • These ridges indicate the period of diapause during the winter or unfavorable environmental conditions, such as lower water level or lack of food.
  • Critical judgement of the play has tended to be unfavourable.
  • I can say it's "my destiny" to spend the weekend eating leftover Lamb bhuna in my dressing gown while trying to think up unfavourable anagrams of "David Cameron Football news, match reports and fixtures |
  • Despite this negative conclusion regarding one of his aims I do not want to leave the reader with an unfavourable impression of the book.
  • So: whether being a scofflaw entitles one to favorable or unfavorable news coverage depends entirely on the law being scoffed at.
  • Many rabid political partisans are so thin-skinned that any unfavorable truth about their heroes muddles their thinking.
  • However most of the reviews she got in the Sydney and Melbourne press were unfavourable.
  • Due to industrial contamination, sewage and unfavorable ocean currents, coastal seawater often contains high concentrations of unhealthy bacteria, known as enterococci. Water Safety
  • Warington at Rothamsted, who showed that the power of nitrification could be communicated to media, which did not nitrify, by simply seeding them with a nitrifying substance, and that light was unfavourable to the process. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • We recognize there will be an unfavorable earnings impact from minimum medical-care ratio regulations for our commercial business in 2011, but we must await guidance from the Department of H ealth and Human Services to quantify that impact, " he said. UnitedHealth Sees Drop in Net
  • The first defendant's report was unfavourable to the plaintiff and it was sent by him to the plaintiff's solicitors.
  • In spite of the unfavorable weather,the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.

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