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How To Use Unfamiliar In A Sentence

  • The right back found himself in unfamiliar territory in the opposing penalty area after a swift exchange of passes that opened up Reading's defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The geography was utterly alien to Patrick, although his unfamiliarity with the picture could have been attributed to the gaps.
  • So again if you're unfamiliar with this yarn and needle arrangement, start by knitting stripes in full needle rib.
  • She seemed unfamiliar with the concept that everyone should have an equal opportunity.
  • With three players cup-tied, one suspended and another released this month, there will be four familiar names missing, and some unfamiliar ones on the bench.
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  • This may have the advantage of dragging the opponent onto unfamiliar territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was much applauded for her boldness in tackling the unfamiliar Balanchine style.
  • Instead, they depicted the lonely troops in real time, trudging to the next trench in the torn up countryside of an unfamiliar country. Smithsonian Mag
  • The answer, of course, lies in a word unfamiliar to as many fitness enthusiasts as it is to the bacchanalian hedonist - moderation.
  • A cat less agile than the rest of his species had been known to entangle himself in the little swing window, and to hang there all the night, sending forth unearthly caterwaulings, to the unspeakable terror of Miss Wendover's guest, unfamiliar with the mechanism of the room, and wondering what breed of Hampshire demon or afrit was thus making night hideous. The Golden Calf
  • Melanie is thrust into an unfamiliar family full of secrets, where Uncle Phillip pulls the strings, creating a tyrannical hold over the household.
  • When you are struggling with an unfamiliar language, the simplest conversations can be misinterpreted.
  • The only other surviving writings that are exclusively apocalyptic in style come from outside our biblical canon and are usually unfamiliar to anyone but scholars in the field.
  • While Anna was very active whenever any good song came on, and danced like a madwoman, I hung back, studying the sea of unfamiliar faces.
  • With her long black skirt and fruit and flower bedecked hat she looked every inch the children's nanny and as a nursery teacher in real life it's a role she is not entirely unfamiliar with.
  • Those unfamiliar with the term "intersex" may still recognize the term "hermaphrodite" -- a single human possessing both male and female genitalia -- which is one variety of intersexuality. The Full Feed from
  • In this sense, can we say that the dismissal of Schoenberg et al had its roots in a sort of century-long "me, me, me, emotive"/composer-becoming-the-subject of historical inquiry -- where the "forward looking" or the "next new thing" was the prescient objective -- came to a violent collision with the unfamiliar, one which is unreconcilable with nostalgia? Every night, they say, he sings the herd to sleep
  • Accepting drugs from a stranger in an unfamiliar place is very risky. The Sun
  • Andi reached into one of her mangled pockets and pulled out an unfamiliar billfold.
  • She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.
  • Line editing also known as copyediting is all about clarity and presentation, and is thus a great choice for a writer unfamiliar with the norms of submission or in question about grammar. Author! Author! » 2008 » December
  • She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
  • There are also unfamiliar noises such as alarms and bleeps which help the nurse to monitor the patient.
  • The seasons, frighteningly unfamiliar to your average cook, are second nature to Susan and Margaret.
  • In fact since I've been a father that kind of thing has become so unfamiliar to me that a trip to the salon is a positively intoxicating experience.
  • Her hands brush unexpected surfaces, she steps across unfamiliar thresholds.
  • Being locked in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar city, carries an instant and jarring feeling of alienation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Micki, another of Mont's followers, recalls her uncles and aunts occasionally peppering their Spanish with unfamiliar words and phrases, which she later learned were from Ladino, a Judeo-Spanish dialect.
  • Those unfamiliar with these significant changes in institutional wealth, selectivity, student quality, and academic research will benefit greatly from this book.
  • People who are unfamiliar with keyboards could choose instead to interact with the computer using their normal handwriting.
  • The animal keeps barking and growling, snarling at my unfamiliar scent.
  • Most of the maps we consult in life are unfamiliar and require interpretation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand that an agent was paid out of his client's share.
  • The proper training, getting checked out in unfamiliar aircraft, preflight planning and an airworthy plane are vital for your safety.
  • The room was changed so completely that it was suddenly unfamiliar to her, as if she had walked into the bouse of a stranger. The Hand of Chaos
  • Twenty minutes in, I was so disorientated, I approached a pet stall and asked if I could take a photo of the unfamiliar creature for sale next to the monkeys - it was, in my defence, a particularly unlovely baby.
  • He ascribed his exhaustion to the heat and an unfamiliar diet.
  • Then she crackled her knuckles and darted out into the Meadow, where she was greeted with an unfamiliar sight.
  • It's a strange compound of documentary, mystery and folktale, an unfamiliar voice from the centre of a world of secrets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people unfamiliar with my work imagine that anyone with the nickname of "Susie Sexpert" must be an id-centric airhead, a happy but too-dim nympho. Susie Bright: The Terrible Secret of Women's Memoirs: Kill the Cookie
  • Some of the technical vocabulary may be unfamiliar to you.
  • The same graphics and photos that explain unfamiliar concepts or show what can't normally be seen can be turned into powerful multimedia.
  • There is a job to be done here, collecting and collating evidence of current practice, trying out theories, developing academic tools to take charge of a field that is more unfamiliar than many academics care to admit.
  • Chapter 1 deals with sources which will be unfamiliar to all but classicists, and surveys the influence of various Greek conceptual models on the gender constructs of Rome in the last century BCE and first century CE.
  • What is more, I am unfamiliar with the English legal system.
  • Neighbors recognize each other by scent; unfamiliar visitors are greeted with a harsh snarl and a hooking thumb claw.
  • The ancient waiting-woman bows her head in awe, and a flicker of unfamiliar happiness crosses the deeply wizened depths of her face.
  • For example, Star Anise, that peculiar spice that looks like a fossilised flower, has really changed my stews, adding an unfamiliar glamour to shin of beef.
  • The din was tremendous, though after a time his ears began to pick up the pattern of a song, unfamiliar but clearly a tune. Burning Bright
  • Readers unfamiliar with the word plonking should consult the works of Stephen Potter passim. Armageddon Now?
  • The only one of these which has gained any currency in English is milliard (for a thousand million) but it must be quite unfamiliar to most people today.
  • finds lipstick stains on her husband's clothing or unfamiliar condoms in his pocket, it brings out the.
  • They are always ready with an intelligent guess when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took D'Arcy a few seconds to connect the familiar face in the unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Furious at the loss of her mother, Marian is filled with a surge of unfamiliar power. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Query Workshop
  • For example, China's Yangtze river dolphin and the solenodons of Hispaniola and Cuba, are the last surviving representatives of entire families of mammals, yet are unfamiliar to both conservationists and the public, and are frequently overlooked by current conservation initiatives.
  • The man spoke with a slushy, unfamiliar accent; his nose was splayed to the left and he had a cast in his right eye.
  • Stone crosses like these are not unfamiliar to you, nor are these dim garlands of everlasting flowers.
  • The result of all this was that the Escort languished in some unfamiliar positions in the top 10 sales chart.
  • 'marg' as 'mrg' (Persian for 'death') by omitting the necessary vowel, alif, between the consonants 'meem' and 'ray' in its list of Mumbai streets, a common mistake made by Urdu speakers unfamiliar with Hindi pronunciation. The Hindu - Front Page
  • As a fashion historian and professor, usage of "duro" is still very new/unfamiliar to my peeps. Quick Fabric Update - A Dress A Day
  • So the perfume needed to be something both unfamiliar and intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the historical details that Amyes presents in the first parts of the book which I especially enjoyed will be unfamiliar to most readers.
  • I figured that parallel valleys all drained to the same place, so I tramped downstream along a creek until it emptied into a river adjacent to an unfamiliar trail.
  • At first our new behaviour will seem strange and unfamiliar to us. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • The display and the book provide a crash course in a history and mythology that will be unfamiliar to most people. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The problem was not pain but the peculiar feeling of an unfamiliar grip, especially at the top of the backswing.
  • Bushcraft is a good way to tune into somewhere that's unfamiliar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The actual mortality rate is probably intermediate between these values, because captive birds may be exposed to the added stress of unfamiliar conditions.
  • They emerge blinking in bewilderment at the unfamiliar daylight and smells of the bush.
  • If you are unfamiliar with shiatsu, it is a deeply relaxing Japanese healing art concerned with the free flow of ki - vital energy - through the body.
  • This was unfamiliar music to them, and to show such a spontaneous reaction was very gratifying.
  • Yet who looks at them anyway, this swollen image bank of familiar faces in unfamiliar places? Times, Sunday Times
  • They are treading unfamiliar ground in the relegation zone and have failed to keep a clean sheet this season.
  • For those unfamiliar with the design of the cursed building I inhabit, I live in the (rather shabbily) converted attic.
  • Even if the shape of animal teeth is unfamiliar, a roughly cuboid or distinctly conical structure with a covering of hard mineral and what could feasibly be roots is likely to be a tooth.
  • I'm usually a light sleeper in unfamiliar situations, so it's not surprising that I would be a little jumpy.
  • The back room was choked with old carpets, old clothes, mould, mushrooms and unfamiliar smells.
  • Her chubby fingers trace unfamiliar lines beside mouths and eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the near-term, however, electronic voting may become a barrier to voting for people unfamiliar with computers.
  • Yet, aren't new influences that seem foreign and unfamiliar also agents of positive change?
  • The unfamiliar tones of classical music can disperse loiterers, while big sound-blasters, known as "long-range acoustic devices" LRADS, have been deployed against protesters in some American states. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Within moments of entering the massive hallway I was separated from my grasshopper companion in a confusion of unfamiliar people and totally lost sight of him.
  • There is no suggestion that there was anything unusual or unfamiliar about that.
  • In media, humans are not known to associate well with aliens or strange beings that seem unfamiliar to them.
  • The country folk in the train spoke a language I was unfamiliar with, but their open, guileless speech and laughter was more beautiful to me than any hymn.
  • But at the same time the moods are unfamiliar to that setting and context.
  • It wasn't easy, all this bushwhacking through unfamiliar territory.
  • For those of you unfamiliar with the writer let me provide a few morsels of information.
  • These developers, unfamiliar with the intricacies of Web services technology and development, rely on tools for most of the service code implementation.
  • Familiar names here include Sarah Lucas, George Shaw and Wolfgang Tillmans, but it will, as always, be the unfamiliar ones that the show serves up most enticingly. This week's new exhibitions
  • As the hall emptied, the unfamiliar sight of raindrops falling on Morawa was seen.
  • Had I left some clue behind, a stray sock not his, an unfamiliar scent on the pillow?
  • But probably the whole prodigious mass of classic lore, and of scriptural quotation, even more unfamiliar to most of his hearers, which the pedantic president forced upon the digestion of the unfortunate notables, was required to prove to their satisfaction that Francis had in this affair played the part of the "gentilhomme" he boasted of being. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • The encyclopedia tells us that nickel obtained its name because the copper and silver miners in Saxony found that ore containing this substance gave them a great deal of trouble and when smelted produced a brittle, unfamiliar product which they called kupfernickel after old Nick and his mischievous gnomes and when a man named Cronsted isolated nickel itself in 1751, he applied the name of kupfernickel or copper nickel -- since abbreviated to nickel, the word which we use today. Some Responsibilities Of International Business
  • As noted earlier, capitalized articles are not unfamiliar to German readers.
  • It may still feel unfamiliar but lasting happiness lies in feeling good about yourself and surrounding yourself with others who do too. The Sun
  • The world, Heidegger says, is not the mere collection of the countable or uncountable, familiar and unfamiliar things that are at hand.
  • Unfamiliar names do put many investors off, but an inquisitive nature can reward those tracking down cheap shares.
  • My first post was kind of garbled because of my unfamiliarity with XHTML coding. Stone Tools and Arguments Against Design
  • In a section called upperworks, a term unfamiliar to me, a chock is called a fairlead, the function of a hank is not clear, nor is that of a turnbuckle, and what we on the East Coast call a jam cleat is identified as a "clam cleat. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 1
  • So, here's the best compliment I can pay Rian Johnson's debut film, Brick: my friend Hagay and I drove to Jerusalem an hour's drive, where the film was playing as part of the Jerusalem film festival, battled the city's unfamiliar streets and mid-day traffic, paid an exorbitant amount of money for a parking place that turned out to be a ten minute walk away from the cinematheque, and missed the film's first few minutes. Archive 2006-07-01
  • They outplayed the home team for most of the first game and enjoyed good moments in the second despite unfamiliar and challenging conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the early 1970s, the word sexism was unfamiliar to many people. Failing at FAIRNESS
  • I was thrilled at the prospect ahead of me but diffident and embarrassed at joining a community so totally unfamiliar.
  • Unfamiliar objects, camera gantries, floodlights and trails of wire stimulated considerable interest among the population of boarding students staying at the school.
  • Its presence warns us that unfamiliar types of ore-formation processes may operate on the Moon in the absence of oxygen and water.
  • The rush to fix the latest glitches followed Comelec's revelation that it had evidence of a plot to disenfranchise voters by exploiting their unfamiliarity with the machine-countable ballot forms.
  • Szymanowski might be unfamiliar to many listeners, but he isn't exactly "new music"; this piece was written in 1916. NSO and Valcuha come through loud and soft an clear
  • Even the most avid theatregoer can struggle when it comes to Shakespearean language, for the simple fact that it is unfamiliar.
  • To be honest, the dishes sounded so strange and unfamiliar that I was stumped as to what to order.
  • Those who were unfamiliar with the taste of the halwas took a bite from the sample cups.
  • The sex workers who come for training have to learn what research is about, what the budgets involve, how to negotiate within an unfamiliar academic environment.
  • Perhaps "folkways" is not less unfamiliar, but its meaning is more obvious. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • The sizes and shapes were unfamiliar to them, but their beauty was a welcome sight.
  • In doing so, it misleads its intended audience which will include Biblicists unfamiliar with details of the archaeological debate.
  • In this unfamiliar setting, experienced educators needed and received support, encouragement and validation.
  • The prowler was the only unfamiliar thing, harmless and weaponless now that his scissors lay abandoned on the floor between the sisters’ beds. Slice Of Cherry
  • She looked at Dylan who was wearing a slight unfamiliar facial expression.
  • For example, blind people can maneuver through unfamiliar areas with the aid of seeing-eye dogs or canes.
  • Unfamiliarity with the technology led some people to bury the devices in their tote bags.
  • Slightly shorter and had more fat, the newcomer greeted his friend and handed over the unfamiliar electronic notepads.
  • Even Jesus' analogy of patching an old cloak with a new piece of cloth is unfamiliar in today's world of preshrunk and synthetic materials.
  • For many others, learning Chinese is not for business but a life skill that helps conquer the feeling of strangeness in an unfamiliar city.
  • Those unfamiliar with the term "intersex" may still recognize the term "hermaphrodite" -- a single human possessing both male and female genitalia -- which is one variety of intersexuality. The Full Feed from
  • Had I left some clue behind, a stray sock not his, an unfamiliar scent on the pillow?
  • For those unfamiliar with the area, the station overlooks the Grand Canal basin, a wide deep area of water.
  • As I slowly acclimatized to the unfamiliar diet and lifestyle that I found myself in, I began to appreciate the benefits it was bringing to me. Archive 2009-08-01
  • For me, the most profound aspect of the past month has been the eruption of unfamiliar emotions that rob New Yorkers of sleep and make them act as eccentrically as I did in the airport.
  • The tall and very elegant woman manager stepped forward and answered -- taking my shopping bag from my hands and setting it, firmly, far away from her crystal and Limoges -- that her shop specialized in "unfamiliar" pieces. Excerpt: The Deadwood Beetle by Mylene Dressler
  • This alliance takes you into new and unfamiliar territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • I mentioned to a friend who is a literature student and was unfamiliar with Bowen that she was strong on interpersonal subtleties and he recoiled from the book. To the North, by Elizabeth Bowen « Unknowing
  • The right back found himself in unfamiliar territory in the opposing penalty area after a swift exchange of passes that opened up Reading's defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some are unfamiliar with the city, having recently arrived from the countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just because you have asked, I was unfamiliar with but liked very much the reds from Mount Etna in Sicily, and I also taste a Sicilian Fiano that I liked very much. Advertorial, Leslie Sbrocco, 7-11, chocolate milk, freer trade - sipped and spit | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • When everyone has arrived, the bodyguards will scan the gathering for unfamiliar faces.
  • It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand that an agent was paid out of his client's share.
  • Graphic design criticism, however, is trying to expand and remold graphic design's self-awareness, with unfamiliar and hopefully some novel tools of our own, so of course it's in crisis.
  • So the perfume needed to be something both unfamiliar and intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They bristled with unfamiliar weapons like bazookas and didn't even look like American soldiers.
  • It may still feel unfamiliar but lasting happiness lies in feeling good about yourself and surrounding yourself with others who do too. The Sun
  • Sometimes businesses lack the knowledge or the skills to undertake something that is unfamiliar to them and may be quite high-risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.
  • They are always ready with an intelligent guess when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The large coiled springs and unfamiliar machinery tempt one to try to commandeer the thing and ride it into another era.
  • He said he was unfamiliar with a statute that allows the government to "denaturalize" a citizen, adding, "We have a wide range of things that we can do with regard to potential defendants. Holder vows to pursue Times Square suspects abroad
  • It could help to deflect the usual charges of anachronism and unfamiliarity with the period.
  • Her chubby fingers trace unfamiliar lines beside mouths and eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • New and unfamiliar names were being bandied about. Times, Sunday Times
  • And many mature drivers are unfamiliar with legal requirement to wear a belt - front and rear.
  • Now, a history lesson's useful enough if you're unfamiliar with the toxic atmosphere in Washington DC as the civil war ended, or if you go along with the story's foreshadowing of contemporary issues like military tribunals at Guantánamo Bay and the poisoned American polity of then and now, but as drama it entirely lacks a pulse or a soul or any of the qualities that we commonly associate with the term "balls". The Conspirator proves that Robert Redford should stick to Sundance
  • Young people were keen to learn how to maintain physical stamina while trekking, control water consumption, and find out how to stay overnight in unfamiliar forest areas.
  • But he soon saw the humour in the situation when he found himself in the unfamiliar position of having to ask strangers to stop throwing him money. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a loaner with an unfamiliar gear controller and a 'keyless' ignition. Woman dies in speeding Toyota
  • Many of us have never explored the unfamiliar areas of the city and are often unaware of the full potential experience and new attributes of the ever-maturing city centre.
  • They thus opened a new chapter of alicyclic chemistry, which was then as unfamiliar to Ruzicka as it was to Staudinger. Leopold Ruzicka - Biography
  • I'm unfamiliar with this type of computer.
  • At first view this caption, very may much reader can feel unfamiliar.
  • But out of the flood of unfamiliar language swirling around her, her ears picked up two familiar words: the phrase her father-in-law had taught her, meaning “wife of Chavez.” Project Everlasting
  • The right back found himself in unfamiliar territory in the opposing penalty area after a swift exchange of passes that opened up Reading's defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cameron knocked twice, and the unfamiliar face of Jason Phillips appeared behind a large oak door.
  • For those of you unfamiliar with the makeover episode of America's Next Top Model, know that it typically brings out tears, and I'm talking Niagara-like lacrimation. Disgrasian: The 'Ethnically Unambiguous' Are So Last Season
  • But she gains other layers as I explain about the stoup of holy water, and as the unfamiliar sound of a mighty organ thunders and peals around us, while for me the layers just keep on accumulating.
  • We embrace unfamiliar sports the way we embrace the circus when it comes to town. Times, Sunday Times
  • A strange, unfamiliar yet intimately familiar sensation pricked at her back then, and she reached back to touch… what on earth!
  • Worse, the ensemble has loosened a great deal in matters of attack, chording, and instrumental blend, although that might have been due to the vagaries of the moment, unfamiliar hall acoustics, jet lag, or whatever.
  • The only other common word that rhymes with nuclear is the unfamiliar cochlear.
  • Very few of us, placed in unfamiliar surroundings with people who challenge our established identity, remain our confident selves. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those unfamiliar with the discipline, rallycross is similar to rally racing, only the cars are typically 50 percent more powerful (600 horsepower as opposed to 400 hp) and the quick stages consist of dirt, jumps and tarmac. Autoblog
  • Imagine groggily waking up in a strange house, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, with not a single memory of the past ten hours.
  • ‘He said he was unfamiliar with the car and normally drove a manual,’ said counsel.
  • The case, for anyone still unfamiliar with it, can be soon recapped.
  • In the game, the kids could earn points exchangeable either for food or for free-play time - as a result of the study design, the play time would either be with their friend or with the unfamiliar kid. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Kids Will Choose Time With Friends Over Food
  • For non-residents of Eccles, unfamiliar with the precinct and the one way system, this is a devil of a restaurant to find by car.
  • Journeying to unfamiliar spots, eating exotic food, and staying overnight at a variety of places, appeals to many people who are adventurers and explorers at heart.
  • Murie silently suspected that the guides ' real concern stemmed from their wariness of proceeding into unfamiliar terrain.
  • Unlike the normal school year, the summer is filled with a crowd of instructors that is unfamiliar with the rigid rules usually inflicted upon the students.
  • The display and the book provide a crash course in a history and mythology that will be unfamiliar to most people. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Some of the best programmes about art introduce viewers to a world that is unfamiliar and astounding. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a woman finds lipstick stains on her husband's clothing or unfamiliar condoms in his pocket, it.
  • ‘Those who remain in the embassy are spies,’ he declared, his voice calm and clear, his fresh young face fairly glowing in the unfamiliar klieg lights.
  • He quickly adjusts to the unfamiliar environment.
  • To begin with, singledom was an unfamiliar entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tried my best not to radiate my unfamiliar paranoia too far outside of my presumed business posture, all brown suit, yellow shirt and silk tie, expensive tasseled shoes only a buffoon would wear, but I could tell it wasn't working on this particular scene for some unknown reason. Spy vs. Park
  • The exam questions had been set in Britain and a number were quite unfamiliar to what the students had been learning in school.
  • Blaise walked along the docks, holding his breath as the unfamiliar scent of fish reached his nose, making him gag.
  • Unblinking, he stared into the fire, mouthing incoherent words, repeating the unfamiliar syllables through limp, drooling flews.
  • These gentlemen were using a phrase unfamiliar to many in northern and eastern linguistic regions but easily understood by “country” talkers and especially black Americans; it is deeply rooted in the usages of some of the great contributors to the English language. No Uncertain Terms
  • It's the click of a key in the front door and the pulse of unfamiliar music from upstairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physicians unfamiliar with writing referrals should consult with a senior therapist, physiatrist , or orthopedic surgeon.
  • We landed on top of what was left of the wreck and, after the usual checks, headed off to explore this unfamiliar site.
  • But maybe that was the opposite of prosopagnosia: seeing familiarity in the unfamiliar. Times, Sunday Times
  • New and unfamiliar names were being bandied about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christina lay and let pictures pass before her — pictures, fragments, flashes — of the life which, until now, had been hers; and, compared with this intensely personal past, which had its rise in mistiest morning memories, even her children seemed unfamiliar to her — the chance associates of an hour. Mary Christina
  • In public their relationship is characterized by an unfamiliar delicacy and restraint. The Times Literary Supplement
  • At first our new behaviour will seem strange and unfamiliar to us. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • The language was completely unfamiliar to me.
  • Many maintain a low profile so their names may well be unfamiliar. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could not change without venturing into unfamiliar territory. Christianity Today
  • For those of you unfamiliar with J.R.R. Tolkien, prepare to enter a land where humans share the earth with goblins, trolls, elves, dwarves, dragons and, of course, hobbits.

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