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How To Use Unethical In A Sentence

  • The following day, North accused his bosses of appalling, dishonest and unethical behaviour.
  • The fact that we do not have immortal souls does not justify unethical behavior.
  • Facing the dilemmas of ethical behaviour in a decidedly unethical society is the harder choice.
  • His session description very clearly demonstrates both incompetence and unethical behavior . . . regardless of Jackson's guilt or innocence which is an entirely different matter, albeit I tend not to buy the whole pure as undriven snow the Jackson sycophants are pushing. Uri Geller's Report . . .. . . on the Hypnosis Session he did with Michael Jackson . . .. . . bad trance management
  • There is immoral, unethical and illegal prosperity on the one side and poverty-stricken people who are moral and ethical on the other.
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  • However, breaking the law often starts with unethical behaviour that has gone unnoticed.
  • That sounds like condonation of sloth, indiscipline, unethical behaviour, and disregard of responsibility.
  • But again it would be inappropriate and unethical to use a placebo when the consequences of doing so would subject someone to the risk of serious or irreversible harm.
  • It's been my understanding ever since law school that fee-splitting, except where both lawyers actually do some work AND where the client consents -- is indeed unethical according to state codes of ethics for lawyers. Why is This Legal?
  • The survey results underscore the pervasiveness of academic dishonesty even as schools employ more sophisticated means to catch cheaters and take a tougher stance to discourage unethical behavior.
  • And he also has plans to clean up big business by introducing a register of ethical and unethical businesses.
  • If we exclude those individuals who consciously choose to act unethically, we must still ask what motivates people who are ostensibly dedicated to helping mankind to perpetrate injustice.
  • Their survey seems to have used dubious and possibly unethical methods to extract potentially sensational information.
  • They say it is unethical to psychoanalyse public figures from afar.
  • Politicians have done things that are unethical and wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Collecting rent on a property but not paying for it is ... um ... unethical and pretty much makes Adams a "slumlord". Big buzz (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • His comments are likely to stir opposition from pro-life groups, who say it is unethical to create an unborn child for research.
  • One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself, Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
  • Using cameras to observe students unawares is definitely unethical and probably illegal, though we may have to wait for a court to decide that. What Kids should Know About That School Computer « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • Ms. Brown cites Boeing's decision to settle with its union and avoid a drawn-out legal battle with the NLRB as "proof" that criticism of the NLRB's intervention by right-wing lawmakers was unethical and a waste of time. Boeing: Private Sector Loses Again
  • It becomes legitimate for those in power in the business world to act unethically. Times, Sunday Times
  • Widespread as it may be, it is nevertheless a way of thinking that is profoundly amoral, unethical and indeed barbaric.
  • But on a more serious note, owning a pet with the level of consciousness of a chimp is horribly unethical. Matthew Yglesias » The Chimp Ban as Humor Stimulus
  • A sophisticated person need not behave like a madari and, wittingly or unwittingly, distort his public image in today's highly unethical and competitive politics.
  • One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself, Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
  • From an environmental point of view, I find eating meat completely unethical.
  • And one does not have to be a lawyer to understand that inviting such a person to sign a legal form, especially without first taking careful steps to make sure they're not incapacitated, is highly unethical. Balkinization
  • Its heavy-handed sales tactics prompted the pharmaceutical industry's regulatory watchdog to make a ruling of unethical behaviour against it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It might be deemed unethical, however, to perform a controlled trial.
  • The Congress that defunded ACORN had also bailed out Goldman Sachs, AIG, JP Morgan, and other financial services corporations that lacked transparency, committed unethical or illegal acts, and engaged in practices that led to the crash of our financial system. John Atlas: Missing From the NPR/Juan Williams Debate: "The ACORN Deal"
  • A number of them are unethical in their practices and some are even immoral.
  • And that ordinarily requires a formal complaint and a credible suspicion that something illegal - and not just unethical - has occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • unethical business practices
  • Mr. Xing and Ms. Gu's values were distorted and led them to act unethically.
  • Their main purpose is making money regardless how unethical or immoral their acts will impact the society at large. Wall Street fights Obama's proposed financial agency
  • The notion of "quickening" -- when the woman could first sense movement in her womb -- was sometimes used as a dividing line between ethical and unethical abortion. John Backman: Can 'I Don't Know' Break The Abortion Stalemate?
  • To fraternize with him in any way, it seems almost unethical. SORT OF RICH
  • Still, is it unethical or immoral to bring an extinct species back from the dead?
  • But it's not just at sporting clubs that the need to succeed can lead to employees behaving unethically. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were opposing views on how to protect the public from incompetent and unethical behaviour.
  • Leaders who do not look after the interests of their followers are not only unethical but ineffective.
  • It will be seen as unethical, unprofessional and will affect the decisions made at that level.
  • One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself, Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
  • When they have their Red A advocate hats on, they rely on black-and-white thinking, peddle stereotypes, play to emotions, cherry pick, engage in confirmation bias and propaganda, act like thugs, and rationalize their unethical behavior because the end justifies the means. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • Elmer said he wanted to expose what he called unethical tax-evading practices by the bank - one of Switzerland's top financial institutions. Former Swiss Banker Found Guilty of Breaking Secrecy Laws
  • Rarely, treatment benefits are so obvious that a trial would clearly be unethical, but often lack of equipoise simply prevents studies.
  • He short-circuited moral claims concerning the unethical nature of sequestration by saying, in effect, that the legal right to confiscate made for the moral right to do so.
  • Another good ole boy in SC getting away with something totally unethical, should we be surprised? no they GOP's are always going to be a bunch of unethical bums and this cheater is a great example of it. South Carolina panel votes against impeaching Sanford
  • Forty-nine percent of respondents to the HeadHunter poll said they would "commit an unethical or immoral act" to keep their jobs.
  • This addresses the concern that large short-term bonuses encouraged risky and unethical behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the company says it is not to blame for unethical practice, likening such accusations to car manufacturers being blamed for reckless drivers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ruthlessness toward members of the same species is not only unethical and unaesthetic, it is perverse, against nature.
  • The council often seems to think that New Yorkers are unsophisticated rubes, continually fleeced by crafty and unethical businesses.
  • I headed back to my hotel for a hot and unethically long shower. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are not moral issues involving something clearly wrong or unethical. Christianity Today
  • It would be unethical to conduct such experiments on humans but many have been convinced that this is the way to a longer life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Previously, we learned they were paying bribes to adjusters, which is unethical and illegal. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Your behaviour can be unethical. The Sun
  • If it's not unethical corporate moles and scratching through somebody else's rubbish, it's scratching through long columns of your own figures in the hope of an elusive clue.
  • The former -- when we're talking about homosexuality, rather than your bugaboos of incest, etc. -- is a variant behaviour which is used to mark out another group as deviants to be abjected by the unethical who justify their prejudice as morality. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Consequently bogeyman excuses are co-opted to obtain sanction for this unethical abrogation of a natural right even more fundamental than liberty. I, Pirate …
  • The complaint focused on his unethical efforts to disbar his colleagues from international forums for daring to contradict his views.
  • Sales representatives were often unethical and willing to tell a client anything to sell a plant.
  • In 2005 the industry's watchdog found it guilty of unethical behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be hypocritical unethical, in fact for the paymaster to shrug off responsibility.
  • It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
  • One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself, Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
  • One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself(sentence dictionary), Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
  • The therapist, Dr. Cornelia Wilbur used unorthodox, but not unethical, treatment for ten years, such as, psychoanalysis, hypnosis and Sodium Pentothal which resulted in the complete integration of the 16 personalities. Patrick Suraci: Sybil in Her Own Words
  • Businesses competed ruthlessly, sometimes unethically, and corrupted the political system through bribes, kickbacks, and illegal rebates.
  • However, if life is seen as something valuable and sacred, to destroy an embryo is unethical and morally wrong.
  • At the time, diagnostic laparoscopies were well accepted, but surgical attempts - apart from gynaecological sterilisation - were considered experimental and therefore unethical.
  • It's not just unethical practices like "push-polling" and "sugging" that influence survey respondents.
  • To fraternize with him in any way, it seems almost unethical. SORT OF RICH
  • The classical moral categories of action are ethical vs. unethical, just vs. unjust and virtuous vs. unvirtuous.
  • that said, people from both official SBC groups and those on their own, often do and say things that others might label indelicate, unethical, foolish, and so on... SBC leaders bear responsibility for Baptists' trouble in Haiti | RELIGION Blog |
  • This does not make them unethical, dishonest people in life or their law practice.
  • If you think hunting with bait or food plots is unethical or un natural that is fine, but please do not create a something primarily on what you think is right or wrong or what you do. Food Plots Vs. Baiting
  • American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'American Nightmare: Gonzales \'wrong and illegal and unethical\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: "What I\'ve experienced in the last six months is the ugly side of the American dream. American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical'
  • Bad hires for unqualified/unethical people in hazy but very expensive positions such as Norris Lozano for the infamous New Markets Tax Credit program It's a small world after all (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Clark has a long history of accusation of unethical acts from suborning perjury to driving under the influence of marijuana.
  • Its rigid structures and processes and predictable ways might stymie his unethical scheming.
  • This requirement may conflict with the Declaration of Helsinki, which deems it unethical to give patients a placebo if an evidence based treatment is available.
  • And that ordinarily requires a formal complaint and a credible suspicion that something illegal - and not just unethical - has occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there is no evidence that he, or other senior officials, acted unethically. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he has his advocate hat on, he relies on black-and-white thinking, peddles stereotypes, plays to emotions, cherry picks, engages in confirmation bias and propaganda, acts like a thug, and rationalizes his unethical behavior because the end justifies the means. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • Advocating jury nullification is only unethical if jury nullification is itself unethical– a highly questionable stance, given such historical examples as the Zenger libel case, the nullification of the Fugitive Slave Laws, and the role of nullification in the repeal of Prohibition. The Volokh Conspiracy » Perhaps the Most Riveting First Chapter I Have Ever Read:
  • - Some people believe that copyrighting is unethical. Joey Teow’s copyright blog
  • Is it unethical for a doctor to knowingly prescribe a placebo without informing the patient?
  • Tuition for private-for-profit trade schools that usually specialize in one field, such as hair-styling or auto mechanics, varies widely, and Unger warns students to be wary of unethical operators.
  • unethical practices in handling public funds
  • That sounds like condonation of sloth, indiscipline, unethical behaviour, and disregard of responsibility.
  • This system is appropriate for reporting suspected unethical or fraudulent activities relating to employees of our company or actions by our company.
  • To fraternize with him in any way, it seems almost unethical. SORT OF RICH
  • It is worth ending this small number of unethical killings in order to secure the right of women to rid their bodies of unnecessary and insentient clumps of flesh.
  • Still, is it unethical or immoral to bring an extinct species back from the dead?
  • The government, he said, could not ignore what he called unethical practices by some educational institutions. Xml's
  • The first one was the 'fact' that Caterpillar make the bulldozers 'used in demolitions by the Israeli army' and that thus any company who used their products was unethical. Some Stuff
  • Carnahan's appearance came after Farmers Union members discussed what they called unethical business practices. Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
  • It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
  • A number of surgeons came under suspicion of unethical behaviour.
  • It emphatically denies it misuses information or acts unethically. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not the people of Portland, but a private businessman from a very unethical family, and a small gang of violent hooligans who have publicly threatened all who have spoken the facts about this deal. Blazer fans will pay for soccer stadium (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Blowing the whistle on any illegal or unethical activities is the right thing to do.
  • His tool is neuromarketing - or looking directly into our brains - a practice that has hitherto been viewed as bordering on the unethical. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Charles County, a political neophyte is challenging a longtime county government official who in recent years was accused of unethical behavior for allegedly misleading county commissioners. Newcomer challenges Charles County register of wills
  • The only change I see is that Thompson is arguably being unethical by discussing what work he did for a client -- that's confidential and privileged (I highly doubt he got the terrorist/client's consent to say this) and it's not up to Fred to describ his work just because he thinks it will help him politically. Thompson Responds To Story Charging He Consulted For Flight 103 Bombers
  • And I would argue unethical, to use those existing rules to force an untried, uninsured experimental technology on the public and the environment of the world.
  • Her behavior borders on the grossly unethical, reporting lie after lie to serve her friends.
  • It is unethical to effectively blackmail a player into giving up his rights with the threat of removal from the team.
  • To so burden those people, and to continue to burden them, is not only wrong but immoral and unethical.
  • To fraternize with him in any way, it seems almost unethical. SORT OF RICH
  • Its heavy-handed sales tactics prompted the pharmaceutical industry's regulatory watchdog to make a ruling of unethical behaviour against it. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all everyone was, or should have been, pulling together and voicing their opinion for the good of the team, so it would be particularly distasteful, if not unethical, should James profit from selling these stories.
  • Psychologists have already determined that computer/games/cellphone type equipment is highly addictive to certain personalities, and, as I noted earlier, instant communications seem to foster a rather wide range of behaviors that are either impolite, unethical, counter-productive, or just plain illegal. Is There A "Tools" Fallacy? « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • One of the great self-deceptions - and one of the great foolishnesses - is to tell yourself, Only I will know. Only you will know that you are a liar; only you will know you deal unethically with people who trust you; only you will know you have no intention of honoring your promise. Whose knowledge or judgment do you imagine is more important? It is precisely your own ego from which there is no escape. Nathaniel Branden 
  • It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
  • This does not make them unethical, dishonest people in life or their law practice.
  • It is remarkable, but not unprecedented, that a person of such ability and political astuteness should turn out to be so unethical. Henry J. Stern: Betrayal of the Public Trust
  • You were forced to endure the coercion and brutality of practices that were unethical, dishonest and in many cases illegal. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll also point out that unethical breeding isn't limited to breeding mutts, there are all too many unethical breeders of purebreds out there too, which is why doing your homework is vital.
  • A business school course in ethics is hardly going to transform an unethical person into an ethical one.
  • Patients feel that modern medical science has become too commercial, almost to the point of being labeled as unethical.
  • Operating without the proper indication is not just unethical an assault.
  • Chiluba criticised Zambia's media for what he termed unethical standards: ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Her conduct on assignment bordered on the unethical.
  • Research that duplicates other work unnecessarily or which is not of sufficient quality to contribute something useful to existing knowledge is unethical
  • A spokesperson for the EU said that while the Irish approach might be unorthodox, it wasn't unethical.
  • There is no epithet deficit when it comes to describing today's crisis of business leadership: greedy, unethical, and myopic appear regularly on the adjectival hot list.
  • We believe in the sanctity of truth, but untruth is not unethical in Marxist philosophies. The Formidable Reality of Khrushchev's Russia
  • All of these were explainable things," Ricks said of accusations he faced in several locations, including spending late nights with students in a dorm room in Atlanta, inappropriate contact with students in Hampton Roads, allegations of unethical behavior in Caroline County and stalking boys while a teacher in Manassas. Ex-Va. teacher Ricks pleads guilty to child porn, gets 25 years
  • He accused the team of being unethical in implementing their forensic examination, as well as disregarding the use of scientific procedures while removing the fragile mummy from its golden sarcophagus.
  • Worse if the ethics committee suggests the law as it stands is unethical. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, the privilege granted to us must not be used as a cover for unethical practices, aimed at violating the spirit of democracy.
  • The banks have also been accused of behaving unethically towards savers and borrowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • There should be only one penalty for unethical behavior of any kind by an elected official: public hanging, preferably from a lamppost outside the Capitol building. Conyers' office reacts to reports of wife's guilty plea
  • But most players, even teams, would rather win unethically than lose honestly.
  • So the appropriation of voudon rituals, sand-paintings and such-like is unethical. Archive 2006-09-01
  • This dr is very unethical and I think that background screenings should be mandatory for IFV. Hospital May Not Release Octuplets To Nadya Suleman
  • It does possibly create a more anarchical and unethical world. Power in the Numbers
  • He has a long history of accusation of unethical acts from suborning perjury to driving under the influence of marijuana.
  • ‘There's absolutely no question that it's unethical for parents to bring up their children as strict vegans,’ she said.
  • Many of the expense claims were unethical and wrong. The Sun
  • I think by most accounts it's not only unethical, but illegal in most states to catch gamefish that way. Snagging fish
  • To deprive children of this most basic human right is unethical.
  • What you are complaining about might have been individual unethical behaviour.
  • Not only was her action a breach of her visa but was highly unethical and morally questionable.
  • It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.
  • Here's a person whom the AIP claims was one of their members (and her husband's ties to them are clear) who "infiltrated" American political parties, who came under serious ethics violations investigations including abuse of power and unethical funding. I don't do well on the political stage
  • A spokesman said: 'We have zero tolerance for unethical or illegal behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • THE giving of a surgical procedure as a prize is an unbelievable, dangerous and highly unethical practice. The Sun
  • Asking someone for a $20 handout is obscene and unethical, as in Narrative's case (and I think we can all agree on that), but what are your feelings on these nominal fees certain magazines nowadays require? Do Not Submit to Narrative Magazine
  • Not only was her action a breach of her visa but was highly unethical and morally questionable.
  • I have read enumerable stories of consumers facing completely ridiculous, unethical, and even unconscionable issues. Ask The Consumerists: How Do You Stay Calm When You're Being Wronged? - The Consumerist
  • And what is worse, there are severe penalties (including ban from the search engine) for keyword stuffingbecause this is considered an unethical practice that tries to manipulate search results.
  • Worse if the ethics committee suggests the law as it stands is unethical. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disorderly and drunken behaviour, nudism and photographing indigenous people without their consent, particularly when they are naked or semi-naked are totally unethical tourist activities that are indulged in.
  • My observations are that unethical, immoral college students tend to hold those same personal values for most of their lives.
  • Barthes found himself profoundly discomforted; he knew he was in the presence of a certain way of reading that was prevalent in society, exploited ruthlessly by the media, but false, unethical and plain wrong. Reading Workshop III « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The desire for a good life produces hardworking, creative and productive people. The desire for power and money creates greedier, unethical and immoral men. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It's an essay that suggests that it's unethical to use oral contraceptives because of their abortifacient properties.
  • They learned that trickery, lies, deceit, intentionally feigned ignorance and any other unethical behavior required to protect their bonus pools is what pays in the end. Mike Stark: Confidence Game Kills a Zombie Lie (Well, Sorta...)
  • The desire for a good life produces hardworking, creative and productive people. The desire for power and money creates greedier, unethical and immoral men. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A higher level of moral reasoning, on the other hand, is associated with resisting the temptation to succumb to outside pressures to act unethically.
  • Despite the all the virulent and often unintelligible comments that have somehow made it past CNN's moderators (makes you wonder what they're up to, huh?), Mr. Steele is not dismissing these two incidents because he doesn't believe them to be unethical, but rather because his overall goal is to move the focus within the GOP away from the older party members and towards younger, "fresher" candidates. Steele: Sanford, Ensign affairs 'old news, old school'
  • If a sweetheart deal is obviously unethical and not in the interests of shareholders, legal action can be taken.
  • American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'American Nightmare: Gonzales \'wrong and illegal and unethical\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: "What I\'ve experienced in the last six months is the ugly side of the American dream. American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical'
  • It looks like Hillary's unrelenting campaign of latent racism and demonizing Obama – unethical claims of victory and scapegoating of Obama as supressing votes in MI and FL – while pumping up on testosterone to morph into the most macho candidate since Regan is a formula to win her margin over the short term. Gary mayor: 'This should all be over shortly'
  • Complicating the issue is the fact that many believe a gold-standard study would be unethical: How could you carry out what’s called a double-blind study of a large group of children—randomly assigning half to be immunized and half not, leaving the second group of kids vulnerable to serious and often deadly diseases? You Raising Your Child
  • These things may be ethical or unethical, depending on the situation.
  • He accused the team of being unethical in implementing their forensic examination, as well as disregarding the use of scientific procedures while removing the fragile mummy from its golden sarcophagus.
  • This situation presents an important challenge for small businesses: how can I convince my potential customers that I am not an unethical, fly-by-night operation?
  • And that ordinarily requires a formal complaint and a credible suspicion that something illegal - and not just unethical - has occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • The desire for a good life produces hardworking, creative and productive people. The desire for power and money creates greedier, unethical and immoral men. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • There's an old journalist question used to entrap people - it's so unethical, it's a joke.
  • Unethical testimony also can be considered unprofessional conduct for purposes of licensure discipline.
  • Half a dozen newspapers recently have fired reporters for dishonest or unethical reporting.
  • Still, is it unethical or immoral to bring an extinct species back from the dead?
  • Even though I don’t agree with the idea of wifely submission, and even find it personally unethical. Newsflash: Boycotting weddings is not a loving act
  • As evidence for this point, consider that illegally or unethically obtained documents have often surfaced in the context of judicial nominations.
  • Is it unethical for a blogger to accept money to promote or endorse commercial products or political ideas and policies?
  • people no longer vivisect animals--it's considered unethical
  • Last year it dismissed 292 people for unethical behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have taken great umbrage at the portrayal of scientists as unscrupulous and unethical.
  • It is blatantly unethical to wreak vengeance upon innocent bystanders.
  • Howard Moscoe, a former Toronto city councillor who sells election signs, describes Temelkovski's use of the word "re-elect" as "unethical. - Home Page
  • Roberts obtained his justiceship by (i) unethically sitting on, and casting the deciding vote for the Executive on, a court of appeals case from Guantanamo involving the same kind of question at issue in the recent case, while (ii) meeting with Dick Cheney, David Addington, to assure them of his intellectual fealty to the ideas they wished to prevail. Evil Judges And Dumb Politicians
  • The tactic, known as "fundraising under the guise of research," or frugging, is discouraged as unethical by trade groups such as the Marketing Research Association. Newt Gingrich's financial empire shows his fundraising prowess
  • He tried to explain to her that a bad business decision which results in a) pissing off your customers or b) having a bad credit rating was, perhaps, a * bad business decision* but that just because something made her personally unhappy didn't mean it was immoral or unethical. No More Mister Nice Blog
  • We take the view that it is unethical to make a profit from incarceration, and that to do so necessarily builds inflationary pressures into the system.
  • It is blatantly unethical to wreak vengeance upon innocent bystanders.
  • Paradoxically, or is that hypocritically, the pursuit of political power as practised by individual politicians is highly unedifying, not to say unethical.
  • The hope is to introduce regulation that will penalise companies if employees break the law or act unethically. Times, Sunday Times
  • And that ordinarily requires a formal complaint and a credible suspicion that something illegal - and not just unethical - has occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • But were you to blow the whistle, would you be squealing because her behaviour is unethical, or because you are seeking to save your own job? Times, Sunday Times
  • Widespread as it may be, it is nevertheless a way of thinking that is profoundly amoral, unethical and indeed barbaric.
  • The unethical behaviour of the energy companies is disgraceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • How unethical it would be to take these chimpanzees back to laboratories and once again expose them to invasive research after they'd been able to live without being used and abused. Marc Bekoff: The Federal Animal Welfare Act: Are Animals Really Better Off?
  • She was unethical in defending herself against ethics claims. Palin defense fund may be unethical, investigator says
  • You might still be out of a job because of his unethical conduct. The Guide to Greatness in Sales

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