How To Use Unequivocal In A Sentence

  • We the Muslims unequivocally condemn abuse of the phrase Allahu Akbar and call on the imams and the scholars to recondition appropriate use of the phrase. Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar Is Abused
  • The unequivocal monotheism of Islam served to unite all.
  • It is very good to have such a clear and unequivocal statement.
  • At the meeting in Milan he received the unequivocal support of the board. Times, Sunday Times
  • The message was unequivocal and unanimous: far from it being over, we are at only the very beginning of this crisis. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He must send an unequivocal message about the behaviour he expects of bankers, the accountability of the boss and the values of the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
  • These normally nuanced characters briefly became vessels for issue-based polemic rather than wry, subtle dialogue - and even to unequivocal admirers, this is a serious wobble.
  • For example, 'Cardio' sits unequivocally at the top with the irrefutable disclaimer that the fatties were the first to go. Junk - Latest Happenings
  • So the idea that even one Planned Parenthood staffer (by definition … a “pro-choicer”) is perfectly okay with funding even one abortion, specifically to kill a black child — well, we are unilaterally and unequivocally against that. ProWomanProLife » On “moral hygiene”
  • ‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
  • None can count on unequivocal support. Times, Sunday Times
  • A proof may be messy, dreary, tedious, or look like a joke, but there must be an unequivocal criterion for its validity, even if accessible to but a few specialists.
  • Yet it unequivocally states that the People "Shall not" (imperative) "coerce" the government, without defining what form such "coercion" takes. Please sign this open letter to et al re. petitions to topple The Thought Crimes Bill
  • They also unequivocally demonstrate that noticeable change can emerge on its own by summing up the steady unnoticeable work of incremental deletions of the unfit.
  • His art continues to inspire responses ranging from unequivocal praise to outright condemnation.
  • The American system gives voters a clear and unequivocal choice. The Sun
  • Although in other poems Leapor shows that labouring class women can be desperately unhappy in marriage, she is not unequivocal.
  • His text unequivocally presents an elite perspective of non-elite individuals.
  • The message was unequivocal and unanimous: far from it being over, we are at only the very beginning of this crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • My views on that are clear and unequivocal. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we must do so in a way that is consistent with our unequivocal commitment to human rights. The Sun
  • The vanguard reported which a partial of has shown fervent seductiveness in assisting to horde a annual Apr cooking during a unequivocally tasteful as good as available site. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The report of the review board concludes unequivocally that the accident was caused by a high-altitude aerial explosion of an asteroidal body.
  • While they employ neither the soaring grandeur of Sigur Rós nor the elfin idiosyncrasy of Björk, the music of the Múm quartet is unequivocally Icelandic.
  • He was using the phrase "knowing nothing" in a broadly metaphysical sense, not as a way of discrediting science and scientific evidence, which he unequivocally supported. The Full Feed from
  • He answers the question in his title unequivocally: the global influence of the emerging economies is growing but they are not even close to threatening a world order dominated by the US. / Books / Non-Fiction - A world stirred but not quite shaken
  • He remains unequivocal in his support for both. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Prime Minister, he said, had the party's unequivocal support.
  • In most litigious situations the expression ‘waiver’ is used to describe a voluntary, informed and unequivocal election by a party not to claim a right or raise an objection which it is open to that party to claim or raise.
  • He supported Saddam Hussein unequivocally even when Saddam was gassing Kurds. Matthew Yglesias » In Praise of Grant
  • Such moments have, for the most part, been reserved in this book for the loners whose poems unequivocally evade the inhibiting classifications of the author's grum-bummed clerisy.
  • To some degree, the expostulation heil is obviously a hailing; but it is hardly an unequivocal one. Patriot Acts: The Political Language of Henrich von Kleist
  • A splash of scarlet can be most effective when contrasted with equally unequivocal colours, such as cobalt blue, imperial purple and clear yellow. Times, Sunday Times
  • she stated her intentions unequivocally
  • Margaret starts out as a many pleasing girl in France as good as ends up as a scolding, infamous aged hag; is which a story, or is it unequivocally dual plays? Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • The American voters gave Democrats clear control of Congress, rebuked President George W. Bush, and voiced an unequivocal public craving to trade in customary narrow-minded politics for something more inspiring. The Heart Of Queens | Disinformation
  • The panel noted that “since patenting business methods would involve a radical departure from the traditional patent regime, and since the patentability of such methods is a highly contentious matter, clear and unequivocal legislation is required for business methods to be patentable.” Business method patents ‘face rough ride’
  • It indicated that the countermanding, in order to get out of it, has to be unequivocal and the greatest countermand that one can offer.
  • You would think that one item unequivocally banned from the diminutive bathroom would be the freestanding bath. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole stadium rose to its feet in an unequivocal roar of support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their alliances were indissoluble, their commitment to their colleagues, unequivocal.
  • The message is unequivocal: failure may be an option but quitting is not. Times, Sunday Times
  • unequivocal evidence
  • Taken together, that is hardly an unequivocal sign of economic vigour.
  • They want to give unequivocal support to any alleged victims and be entirely open with parents and other schools, but they are restricted by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • This unique succession of ammonoid assemblages allows unequivocal recognition of European substage-level chronostratigraphy across the mid-Carboniferous boundary interval in North America for the first time.
  • But the message was unequivocal - there will be no more money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first of these sentences, bars 1 to 9, unequivocally secures D as the tonic.
  • We conclude, then, that there must be a single identical term unequivocally predicable of a number of individuals. Posterior Analytics
  • Laboratory tests are frequently normal in patients with unequivocally active disease and viceversa.
  • Yet it is none the less true that the portion of Italy unequivocally Austrian is better governed and enjoys, not more Liberty, for there is none in either, but a milder form of Slavery, than that which prevails in Naples, Rome, Tuscany, and the paltrier native despotisms. Glances at Europe In a Series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, &c. During the Summer of 1851.
  • an unequivocal (or univocal) statement
  • I state here, unequivocally and for the record, that any documents presented to me by US law enforcement agents were signed and initialled under duress, thus rendered legally contested in validity.
  • It took two terms of an intelligent commander-in-chief, and another moral equivocator, former law professor Bill Clinton, for the Republicans to search again for an unequivocal moral crusader with not a whole lot going on upstairs. James Marshall Crotty: Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America
  • White South Africans must, in increasing numbers, also act in favour of a united, democratic and nonracial South Africa and reject unequivocally the so-called tricameral parliament and all institutions and "resolutions" based on the system of apartheid in all its elements. STATEMENT AT THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - LIBERATION MOVEMENT DIALOGUE, LUSAKA, MAY 5, 1987
  • An inventory should contain sufficient information to enable the unequivocal identification of an object.
  • Anything that could not be said unequivocally by the voice of reason belonged to empirical singularity, to the private sphere, and had nothing to do with genuine education.
  • Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.
  • The Government of South Africa unequivocally condemns the latest suicide bombing in Haifa, Israel, on the eve of Yom Kippur, which is reported to have left 18 people dead. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The constitutional position is clear and unequivocal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The L.A. Times team has written a searing, unflinching and unequivocal indictment of a morally criminal operation bereft of any apologies or doubts.
  • Some clinicians require unequivocal angiographic proof of pulmonary embolism before they will begin thrombolysis.
  • The British government's position was unequivocal: there had to be regime change in Iraq.
  • But the message was unequivocal - there will be no more money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The records on televised presidential debates are unequivocal.
  • However, Thn! ardier r ecognizes Fauchelevent for who he unequivocally is as good as decides to trap him. Stole_bread @ 2009-10-10T00:25:00
  • Buchner's experiments showed unequivocally that fermentation is a catalytic process caused by the action of enzymes, as had been suggested by Berzelius for all life processes, and Buchner called his extract zymase The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • So the idea that even one Planned Parenthood staffer (by definition … a “pro-choicer”) is perfectly okay with funding even one abortion, specifically to kill a black child — well, we are unilaterally and unequivocally against that. ProWomanProLife » On “moral hygiene”
  • Their conclusion unequivocally states that vaqueros, cowboys, and buckaroos are ‘at heart… all the same, they do their work a little differently, they dress a little differently, but they are the same’.
  • The word translators used for almah in the Septuagint is the Greek word parthenos, which unequivocally means “virgin.” 101 Amazing Truths about Jesus
  • Again, the capuchin monkey cannot be unequivocally assigned to either the typical anthropoid or nonprimate pattern.
  • If you look at all the opinion polls, they are absolutely unequivocal about his.
  • Jagged are regardless latino on the puzzled disparateness and crimper compote turbogenerator, opportunistic basic of the merrily truncate maoi blastocytomas, and the uvular sarcodes unequivocalness. dwelling implementation instantaneously equetus neoclassicist crackerjack newsbreak oled unsure crowbar rambler kinkajou pardoner utahraptor. Rational Review
  • The verdict An unequivocal thumbs up. Times, Sunday Times
  • It needed a clear and unequivocal statement, from someone, that it was not the case.
  • We're just not having fun," says Katherine during one date, apparently putting an end to the affair; but a few minutes later James is "supine on the bed with her astraddle him," in one of Spring's many vigorous, but not unequivocally joyful, bedroom scenes. The Pursuit of Okayness
  • Mr Brown does not itemise the reasons for this unequivocal support or suggest what splendid qualities Mr Martin may possess which might offset his patent liabilities. The tears they are a fallin' Tears before bedtime as predicted
  • Unequivocal evidence, it was said, had been obtained of the liberticide intentions of Great Britain; and only the successes of freedom against tyranny, the triumphs of their magnanimous French brethren over slaves, had been the means of once more guaranteeing the independence of this country. The Life of George Washington, Vol. 5 (of 5) Commander in Chief of the American Forces During the War which Established the Independence of his Country and First President of the United States
  • But law enforcement and government representatives have unequivocally denied the accusations.
  • Spivak is often viewed as an unequivocally deconstructive theorist, and she frequently reinforces this impression by proclaiming her allegiance to Derrida's ideas.
  • The treaty unequivocally prohibits the ‘nuclear five’ from transferring nuclear weapons, components or specifications to non-nuclear states.
  • Bylines and datelines state unequivocally that the reporter was there, saw what he saw, and reported it faithfully, unless an ‘additional reporting’ squib accompanies the story.
  • Stann is unequivocally strong, though he's also unequivocally robotic as good as awkward, which creates me consider the fireplug of the male similar to Wallace can get in upon his hips as good as hit him over. MMA Ratings: Fight Picks and Predictions for TUF 10 Finale: More Kimbo
  • The constitutional position is clear and unequivocal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could perhaps be argued that too many novels do still imply a "decipherable universe" -- decipherable insofar as it can be adequately rendered through the protocols of realism -- but most literary fiction is not so tied to a 19th century worldview as to portray human experience as "stable, coherent, continuous, unequivocal. Experimental Fiction
  • The respondent or defender of an academical thesis is to be considered as the author, unless the work unequivocally appears to be the work of the _praeses_. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • It is not so much that its resistances are actually to be understood as complicities, but that it unequivocally takes its complicities as the social and moral ideals, usually affirmed by Mr. Knightley, as the measure against which all other behavior is to be judged. Box Hill and the Limits of Realism
  • My answer is an unequivocal, emphatic yes. The Sun
  • In 2002, for the first time ever, a US president gave it his clear and unequivocal support.
  • The 31st verse of the 24th chapter of the Qur'an mentions the word khimar, which unequivocally means a veil covering the head, according to the agreed upon definition by the majority of classical commentators. Altmuslim
  • In my thinking the answer was an unequivocal yes! Christianity Today
  • Laboratory tests are frequently normal in patients with unequivocally active disease and viceversa.
  • It is, on the contrary, as a vast amount of various and unequivocal evidence demonstrates, incalculably more modern; nay, we find proof of the fact here in that very bed which has been instanced as rendering it doubtful; the clay of which the interpolation is composed is found to contain fragments, not only of the cornstone on which it rests, but also of the Wealden limestone and shales which it underlies. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • They could receive the wrong treatment and the record did not provide clear and unequivocal evidence of a patient's treatment pathway. The Sun
  • They want to give unequivocal support to any alleged victims and be entirely open with parents and other schools, but they are restricted by the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • Muck in the seventeenth century meant, unequivocally, animal dung.
  • Yes, their coquettery and evasions can exasperate men looking for an unequivocal answer to riddles of life and love.
  • But Boston stands alone in saying officially and unequivocally that no such condition exists here.
  • They unequivocally express these thoughts: that God is the only being who was from eternity; that the Logos was the first begotten, antemundane being, that he was the likeness, image, immediate manifestation, of the Father; that he was the medium of creation, the instrumental means in the outward formation of the world. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • This, like many others of our indigenous plants possessed of unequivocal utility, is unnoticed in the dispensatories and other works. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • The best one can hope for is an explicit and unequivocal commitment to doing that right thing.
  • Asked if either of those substances were relevant to the treatment of colic his answer is precise and unequivocal.
  • Your Lordship has given clear and unequivocal ruling which is consistent with the position adopted in other member states.
  • This seems amazing because three years ago we were told the proof was empirical and unequivocal and definite. The Sun
  • But the evidence against doing so is at least equipollent: Bayle claims, repeatedly and unequivocally, to be a believer. This, About The Man I Met Out Here In Nearly Nowhere
  • He added: ‘The wilful killing of innocent people can never be justified and is an act that merits unequivocal and unreserved condemnation.’
  • Traditional matte portrayal was unequivocally loose; we once carefully thought about the single of Pete Ellenshaws mattes as well as was stunned by how lax as well as sketchy it was, yet when we stood behind as well as squinted it suddenly popped with realism. Famous Monsters Modern Mages: Harry Walton
  • The evidence for some kind of massive programmed rearrangement upon environmental induction in flax is unequivocal," he writes, "but inheritance of acquired changes has been an anathema to evolutionary biologists ever since Darwin's time. 2008 February - Telic Thoughts
  • Then Eskimos rebel as great as kick Tommy as great as tell Barrys mother he unequivocally is a blueberry during hear. 72nd worst movie we is ever seen. .7 Thumbs Down!!! Archive 2009-11-01
  • Item 0013 spells it out unequivocally: “For the present invention, the heretofore considered repellent effects of the methyl anthranilate are preserved for consumer enjoyment.” The Fruit Hunters
  • Buchner's experiments showed unequivocally that fermentation is a catalytic process caused by the action of enzymes, as had been suggested by Berzelius for all life processes, and Buchner called his extract zymase The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • Even without the benefit of modern mathematics, tally rods show clearly and unequivocally a mismatch of about a third of a lunation between the end of 12 lunations (the lunar year) and the end of the solar year.
  • I can say unequivocally that she is a congenital liar.
  • We have a series of unequivocal and undeviating standards based on United Nations resolution 242 which Begin accepted without question, every word of it: that is, the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force and the pledge to withdraw from occupied territories. ‘He Was Like a Brother To Me’
  • After all, Stephen Malkmus's musicianship is distinct and his artistic stamp on his music is unequivocal.
  • That's why great and near-great Canadian rock acts have absolutely, unequivocally refused to cross that darn picket line, Grey Cup or no Grey Cup.
  • Either it gives no unequivocal answer to our problem or it is itself open to question.
  • Republicans nominated, had voted in Congress for the free coinage of silver, was widely known as a bimetallist, and was only with difficulty persuaded to accept the unequivocal indorsement of the gold standard which was pressed upon him by his counselors. History of the United States
  • But even when man's supernatural end alone is taken into consideration, the term predestination is not always used by theologians in an unequivocal sense. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • But the evidence against doing so is at least equipollent: Bayle claims, repeatedly and unequivocally, to be a believer.
  • It seems that our current knowledge does not allow an unequivocal decision between them.
  • Both methods showed unequivocally that H3 and H4 were in the form of a double dimer, an (H3) 2 (H4) 2 tetramer (Kornberg and Thomas, 1974). Roger D. Kornberg - Autobiography
  • Mr Grey gave an emphatic and unequivocal assurance that the names of all the donors would remain totally confidential.
  • The pieces of evidence fell into place with the unequivocal precision of a well-made jigsaw puzzle.
  • The whole stadium rose to its feet in an unequivocal roar of support. Times, Sunday Times
  • My unequivocal preference for artisanal bread rests on sensorial grounds: It is much more enchanting to my touch and my palate. The Rise of Nations
  • The dimensions of the lower fourth premolar and lower carnassial tooth as well as the morphology of the mandibular ramus of the specimen from South Turkwel unequivocally identify it as an earlier representative of M. whites.
  • To achieve greatness, a filmmaker needs to direct three unequivocally great movies.
  • The rhetoric wasn't new, but the response from the audience was unequivocal, with even the wavering Frank Fahey, and the chain smoking Martin Cullen, fulsome in their support.
  • Problems have to be spelt out in unequivocal language, with deadlines set for resolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unequivocally successful 20th-century revivals of the play were rare.
  • an unequivocal promise
  • The direct cultural value of a warlike business policy is unequivocal. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • They also unequivocally demonstrate that noticeable change can emerge on its own by summing up the steady unnoticeable work of incremental deletions of the unfit.
  • Again, the capuchin monkey cannot be unequivocally assigned to either the typical anthropoid or nonprimate pattern.
  • Bureaucrats sufficiently self-possessed to speak in that kind of unequivocal language are few and far between.
  • Saint Hayek was unequivocal in arguing for universal health care in Road to Serfdom, as it is a “genuinely insurable risk,” ie, no moral hazard. Matthew Yglesias » Obama at the House GOP Retreat
  • But we must do so in a way that is consistent with our unequivocal commitment to human rights. The Sun
  • Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
  • Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
  • However, the sales and marketing director was unequivocal in saying that there were no plans to downsize the Wiltshire operation.
  • Finally, let me unequivocally state my strong recommendation for Rachel Thomas.
  • Her claim is that she received an unequivocal assurance that the property was structurally sound.
  • Laboratory tests are frequently normal in patients with unequivocally active disease and viceversa.
  • It effectively stopped the chain of command from making the unequivocal condemnation needed to scotch wild speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It might be thought that answers to these questions could be given in a clear and unequivocal way.
  • In so finding, I bear in mind that the representation must be clear or unequivocal.
  • Cautioning that EV-SSL is "not a silver bullet," Silva said he believes green browser address bars "take security to yet another level, so the consumer can know the site they're going to is unequivocally who they expect it to be. Don't do business online without the green bar
  • Mother Jones, a glossy monthly, takes an equally unequivocal approach to war.
  • His answer was short, clear and unequivocal. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of criticism from the pulpits, he refused to qualify his unequivocal statements.
  • It effectively stopped the chain of command from making the unequivocal condemnation needed to scotch wild speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to evidence unequivocal that the United States of America was never intended to provide even the first hint of adhesion to any religious orientation: In the latter years of the 1790s and early days and years of the 1800s, the North Africa states along what was known as the Barbary Coast — Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, and Morocco — were rapaciously raking American shipping. The US was NEVER intended to be Christian. Herein is the Documented Truth.
  • "These attacks, whether by rejectionist loyalists or dissident republicans, are attacks on the peace process and must be condemned in the most forthright and unequivocal terms."
  • Most of Wednesday's victims were followers of the young cleric and his message was unequivocal.
  • Russian Ark is a film that celebrates high culture unequivocally.
  • Her answer was an unequivocal no. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • Her answer was an unequivocal no. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • I have received formal notification from the Director of the Naval Special Warfare Archives that the claims made by Mr. JOHN TAYLOR are absolutely and unequivocally FALSE – specifically his claims of being "the only living WWII Navy Seal Officer, and the youngest Navy Officer on active duty during WWII". Heroes or Villains?
  • He has the full, unequivocal support of our board. The Sun
  • The answer was an unequivocal 'no'.
  • Problems have to be spelt out in unequivocal language, with deadlines set for resolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Government is sending a very clear and unequivocal message to the people of New Zealand.
  • The congress unequivocally restates the demand for independence.
  • took an unequivocal position
  • Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.
  • Here is the set of ‘reasonably distinct, unequivocal and perdurable’ criteria, or determining principles, (the first four courtesy of Jonathan Culler), upon which Solway bases his judgments of poetry: Five ways to judge a Poem’s Merit
  • On the other hand, speakers could be quite unequivocal and left no doubt as to their belief in what was being told.
  • an unequivocal success
  • This seems amazing because three years ago we were told the proof was empirical and unequivocal and definite. The Sun
  • But, in the meantime, as an editor for OEN I can say unequivocally that we do not "demote" articles. OpEdNews - Diary: People Who Hate OpEdNews
  • Tests on humans and animals are unequivocal that a higher haemoglobin boosts acute athletic performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • While demonstrating his ethnic and religious location unequivocally, Jani refuses to be slotted in the role of community spokesperson.
  • He stated unequivocally that he knew nothing about the document.
  • Corporate leaders have come to Cancun to delver the unequivocal message that climate change is bad for business. Jonathan Wootliff: Climate Change Is Bad for Business
  • He remains unequivocal in his support for both. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the most part, though not entirely, the narrator stays out of it, slides into Emma's consciousness, records dead pan (often, of course, in hilariously funny ways) what people say and think, and only appears unequivocally as narrator at the points at which she makes sure we are aware of the conventions of romance happy endings. Box Hill and the Limits of Realism
  • The report's message was unequivocal.
  • I wish to take this opportunity to declare this again unequivocally, and beg that my distinguished audience will bear this fact in mind. Eisaku Sato - Nobel Lecture
  • The study identifies unequivocally the essentiality of this gene for growth at low temperature.
  • Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.
  • At the same time, his use of the word "revise" - rather than something more unequivocal - appeared to leave the door open for further bargaining on missile defense. The St. Petersburg Times
  • The unequivocal answer must be: both. The Times Literary Supplement
  • To which my answer is an unequivocal yes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is unequivocal and incontestable, and what has happened?
  • Twenty years ago, the answer would have been loud, unequivocal and sustained.
  • The verdict An unequivocal thumbs up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interviews with RDC employees - the old roadmen - in 1957 when the status of The Road was called in question stated unequivocally that they did not maintain The Road - it was private.
  • I'm genuinely interested in finding properly-detailed copper-bottomed examples of this stuff working unequivocally.
  • For example, "Cardio" sits unequivocally at the top with the irrefutable disclaimer that the fatties were the first to go. Junk - Latest Happenings
  • It is good that the participants should know this in clear and unequivocal terms.
  • To which my answer is an unequivocal yes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A more likely reason for the present reluctance is the lack of compelling evidence that demonstrates unequivocally the failure of the standard force fields.
  • In my thinking the answer was an unequivocal yes! Christianity Today
  • Although it is difficult to unequivocally equate regeneration with predatory activity, there is compelling evidence for just such a conclusion.
  • The unequivocal answer must be: both. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I wanted unequivocal emotional support. The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting
  • For what his data show is a powerful process of convergence, far from complete in extent but unequivocal in direction.
  • This will help the physicians to arrive at an unequivocal diagnosis of thyroid function in patients having euthyroid hyperthyroxinaemia, euthyroid hypothyroxinaemia or euthyroxinaemic hyperthyroidism.

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