
unequal to

  1. not meeting requirements
    unequal to the demands put upon him

How To Use unequal to In A Sentence

  • Feeling unequal to the challenge, many officials tacitly acknowledged the power of these de facto satraps.
  • The librarian contrived to put off the matter until she could make some investigations of her own, but, all the resources of the central reference room proving unequal to the task, she timidly asked the clubwoman, at her next visit, to solve the problem. A Librarian's Open Shelf
  • In some countries, especially those facing massive development challenges, even the military would be unequal to imposing legal order on a feral city.
  • This is a new sort of equality - no one must be given any reason for feeling unequal to anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • To attack this amorphous target the Kriegsmarine applied all its resources over the winter of 1940-1, but they were unequal to the task.
  • Having proven themselves unequal to the task of assessing the need for the vaccine in the first place, they are now proving themselves unequal to the task of administering it.
  • His considerable discussions of sexuality are conspicuously free from prudery, so frank that he feared being read by people whose minds were unequal to the seriousness of the subject.
  • Yet try as they might, their weary mounts were unequal to their demands.
  • He tried to cheer her up but found himself unequal to the task.
  • Many physical problems have been linked to the pervasive, ongoing stress of feeling unequal to what you have to do.
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