How To Use Unenlightened In A Sentence
This patronising initiative seems to suggest that unenlightened mums and dads are the cause of racism in Oldham, by passing it on to their kids and creating a vicious cycle.
lamentably unenlightened as to the laws
At best, you could say the narrator is a man of his unenlightened times.
Back in those unenlightened days we all carried knives in the playground, but we didn't know what to do with them, using them for cutting sticks and playing games.
Boyd has now revealed he too remains unenlightened.

While some of us may or may not adhere to these beliefs, those out of step become nonentities, dismissed as right-wing, misguided, and unenlightened.
However, our carnal, unenlightened Adamic nature feels compelled to defend the image we have of God and good, and trying to manage these images has caused us to systematically put the planet in peril.
God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
The local burghers were not the least bit delighted or impressed at this assumption, and the unenlightened portrayal of our quaint and historic village.
According to Tibetan Buddhism, the universe is populated by a vast array of enlightened and unenlightened beings.
But before she made her final impassioned plea to her seemingly unenlightened colleagues, the air had been thick with expectation.
In Bahamian society, the unenlightened racists put Haitians at the bottom of the totem pole and they are actively discriminated against.
Don't tell me your Brit handlers think that just because the climate surrounding San Fran is the key to the best French bread (Sourdough to the unenlightened) in the world might have something to do with growing creativity!
January 2007
He is cantankerous, idealistic, blinkered, thin-skinned, romantic, a man of the ‘enlightenment’ but curiously unenlightened himself.
There 5 s even an Erotic museum for the unenlightened or the curious among you.
It's difficult to believe that any modern country could be this backward and unenlightened.
Logically, then, Christians who insisted on the adequacy and ultimacy of the particular revelation of Christ found in the New Testament, by that very fact automatically showed themselves to be unenlightened.
Haiti is the poorest, most backward, unenlightened nation in the Western hemisphere.
A Compendium of Kisses," the guide to everything oscular -- that's "of or pertaining to kissing" for the unenlightened -- tells all about one of the world's most universal gestures, whether simple greeting or sublime.
Reuters: Top News
Thus Jewish economic roomage is almost closed, they have tomigrate to relatively unenlightened Eastern European.
A few months before this time, he would have scorned the idea of concealing any part of his conduct, any one of his actions, from his best friend, Mr Percival; but his pride now reconciled him to the meanness of concealment; and here, the acuteness of him feelings was to his own mind an excuse for dissimulation: so fallacious is moral instinct, unenlightened or uncontrolled by reason and religion.
My confused, unenlightened family will make a conscious effort to have the TV turned to the wrong channel the night one of them is aired, hoping I'll just forget about it.
Surely, one might say, this is proof that magic was beginning to be regarded merely as the activity of unenlightened, superstitious peasants.
I have to say here, that the corps de ballet (that's the poncy equivalent of the chorus line, for you unenlightened) were the biggest bunch of clodhopping hoofers I've ever seen.
Within the political class, it is standard fare to bemoan lack of engagement among the unenlightened masses.
Indeed the wide diffusion of letters in the States, that favourite theme for boasting and bragging over the unenlightened and analphabetic Old World, has tended only to exaggerate the defective and disagreeable side of a national character lacking geniality and bristling with prickly individuality.
Arabian nights. English
the devices by which unenlightened men preserved the unjust social order
In this regard we in our time are strangely unenlightened.
The soul chooses to remain in darkness, unevolved and unenlightened.
In this way, all unenlightened experience is fabricated by the various aspects of the mind as it generates a false self and projects delusory objects onto reality.
You would be forgiven for thinking that such sentiments had been mouthed by a male chauvinist in the 19th century, or that they are perhaps a parody of our ancestors' unenlightened mindset.
Unfortunately, Bradford Council has shown an unenlightened attitude and needs to be persuaded otherwise.
These and other unenlightened phrases echoed around the world last week as protesters marched by the thousands in the name of world peace.
I have to say here, that the corps de ballet (that's the poncy equivalent of the chorus line, for you unenlightened) were the biggest bunch of clodhopping hoofers I've ever seen.
My father believed, like Pericles, that a man's genius could be easily judged by the number of unenlightened fools set in phalanx against his ideas.
Thomas Steinbeck: John Steinbeck, Michael Moore, and the Burgeoning Role of Planetary Patriotism
Academic scholars have a great need to feel superior to the mass of unenlightened and uncredentialed readers -- I will foreswear the temptation to speculate on why this is the case -- and increasingly academic literary scholars found it necessary to consider themselves superior even to the writers and the literary texts they ostensibly study.
Literary Study
Naturally, the mother concludes the report unenlightened, and afraid of the consequences both of the vaccine, and of measles.
IMMIGRANT, n. An unenlightened person who thinks one country better than another.
Yet the teacherly streak in Orwell - his calling to educate the unenlightened bourgeoisie - drove him further to investigate Britain's under-class.
A year ago, he was pretty unenlightened about the whole issue - much like the rest of us.
Call me unenlightened, but I'm glad it's over, and that I can now get back to the real work of making this world a smarter, better place.
Indeed the upper echelons, who to the unenlightened merely appear as parasitic larcenous thugs, will have a tad more than the $5 being shoveled at those welfare recipients that curtsy correctly.
If we are to succeed in our attempt to transform our unenlightened manifestation into an enlightened one, we need the lineage.