How To Use Unengaged In A Sentence
I will use the term participation unit to refer both to encounters and to unengaged participants; the term bystander will be used to refer to any individual present who is not a ratified member of the particular encounter in question, whether or not he is currently a member of some other encounter.
Behavior in Public Places
I asked, the drug drawing together previously unengaged synapses.
The engaged custodian is more likely to be happy than the independently wealthy, unengaged millionaire, " he says. "We didn't evolve to be retired and sit on the couch.
His unengaged performance dampens the whole show.
Empty space exists only for the unengaged reader, who lacks imagination, knowledge, and a holistic view and who thus fails to perceive connections and relationships.
I will use the term participation unit to refer both to encounters and to unengaged participants; the term bystander will be used to refer to any individual present who is not a ratified member of the particular encounter in question, whether or not he is currently a member of some other encounter.
Behavior in Public Places
What I mean is I don't watch many movies these days but, happily for me, I'll be sufficiently unengaged today to watch Mel Gibson's The Passion and Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9 / 11.
But I was left essentially unengaged with what was happening on the stage.
Those students who appear unengaged in the class are given the opportunity to participate. All students are made to feel special.
I think the child that I saw was quite an aloof, unengaged child.
A large body of research on high schools shows that many students are bored, academically unengaged, and deeply alienated in school.
Baumrind has suggested that children of unengaged parents typically lack social assertiveness, whereas children of responsive parents tend to be more sociable.
continued seeing him but on an unengaged basis
The report concluded that Gonzales "abdicated" his role as head of the Department and was "remarkably unengaged.
Rachel Barkow: Electing Administrations, Not Just Presidents
Growing up, though, he had no sense of a particularly unengaged family.
From thence I propose to move to the neck of Williams - burgh, which is represented as healthy, and where some subsist - ence may be procured; and keep myself unengaged from opera - tions which might interfere with your plan for the campaign, until 1 have the satisfaction of hearing from you.
Memoirs of the war in the Southern department of the United States
Because of his lack of proficiency in English, discovered later, Roberto began the semester withdrawn and unengaged.
The overwhelming atmosphere on two weekday afternoons was not of a hotbed of political tension, but of a quiet, friendly, politically unengaged mixed community.
I've read both now and feel oddly unengaged by it all.
Some very small number of unengaged voters may be moved by it.
the cancellation left her unengaged a good part of the afternoon
Burnside himself said that he did not cross because he had conflicting orders that told him to remain unengaged until specifically ordered otherwise.
The hitherto unengaged viewer is lured or manipulated into the film's most salacious sequences.
But I'm willing to suggest it is not just the weather that keeps the SFU community isolated and unengaged.
More simply there is a generally unengaged attitude towards the music.
It's not true that the chattering classes are unengaged.
In fact, so unengaged is she and so little appreciative of Little Louis' efforts that when she ends up with Dimitri, we feel little other than that she deserves what she has gotten.
Adrian Paul seems distant, unengaged (rightfully so from what I've seen of the season thus far).
Nonetheless, however unengaged I am to the institution of marriage, Jeff and I began to talk through the possibility of holding some sort of celebration of our relationship.
We knew your recent years were useful to some, but we were left unengaged.