How To Use Unemployment In A Sentence
The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department.
Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
Social programs cover old age, invalidism, death, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment, and allowances per child.

The unemployment rate plunged sharply.
Welfare bills will soar if unemployment rises.
The Sun
The increase in violent crimes is al'lied to the rise in unemployment.
You say are also under financial pressure given your husband's unemployment, which is stressful and causes resentment.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment and inflation are the two most important variables affecting households.
Times, Sunday Times
The impact from the 2008 financial crisis did not affect us until 2009, but we are still trying to recover, mainly due to the high unemployment and stagnant economy," said Mr. Kagoshima, who wouldn't give total attendance figures.
Bay Signs
Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.
Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
Unemployment is at 23 per cent and its government has brought in a raft of drastic economic measures.
Times, Sunday Times
By all means, cover yourself for unexpected eventualities such as death, unemployment and your house burning down.
Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.
It is expected to show rising unemployment helping to keep earnings growth relatively subdued.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment soared, thousands emigrated and the national debt spiralled out of control.
Well, simple math tells me that if such were to happen, the unemployment rate would fall to near 7%, a good start, and maybe enough to re-elect the president.
Extended Unemployment Benefits Versus Employment
This platform sees notable mostly for its platitudinal quality: “conquer unemployment,” “schools that guarantee success for all children” — sure, sounds good to me.
Matthew Yglesias » Sarkozy Wins
third we must consider unemployment
These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
The problems of crime and unemployment are closely intertwined.
A BUDERIM "battler" has been left devastated by the theft of a car that pulled him from the brink after 11 months of unemployment. The Sunshine Coast Daily
Some of those children will find their way out of a cycle of poverty, poor education and chronic unemployment and eventually make satisfying lives and careers.
There is an equation between unemployment and rising crime levels.
She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation of the government's incompetence.
These structural changes were aggravated by the expulsion of large peasant masses, which increased poverty and unemployment in big cities.
But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
Further, as a result of technological unemployment in agriculture, an increase of "pileup" in industrial employment has resulted.
Postwar Toronto
To make any serious headway against unemployment, twice that number need to be created.
The subcategory is the devaluation of peoples homes, and unemployment is right up there. Stories
In the past six months, the capital and its surrounding region accounted for only a fifth of the unemployment increase on the claimant count.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment serves as a useful point of reference in examining social problems.
Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain.
Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
Free trade does not lower wages or cause persistent unemployment There is nothing new in the current hullabaloo about free trade, jobs, and trade deficits.
But the city itself has continued to shrink, and unemployment there has remained at double the Ohio rate.
Many economists expect unemployment to fall over the next couple of months.
Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.
They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.
The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.
Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
Nikki Haley Wants To Drug Test Applicants For Unemployment Benefits Nikki Haley-you're being 'catty' - Was There a Case for War?
The Full Feed from
He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.
FOREMAN: The governor is saying no to money for what she calls expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out.
CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
In September, the unemployment rate for people between the ages of 16 and 24 hovered morosely at 18.1 percent, nearly double the national average for that month.
Balancing the recession on the backs of the young « Dating Jesus
They will be entitled to receive unemployment benefit.
There has been some reduction in unemployment.
Prehaps if unemployment continues to grow, which i beleive it will, with these public sector cuts and the increasing emphasise on profit that companies have checkout machines, reducing/combining job posts etc. then we could very well have a revolution.
University applications rise as candidates race to avoid higher fees
The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.
But today the unemployment rate among Negroes is twice that of Whites.
April « 2008 « Bill Ayers
I've organized what I have to say about unemployment under three main headings.
Whole regions of the country went into serious decline, and unemployment and dole dependency skyrocketed.
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.
The reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government's economic policy.
New taxes on wealth could redistribute money from older, better off Australians into education, health, and unemployment accounts for young Australians.
Accordingly, to administer unemployment to must increase manpower capital investment.
The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
Unemployment among married women reached a peak.
Previously called multipurpose community centres, the Thusong centres provide government services - including information about grants, unemployment insurance and work opportunities - to the public.
IOL: News
YOUTH unemployment is unacceptably high in the UK.
The Sun
Gary's been rorting the system, getting both a student allowance and unemployment benefit.
Social welfare is also affected by the unresolved problem of unemployment due to the lingering economic crisis, which has yet to be fully worked out.
The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment and falling wages.
Millions of people live with the harsh realities of unemployment.
Yesterday's unemployment figures underlined the mood of caution in company boardrooms.
Times, Sunday Times
Myers accused the government of deliberately massaging the unemployment figures .
Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.
The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.
The unemployment rates did not differ significantly in these darker areas, being high for both groups.
Kenya continues to suffer from tribalism and corruption, as well as high population growth, unemployment, political instability, and the AIDS epidemic.
After the First World War the coverage of unemployment insurance was extended and a contributory pension scheme was introduced.
But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
Unemployment benefits will be conditioned on active job hunting.
Times, Sunday Times
She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.
These complexes, complete with hotels and up-scale shopping, are "uneconomical" now, Cahill said, arguing they are too expensive to build and would not attract enough visitors as unemployment climbs and the state faces its worst financial crisis in decades.
Breaking News - The Post Chronicle
The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.
Viviana has been shocked by her country's bankruptcy, devaluation, rocketing inflation and unemployment, all combined with a bout of rioting, looting and street violence.
With unemployment topping 12% in Columbia County, Greg Hinkelman, city manager of Clatskanie, the nearest town to St. Helens, said both coal terminals would be welcome, providing what he terms "living-wage jobs.
Coal Fuels a Fight in Oregon
Inflation, unemployment and retail sales figures are all forecast to point to a slowdown.
The unemployment rate is rising in that country.
You may qualify for unemployment benefit.
The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
By the end of 1999 its economy had shrunk by 7 per cent and the unemployment ratio had increased drastically.
This stagnant Japan myth put about as a consequence of some macroeconomic data and a rise in unemployment to levels that the United States would love, is journalistic puff-puff.
How long have you been drawing unemployment benefit?
The majority said that areas of the country with higher public sector unemployment were suffering most.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment reached the highest levels since the 1930s. Wages fell by the greatest amount in a century.
And if you do not, then young people face unemployment and the hopelessness it brings.
Times, Sunday Times
In their wake, the giant auto concerns leave behind an industrial wasteland of mass unemployment, ruined infrastructure and social decay.
In 2002, unemployment levels reached historic highs of 23 percent, real wages plummeted and the peso was severely devalued.
Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next election.
I think that the underlying problem is education, unemployment and bad housing.
One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime.
Any fiscal measures dampening demand for new cars will only increase unemployment in the motor trade.
Unemployment in the first half of 1993 was 2% lower than in the same period the year before.
I filled out the dreaded unemployment benefits application and sent it in.
In the United States unemployment insurance, accident compensation and public assistance underwent no major changes.
Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
As US unemployment figures continue to rise, opportunities in allied health care fields such as ophthalmic assisting are among the fastest-growing US occupations.
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long - term unemployment is still rising.
I think I hear a weedwhacker called CRE implosion, ARM resets, Credit Card defaults and Rising Unemployment spooling up.
It has unemployment levels at three times the national average and truancy rates run five times above average measures.
As he addressed them, huge figures flashed up on an electronic scoreboard, detailing the jump in unemployment.
The demise of our fishing industry in recent years has resulted in constant high unemployment and emigration from our islands.
The work failed, marriage prospects paled, her friend deserted her and she found herself faced with the prospect which she now understood only too well, of disabled health, unemployment, disgrace, and a second child to maintain unaided.
Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together.
The king promised to cut unemployment, improve the fight against crime and corruption, and fight tax evasion.
Across the mountains, in Kosovo, there is 60% unemployment and small brothels are strung along the back streets of almost every town.
The recent decision by four veteran House Democrats to call it quits is raising questions about whether more will soon follow as the 2010 political climate grows more threatening in the midterm congressional elections, a year when government and business forecasters are predicting high unemployment and a slow economic recovery.
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 22, 2009
High unemployment is a direct result of the recession.
Late that night we pulled into a cheap motel, cashed an unemployment check, and fell peacefully to sleep.
The focus has now shifted towards the problem of long-term unemployment.
Rather than bouncing back, the economy could stay in the doldrums for years, with mass unemployment again becoming the norm.
Times, Sunday Times
They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.
But there was a new awareness of social problems, a new consciousness of poverty and unemployment.
All the women who had paid full National Insurance contributions had sufficient contributions to be eligible for unemployment benefit.
Unemployment and inflation were low and the government was safe from a bitterly divided Conservative opposition.
The Sun
Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.
A tripartite agreement brought together government, industry and trade unions in an effort to reduce unemployment.
When the economy is booming and unemployment is low, it is difficult to attract and retain workers in the stressful, round-the-clock business of call centers.
Many analysts say the reform package is essential to reinvigorating Germany's flagging economy, beset by slow growth and high unemployment.
Figures released indicate a 2% increase in unemployment in the south east.
The Government's plan is to concentrate new industries in areas of high unemployment.
Furthermore, it will be convenient to exclude 'frictional' unemployment from our definition of 'involuntary' unemployment.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
The Unemployment stats will not turn around inside a time-frame of the current administration, as rehires will be defrayed by elimination of Underemployment -- this means an additional five hours per average workweek, Workweek stats overreport actual hours worked: claiming in excess of 43 hours, when there is a actual Workweek of only about 37 hours.
Meltzer on the Labor Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Here, too, the threat of unemployment has been looming on the horizon.
Gainful work will save a generation scarred by unemployment.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment in the first half of 1993 was 2% lower than in the same period the year before.
The existence of the premiums is responsible for the low levels of labour utilisation - in other words, unemployment.
IOL: News
Tonight's edition of 'Panorama' looks at unemployment.
Unemployment has come down slightly but this does not alter the fact that it is still a major problem.
The second highest rate was in Yuma, Ariz., where unemployment toped 26.1% in August.
Financial Dispatch: Private sector still losing jobs
It's no longer possible to argue that crime is unconnected with unemployment.
The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.
Twelve years after German unification, unemployment in the east is still twice as high as in the west.
These findings suggest that there is no direct link between unemployment and crime.
Unemployment figures this week will dampen optimism, though they will lag the upturn.
Times, Sunday Times
With 20% unemployment (real numbers) the economy in the tank, wages cut, businesses lost, foreclosures at record numbers, and personal income almost nill, the working class is not making enough money to be taxed.
Obama touts tax credits
The claimant count for August also showed the number of people on unemployment benefit rising by 2,400.
Times, Sunday Times
But there is little to show for it, with unemployment high and recovery snail-paced.
The Sun
With unemployment topping 12% in Columbia County, Greg Hinkelman, city manager of Clatskanie, the nearest town to St. Helens, said both coal terminals would be welcome, providing what he terms "living-wage jobs.
Coal Fuels a Fight in Oregon
He has seen first hand the tragedy of lives blighted by unemployment.
The Sun
Official figures show that unemployment peaked in November.
Doyle: I didn't realize you were a Keynsian economics! might want to check your economic history of the US--all of Roosevelt's programs did little to pull us out of the degression; Look at the unemployment rate at the beginning of WWII, which if memory serves was nearly 20%.
"I think we're slipping toward a recession. A couple of people that I met on the street, they work in construction. They tell me it's slowed down."
NEW YORK (CNNMoney. com) - With rising unemployment stymying the president's economic revival plans, the Obama administration is huddling with business leaders, academics and other experts Thursday to find a way to jumpstart hiring.
White House summit seeks ideas on creating jobs
Cliff Waldman, an economist for the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, said high unemployment will keep consumers anxious and keep household and business demand subdued even as a global recovery takes hold.
Unemployment has fallen again, although the change is less marked than last month.
With unemployment expected to keep rising, wage growth should remain subdued.
Times, Sunday Times
But the Wistow pitman says no amount of money can compensate for a crippling hand condition that could leave him on the unemployment scrap heap.
By contrast, contractionary policies would reap the benefits of lower inflation, but at the cost of higher unemployment.
Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.
The job of the central banks is to manage demand and stabilise inflation and unemployment.
Times, Sunday Times
Such tweaks to the system may help, but they're unlikely to boost German growth enough to radically cut unemployment.
The European Union is facing very high unemployment, and two antagonistic social logics are counterposed to each other.
The government has cut unemployment benefit.
In the thirties unemployment was widespread.
After what The Economist called a "ludicrously irresponsible bout of fiscal brinksmanship," the markets continued to churn, and the angry young facing unemployment as high as 45.7 percent left the beach for the barricades in London and other cities in the UK.
Roger Fransecky: Help Wanted!
The politics of the next few years will feature a bunch of wealthy men shutting down SureStart centres, ending Child Trust Funds, sandpapering down tax credits, and increasing unemployment.
Johann Hari: This Is Not What the British People Voted for
This postulate is compatible with what may be called 'frictional' unemployment.
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As his remarks last week and yesterday showed, his economic agenda is more of the same, only less: more jobless benefits in the name of spurring job creation; an extension of the temporary payroll tax cut that has coincided with rising unemployment.
A Downgrade Awakening
Managing the economy is a complex equation of controlling inflation and reducing unemployment.
Unemployment has passed the four million mark.
With the economy pulling out of a shallow slump, pre-election unemployment topped out at a mere 5.7%.
I think that the underlying problem is education, unemployment and bad housing.
These assumptions are very apparent in relation to unemployment benefit.
The federal formula for determining funding amounts, Atha says, is based in large part on unemployment rates.
Black unemployment rate jumped to 17 percent last year.
It is not correct that shops tend to open in areas of unemployment.
Times, Sunday Times
Any growth in unemployment is self-evidently a matter of extreme seriousness.
The sharp rise of unemployment apparent from the 1970s was particularly harshly felt.
But the gauzy Norman Rockwell normality he invoked won't persuade the electorate at a time of 10 percent unemployment, the Damocles sword that hangs over his head for 2012, when voters will get a chance to weigh in directly on his presidency, which he has largely placed in the hands of Ivy League meritocrats more concerned with protecting their wealthy coevals than the general public.
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Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.
She caused untold hardship and misery to millions of families who suffered needless unemployment.
Historical evidence suggests that it is not the absolute level of unemployment which restrains wage claims but its rate of change.
The likelihood is that unemployment figures will continue to fall.
The unemployment figure in this country is the lowest that it has been in a generation.
Only a foolish politician would promise to lower the rate of inflation and reduce unemployment at one fell swoop.
In the following decade inflation soared, the currency collapsed and the country had mass unemployment.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment was an economic millstone around the country's neck.
It has been the largest sustained fall in unemployment in the history of this country.
The stalling of the project has caused a public furore in Waitara, which has high levels of unemployment.
Next year will bring tax rises, a jump in unemployment and big cutbacks in public sector spending.
Times, Sunday Times
The true picture is of an economy driven by consumer debt, which faces a collapse in house prices that would send consumer spending into a tailspin and see a corresponding growth in poverty and unemployment.
Ask about pay, accrued vacation, overtime and sick pay, pension benefits, and eligibility for unemployment insurance.
We must avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime.
He's been on unemployment for two months.
While this group is a spending group, it is also subject to mid-life redundancy and unemployment.
She has watched close friends from school wander into early parenthood and unemployment and is driven by a need to elude their failure.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment is high in her constituency.
The nation's unemployment rate has been climbing steadily since last June.
Unemployment ran high and coalition governments were fragile.
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After a period of voluntary unemployment he finds work at Aldermaston, hobnobbing with geniuses who could blow up the world if they felt so inclined.
Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
Beyond a certain allowable percentage of unemployment, you cannot go without risking revolution of one sort or another.
Postwar Toronto
To reinforce and perfect the system, measures should be taken in terms of philosophy, the placement of positions, recruitment, assessment, distribution of incomes, and unemployment.
Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.
The economy was growing strongly, unemployment was coming down, inflation was low, real incomes were rising fast.