How To Use Unemotional In A Sentence
He is not a child who, knowing the dictionary definition, would react calmy or unemotionally.
Love, courtship, marriage, the existence of children, her husband's illness and death, are stated unemotionally.
‘It's not going to get any better,’ he said, his voice surprisingly calm and unemotional.
Zoe is normally an unemotional person.
These portraits look like clinical studies, detached and unemotional.

Worst of all, for a tearjerker, it is a strangely unemotional experience.
Times, Sunday Times
The image is clear and detailed, the sheets of water and sky flawless, the poised moment evocative but unemotional.
They are not the unemotional automatons of science fiction myth.
Stacy gets on the mic and throws her whiny, boring, unemotional voice out for the whole world to hear.
At the Pentagon, Baran found planners who were thinking in unemotional terms about postattack scenarios and making quantitative estimates of the destruction that would result from a Soviet nuclear ballistic missile attack.
Where Wizards Stay Up Late
He is a victim of the nation's school system and is steeped in unemotional officialism.
Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science, and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner.
Clad in the white peplos of a Greek goddess and elegantly coiffed, she gazes unemotional and aloof at the grisly head on her platter.
‘I fell,’ I tell her unemotionally, still watching the blood.
The tone of his poetry is restrained and unemotional.
His bearing is that of a man in control - cold, unemotional and authoritative.
The popular cries which madden other races are utterly meaningless to the docile, unemotional "mujik," loyal and conservative to the very marrow of his bones.
Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878
He would see himself, tall and unemotional in the dock, hear learned counsel ask, `But why, Professor Warwick?
How natural is it for males to be aggressive, unemotional, and rational?
But Spock is the reason I go for the strong silent unemotional type.
Since society expects men to be strong and unemotional, they most often grieve in more solitary and cognitive ways.
Did you know that as well as being cold and unemotional, we are also polite, traditional and reserved?
But whether this unemotional ideal be the genuine tradition of the gentleman, or only one of the inventions of the modern gentleman (who may be called the decayed gentleman), it certainly has something to do with the unemotional quality in these society novels.
The odd whistle and occasional murmur slipped through from the usually voluble Parisians but otherwise they remained as unemotional as the protagonists on court.
Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human.
‘You're talking about April,’ Michael stated unemotionally.
The Chinese Communist leaders coldly and unemotionally assessed the requirements of the balance of power little influenced by ideology or sentiment.
Artistic Position: Adopt neutral colors and unemotional abstract signs as the major means of artistic expression.
Worst of all, for a tearjerker, it is a strangely unemotional experience.
Times, Sunday Times
His voice always seems highly strung, like he's about to crack, yet there's also something cold and unemotional to it.
Each day he looked as calm and unemotional as his father had that day at the hospital, once I'd introduced myself.
Her clear, analytical mind enabled her to provide an unemotional business-like approach in often emotive situations.
Did you know that as well as being cold and unemotional, we are also polite, traditional and reserved?
This may explain why he was always so isolated, detached and unemotional.
British men are often seen as being reserved and unemotional.
He nodded unemotionally, once in greeting, again to indicate the table.
With a sad shrug they then quickly munched down on a piece of lifeless unemotional unpoetic babycorn.
Despite her terrible physical condition at the moment, the tone was so unemotionally cold.
As briefly and as unemotionally as he could, Dog told the story.
But Spock is the reason I go for the strong silent unemotional type.
Their soldiers look seasoned, hatchet-faced and unemotional.
Times, Sunday Times
Basil's eyes were cold and unemotional as they stared up at Sam.
Forgoing politicking, I am deeply troubled by the unemotionality of our president whose eyes stare out coldly. News
The subject matter may be impersonal and unemotional but it doesn't make it any more enjoyable to know that.
a calm, impassive, unemotional sternness about all that he said and did -- official, automatonlike -- that precluded the possibility of any jest or meaningless form.
Shapes that Haunt the Dusk
He was unemotional, quite quiet, and reserved.
His eyes met hers evenly and when he spoke his voice was unemotional.
‘Glad to have you join us,’ I said rather unemotionally.
She seems most happy when talking in business jargon, making her conversation blunt and unnuanced, and is strangely unemotional.
Times, Sunday Times
the defendant stared unemotionally at the victim's family
The tone of his poetry is restrained and unemotional.
Barry's body slumps, as if tired of the pretence of being strong and unemotional.
The defendant stared unemotionally at the victim's family.
British men are often seen as being reserved and unemotional.
She was behaving just as a man might with a to-be-discarded lover, keeping it cool, neutral, unemotional.
Rader, a pudgy, bespectacled sixty-year-old leaned into the glass that separated us and told the scariest story I had ever heard, made more frightening by the calm, unemotional way he told it.
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Kubrick, of course, is eternally categorised as cold, unemotional, misanthropic, somehow inhuman.
We need to take a sober, unemotional look at the issue.
The book unemotionally depicts the reality that Red Army rifle units experienced in the war, warts and all.
The clear and unemotional voice of the narrator sets the scene.
His monologue casts light on the common experience of the stereotypical man who is unemotional, uncaring, and cold.
Alex was particularly embarrassed and ashamed because he wasn't able to keep his cool and stay unemotional.
Gathering them unemotionally will help those facts come out.
Speaking calmly, directly and unemotionally, the boy said the alleged molestations occurred two days apart.
The point is that you need to think clearly and unemotionally about this situation.
Kubrick, of course, is eternally categorised as cold, unemotional, misanthropic, somehow inhuman.
The politician's agenda does tend to be as dry and unemotional as his personality.
Well, I could not very well tell from that unemotional voice whether he was amused, or annoyed, as the case may be.