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How To Use Uneasy In A Sentence

  • His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
  • I felt very uneasy, as if my stomach was tight and tense, yet it was sloshing about and very empty.
  • Parking wardens and I have an uneasy relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The denouement when the birthday comes is surprising enough not to spoil, but again there is something uneasy about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wen son, you await here, I quest big ice-cubes apology" Yi snow more thinks more uneasy, directly rush out to inebriate fairy building.
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  • There was an uneasy truce between Alex and Dave over dinner.
  • He inherited an uneasy alliance of liberals and social democrats and he knew that, intellectually, the former had to prevail. Times, Sunday Times
  • An uneasy truce has broken out in the coffee shop cybersquatting war.
  • She had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen.
  • By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.
  • But not in a way that makes you feel a bit uneasy and scared. The Sun
  • When the passage was half over, I observed the ship's master in tears arguing with his men, which made me very uneasy.
  • A silence came over them as neither knew what to say next to break the uneasy silence.
  • The mitraille vanished in shapelessness; the bombs plunged into it; bullets only succeeded in making holes in it; what was the use of cannonading chaos? and the regiments, accustomed to the fiercest visions of war, gazed with uneasy eyes on that species of redoubt, a wild beast in its boar-like bristling and a mountain by its enormous size. Les Miserables
  • Richard was uneasy about how best to approach his elderly mother.
  • When one impinges on the other there is an uneasy feeling - the kind which happens when unrelated TV shows crossover during the sweeps week on American television.
  • After years of keeping quiet it is time to find his voice, time to send out echoes into the uneasy silence.
  • ‘I love this book: but the very thought of the young men and women this book has made pessimists and negativists makes me uneasy’, he wrote later.
  • uneasy about his health
  • So why risk all that in a venture that some feel distinctly uneasy about? Times, Sunday Times
  • But such is the uneasy state of the Lakers that something as mundane as his participation in an exhibition game qualifies as news these days.
  • He was suddenly uneasy in the tense silence.
  • It's these tiniest details - the uneasy click of indeterminable percussion, the distant half-heard rumble of thunder from a distance - that make this music so worth hearing.
  • She discouraged impertinent curiosity with frozen silence and there is an uneasy feeling, as one reads, that one is prying into her chosen privacy.
  • Shortly afterwards the brothers effected an uneasy truce and reunited. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was uneasy, real uneasy, tugging uselessly on the bottom of his jacket, and fussing with the cummerbund for the umpteenth time; yet he was looking forward to seeing her.
  • 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
  • After months of negotiations, they have reached an uneasy compromise.
  • Both men appear together in an uneasy truce. Times, Sunday Times
  • They shuffled some more and looked about, uneasy, unsettled, on edge.
  • For some who have seen the entire episode develop, it practically drips with an uneasy feeling.
  • Hudson falls for wife of man he killed, studies, cures her uncurable blindness in bare-chested operation-starts in death, ends in salvation, and updates a medieval mythology of efficacious grace into the apostatic 50s of luxury condos and kultchah, with uneasy overtones of capitalist will-to-power: a full-grown stereotype of moonlit joy rides, canted California beachlight, Swiss oompahpah, the world's best optometrists in labcoats, a hidden desert valley in Arizona that exists only for a hospital that exists only as the bedspring of recovery-emotional and physical-for our cut-out protagonists. The L Magazine - New York City's Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide
  • This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism.
  • Such are the uneasy alliances forged on the route du Tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Uneasy relations between the prince and his father lasted until Henry IV's death in 1413.
  • These figures unsettle the whole society, and make us feel uneasy and worried.
  • An uneasy truce occurred during the war when hostilities seemed to cease.
  • But not in a way that makes you feel a bit uneasy and scared. The Sun
  • Now, over 30 years later, some of the people I remember as uneasily inactive (or were they inactively uneasy?) will tell you how they opposed the war.
  • And so a pall of defeat, and a sense of wasted lives hangs over Christiane's story, for which her uneasy family reunion cannot quite compensate.
  • When by our continued posture in sleep, some uneasy sensations are produced, we either gradually awake by the exertion of volition, or the muscles connected by habit with such sensations alter the position of the body; but where the sleep is uncommonly profound, and those uneasy sensations great, the disease called the incubus, or nightmare, is produced. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • If you have ever walked into a room that made you feel edgy or uneasy, it probably is out of balance.
  • A woman born on the borders of an uneasy alliance of ages past between Tarahumara, Yaqui, and Pima, she was tall, almost willowy in the blossom of her youth.
  • His body sank sideways in the same direction, the head lolling nervelessly upon his right shoulder, whilst from the great rent in his breast the blood gushed forth, embruing the water of his bath, trickling to the brick-paved floor, bespattering -- symbolically almost -- a copy of L'Ami du Peuple, the journal to which he had devoted so much of his uneasy life. The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • The Court drew a somewhat uneasy distinction between documentary evidence and oral explanations.
  • Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
  • Even the other puller was uneasy, but he said with a grin, " Let's go, buddy!
  • Just the fact that somewhere on the sidewall is the word "rotation" followed by an arrow pointing the wrong way makes me extremely uneasy, and actually riding a wheel set up this way makes me feel like a cat being brushed backwards. Cycling Customs: Flashing the Biological Passport
  • These figures unsettle the whole society, and make us feel uneasy and worried.
  • In general, violence and romance are uneasy bedfellows.
  • an uneasy calm
  • Divided between predator and prey, the animal citizens of Zootropolis enjoy an uneasy truce. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are deeply uneasy with social instruments like shame or opprobrium, which smack of big-nosed authoritarianism in a new guise.
  • I slept badly that night: long, indeterminable periods of uneasy wakefulness interspaced with dreams.
  • Ants crawled in the dirt at my feet, and despite the fact that I had worn a black hypoallergenic leotard and leggings, and neoprene boots (germs do not like neoprene, just so you know), I felt uneasy. Anhedonia (excerpt 2)
  • Do you have any uneasy feelings about what you can or cannot do or of your past failures?
  • ‘The trail was curving in the direction of the woods, and part of me was eager to enter them to see where the trail would lead, and part of me was pigeon-hearted, uneasy about what might await me there’.
  • His book details his family's land battles, his brother's notorious murder charge and his uneasy existence in a two-sided world (born of a Maori father and a pakeha mother).
  • This last affair, however, made me seriously uneasy, because if his exquisite sensibilities were to go the length of involving him in pot-house shindies, he would lose his name of an inoffensive, if aggravating, fool, and acquire that of a common loafer. Lord Jim
  • Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
  • Punters like me are uneasy when we witness things such as hot favourites finishing down the field with only lame explanations offered by trainers and jockeys.
  • As a dedicated contrarian I'm always uneasy with the way in which people, who are as individuals rational and intelligent, can be transformed into scarily conformist drones.
  • Jade Saved My Life, which follows, is ostensibly a celebration of her role in raising awareness of cervical cancer, but it also serves to make you feel a little uneasy about the volume of invasively personal footage that Living managed to capture of Goody before she died. Tonight's TV highlights: Bible's Buried Secrets | Katie; My Beautiful Friends | Katie: Jade Changed My Life | True Stories: Love, Lust And Lies | Storyville – American Idol: Reagan
  • Bardo frowned again, and it was obvious that he was uneasy with allowing Hanuman to help orchestrate the joyance. THE BROKEN GOD
  • These little white fibs give me an uneasy feeling, and I begin to wonder why the shop would lie, when I am here to help save them thousands of dollars in fines.
  • It seems the more you build and construct, the more uneasy they become. The Sun
  • I hold free-market views because it removes the uneasy feeling I would get if I simultaneously supported and opposed violent disruption of transactions depending on whether or not the disruptor was a government. Heckman interview, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The uneasy ceasefire between an authoritative church and an ascendant political class may be at an end.
  • Here, Mahler plays down the grotesqueries of the song so that the movement comes across as suave, with a slightly uneasy thread running through.
  • She quickly stood, giving a hurried curtsey which only seemed to make him more uneasy.
  • For Dolly, growing anxious about his meaning, yet ready to think about another proposal, was desirous to sit down on the sweet ledge of grass, yet uneasy about her pale blue sarsenet, and uncertain that she had not seen something of a little sea-snail (living in a yellow house, dadoed with red), whom to crush would be a cruel act to her dainty fabric. Springhaven
  • For some years there was an uneasy rapprochement with Richard, but in 1397 Gloucester was seized, at the king's orders, and taken to Calais, where he died, having apparently been smothered under a feather bed.
  • She has a rather uneasy relationship with her mother-in-law.
  • Neil tossed the drumstick into the ashes, uneasy with Dr Barbara's self-hating tone. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • The treaty restored an uneasy peace to the country.
  • An uneasy silence and a certain amount of shifting in seats pervades the group.
  • I'm uneasy in my mind about the future.
  • The clothes clung closely to her slender body, lending her the uneasy feeling of exposure.
  • It's the big unknowns that make insurance companies uneasy.
  • While the subject matter may be terminally uneasy viewing for many, the unprejudiced should award accolades to a surrealistic tale of brotherly love and dealing with one's lot.
  • Central Office at the moment is a nervous, jittery, uneasy place.
  • Nobody said anything for a while, creating an uneasy and tense silence.
  • These voters made slightly uneasy bedfellows with the students and Greens boosting the party. Times, Sunday Times
  • How long that uneasy relationship will last is anyone's guess. The Sun
  • Both men appear together in an uneasy truce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Relations between colliers and their employers were uneasy, often bitter; after decades of struggle, strikes were commonplace, absenteeism widespread.
  • Visitors often feel uneasy when they first attend church. Christianity Today
  • Bogosian knows how to prime his audience with some chuckles, and then goad them into a few uneasy laughs.
  • Yet there is also something uneasy and self-conscious about her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though he had the uneasy feeling that she was disappointed in him, he felt bereft when her image, too, blanked out.
  • As a result of this and the concurrent growth of social and economic discontent, the upper classes became very uneasy. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • I'm sure she could take them, but I'd still feel uneasy if obnoxious dopes with ill-bred intentions were within a twenty foot distance from her.
  • Actually, there's a lot of symbolism in somewhat uneasy counterpoint with the ultrarealistic chatter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Feeling as though her mind had been anesthetized, she drifted off into an uneasy half sleep, hazily staring off into space and not noticing when her mother called her for dinner.
  • farmers were uneasy until rain finally came
  • Bardo frowned again, and it was obvious that he was uneasy with allowing Hanuman to help orchestrate the joyance. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Parking wardens and I have an uneasy relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the halo is an uneasy fit, as nearly anyone whose familiarity with college basketball extends beyond a television screen would tell you. The Volokh Conspiracy » Duke vs. Butler Post-Game Open Thread
  • Photographs are allowed, but artists are still often uneasy about figurative paintings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Jackson has, in the past, done remarkable work with the uneasy departed, from the flesh-eating zombies of “Dead Alive” (1992) to the ectoplasmic pranksters of “The Frighteners” (1996) to, perhaps most memorably, the army of irritable spirits who come to the aid of Aragorn and Gandalf in the climactic battle of “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” (2003). IN THE WORLD OF MOVIES: NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 1ST | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
  • There are many reasons to feel uneasy when flying. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are three aspects of the reaction to the epidemic in Britain that make me terribly uneasy.
  • Lurking behind the Euro-sophism is an uneasy sense that, if there were open primaries on this side of the A tlantic, voters might start demanding all sorts of unreasonable things — might, in other words, start behaving like tea partiers. Why Europeans Can't Throw a Tea Party
  • The pride and might and vivid strength of things still fluttered their uneasy flags of spirit, moved disherited wings! The Inn of Tranquillity: Studies and Essays
  • The current uneasy state is one in which, largely speaking, the conservatives are being appeased from a reluctance to risk that break. The Heirs of Job
  • And he could be no less firm about aspects of liturgy of which he disapproved: his theology was never angular or sectarian (remember his generous support of the liturgical experiments of his successor as Dean of Clare, John Robinson), but there was a clear, eirenic but firm foundation in Protestant principle that made him very uneasy with what he regarded as the drip-feed of some sorts of Catholicising devotion into Anglican practice. Sermon for the Life and Work of the Revd Prof CFD Moule
  • However, the sudden chill loss of her also made him uneasy.
  • Friends and money make an uneasy mix. The Sun
  • After months of negotiations, they have reached an uneasy compromise.
  • In her sleep, Sara stirred as uneasy dreams flickered across her mind.
  • The government refit also came after signs of growing discontent inside Mr. Papandreou's party, whose parliamentary deputies had grown increasingly uneasy over the stormy public protests. Greece Reshuffles Cabinet
  • Most people were uneasy gazing at Nicci, either because of her startling beauty, or because of her cool, often denunciative, presence. Men Don't Leave Me
  • Their desire to try to protect the integrity of Team England meant they were uneasy and almost embarrassed by the financial bonanza awaiting them. The Sun
  • It was an uneasy situation when a close friend pulls a gun on the most dangerous man in the world.
  • It is uneasy to make a tiger come to heel.
  • Oskar has an uneasy relationship with his mother, who has started seeing another man.
  • He certainly seems uneasy with the accoutrements of fame and says he hates being mollycoddled.
  • All of a sudden, I sensed the uneasy feeling of the aircraft going into stall buffet.
  • TV executives, aware of the ephemeral frivolity of much of their product, may feel uneasy about their own high salaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • If men had been badly hurt, particularly recently, they could talk about being afraid and uneasy in public. Everyday Violence
  • A mild breeze lifted the sails and the ship's navigator was confident the fog would blow away, but the weather made many in the crew uneasy.
  • It made her chillingly uneasy, like an earthquake shaking the house.
  • They eye the sleeper, crowd him in what we can only imagine must be uneasy sleep. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel uneasy at using my privilege as a white British person to get around this. Times, Sunday Times
  • What he actually is is an intrepid explorer of a body's uneasy relationship with the space around it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five years on, they have reached an uneasy compromise of separate stages, each with its own cast of characters.
  • There were a few uneasy seconds of awkward silence, everyone looking at Christine with apprehension.
  • There is a striking illogicality if you share our desire to see Scotland's economy grow but become very uneasy to learn that a Scottish company is doing exceptionally well.
  • She had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen.
  • Which means an uneasy truce between the player and the Kop from here in. The Sun
  • The atmosphere of the cottage was thick with uneasy vibrations, and as she ascended the staircase, they grew stronger.
  • she fell into an uneasy sleep
  • The two formed an uneasy alliance. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • Yet she saw she was often in some kind of disfavour with her husband, and it made her uneasy. Wives and Daughters
  • Indeed, this whole piece, and what I am going to write about Ellis, the preacher, makes me feel uneasy and even dirty. TESTIMONIES
  • Their accounts tend to be an uneasy mix of admiration and disdain. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a hint of menace in his voice that made him uneasy.
  • She could easily envision the awkward silences and uneasy shifting in the seats.
  • Edgar, to whom this was communicated, saw with terror the ascendance thus acquired over her judgment as well as her affections, and became more watchful and more uneasy in observing the progress of this friendship, than all the flattering devoirs of the gay Baronet, or the more serious assiduities of the Major. Camilla
  • She was, however, uneasy when she heard the strange whistling sound produced by their irregular passage through the dark night air, and when the violence of their movements made the basin oscillate, she lay down tremblingly at the bottom of her golden basin, and then carefully gathered her garments around her, lest they should come in contact with the dark man. The Princess Ilsée: A Fairy Tale
  • The two formed an uneasy alliance. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • Friends and money make an uneasy mix. The Sun
  • The neat trick is to connect the uneasy church-and-state issues that dog Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson (who all play themselves in archival footage, thank you) all the way back to the arrival of the first religion-obsessed New World settlers. PBS's calm and evenhanded 'God in America'
  • The denouement when the birthday comes is surprising enough not to spoil, but again there is something uneasy about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Almond's heavy eyeliner and camp androgyny made middle-aged men, in particular, so uneasy that they suddenly discovered pressing engagements in their potting sheds.
  • After the bomb, an uneasy calm settled on the city.
  • History and Hollywood have always been uneasy bedfellows.
  • Galloway, a great manufacturer, or, rather, a huge levier of the taxes of dividends and interest upon manufacturing enterprises, could not but be uneasy. Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905
  • He was uneasy in his borrowed clothes -- he had surrendered his own garments to a pantryman who had volunteered to dry them. Blow The Man Down A Romance Of The Coast - 1916
  • If this speech truly serves as a framework for how the administration will govern in the lead-up to 2012 -- and if these new lines in the sand turn out to be real -- then I'll be overjoyed to retroactively withdraw my uneasy reaction to it. Arianna Huffington: Barack Obama's Memento Presidency
  • Both humans and equines looked uneasy, and some of the soldiers looked practically outraged.
  • Manager and player settle for an uneasy truce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Byrne sets up image-and-text compositions in which there is often a deliberate dislocation between pictures, whether moving or still, and words, whether broadcast or printed, just as there is an uneasy relationship between historical fact and restaged re-enactment. This week's new exhibitions
  • We were starting to grow slightly uneasy.
  • The scene is postwar Vienna, a city under the schizoid control of four powers in uneasy alliance: Britain, France, Russia, and Austria.
  • An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.
  • In the past six months have you ever had a spell or an attack when you suddenly felt frightened, anxious, or very uneasy?
  • Manager and player settle for an uneasy truce. Times, Sunday Times
  • In exchange for this uneasy alliance, the United States had agreed to help establish decolonized protectorates, or “trusteeships,” after the Japanese defeat, with the hope that these would eventually evolve into independent democratic nations. A Covert Affair
  • Photographs are allowed, but artists are still often uneasy about figurative paintings. Times, Sunday Times
  • What he actually is is an intrepid explorer of a body's uneasy relationship with the space around it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will not have to look far, for practically every farm in the eastern part of the State is within easy shipping distance of an already organized creamery, that is properly financed and on its feet, and that has already passed through that uneasy, experimental stage that all new creameries pass through. Eastern North Carolina, Where Prosperity is Perennial, Invites You!
  • Meet me on Sound Stage 6, the Haunted Mansion set, " said the uneasy catman. Galaxy Jane
  • The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.
  • For Dolly, growing anxious about his meaning, yet ready to think about another proposal, was desirous to sit down on the sweet ledge of grass, yet uneasy about her pale blue sarsenet, and uncertain that she had not seen something of a little sea-snail (living in a yellow house, dadoed with red), whom to crush would be a cruel act to her dainty fabric. Springhaven
  • I had felt uneasy about the interview, in that it all seems a bit mawkish, a bit nosy, as if there is a terrible need to pry into a life, and celebrate that life at the same time, never being quite sure of the balance.
  • There was a short period of uneasy calm after the riot. It can also be used to describe a person's manner:She spoke with icy calm. Calmness is usually used to talk about a person:We admired his calmness under pressure.
  • It does not help matters that the series--where the meaty head of a drunken king lies uneasy, where plotters are overplotting and courtiers go a-courting in mutters--proceeds in a style that bears all the most punishing hallmarks of close fidelity to its literary source. Slate Magazine
  • The recent adoption of the term chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalitis reflects such a compromise, albeit an uneasy one.
  • He spoke fast, with the uneasy tone that so often underran his words. The Masquerader
  • Or you may just feel worried and uneasy all of the time without knowing why. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • This current uneasy coexistence is only an interlude, he seems to say. Archive 2006-02-01
  • As for me I passed tiffed and entered into uneasy, with a possible shoulder loaded chip in bodice ripping abeyance. Political Animal
  • The crowd are an uneasy alliance of asymmetric-haired trendies and what may be their polar opposite: nervous, bespectacled thirty-something men who look like they regularly won the maths prize at school.
  • Yet there is also something uneasy and self-conscious about her. Times, Sunday Times
  • We seem to be faced with an uneasy confluence of two issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • I loved the way she could draw you into an inchoate world where half-expressed motivations were always shifting and uneasy - everything was undercurrent, it was all subtext and no text.
  • PC Dunn suggested that the appellant's demeanour was jittery and very uneasy.
  • I was born and raised catholic, but I was always uneasy with my catholic education.
  • Most of the time, it's an uneasy truce, but they've struck a good balance this year.
  • But when he was put under pressure defensively, he looked most uneasy and Northampton sensed the opportunity to cause problems down the right flank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their accounts tend to be an uneasy mix of admiration and disdain. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said afterwards that they had made her feel uneasy and that she had turned to go back home to avoid them.
  • This moment of candor is consistent with what Paul Davies wrote in his book, The 5th Miracle: "Many investigators feel uneasy stating in public that the origin of life is a mystery, even though behind closed doors they admit they are baffled. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • The two sides eventually reached an uneasy compromise.
  • His script is unfocused, his direction uneasy; this film even lacks the visual splendor normally associated with epics and costume dramas.
  • For some who have seen the entire episode develop, it practically drips with an uneasy feeling.
  • Something about the way Georgina said that made Penelope feel uneasy, her stomach performing a small flip in the pit of her belly.
  • The final story in the book, John Langan's "Technicolor," is another tour de force, and makes me very eager to read Langan's new collection from Prime, Mr. Gaunt and Other Uneasy Encounters. REVIEW: Poe edited by Ellen Datlow
  • Even Caine is made uneasy by the fundamental message of the film – why else would he be harping on about bringing back National Service in his interviews? Put Those Bloody Spears Down! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • An uneasy mix of ancient and modern. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divided between predator and prey, the animal citizens of Zootropolis enjoy an uneasy truce. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this makes you uneasy, think about distributing a little preemptive baksheesh as a goodwill gesture.
  • Here was a tape recorder (vast bulky reel-to-reel, circa 1945) and an autocycle to carry it on -- a bicycle with an engine, uneasy in either role. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • In the meantime HMS Cockchafer sat at Wanhsien in an uneasy standoff with the overwhelming Chinese troops.
  • The Spaniards grew fearful, uneasy and their discontent soon turned to open mutiny.
  • Like all good grotesques, these works simultaneously attract and repel, provoking us into uneasy awareness of ourselves.
  • Although Jane thought her father seemed anxious and uneasy, Susan did not perceive any change in his looks or ways.
  • Now that the conversation had ended an uneasy silence had descended upon the building.

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