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How To Use Undying In A Sentence

  • This walk wasn't going to be a proclamation of Ben's undying love.
  • She can smell them out at 100 paces - even if they appear initially to be bearing roses and professing undying love.
  • Blossom of the rose undying brings undying springtide there. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • One of the most beautiful things one could see: the undying love between a man and his wife. Christianity Today
  • As a result of these victories, each man had the admiration of the world and the undying gratitude of his nation.
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  • Then I shed a couple of tears and professed undying love.
  • his undying fame
  • These men and women have undying faith in a democracy which can produce acknowledged American leaders of African descent; and in that token they repledge their faith and rededicate their lives to the fulfillment of the principles upon which the American Commonwealth was establisht. John Merrick. A Biographical Sketch
  • But it was unoccupied that he might fill a higher seat prepared, waiting for, and needing, not the undying part but the everlasting whole; for we are not _whole_ till we drop our dust! Senatorial Character A Sermon in West Church, Boston, Sunday, 15th of March, After the Decease of Charles Sumner.
  • Let me find that which is changeless, which is deathless, which is without sorrow, which is unborn and undying, that is a true refuge. The Full Feed from
  • That other "corsair" -- as the Spaniards called him -- that other charming and heroic shape in England's chequered chronicle of chivalry and crime -- famous in arts and arms, politics, science, literature, endowed with so many of the gifts by which men confer lustre on their age and country, whose name was already a part of England's eternal glory, whose tragic destiny was to be her undying shame—Raleigh, the soldier, sailor, scholar, statesman, poet, historian, geographical discoverer, planter of empires yet unborn—was also present, helping to organize the somewhat chaotic elements of which the chief Anglo-Dutch enterprise for this year against—the Spanish world-dominion was compounded. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • We pay tribute to his everlasting contribution to the freedom struggle and undying memory, and we say, "Dilo kamoka dika timela, eupja bogoshi gabo timele gobane, botseba ka gabo bjona! A tribute to King Sekhukhune
  • Armchair conquistadors rejoice, because the expansion adds a new area called Amaranthine -- a word that means "undying" or "unfading" -- and invites you to probe the origins of the original game's diabolic darkspawn. Netflash
  • Instead, the multi-millionaire enjoys the unfettered licence of an owner and, as a local princeling, the adulation of fans stupid enough to believe in his undying loyalty.
  • A few years ago, the historian Andrew Roberts earned my undying contempt by alleging, on live national radio, that I was the ‘kind of person who'd have been a conchie’ in the Second World War.
  • You must pledge your undying loyalty to me, and only me.
  • Our messages have gone from simple flirting to talking about moving in together and declaring our undying love for each other. The Sun
  • Once in the barn, Stewart felt obliged to follow through on the expedition by dramatically expressing undying love for Susan Mary.
  • You will either love them with an undying passion or hate them with an unwavering vengeance.
  • I yearned for original poems that spoke of undying love inspired by my inner beauty and winsome ways. Christianity Today
  • Thousands of Keen disks were ordered last month by EGA/VGA users proving the undying popularity of this loveable, young, hero.
  • Great Expectations is a tale of death, revenge, rags to riches and undying love - all the good stuff, basically.
  • I yearned for original poems that spoke of undying love inspired by my inner beauty and winsome ways. Christianity Today
  • I guess it's a story about coping with the notion of undying love, and what that does to a person," said Sarnoski, who sees the zombie as a "mythical building block," a creature that can change its attributes and features. Yale Daily News: Latest Issue
  • Why don't I get up off my lazy bum and be proactive, confess my undying love, or something!
  • They followed trends like some people follow sports teams - with this undying devotion.
  • Let me find that which is changeless, which is deathless, which is without sorrow, which is unborn and undying, that is a true refuge. The Full Feed from
  • He wrote one poem which ensured his undying fame.
  • Rakshabandhan Rakshabandhan-a sacred tie of Love & Purity Symbolizing purity in thoughts, words & deeds This lays down certain proprieties -- of moralities To adorn the wrists of soul-soul as brothers Thus upholding the doctrine of universal fraternity Not to forget the filial concern shown by the sisters for brothers; Brothers safeguarding the honour of sisters dear Providing them a defensive Armour clear Professing their undying sincerity and loyalties - Articles related to Raksha Bandhan Messages, Rakhi Festival SMS, scraps, greeting cards, photo gallery
  • You don't have to swear undying love for me. The Sun
  • I crossed the threshold and re-entered the house, which was buzzing with undying activity.
  • She tells him her tale expecting him to express his undying love for her and the unborn babe.
  • No one except the Lord spoke to him like that with such an endearing term of undying affection.
  • The season concludes with Puccini's famous Madame Butterfly, a tragedy about a Japanese girl's undying love for her faithless American husband.
  • In a few warmhearted sentences, he echoes Sasha’s pledge of undying loyalty, urges him to cheer up and not be so serious — Dr. Mandelbaum’s term foolishly earnest springs happily to his pen. Absolute Friends
  • Being with my friends was even better, they were the true reason for my undying happiness.
  • As the couple pledged their undying love and gazed dreamily into each other's eyes, in came a tiny voice.
  • Any petrol with that declaration of undying love? Times, Sunday Times
  • If he thinks he can gain my trust and undying love, he's got another thing coming.
  • Didn't I promise love and undying devotion from me if you reviewed?
  • In other words, for a guy, it's just a phone call, not a confession of undying love.
  • His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic.
  • His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic.
  • By the time the spring thaw came, the six of them had formed what the doctor called an undying friendship. The Clayborne Brides
  • I will hush ma mouth, especially as he complimented me on my phraseology as I recounted the horror of the unseen tentacles lurking behind the perfect faces of the fur-clad trophy wives who were climbing a hill from which they would call the undying from the deep. Hey hey hey
  • Fuller's present tense is misleading: she no longer lives in Zimbabwe, or even in Africa, but her book is (among many other things) a love-letter to Africa from a woman who feels an undying, umbilical attachment to it.
  • Talcott's sister Mariah is certain that their father was murdered and produces one conspiracy theory after another to prove it; his wife, the beautiful, ambitious Kimmer, is up for her own Appeals Court nomination and wants Judge Garland and all his undying controversy to go away; Jack Ziegler, the menacing underworld figure whose friendship with the Judge cost him a position on the highest court, demands that Talcott deliver the "arrangements" to him. The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen L Carter: Questions
  • Trying to impress, I wrote a note to go with the flowers that declared my undying love. The Sun
  • If only relationships could be perfect and you felt undying love for your partner. Times, Sunday Times
  • I yearned for original poems that spoke of undying love inspired by my inner beauty and winsome ways. Christianity Today
  • She swore undying love and said she wants us to get married and be a family. The Sun
  • Deeply felt emotions, especially declarations of undying love, are left unexpressed.
  • I have no undying love to confess, just a lame apology that I shouldn't even have to make.
  • By the time he was born the South's undying racial tensions and growing lawlessness forced his parents out of town.
  • A Pashtun man swore his undying support for the Taliban. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • He also wrote her long letters professing his undying love.
  • Franco replied, expressing his undying loyalty.
  • He leads a small, eclectic crew who are the closest thing he has left to family - squabbling, insubordinate and undyingly loyal.
  • All of this northern exposure contributed to an undying curiosity about the region.
  • Murdock had stuck Mikey and I with the scene where Poppy runs off after Luciano embarrasses her in public, and Luciano follows her and admits his undying love.
  • This is a reflection of the fact that the 'Ideology of Pakistan', indeed the very rationale for the creation and continued existence of the state of Pakistan, is premised on the notion of undying and perpetual hatred of and opposition to India.
  • I don't ask much of the people who read this blog, only for their undying devotion and the occasional backrub. 24: Garofalo lives to annoy another day
  • The winner will have my undying appreciation and will receive special mention in a future post.
  • If there's anyone out there who can name all the second evictees off the top of their head, they will either earn my undying respect or everlasting contempt.
  • So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábí Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed. Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
  • I never said he had to declare his undying love for me and I never expected him to.
  • You undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.
  • But this is the city which gave the world ‘Salaam Bombay,’ for it to salute the undying spirit of a metropolis which glories in its infinitely multipliable complementary contradictions: its grime and glitz, insularity and cosmopolitanism, arrogance and vulnerability, its indifference and unexpected caring.
  • It is the same land, which stands firmer than any rock in the world, with its undying vigour, indestructible life.
  • Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive.
  • At each appearance, the fans made sure their hero knew he had their undying support. Times, Sunday Times
  • They don't want to deceive each other with illusory promises of undying love.
  • By the end of the night we were swearing undying love for each other.
  • They get into cycles of declaring their undying love but somehow it always ends up badly. The Sun
  • Lauren Bacall stars as Lucy, about to marry Kyle when Rock Hudson's Mitch professes his undying love.
  • Extra points if your character DOESN'T want to die rather than living ( 'undying') with a disability. Archive 2007-10-01
  • My undying love for all things nicotine is apparently quite temporary.
  • Within months he declared his undying love and wanted us to marry. The Sun
  • he has been an irresistible lunatic with a strange reservoir of undying confidence, peculiar sensitivity and the kind of morality that insists on "earmuffs" for a child's ears while a frat party is planned. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A keen intellect, a warm heart and an undying interest in people and places made him a source of joy to all who knew him.
  • Employees had agreed to continue working in what they called the undying traditions of professional radio services. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As reorganiser of the papal archives and refurbisher of inscriptions on martyrs' tombs, Damasus earned the undying gratitude of historians.
  • I will always accept any toys offered to me, and return it with undying affection.
  • He pledged undying love/loyalty.
  • He also wrote her long letters professing his undying love.
  • I crossed the threshold and re-entered the house, which was buzzing with undying activity.
  • So be it, then, if he will have it so," replied the soldier, with a light laugh, when this was reported to him; but his wife turned pale and trembled as she recalled the undying hate expressed by Mahng's scowling face. At War with Pontiac The Totem of the Bear
  • Though I still felt for her the same undying devotion, it was as though we were growing apart.
  • As you know, Bubba, I have no way to ever repay you for your unselfish gift of life you so eagerly gave to me. All I can offer to you is my undying love, my respect, my gratitude and my humble heart.
  • I declared my undying and eternal lust for a handful people on about as many pages, or the same people repeatedly in a series of postscripts, announced and denounced.
  • So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábí Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed. Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
  • Second, he could inspire undying loyalty in his crew.
  • The person who can string the most movie titles together wins my undying admiration.
  • We were on the same boat with our names and he knew I hated my real name as much as he hated his, with an undying, heated passion.
  • As a boy in the 1920s he conceived an undying love for the ancient Roman poet Horace, and since then has learned nothing more about him or Rome.
  • All a Filipina wants when looking because a handcuff is a deep-rooted undying relationship. Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
  • Lenin, to his undying credit, promptly added ‘Soviety’ to his already extensive thesaurus of pejoratives.
  • Your undying faith is what keep the flame out of love alive.
  • That is, it was provided at no cost to the Maxons by the parents of the groom, Regina and Milo Minderbinder, to express their love for their new daughter-in-law, their undying friendship for her stepuncle and stepaunt, Christopher and Olivia Maxon, and their deep gratitude to every single person present who had taken the trouble to come. Closing Time
  • It was hardly a socialist Utopia, but enough to earn the undying hatred of reactionaries like Winston Churchill.

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