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How To Use Unduly In A Sentence

  • Youth is unduly busy with pampering the outer person. Horace 
  • It suggests that the existing regime contains aspects which unduly deter investment.
  • Negotiations, then, must not be unduly hurried while the veldt was a bare russet-coloured dust-swept plain. The War in South Africa Its Cause and Conduct
  • The principle thus given is of great importance and ought not, in my opinion, to be unduly fettered or restricted.
  • We conclude that it is still possible that our current understanding of planetary systems is unduly coloured by our intimate knowledge of our own solar system.
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  • Minor modifications to the route will be necessary, but they are not expected to delay the planning process unduly.
  • The latest draft agreement was unduly complicated and legalistic.
  • My purpose is to show that poverty and misfortune make no invidious distinctions of “race, color, or previous condition,” but that wealth unduly centralized oppresses all alike; therefore, that the labor elements of the whole United States should sympathize with the same elements in the South, and in some favorable contingency effect some unity of organization and action, which shall subserve the common interest of the common class. Black and White
  • And although Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton yesterday blamed regulatory issues for the collapse of the deal, insiders have suggested that further improvements in the economic climate - and in Rio's financial position - since the scheme was proposed left Rio management feeling the terms unduly favoured BHP. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Not trying to demonize him or - as some have done - poeticize him, he gives us a common but not unduly vulgar man, with brightness and obtuseness intermingled.
  • If all this sounds unduly pessimistic, take heart. Why Am I Afraid to Divorce?
  • She doesn't seem unduly concerned about her exams.
  • The levels of pollution in this area are unduly high.
  • Judging by the epithet you've awarded him, I take it you weren't unduly impressed.
  • My findings turned out to be less positive than I expected, and it's an indicator of how much more detached I feel from my job these days than I used to that this doesn't bother me unduly.
  • On the long train journey south he worries that he is presenting an unduly optimistic of Africa. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stewart's departure, after an incident that left Paul Roberts holding his face, did not seem to affect Spurs unduly.
  • He appealed to firms not to increase their prices unduly.
  • He did not sound unduly worried at the prospect.
  • To those with strong networks of family and friends, such measures may seem paranoid or unduly invasive of privacy.
  • Others may be unduly influenced by variables such as sexism, racism, ageism, or a lack of resources.
  • Her sentence is nonetheless unduly harsh and rather stupidly unimaginative, as well as completely out of kilter with community expectations.
  • Book-lovers quite rightly like to find traces of the "deckle" edge, as evidence that a volume has not been unduly reduced by the binder. Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
  • He didn't seem unduly worried. Times, Sunday Times
  • Judges must decide if the sentence was unduly lenient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, squealed mining executives, this is unduly burdensome, this is excessive, this is not what we want!
  • A default judgment would in no way "vindicate" Jones if the President's stated reason for refusing further to defend the suit was the (by now all-too-obvious) fact that defending would demean his office and unduly distract him from doing the people's work. Clinton & the Jones Case
  • Yet, when I had bidden the guards unhasp the collar which held the prisoner's neck, and clapped my arms around her, showing all the roughness of one who has no mind that his captive shall escape or even unduly struggle, a thrill gushed through me so potent that I was like to have fainted, and it was only by supreme strain of will that I held unbrokenly on with the ceremonial. The Lost Continent
  • Instead, I wrote to ensure that the regulation of state judicial practice - something that has long been the responsibility of the states - is not unduly "federalized" via a problematic one-size-fits-all approach that ignores differences between the states, hinders the states 'aggressive and innovative efforts to ensure fairness, and launches an entirely new body of federal constitutional law and an entirely new layer of expensive and expansive litigation. Undefined
  • She was not unduly concerned by the prospect of managing on her own.
  • Now customers are in a new stage of recovery for the rest, slogging through what some describe as an unduly arduous claims process. MF Global Customers Wrapped in Red Tape
  • The commerce clause of the constitution has enabled it powerfully to influence the economy by invalidation of any state legislation deemed likely to burden interstate commerce unduly.
  • Hers, I thought, must be a curious soul, where in spite of a strong, natural tendency to estimate unduly advantages of wealth and station, the sardonic disdain of a fortuneless subordinate had wrought a deeper impression than could be imprinted by the most flattering assiduities of a prosperous The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Time had proved him not unduly pessimistic, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • They feel it was unduly harsh. The Sun
  • As my gaiters filled top down with slime, I uttered a few choice words but was not unduly alarmed.
  • : one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin yeoman Archive 2003-10-01
  • Sales did not seem unduly affected.
  • He did not sound unduly worried at the prospect.
  • He also presents each group as unduly homogeneous. The Times Literary Supplement
  • (Even when I was a high school student I might have been titillated by them in the usual adolescent manner, but I wouldn't have been horrified or unduly influenced by them.) Literary Study
  • Mr Chairperson, I genuinely do not wish to delay things unduly but I need to be clear on this point.
  • Instead of looking at the big picture, we became unduly ruffled by near-term issues.
  • Despite the decline of gatekeeping arrangements and the emergence of hospitalists and disease management programmes, US primary care physicians do not seem to be unduly concerned about their changing work roles.
  • In short, they are not squeamish or unduly troubled by conscience when it comes to hurting us two-legged animals.
  • Nor need feminists and womanists worry unduly in this case about the tendency of atonement models to foster one-sided and narrow prescriptions for human action by elevating certain features of the cross to salvific status.
  • Singapore is confident that it will not be unduly affected by the global banking crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michele Bachmann was able to reach her high-water mark without being unduly encumbered by her gender; nor was she advantageously buoyed by it. Michele Bachmann and the glass ceiling of American politics | Cheri Jacobus
  • Ah!" exclaimed the Postilion with a slow nod, and drawing out the word unduly, "and talking o 'sheets and beds -- what about my second passenger? The Broad Highway
  • It is our view that this sentence was indeed unduly lenient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither is unduly bothered about petrol consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • This doesn't bother me unduly, aware as I am that the skinny wastrels to whom I'm typically attracted are themselves starting to reach the extent of their appeal as the fruits of their dissipation begin to show in their faces.
  • Another reason clients like contingency fees is because they know that lawyers will not unduly delay the case.
  • Indeed, in the case of certain drugs, the argument that the harms caused are not so great and the restrictions unduly limiting on lifestyle choices have made the prohibitive laws controversial and widely ignored.
  • He said: 'There appears to be a growing public perception that policing of demonstrations is unduly lenient. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don’t want them to sag, or to look funny, or to deviate unduly from the breasts of those women whom I find attractive. What’s between an old lady’s tits? « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Drawing attention to what he called unduly stringent time regulations and unstructured or inconclusive meetings, Ledger said not all interested parties had been given a chance to comment on the plan. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Anne is unduly modest on her blog, but she is a long-standing author of Mills and Boon romances.
  • If local dialects are unduly emphasized, localism and regionalism will become more pervasive and more serious.
  • In order to do that we believe the right way to proceed is to try and secure such organization of producers, both in the secondary industries and in the primary industries as will be able to talk to those in other parts of the Empire and agree to a line of development that will not unduly conflict with what is taking place in the other Dominions; to be able to interchange as many products as we can and be sure the ultimate conflict that may take place when we become fully productive, be as long deferred as it possibly can. Australia and the Empire
  • The point is not to feel unduly guilty if a structured family devotional time doesn't come easily. Christianity Today
  • When we do, is it unduly pessimistic to wonder if we will all remain as united on free trade? Times, Sunday Times
  • Stewart's departure, after an incident that left Paul Roberts holding his face, did not seem to affect Spurs unduly.
  • As the office of referendary was a very honourable one, it came to be conferred frequently as a merely honorary title, so that the number of the referendaries was unduly increased; and Sixtus V was constrained, in 1586, to limit the referendaries of the Signatura of Justice to 100, and those of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • It was a sad end to what had been a fine game but wouldn't have concerned York unduly after their fantastic fightback.
  • she was unduly pessimistic about her future
  • Courtenay feels his mother's desperate need so acutely that he can be unduly harsh, chastising his younger self for the visits he never made or the letters he never wrote back because it became too painful an imposition.
  • He suggested that the regulations previously construed could be said to apply to particular pieces of machinery of an unduly hazardous nature.
  • Judges must decide if the sentence was unduly lenient. Times, Sunday Times
  • He thought he had probably been unduly precipitate in his reactions and was glad they had been unwatched except by Billings. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Illegally attempting to "legalize" unduly elected representatives of the corporate special interests, rather than of the American people, as it were. Supreme Court Ruling Once Again Desecrates Founders Constitution
  • Black's plans do not appear to have been unduly cramped by any constitutional niceties. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But his manager would not be unduly concerned about letting him play. The Sun
  • Is the book unduly pessimistic? Times, Sunday Times
  • The British were not unduly perturbed.
  • Can I, at the risk of unduly delaying you on this, point to some particular features of the transcript that trouble me?
  • This may sound unduly harsh, but most attempts at clarifying organizational values produce numbingly similar results.
  • One can only hope that such a gloomy view is unduly pessimistic.
  • Rest assured, by the way, that any comments you may post here that indulge in unduly coarse language will be deleted. Mark this on your calendar ...
  • Observations on the pure pentoses -- xylose and arabinose added to dextrose solutions, and then exposed to yeast action -- show that in a vigorous fermentation not unduly prolonged the pentoses are unaffected, but that they do come within the influence of the yeast-cell when the latter is in a less vigorous condition, and when the hexoses are not present in relatively large proportion. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • You just have to hope that I have not been unduly influenced by any lunches, gifts or cajolements along the way.
  • What this implies is that to the extent that savings in the economic system might be unduly held in the form of cash, i.e., "hoarded," the effect is to raise the rate of return on capital invested and thus to provide a greater incentive for savings being invested rather than being hoarded. Mises Dailies
  • His experimentation had to stick within the very strict confines of court tastes and, some say, remained unduly deferential. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no need to get unduly anxious on my account.
  • But she seems to fret unduly about money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The SNP, they claim, is being punished unduly for the general disillusion with home rule.
  • Their sound is of the vintage of rock 'n' roll's dawning days, raw but tight, energized but not unduly aggressive.
  • It's best to retain inner balance and avoid being unduly upset by developments at work or at home.
  • Hence the existing members of the Society of Friends are a race who probably contained in the first instance an unduly large proportion of colour-blind men, and from whose descendants many of those who were not born colour blind have year by year been drafted away. Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development
  • The argument is understandable yet unduly simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be a lie to say my son is unduly concerned by events unfolding in the Middle East.
  • Dixon also accused him of being unduly pessimistic about the prospects for renewable energy.
  • The presence of these nerve cells at the surface exposes them unduly to damage; it is estimated that 1 per cent of the fibers of the olfactory nerves (axons of olfactory neurons) is lost each year of life because of injury to the perikarya.
  • We had been told the pub was expensive - but it wasn't unduly pricey.
  • His finger was reset and strapped for the remainder of the day and did not seem to hamper him unduly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those things that can be assessed by external tests are being given unduly high status.
  • Just here I rise to remark: For effective purposes one must not be unduly sensitive or overmodest in writing autobiography -- for, being the events and memoirs of his life, written by himself, the ever-present pronoun "I" dances in such lively attendance and in such profusion on the pages that whatever pride he may have in the events they chronicle is somewhat abashed at its repetition. Shadow and Light An Autobiography with Reminiscences of the Last and Present Century
  • So I wasn't unduly surprised to hear that he was planning to run seven marathons in seven countries in seven days, months after a heart bypass operation, in an attempt to raise money for charity.
  • Perhaps Cowen is unduly pessimistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, let's call it preaching if you will, but it is wonderful preaching, and it is a wonderful setting of a message of the old stoic, that a man should be independent of his environment, neither unduly exalted nor elated by success, nor unduly depressed by failure, but preserving an evenness of spirit through all the changes of his outward fortune. Kipling, The Poet of Empire
  • Try to be aware of external factors which may unduly influence your judgement.
  • In a number of cases families sought to protect daughters from what they felt was an unduly harsh sentence.
  • This warmth is balanced by his wariness of the political class, many of whom he considers unduly supportive of his former deputy.
  • We can now block mergers that unduly increase concentration in the Australian market, unless there is a justification.
  • Witnesses said that a friend of the victim, present at the murder, seemed unduly calm? Times, Sunday Times
  • Few regular columnists fret unduly about whether, in the most cosmic sense, the opinions we express are right. Times, Sunday Times
  • I like to think that I am not unduly irritated by life, but the last week has finally lit my personal touchpaper.
  • This may sound unduly harsh, but most attempts at clarifying organizational values produce numbingly similar results.
  • We were criticized for taking what was deemed to be an unduly apocalyptic view of the industry.
  • But the law does not require life to be preserved irrespective of whether it is unduly burdensome. Times, Sunday Times
  • They should be compensated with money when their interest is unduly interfered with.
  • None the less, the music demands attention, and those in search of something rewarding but well off the beaten track and need not hesitate unduly.
  • A widespread sense prevailed that de Man's thinking posed, in unduly formalist fashion, the literary text against or outside of history rather than embedded in it. History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
  • He did not seem unduly alarmed at the white shade of my skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with other metal systems, copper is intentionally alloyed to improve its strength without unduly degrading ductility or workability.
  • The small size also allows us to observe textural differences, such as the distinction between wool gabardine and cotton shirting, without the substances becoming unduly associative.
  • The sentence was criticized as being unduly lenient.
  • You state you may have been unduly harse in your article, and indeed you were. From the moderated comments | clusterflock
  • If the alloys are unduly superheated, zinc is vaporized and the chemistry of the alloy is changed.
  • The wrought-up, quickened pulse I always felt to some extent when cantering down to the start of a race was unduly magnified, so that I could hear my own heart beating. Dead Cert
  • The small size also allows us to observe textural differences, such as the distinction between wool gabardine and cotton shirting, without the substances becoming unduly associative.
  • A short introduction familiarises us with the crucial role of history painting in the seventeenth century, unduly neglected today.
  • `One should not worry unduly," he said, `for space is large, and the chances of such a collision are vanishingly small. ANTI-ICE
  • She was not unduly concerned by the prospect of managing on her own.
  • But he ruled that the High Court order breached the principle of the separation of powers and would unduly restrict the Government in developing child care policy.
  • This tradition was unduly neglected for decades, especially after what was seen as its ignominious defeat in the later Imperial period.
  • He hasn't been unduly knocked about and has been found an easy opening. The Sun
  • He thought he had probably been unduly precipitate in his reactions and was glad they had been unwatched except by Billings. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • In spite of her sore butt and the strange sensation between her legs, she wasn't unduly stressed.
  • He only has to read a short report - it shouldn't tax him unduly.
  • People see that present-day law is unduly lenient towards the criminal, and unsympathetic, sometimes harsh, towards the victim.
  • I hope I don't sound unduly cynical.
  • Foi!" said Mr. Latz, by way of -- somewhat unduly perhaps -- expressing his own kind of cognizance of the scented trail. The Best Short Stories of 1921 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • That amendment will introduce some flexibility into the disposal of unredeemed goods, while not unduly placing at risk consumers' interests in achieving a fair price for their goods.
  • In each case the sentence was unduly lenient and four years would be substituted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The appeal judge agreed that the original sentence was unduly lenient.
  • He did not sound unduly worried at the prospect.
  • I was wary of Clive Smith as he seemed unduly anxious for Mr. Winterbone to make a will.
  • Another traveller, Mr. Fairman, is summarily arrested near Rovno where the Tsar's visit is making the police unduly brisk for the moment. Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies
  • We certainly listened very closely to the advice provided by officials, weighed up the issues, and basically came down to the basis that we must not unduly fetter or hamstring the commission itself.
  • I want to be sensitive to Nancy's feelings, as things happen, and I wanted a place to express my mangier side without unduly spooking the horses. Badger Diary Entry
  • He thought he had probably been unduly precipitate in his reactions and was glad they had been unwatched except by Billings. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Sales did not seem unduly affected.
  • The cens et rentes were unduly raised, the droit de banalite was pressed to the extent that if a habitant went to a better or more convenient mill than the seignior's, he had to pay tolls to both, the transfer of property was hampered by the lods el ventes and the droit de retraite, and the claim always made by the seigniors to the exclusive use of the streams running by or through the seigniories was a bar to the establishment of industrial enterprise. Lord Elgin
  • Some subsequent scholars have regarded such overall judgments as unduly subjective and impressionistic.
  • Because of this we weren't unduly concerned, but we did begin to notice that he intonates in the wrong places and some people have trouble understanding him.
  • Sealed bidding specifications or requirements cannot restrict, or limit unnecessarily and unduly the number of bid.
  • The thought did not disturb her unduly.
  • We follow at a respectful distance so as not to tire the bear unduly.
  • What they say, however, has been for the most part unclear, ill-focused, and unduly inexplicit.
  • This can sometimes mean that the diplomats become a bit too optimistic, while the military are unduly pessimistic as a result of looking at "worst case "scenarios. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • That could not be unduly complex or burdensome. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that you worry about it unduly because your back is hurting so much. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try to be aware of external factors which may unduly influence your judgement.
  • (d) to otherwise restrain or injure competition unduly, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine not exceeding ten million dollars or to both 2009 September : Law is Cool
  • I do not wish to seem unduly pernickety but the point may have some relevance in future cases.
  • I would propose to come back at 2.15 unless counsel think that we are going to be unduly pressed for time.
  • She doesn't seem unduly concerned about her exams.
  • He will not be unduly bothered as it is the head-to-head meetings that matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also seems to me that on the core amnesty point, what the negotiators came up with was simultaneously unduly cumbersome from a humanitarian point of view while also not in any way appeasing restrictionist concerns. Matthew Yglesias » Better Immigration
  • The cervical cases are recognised by the "telescoping" of the neck, the head and thorax being unduly approximated; the dorsal cases by the well-known _hump_ or _hunch-back_, in which the spinous processes of the collapsed vertebræ constitute the apex of the hump; the thorax is telescoped from above downwards, the ribs are crowded together, the lower ones, it may be, inside the iliac crests, and the sternum projected forwards. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • He learned to eat and dress and generally comport himself after the manner of civilized man; but through it all he remained himself, not unduly reverential nor considerative, and never hesitating to stride rough-shod over any soft-faced convention if it got in his way and the provocation were great enough. Chapter I
  • Clear, deliberate, never hesitant nor unduly emphatic, never repetitional, always logical, his every word told. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • Mrs. Poyser has something almost of Yankee shrewdness and angularity; but the figure of a New England rural housewife would lack a whole range of Mrs. Poyser's feelings, which, whatever may be its effect in real life, gives its subject in a novel at least a very picturesque richness of color; the constant sense, namely, of a superincumbent layer of "gentlefolks," whom she and her companions can never raise their heads unduly without hitting. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
  • The blue-blooded broker did not expect a rate rise to upset the property market unduly. Times, Sunday Times
  • With fantasy the insularity is even worse: the fantasy reader who has not read the original ancient epic poems of which modern fantasy is merely a variation or imitation runs the risk of being unduly impressed with a watered-down and modernized version of a rich and ancient literary tradition. MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • The melody is tender but not unduly saccharine and is played here with more concern for easeful relaxation than poignancy.
  • Access to higher education has been unduly restricted for people with disabilities.
  • Without wishing to scare you unduly, you should be aware that sharks do lurk out there.
  • His finger was reset and strapped for the remainder of the day and did not seem to hamper him unduly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Possibly there is less direct textual support for supposing that Laçan regards the genitals as an erotogenic zone, and in attributing the view to Lacan I may have been unduly influenced by charity. Lacan: An Exchange
  • It is our view that this sentence was indeed unduly lenient. Times, Sunday Times
  • The small size also allows us to observe textural differences, such as the distinction between wool gabardine and cotton shirting, without the substances becoming unduly associative.
  • But this viewpoint seems unduly pessimistic. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Youth is unduly busy with pampering the outer person. Horace 
  • Neither had been unduly concerned about the initial probe into foreign exchange dealings at the bank.
  • Youth is unduly busy with pampering the outer person. Horace 
  • But you're not unduly worried about doing this report?" — "No.".
  • In each case the sentence was unduly lenient and four years would be substituted. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is important to avoid unduly fettering the power to amend the provisions of the scheme, thereby preventing the parties from making those changes which may be required by the exigencies of commercial life.
  • First, he indicated, and I now readily understand why, that the case put before him appeared to be ‘unduly prolix and the documents unnecessarily voluminous’.
  • There are also those people who seem unduly anxious from early childhood. Know Your Own Mind
  • Without being unduly rash we may surmise that the tribute of seven youths and seven maidens whom the Athenians were bound to send to Minos every eight years had some connexion with the renewal of the king’s power for another octennial cycle. Chapter 24. The Killing of the Divine King. § 3. Kings killed at the End of a Fixed Term
  • He said: 'There appears to be a growing public perception that policing of demonstrations is unduly lenient. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I wasn't unduly impressed, Blowitz himself was partly to blame; one evening of his company was always about my limit, and his enthusiasm for his "petit cadeau" was such that I was quite put off beforehand, and a day spent loafing in the hotel hadn't raised my spirits. Watershed
  • So long as the state provides them with what they need and does not interfere unduly with their operations, they leave it to the apparatchiks.
  • He took as the normal type the skull of the Caucasian race, which is distinguished by harmony of the individual parts, none being unduly prominent: with roundness (mesocephaly) are united a massive high forehead, narrow cheek-bones, round alveolar arch, and an orthognathous upper jaw. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The appeal judge agreed that the original sentence was unduly lenient.
  • This is just ill-considered invective, written on the spur of the moment and unduly influenced by the absolutely horrendous headache I'm currently enduring.
  • He was not a redistributionist and he was not unduly concerned about disparities of income, although he acknowledged that it was disturbing to see extremes of wealth.
  • Careful, frugal, prosperous people like you are apt to become unduly hard and oversuspicious; but you mustn't permit it. Flowing Gold
  • The surgery must not be unduly prolonged.
  • More recently, a massive mahogany on the premises of the Fine Arts College in Palayam came under the axe, but tree-lovers did not seem to be unduly worried.
  • The Court of Appeal agreed that the trial judge had misdirected the jury in certain respects, but held that the jury's directions were unduly favourable to the applicant.
  • The measures directed against teenagers in particular ‘is unduly harsh and punishes someone for merely being present.’
  • Life here, and this present, have been depreciated unduly, untruly, and unthankfully. Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke
  • It would be unduly onerous for the taxing authorities to ensure that there was a system in place to identify any such inconsistent treatment.
  • From the relief of Mafikeng in 1900 came a new word: to maffick, which means to celebrate unduly. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I hope I don't sound unduly cynical.
  • He also presents each group as unduly homogeneous. The Times Literary Supplement

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