
How To Use Undress In A Sentence

  • The women, all middle-aged, were naked, masking their state of undress behind the banner.
  • In phone calls you make in various states of undress interchange the word scrip, script, equity, stock, pscyhed, cash and stock, earnout, and synergy but minimise use of terms cash and upfront. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Its soft fair luxuriance was, no one could tell how, made to assume the half-dressed, half-undressed air of the head in Delaroche's picture; and Frederica looked the part well. Melbourne House
  • It was mid-week so things were quiet; couples were lunching at picnic tables and elderly men and women were lounging around in various states of undress.
  • undressed hides
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  • She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower.
  • And as the winter months drag on, many of us are dying to trade in cashmere sweaters for terrycloth sundresses and bikinis.
  • Upstairs Kristin walked back into her room and through there into her bathroom where she undressed, sorted her clothes into the laundry hamper, and showered quickly.
  • Finally relenting to the tempting rays of sun, I undressed and sat down on the towel that I had already spread out.
  • The palace of the Sylphides was a tavern, and Clarice, the neglected fiancee of besotted Eraste, made an appearance as a laundress, boxed her sylph-sotted betrothed about the ears, then pulled him off stage to the applause of the audience. Archive 2009-03-01
  • You should also know that I'm not really naked, though I may be partially undressed.
  • ‘When the film came out I felt undressed, and not just because I was sexually violated,’ she says, toying with her fruit salad.
  • Â Only her white underclothing is visible in the dark room as she undresses and they get it on, and somehow Walker’s new powers give Heather a glimpse of his past couplings as she climaxes. Review: Powers #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Without hesitation, the savvy shopper races through the revolving door and picks up sundresses, swimsuits and sandals.
  • Fifteen minutes later he was undressed and in bed.
  • Women in various stages of undress reclined on loungers around the edge of the room and a beautifully ornate staircase dropped from its centre down to the spa facilities below.
  • The sundress has a neat back zip fastening.
  • He was dressed in what might have been termed undress, and was most vigorous in his condemnation of foreigners. Across China on Foot
  • When he came to, he was lying partially undressed on a bed while the staff member bent over him.
  • This the time of year to eat healthily, but I'm not suggesting for one minute that this means eating undressed salads!
  • Brown points out that many of the bank's loyal supporters were laundresses.
  • Better were men, strangers, unkissed, undressed, and handled with emotion left in the discarded clothes. Bi « First 50 Words – Writing Prompts
  • But for the dance classes, that is where some pupils get undressed. The Sun
  • You can get lots of interesting special effect shots of Mike the Martian killing innocent policemen with his mind-powers, or shots of curvaceous starlets in a various states of undress which is basically all the book has in it. MIND MELD: Stories Hollywood Should Film
  • He slid his still dressed body up her bare one; she started to slowly undress him.
  • Because of their lowly social status and outspoken behavior, the reputation of laundresses in late eighteenth-century Spain was problematic at best.
  • I mean, one can have, of course, partial undress as well as complete nudity and stripping would include both.
  • We stayed like that for I don't know how long, then she slowly undressed me.
  • Two female Romance language instructors were tossed out of their Brooklyn high school after being caught "undressed" in an empty classroom, sources told the Daily News Tuesday. - Business News
  • The King, wishing to retire, went and fed his dogs; then said good night, passed into his chamber to the 'ruelle' of his bed, where he said his prayers, as in the morning, then undressed. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Yet Raphael, eschewing mystery, signed his name ostentatiously on his courtesan's arm band, left her undressed, and gave her face a knowing expression. This Beauty Still Beguiles
  • Relative to the foundress, soldiers have an enlarged prothorax and fore femora, reduced wings and antennae, and a pale exoskeleton.
  • She still looked adorable in her yellow sundress and strappy white heels, but her mood had soured. Crossed
  • Women in various stages of undress reclined on loungers around the edge of the room and a beautifully ornate staircase dropped from its centre down to the spa facilities below.
  • It felt odd to be left alone with all these people undressing me and putting new clothes on me.
  • Victim reported suspect made victim drinks, told him to get undressed, which is the last thing he remembers," a police narrative said. Blogging Change
  • We had to undress and throw away all belongings except our shoes. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • No, Captain," replied Bob, who was busy undressing; and, within a few moments he had plunged into the sea, and was swimming out with a brave firm stroke in a way that fully justified the Captain's praise of his natatory powers, shouting out at intervals his customary war - cry -- "Jolly! Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
  • Then Jack and Ruddy began to undress, that is, they took off everything but their pants. Mitch Miller
  • I tell him to get undressed and get in the shower.
  • please don't undress in front of everybody!
  • One must see people undressed to judge truly of their shape; when they are dressed to go abroad, their clothes are contrived to conceal, or at least palliate the defects of it: as full-bottomed wigs were contrived for the Duke of Burgundy, to conceal his hump back. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • You now return to the large hall where you first undressed, wrap in woollen shawls, and recline on a divan. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • Certainly, I was struck by the combination of her screeching voice and deranged facial expression, her general state of undress being more disturbing than arousing.
  • We undress in a small anteroom and fold our clothes neatly into baskets on the shelves.
  • She undressed and ran a hot bath, careful to pour the right amount of bath beads into the whirlpool bath.
  • It's one of those sexual tease jobs that involve a cornered woman in a night dress and a Peeping Tom psychopath; she's a psychiatrist, he's a garage mechanic and quite possibly a gay fruitcake who's killed (or "disabled" in the play's horrid vocabulary) a whole bunch of women before, and an Alfred Hitchcock-style "scopophiliac" to boot who likes watching women from a distance in various stages of undress. Undefined
  • Could you undress the kids for bed, Steve?
  • But blandish rice and undressed iceberg salad don't do much to help out.
  • The undress, fanciful frock he wore in common was exchanged for the attire of one of his assumed rank and service, which had been made to fit his person with the nicest care, and with perhaps a coxcomical attention to the proportions of his really fine person; and in all other things was he speedily equipped for the disguise he chose to affect. The Red Rover
  • Among women, common occupations included servants and waitresses, and seamstresses or laundresses, with smaller groups of laborers and factory workers.
  • Charles Letellier, for instance, decried the figure's indecent state of undress (she is shown stripped down to her petticoat) and compared her bare arms to those of modern grisettes and washerwomen.
  • She said she continued to undress the patient, calming him down, until Mr Hodgson offered to take over.
  • She felt undressed without her hat.
  • Cast members spring up from the ranks of the orchestra, undress and change clothes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hillocks 'wife informed the kirkyaird that the doctor "gied the gudeman an awfu' clearin ', "and that Hillocks" wes keepin' the hoose, "which meant that the patient had tea breakfast, and at that time was wandering about the farm buildings in an easy undress with his head in a plaid. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • But it's 12.32 and I'm still undressed and can't get going.
  • Her identical poses mimic Newton's paired photographs showing a group of statuesque fashion models similarly dressed and undressed.
  • He got under the covers, too, without undressing.
  • Richard Polwhele's "Unsexed Females," where he asks us to picture an "unsex'd" woman's body: "Scarce by a gossamery film carest,/Sport [s], in full view, the meretricious breast;" he then guides us to undress the woman farther, to "Loose the chaste cincture, where the graces shone,/And languish'd all the Loves, the ambrosial zone. 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • His wife was the daughter of a laundress, in whose house he had lodged thirty years ago, when new to London but already long-acquainted with hunger; they lived in complete harmony, but Mrs Hinks, who was four years the elder, still spoke the laundress tongue, unmitigated and immitigable. New Grub Street
  • She would undress and put on clean shorts, then walk out to the broodmare pasture. BARN BLIND
  • Nests become social if a second foundress successfully usurps the nest with the original foundress remaining in the nest as a nonreproductive guard (if she leaves, the nest remains solitary).
  • She slowly undressed and then turned on the shower and let the hot water start to wash away all the dirt and grime from the day's activities.
  • It was only when I undressed him at 8am and saw the purple rash that I knew how serious things were.
  • Tucked at the side of the dish was a handful of undressed rocket from a bag. Times, Sunday Times
  • She chose a sundress, light but pretty, even though she knew that no amount of clothes and jewelry would ever make her feel pretty again.
  • She told me she took him into the bathroom, undressed him and helped him into the bathtub.
  • A beautiful woman wearing a red sundress and round sunglasses stepped into his office.
  • As if this was not bad enough, the article was accompanied by a vulgar colour photograph of the winning side in various stages of undress.
  • The manner of it was thus: there cometh in to her the laundress early as other times before she was wanted, and the Queen according to such a secret practice putteth on her the hood of the laundress, and so with the fardel of clothes and the muffler upon her face, passeth, out and entereth the boat to pass the The Abbot
  • Not that it could have taken the 45-year-old mum of two long to get dressed - or undressed. The Sun
  • Two laundresses had taken pity on her and had shown her the way since they were headed that direction anyway.
  • The spectacle of the female medium in pain - a body often tied down, exposed in various stages of undress, or both - threatens to overshadow the curious display of flocculent ectoplasmic oozings and their iconographic content.
  • They were subjected to various indignities and discomforts, including having to get dressed and undressed in public.
  • Settling on a floral sundress in tones of dusty pink, light brown and cream teamed with a pair of cowboy boots, she pulled her copper coloured hair back into a messy ponytail up high on her head and left her room.
  • But no sooner had the thought entered his mind than she undressed herself. Bomber
  • I found her in vestito di confidenza, in an undress more than wanton, unknown to northern countries, and which I will not amuse myself in describing, although I recollect it perfectly well. The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Use traditional lime mortars rather than leaving external stone undressed.
  • Using the most direct video methods, Auder captures such quotidian rituals as shaving, applying makeup, dressing and undressing, nursing, bathing, etc.
  • It's not yet 9 o'clock, and she's been cleaning up since dawn in her sundress, which is the color of shamrocks, and her big silver jewelry. Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Cheers Leader
  • At the Tuileries Napoleon put on what was called the undress attire; this he was to wear on his way from the palace to the Archbishop's. The Court of the Empress Josephine
  • He crouched down with her and finished undressing her.
  • They don't want to get undressed for a physical. Christianity Today
  • I have seen several paintings of women in what is described as "undress" which could mean house dress or could mean boudoir. Archive 2004-06-01
  • Joe still needs an adult to undress him.
  • She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
  • Fifteen minutes later he was undressed and in bed.
  • Concentrated primarily as laborers, teamsters, deliverymen, waiters, servants, maids and laundresses, they held many of the lowest paid and least skilled jobs in the city.
  • Round the corner of an old building pour forth a company of soldiers in "undress" — very "undress" — costume, looking like a troop of navvies, though one-half may be men of fortune and position, who at home command their hundred servants and their carriages and horses, but here willingly, eagerly, shoulder their axe, and sally forth at dawn of day to throw up breastworks and erect batteries. Yorktown, Virginia
  • She's happy to be "undressed", as she put it, at the airport, but she is not happy to give up her civil liberties. Madeleine Albright, Former Secretary of State of where?
  • She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower.
  • I smiled at her flashy red sundress she wore under her floury apron and the studs lining her ear lobes.
  • The simple, undramatized, unselfconscious undressing was more ruthlessly arousing than anything one could ever pay to see. Forfeit
  • He had a strong sense of justice: I recall his fury about one poor man who was being unjustly accused of indecent exposure because he had stumbled undressed from bed to close his curtains.
  • When the dominant male at a manakin lek dies, one of the subordinate males who assisted him inherits his position; ditto for the subordinate foundresses at a wasp nest. Behe Disproves Irreducible Complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • Shivering, but not from the cold, Jade undressed and climbed into bed.
  • They weren't meant to look too closely at the subtext, duck into the alleyway or the authentic cookhouse on route, or some red light backstage dressing room where she sat half-undressed in front of a mirror, all shallow breath and heaving breasts, rouge, heart on sleeve. Unwritten
  • Valley of the Dolls had been so crucial in my life not because of its word to the wise about the inadvisability of mixing Seconal and Scotch, but for the three sentences that explained how to go about getting undressed before the first time you have sex: go into the bathroom, take your clothes off, and reemerge with a towel wrapped around yourself. What Girls Want
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • He undressed and just climbed into bed next to Belle.
  • Almost all working free women of colour laboured in towns, as tavern-keepers and innkeepers, petty retailers, seamstresses, laundresses, and domestics.
  • In fact, many of the people who have these products installed on their computer still open strange email attachments promising pictures of celebrities undressed, or some mysterious, unrequested information.
  • She undressed the child before putting her in the tin bath.
  • Make a large, undressed green salad to have on hand for a few days.
  • I ran the water into the tub, pouring in bath oils while undressing.
  • We were undressing the merchandise with their eyeball, all ogle, no cash.
  • Fashion spreads find boys and girls in various stages of langorous undress.
  • The relative importance of LMC and of inbreeding depends on the number of foundresses that oviposit in a local patch.
  • She was wearing a light, white sundress and a white sunhat with a wide brim, both complete with yellow ribbon that brought out the gold flecks in her eyes.
  • The $200 million film, which premiered last week, is already making waves as one of those rare specimens where the men are more undressed than the women.
  • What if I went to his room and he was in a state of undress?
  • Tucked at the side of the dish was a handful of undressed rocket from a bag. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liubov worked as laundress and cook while Degaev worked for a while for a chemical firm.
  • Kari undressed but for her underclothes and wrapped herself in an oversized blanket.
  • She would undress and put on clean shorts, then walk out to the broodmare pasture. BARN BLIND
  • Hillocks's wife informed the kirkyard that the doctor "gied the gudeman an awful 'clearin'," and that Hillocks "wes keepin 'the hoose," which meant that the patient had tea breakfast, and at that time was wandering about the farm buildings in an easy undress, with his head in a plaid. Stories by English Authors: Scotland (Selected by Scribners)
  • Now, it isn't that often that I am faced with undressing someone quite so delicious.
  • Like Owen, she could feel him mentally undressing her or at least putting her in something more revealing.
  • Blaire stopped undressing her, nodded and resumed taking her clothes off.
  • The sundress Deanna wore a few hours earlier was speckled in dirt and blood.
  • Records do show that free Black women served during the Civil War as nurses, laundresses and cooks.
  • She'd also bought a number of sundresses and a couple pairs of flip-flops, both flat and platforms.
  • To my shock she undressed in front of me instead of upstairs. The Sun
  • On September seventeenth of that year, pursuant to a procedure for the removal of a nevus — that is, a birthmark — from Miss Corrones's leg, did you administer Ketaject to her and then, when you perceived her to be unconscious, partially undress her, fondle her breasts and genitals and masturbate until you reached a climax? Mistress of Justice
  • Cannot dress or undress at all (eight points)? Times, Sunday Times
  • As a laundress, she supported us until our financial situation improved.
  • In a Nutshell: Decadent diva moments mark this scantily clad Nutcracker, which includes Ms. Verlaine as an Arabian coffee goddess undressed by attendants as she bathes in a steaming, 200-pound coffee pot. Where to Get Your Nutcracker Fix
  • Two lime wedges were a welcome addition to a large, undressed fillet of cod, which was bland due to overcooking.
  • washwoman" instead of the "laundress," and, as did her father, called the man who took care of the grounds, ran the furnace, and drove the The Squirrel-Cage
  • I was changing out of my Flora costume and into my new taffy-pink gown with the soft belled sleeves, ruinously expensive but so pretty, when they sauntered through the door, taking no notice of the other players in varying states of undress. Exit the Actress
  • My friend's wife inadvertently pulled a face the last time he got undressed in front of her. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was left alone to undress and climb into this new environment.
  • The result was what looked like a short, sleeveless, ill-made sundress.
  • I undressed them with my eyes, the girls that I met, I lusted after them with my thoughts.
  • He was half way done undressing her when there was a knock at the door.
  • His accompaniment sounds like evil burlesque music, lurching forward, undressing you with its eyes.
  • She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and have her shower.
  • Tucked at the side of the dish was a handful of undressed rocket from a bag. Times, Sunday Times
  • The actress claims a paparazzo photographer used a telephoto lens to snap her when she was partly undressed in her home.
  • How could I undress in front of a man from the Hollywood generation? Times, Sunday Times
  • The patch of undressed, that is, of new cloth, means the new grace, that is, the Gospel doctrine, of which fasting is Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • Throwing the towel on the white sink she undressed and climbed in.
  • She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner.
  • Feeling too dizzy to undress properly I kicked my shoes off and climbed under the duvet as I was.
  • She ran the water in the shower as she undressed and climbed in.
  • Audrey Hepburn wears a sundress and holds a colorful umbrella in 1955.
  • Many of them provided indispensable services as laundresses, cooks and nurses.
  • He undressed, took a Seconal, lay down on the couch.
  • Near me sat a young officer in undress uniform, with a cicatrized bullet wound in his cheek. The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • As she is undressed and her wedding veil placed on the tailor's dummy, the camera pans up from her naked back to her body in the photograph.
  • She'll be watched to see whether she can dress and undress by herself, and knows the letters of the alphabet. Times, Sunday Times
  • He primarily painted the crew but like his laundresses, in no specifically individual way.
  • HETTY and Dinah both slept in the second story, in rooms adjoining each other, meagrely furnished rooms, with no blinds to shut out the light, which was now beginning to gather new strength from the rising of the moon — more than enough strength to enable Hetty to move about and undress with perfect comfort. Adam Bede
  • Pull on your shorts, button up your silk blouse, shove on a sundress – whatever.
  • She undressed and put her wet clothes in a neat pile in the corner.
  • I followed him into the bedroom, and found him undressing you.
  • “And I promise you,” said the laundress, “my young master will stick nothing to call an honest woman slut and quean, if there be but a speck of soot upon his band-collar.” The Abbot
  • Fifteen minutes later he was undressed and in bed.
  • It's basically one big, long music video clip with the main characters running around in various states of undress but hey it was still pretty fun.
  • Long has Sebastian peeked through the window to watch his zaftig neighbor across the way undress.
  • As I got undressed she stirred, came half-awake and sleepily listened to my story about Pat and Paris and broken trains. MAN AND WIFE
  • She was pretty and young, in a loose smocked sundress.
  • She breaks the monotony of ironing, cooking and dressing and undressing her husband by using red lipstick, a red apron, but the wearing down process finally takes its toll.
  • I had undressed her, peeled her sodden clothes from her body.
  • I've found that nice-looking, well-fitting sundresses can be hard to find, and frequently very expensive.
  • ‘He destroyed the camera cable so she would not be able to send any more photos of herself in various states of undress to the USA,’ said Mr Platts.
  • My friend's wife inadvertently pulled a face the last time he got undressed in front of her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children playing, men in garish Hawaiian shirts at the grill, women in fun and flirty sundresses, sprinklers on lawns, and older ladies fanning themselves make a tapestry of summer. To Every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn
  • The percentage of undressed females didn't change.
  • Another was to keep busy, which Emily did readily in her capacity as laundress, social secretary, and cooker of favorite meals. TOGETHER ALONE
  • I quickly changed into my favorite pastel yellow sundress adorned with purple flowers and pulled on my white sweater.
  • Woman, strip me of my clothes and my doubts. Undress me, undoubt me.
  • When the last of them had staggered down my steps, and I had bidden a drowsy lacquey extinguish the candles, I called Ganymede to light me to bed and aid me to undress. Bardelys the Magnificent; being an account of the strange wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol, marquis of Bardelys...
  • Inside, a motley crew of gents are draped over by a mixture of girls in varied state of undress.
  • For the next three or four months, while the youngsters mature, the foundress cleans the nest regularly and helps keep it cool by fanning her wings.
  • There was one other customer in the store -- a pretty woman in a strapless sundress. BJ Gallagher: Cherie Meagher: Conscious Choices and Healthy Habits
  • The two men, she said, seemed to be partially undressed while the woman appeared to be naked.
  • Could you undress the kids for bed, Steve?
  • The spokesman said security staff had reported the same mannequin found undressed on several occasions.
  • But no sooner had the thought entered his mind than she undressed herself. Bomber
  • That was the first thing I knew about her state of undress.
  • When we get back to my place, he climbs onto my bed without undressing.
  • She was wearing a vivid turquoise halter-neck sundress and had obviously spent the last couple of days out in the sun. FALLEN WOMEN
  • The cheapness of his productions allows another of Franco's gifts to flourish - his ability to transform real, undressed settings into unworldly zones of mystery simply by virtue of his eye for atmospheric detail.
  • After Polly left, I undressed and sat on the bed, the package in my lap.
  • All the stones are local sandstone, undressed, and, in common with other circles on Exmoor, are fairly small in size, the largest only 1m long.
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • People go by, so drenched and draggle-tailed that I have often wondered how they found the heart to undress. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
  • Investment preservation may also increase with the number of foundresses remaining on a colony, because of the increased likelihood that a foundress will be present to preserve past investments.
  • And how are you going to get undressed? Times, Sunday Times
  • Cannot dress or undress at all (eight points)? Times, Sunday Times
  • Leave the sundresses, sandals, and other casual attire at home.
  • a state of undress
  • Both were almost naked or in a state of undress when they were eventually found.
  • Pleese send a stabbed undressed envelope of Bern and Ern dancing and doing their splendid to entertain a most deserting group and we hope this fires you as you keeler. In His Own Write
  • First of all, if the shower needs warming up before you start, I suggest turning on the shower before undressing and getting all your shampoos and such.
  • She'd moved into presenting after starting modelling at 16 and become a regular, in various states of undress, on the pages of glossy men's magazines.
  • A French language lesson follows with the Brother conjugating the reflexive verb déshabiller, ‘to undress’.
  • Careless of his duties, a herdsman in a saffron tunic plays his pipe to a young laundress delectable in suntan and ultramarine blue.

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