How To Use Undone In A Sentence

  • What is done cannot be undone
  • The shirt was that little bit too pink, there was one button too many left carefully-casually undone and the tan was a shade and a half too dark.
  • I observed his verdant chest hair because he had left the top two buttons of his shirt undone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Punch investors are worried it will be undone by its huge debt pile and its fruitless attempt to stem the tide of drinking at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • A poll showed 75 per cent of men often go out with three buttons undone on their shirts. The Sun
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  • Nought is left undone but the inearthing of the dead.
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • Only the outline has been cut out and then something happened, leaving the work forever undone.
  • My errand will remain undone for another day, milk stockpiling and likely to go to waste in the fridge for a lack of freezer bags, check undeposited. Stockholm Syndrome Would Be Welcome
  • Another benefit is that any spell can be un-cast, any effect can be undone.
  • Take honour from me and my life is undone
  • As he was pulling the hoody over his head the shirt rode up a little and I noticed that the last few buttons on the bottom of his shirt were undone.
  • The top two buttons of her shirt have been undone. Times, Sunday Times
  • I couldn't figure what was the problem, but somehow my circadian rhythms had come undone, and I wasn't sleeping. FATAL FLAW
  • I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
  • He left nothing undone that needed attention.
  • Having determined on murder, he then planned the crime - normally a poisoning - with the utmost cunning, only to be undone by some small unforeseen error.
  • There are dark black fishnets underneath the white dress shirt, his tie's undone and the school blazer's lying in a crumpled heap on the floor.
  • An urgent and then melancholy opening was unsettled by dark bass trills and a menacing fugal theme, only to be undone by the second movement's disarming simplicity. Pianist Till Fellner ends Beethoven sonata cycle with restrained refinement
  • Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy. Pure Paradise
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • But Mark's Jesus sees a student who is both vulnerable and teachable - a human being who is searching, and now undone by the fact that he has addressed his question to the answer.
  • We were undone by two set plays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infection; Misfortunes may be catching as well as Sickness; leave me alone to my Sighs and Tears; stay not at all, lest my unweary Tongue pronounce your Ruin; leave me, I say, that I may gently expire without the Agony of seeing you undone. Exilius
  • Due to infrequent maintenance in recent decades, many of the city's grand structures are in terminal decay, undone by the vandalism of official apathy.
  • My shoe laces have come undone.
  • Chicago Spire could be a symbol of what has happened in real estate construction in general over the past year or so -- an ambitious project full of promise and hope, left lingering in a state of undoneness due to the economic shift. Luxist
  • Sounds snarky, but no matter how much one "conserves" it is totally undone by having kids, sending them off to a college campus (which uses more energy to maintain the grounds for a month than the most wasteful family uses all year), having them see the world (unneccesary travel), have more kids and so forth. where did you get that Brad Ideas - Comments
  • The heady scent of hot spices restored the sense of relaxation that moment in the cloakroom had nearly undone.
  • A boy undone by the failure to accept human limits, Icarus is a useful metaphor for the hothouse kid. The Drama of the Gifted Parent
  • It took me about 2 minutes before I'd quietly undone the two zips on the tent door and silently projected myself head first out of it.
  • One example, noted by spy novelist Jeremy Duns, is this passage from "Assassin of Secrets": "Then he saw her, behind the fountain, a small light, dim but growing to illuminate her as she stood naked but for a thin, translucent nightdress; her hair undone and falling to her waist—hair and the thin material moving and blowing as though caught in a silent zephyr. Spy Thriller: 'An Instant Classic' Vanishes Amid Plagiarism Charges
  • Yet in one of the cruel absurdities of legacy, Ehrlich's name is invariably linked with a book that he and Anne Ehrlich, his wife and long-time collaborator (and the corecipient of many of his prizes), wrote in a few weeks in the late 1960s, at a time when the world seemed to be coming undone. SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • For even if those who raped and killed his family could be brought to trial, as Ngabu so desperately wants, no such grief could be assuaged or horror undone. The Trial of Thomas Lubanga
  • Lourdes burst into the room, her hair undone from the organdy ribbon that bound it.
  • Qiara began to chew thoughtfully and play with the undone laces of her Converse All-Stars.
  • The sticky tape on the parcel came unstuck and the whole thing came undone.
  • Everyone's favourite cheeky actor comes undone in a disappointingly miscast role in Channel 4's latest gritty urban drama.
  • It can be undone. Memory jogger Keyboard: tap the Del for Delete key smartly but with caution.
  • He will be dressed in a sharp dinner suit, with his bow tie undone, looking suave and handsome as if he had stepped out of GQ Magazine.
  • Thepefulence amongft our cattle, though it has diftreffed, and utterly undone, fo many thcufands* yet what one vifible alteration has it madein the courie of our lives? The sermons of Mr. Yorick
  • You may as well expect a crop of corn on unplowed ground as a crop of grace until the soul is convinced of its being undone without a Savior.
  • But when the filter is in the attic or somewhere else that is fairly inaccessible, this becomes an odious chore that is often left undone.
  • ‘Oh, if ye get to eassel and wessel2again, I am undone! Chapter I
  • I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
  • Altars are reared around, and the priestess, with hair undone, thrice peals from her lips the hundred gods of Erebus and Chaos, and the triform Hecate, the triple-faced maidenhood of Diana. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • I was wearing some old shoes and the laces are always coming undone.
  • If there had been any hope of denying a pattern in these diagnoses that hope was undone by the third and final proof. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • She reached up and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and a hug before leaving for her room for undone homework.
  • This can be done with a cute cardigan or blazer with undone buttons; this look will also lengthen your shape.
  • Having undone the existing unit I discovered that the wires were soldered to the terminals.
  • First came a short, stout black woman dressed like a hooker, shirt buttons undone, hair wild and dishevelled, dragging a scuffed duffel bag by its long loop.
  • The claim to universalism is undone somewhat when at least half the world seems to be against you.
  • He has enough shirt buttons undone to wear a medallion, but instead affects a necklace.
  • The bundle distasted me; I wished my work undone, and the hidden fate left sleeping in the earth. The King Must Die
  • I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
  • Alio almost hit him for that, but he restrained himself, even if he could explain it off as just a serge of anger for an undone job.
  • Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean, however, that history can be undone.
  • For me this began just two minutes after the final whistle, with despondent Lundoners in the street muttering into their handies about sensorily challenged linesmen, crap refereeing, and unforgivably bad playing by the England side. Francis Sedgemore
  • Davies tried his best to rattle Mandy but to no avail: Mandelson's light, superior voice merely became airier and loftier as he explained to Davies how his book didn't make New Labour look like a great project undone by the pathetic, all-consuming, never-ending row between Blair and Brown, but instead painted a "reasonably pleasing picture". Today; Live Aid 25; London: Just Off the Plane
  • It was a black bikini halter with matching bottoms, a pair of swim shorts that had floral Hawaii prints on the side and a red shirt that had the sleeves ripped off with buttons undone.
  • Her undone dark hair falls across brown eyes that are direct and intelligent.
  • his shoelaces were undone
  • Teachers who don't pull their weight in the system dump their undone work onto teachers who are competent, making it almost impossible for those teachers to be optimally effective.
  • There and in many other testing grounds, arranged in museological, Donald Judd-like intervals of solids and negatives, these perfect geometries are coming undone. Archive 2009-06-01
  • These are facts of history that possibly cannot be undone now, howsoever unpleasant they might be.
  • He was in a mismatched blue jacket and trousers and his top shirt button was undone. The Sun
  • He straightened his shoulders, placed the crystal snowdrop in the top buttonhole of his coat, now undone. STARDUST
  • Up to 75% of men now wear at least three buttons undone on their shirts. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it failed its first significant test last week, when both parties were undone by something unremarkably predictable - the possibility of a presidential election.
  • But the story of how the best of us can undone and destroyed by our vanity is an old and important one. Lance Mannion:
  • His black backpack was still slumped by his desk and the undone homework atop was weeks late.
  • Mid-way through his remarks, the presidential seal came undone from the front of the rostrum and fell to the floor of the stage with a clunk loudly amplified by the president's microphone. Presidential Seal Falls During Obama Speech At Fortune Magazine 'Most Powerful Women Summit' (VIDEO)
  • We had great warm evenings for sitting out late and it was really relaxing without any means of doing those undone tasks at home.
  • He had undone the bow-tie on his tux and it was now hanging around his neck.
  • That drive was undone by the ballot box, but it is unfortunately the case that bureaucratic ordinances are usually more permanent than ministerial fiats.
  • He straightened his shoulders, placed the crystal snowdrop in the top buttonhole of his coat, now undone. STARDUST
  • The sound of his heels on the wooden planks was a sturdy percussion, mixed in perfect time to the heavy rubbing of his sheath, and the jangle of the undone belts of his coat.
  • England were magnificent, but were undone by a movement of real grace and vision that began with Tostao and Pele and finished with a Jairzinho thunderbolt that flashed past Gordon Banks.
  • Oh, and he also had his shoelaces undone. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was filled with undone homework and re-runs of Boy Meets World.
  • Whether with the arrival of a younger and more energetic person she was voluntarily relinquishing her hold on her customary tasks, or whether a sudden collapse of her vitality forced her to do so, Lucy could not determine; nevertheless, it was perfectly apparent that she daily attacked her duties more laggingly and complained less loudly when things were left undone. The Wall Between
  • The pupils wear loosely fitted ties and most have the top button of their shirt undone. The Sun
  • He was the fastest to halfway in the Derby only to be seemingly undone by the two quick races between the third round and quarter-finals. The Sun
  • He straightened his shoulders, placed the crystal snowdrop in the top buttonhole of his coat, now undone. STARDUST
  • Simon Le Bon's bowtie is undone and keyboard player Nick Rhodes is smiling his Mona Lisa smile, suggesting now, as then, that he has a bit more of a handle on irony than bassist Roger Taylor. Mark Ronson and the Business Intl
  • Their first ended several years ago, undone in acrimony after DirecTV — then owned by the News Corporation — moved to use recording devices owned by a company that was also owned by News Corp. DirecTV Strikes Deal to Offer TiVo Recorder - Bits Blog -
  • One word," pleads Mary, "and all will be as if it never happened [Ein Wort macht alles ungeschehen]," not only stating a conviction about Elizabeth’s power to set her free, but also making clear that once this pronouncement is articulated, there is nothing else to be doneor more precisely, everything will be undone, since, among other things, Mary’s freedom will have been freed from the pronouncement that would set it free (340). Tragedy and the War of the Aesthetic
  • That plain shirt is left undone at three buttons. Times, Sunday Times
  • His collar was undone.
  • Take honour from me and my life is undone
  • The Minstermen were neat and tidy in possession but, as has been the case on so many occasions this season, were undone by their final ball.
  • July 6th, 2009 11: 24 am ET this president is working for American people .... obviously the job left undone for the last 8yrs; and that's why the republicans are so critical because they know Obama is far more charismatic and a better leader than that "Bush" man they gave us for 8 friggin yrs!!! rachel Obama, Medvedev commit to nuclear arms reduction treaty
  • His tie was loose, and the top 2 buttons of his shirt undone with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
  • Now Rod Stewart has gone subtle and chosen an undone tie to mark his move into Sinatra territory.
  • I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
  • Isn't it dreadful to see all the hard work by so many people being undone by a small bunch of thoughtless individuals.
  • But, when he was in the shallop, this examinate saw him in a motley gown at liberty, and they spoke together, Hudson saying: It is that villain Ivott [Juet], that hath undone us; and he answered: No, it is Grene that hath done all this villainy. Henry Hudson
  • Your father's success in foreign policy was quickly undone by discontent on domestic policies and a bad economy.
  • There's a barely controlled abandon, and more than a hint of anxiety that once the act of inscription has begun, it can't be undone.
  • Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. Pablo Picasso 
  • Doherty makes a positive start with an aggressive red but is undone on his next shot when the brown hits the jaws and bounces off the table.
  • Take honour from me and my life is undone
  • For the latter, there are numerous shots of Barrymore and Diaz with plunging necklines and undone buttons.
  • To paraphrase Pyrrhus, if sales keep soaring like this, then home builders will be utterly undone. Pyrrhic Victory in June Housing Data
  • What unifies them all, however, is that their impact cannot be undone. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘O, if ye get to eassel and wessel again, I am undone! Guy Mannering
  • Shirt undone too far, belly straining against the buttons? Times, Sunday Times
  • Hey Chris, your fly's undone!
  • Nadia put Jo's things on her undone bed.
  • There isn't anything remotely difficult about this spinach and feta pie, but I was undone from the start because none of the six local shops I visited sold filo pastry. Bish, bash, bosh: putting Jamie's 30 Minute Meals to the test
  • The top two buttons of her shirt have been undone. Times, Sunday Times
  • We think the jackets look best when irrelevantly worn with cuffed jeans, a funky t-shirt, to-die-for sandals, and undone hair.
  • I can recall how O looked as if it were yesterday: lying next to me, his shirt slightly undone, the top of his chest hair poking out, huge grin on his face.
  • He was in a mismatched blue jacket and trousers and his top shirt button was undone. The Sun
  • The top button of his shirt was undone.
  • But I am delighted to know that Hollywood, of all places, has now undone much of the damage.
  • Allowing it to be undone is not in our interests or in the interests of the people of Afghanistan. Top U.S. officials in Afghanistan: Progress slow but steady
  • Running a hand through her hair, the girl finished off the last undone button on her dress and opened the door, meekly letting Amelia in.
  • His hair was rumpled and some of his shirt buttons had come undone.
  • He is trying to compete with David's undone buttons.
  • The evil that he did can never be undone.
  • The sticky tape on the parcel came unstuck and the whole thing came undone.
  • And that makes me want to run around screaming and drooling on myself simultaneously to add to my disheveled, undone self.
  • Perhaps all those rejections and ringing phones had undone him.
  • They allege that he was undone by a schoolboy error. Times, Sunday Times
  • Book, the clause, '_We have left undone those things which we ought to have done_,' precedes the clause, '_And we have done those things which we ought not to have done. A Handful of Stars Texts That Have Moved Great Minds
  • The Walrus interrupted me at every possible opportunity, didn't listen to anything I said, sponged a coffee from me and sat there with his vast belly showing through an undone button in his shirt.
  • He jogged up to walk beside me, his tie untied, the top two buttons of his shirt undone, his sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
  • the work could be done or undone and nobody cared
  • Their work may be undone as a result of the popular will.
  • He was the fastest to halfway in the Derby only to be seemingly undone by the two quick races between the third round and quarter-finals. The Sun
  • If anything's been left unsaid or undone, make your move now. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is energy itself dressed in increasingly undone whites.
  • I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
  • Damn, my shoe-laces have come undone again.
  • He was wearing a dinner jacket, black tie undone at the neck. CONFESSIONAL
  • Judged that dying man with mercy, whatsoe'er he left undone! The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon
  • But if I should come home to you ruined and undone, and may not be able to look you in the face; yet pity and inspirit the poor Pamela, to make her little remnant of life easy; for long I shall not survive my disgrace: and you may be assured it shall not be my fault, if it be my misfortune. Pamela
  • We were undone by two set plays. Times, Sunday Times
  • A poll showed 75 per cent of men often go out with three buttons undone on their shirts. The Sun
  • When the skein of whitey brown thread (which is the kind used in bookbinding) is undone, each of the little knots is cut with the scissors, which leaves the thread in needlefuls.
  • The act can never be undone; the damage to the victim is residual and permanent.
  • Is the King's hand shortened or his word annulled that a man does as he forbiddeth and leaves undone what he commandeth? Count Hannibal A Romance of the Court of France
  • What Reason weaves, by Passion is undone. Alexander Pope 
  • Macbeth is a schemer and plotter who is eventually undone by his own misdeeds.
  • Before it comes undone with a viciously nasty @#$-mouthed conclusion out of the NYDN Rss
  • A smudge of black marred her cheek and the ribbon on her partlet was undone. Tempted by Your Touch
  • This look is undone, achievable glamour with a punky edge. The Sun
  • But the show tapped into a potent collective fear that we could be undone by an enemy bent on ecoterrorism. Lynn Parramore: Superfreaky: The Wild World of Geoengineering
  • Jake's shirt was unbuttoned and his belt hung undone at his waist.
  • The team was undone by the speed and strength of their opponents.
  • Then I went to the toilets and, horror of horrors, discovered that my zip had been undone.
  • This is fact, and cannot be undone by claims of productivity increases which are mainly illusionary. lgl Economists as Heretics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When I said to myself, "I have done those things that I ought not to have done, and have _left undone_ those things that I _ought_ to have done," I was startled at the measure of sin that I had confessed. Rattlin the Reefer
  • A poll showed 75 per cent of men often go out with three buttons undone on their shirts. The Sun
  • We're not going to make a Victoria Beckham gag. comes undone is in the amount of content it has to offer; while we do not subscribe to the notion that length is more important than quantity, the title ultimately feels truncated and slight. Latest from PALGN
  • Punch investors are worried it will be undone by its huge debt pile and its fruitless attempt to stem the tide of drinking at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was in a mismatched blue jacket and trousers and his top shirt button was undone. The Sun
  • Completely undone, she drew him gently into her arms and held him.
  • In the end, a man famous for his intellect and charm was undone by his own disastrous performance in the witness box. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jennifer sat on her bed, pulling the zippers up and down, as if the answer would pop out of the undone zipper.
  • a deed better left undone
  • We were undone by two set plays. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hate to see things done by halves-- If it be right, do it boldly, --if it be wrong, leave it undone
  • Those men who fear doing anything unmasculine, who wield the charge of femininity like a weapon, are finally undone by that fear.
  • The mare seemed to some a bit undone in the final canter work, fighting Paxton in one of the half pirouettes, and missing her three-time changes.
  • Judged that dying man with mercy, whatsoe'er he left undone! The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon
  • She noticed that not one of the men had loosened his tie and undone the top shirt button.
  • The pupils wear loosely fitted ties and most have the top button of their shirt undone. The Sun
  • Out here, an undone chore is like a slow leak in a life raft - it threatens the stability of everything.
  • I suppose the male equivalent to these little secrets was flying at half mast, flying low or egg on your face, to indicate undone or untidy trouser flies.
  • Again did my mistress’ needs drag me from these labours, and the buskined poet by Cupid was undone.
  • It was difficult to button her shirtwaist, so she left the collar undone.
  • He tried to sweep his fourth delivery from the tall off‑spinner Ravichandran Ashwin, was undone by the extra bounce obtained by the bowler and by his own frenetic state of mind, and succeeded only in steepling a top edge in the direction of backward square leg. Kevin Pietersen lives the dream in India to end England year on a high
  • However, the warning went unheeded by City as they were undone by Kanouté's explosive finish, and the margin of defeat should then have been greater.
  • Take honour from me and my life is undone
  • He'd haphazardly pulled his tuxedo trousers on, zipping the fly but leaving the button tantalizingly undone.
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • If anything's been left unsaid or undone, make your move now. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wore a long black coat over a sliver shirt with the top two buttons undone.
  • The screws can be undone by hand.
  • I don't know, but, in my humble opinion, it sure looks slicker to keep one or two buttons undone when wearing a dress shirt without a tie.
  • Reluctant to allow myself to be intimidated by a diminutive Frenchman who makes slightly effete music, I want to do the same back, but have just spotted that his trousers are half-undone.
  • My shoe laces keep coming undone.
  • His pack was undone.
  • The guys' pad has food scraps as decoration and stacks of undone dishes.
  • The world she'd assumed all her life to be complete and comprehensible was here undone utterly. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Under the cream coloured jacket was a black shirt, with the top three buttons undone, imitating the model on the web page.
  • miles credit card of a masochistic inframaxillary unpaved undone out his yuppie in virgin, imposingly alexandrite, csa. Rational Review
  • Patrick Wilshere stood below this scene dressed in riding britches, boots and a loose, collarless white shirt undone at the neck. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The costs of tariffs and trade regulation are far greater, because there are many implicit costs of undone/unseen deals, which are not calculable. Economic Education, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A pristine stairwell is one more step toward her objective: a data-driven, no-excuses haven for learning, where all children excel and shoestrings never come undone. The Saint (and Scourge) of Schools «
  • He was undone by a lack of sound financial resources and divided political control.
  • Sometimes it's telling myself that credit for things accomplished and blame for things undone* are not linked; I can say, "The reason I don't have a job yet is the economy, and when I do get a job, it will be because I am awesome," and not be lying or otherwise deserving of bad things*. Making Light: Open thread 134
  • The demand for productivity has grown so significantly that no one feels they are doing enough; everyone looks at the undone workload and feels inadequate.
  • In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
  • They will want to know if the Gaza blockade, a policy they see as a security measure and that much of the world sees as collective punishment, is about to be undone by what Klein calls a rush to confrontation with a boatful of activists. Activist's Account Of Raid Differs From Israeli Version
  • The top button of his shirt was undone.
  • Shirt undone too far, belly straining against the buttons? Times, Sunday Times

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