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How To Use Undisturbed In A Sentence

  • The earth was rich with undisturbed deposits of leaf mould and beech mast. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are best left undisturbed where they will naturalise and multiply. Times, Sunday Times
  • The untitled volume lay undisturbed for more than 150 years and was found during a clear-out.
  • All day the eye of the sky bulges, lidless and forgiving until darkness comes to roost undisturbed in its lashes.
  • Why does a conductor so fastidious and precise with an orchestra always seem so blithely undisturbed by such unidiomatic, out-of-tune singing?
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Master English with Ease
  • That is very much part of the social bargain whereby writers are "left alone" to implement their craft, as opposed to being harassed or hounded out of existence; they get their NEA and Guggenheim fellowships, and everyone is happy since the power equations in society remain undisturbed. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • Deep beneath the Nebraska prairie lurks a vast bunker that has lain undisturbed for nearly four decades. Marvel Solicitations for January 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • If the bulbs are planted deeply it is possible to leave them undisturbed for two or three years although acid or neutral soil will have to be limed.
  • One contained an undisturbed ship burial, including many Anglo-Saxon artefacts of outstanding historical and archaeological significance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Less than four percent of the forested land is currently set aside in forest reserves and left undisturbed by forest management today.
  • Whole families disappeared and their homes remain undisturbed until an executor crosses the threshold to arrange a sale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stacked wood, being undisturbed for the summer months, is a haunt of mice, and the stoat undulates over it, coming down headfirst like a nuthatch. Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
  • Each time, Macdonald was able to recover by pushing the thumbwheel switch to tilt the nacelles forward and put the rotors into undisturbed air. The Dream Machine
  • The land is to be left undisturbed as a nature reserve.
  • That followed a complaint by the trust but he was never prosecuted and has continued to fish and farm the clams largely undisturbed.
  • Provided the material is hidden away and undisturbed, it presents no danger whatsoever.
  • The untitled volume lay undisturbed for more than 150 years and was found during a clear-out.
  • One time I come across one of numerous hawksbill turtles feeding undisturbed on the reef.
  • But there were many cloistered Christians who studied the bible undisturbed by these shadows and doubts, and who, heedless of patristical lore and saintly wisdom, devoured the spiritual food in its pure and uncontaminating simplicity -- such students, humble, patient, devoted, will be found crowding the monastic annals, and yielding good evidence of the same by the holy tenor of their sinless lives, their Christian charity and love. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • For the conservation of Himalayan monal and its associated species, it would be important to set aside large undisturbed areas of high altitude oak-rhododendron forests.
  • The stacked wood, being undisturbed for the summer months, is a haunt of mice, and the stoat undulates over it, coming down headfirst like a nuthatch. Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
  • This, then, is what Tom Friedman โ€” in antiseptic language designed to leave elite consciences undisturbed โ€” would like to portray as successful American policy: Using the Iraqi people as bait to attract jihadists from around the region and distract them from attacking the American homeland. Wonk Room ยป Friedman: America Successfully Used Iraqis As Bait
  • So, for instance, fissures in the underlying bedrock or a man-made trench or pit will often fill with soils and matter that have greater moisture retention and more nutrients than the surrounding, undisturbed subsoil.
  • Within seconds, the few whirling ripples had smoothed back into an undisturbed mirror surface, reflecting the dark blue of the fading evening sky.
  • The farm sheds and the bathhouse were undisturbed.
  • Hidden treasure sitting undisturbed for four centuries, which divers risk their lives to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • We hope the future will be one of plentiful, continuous, and widespread resources and undisturbed roosts for the welfare of our shared bat species, ecosystems, and ecological processes.
  • Let it cook, undisturbed - you should notice bubbles appearing on the surface and when it looks to be drying out, flip the pikelet over to finish cooking. Sugar High Friday #32
  • The trunks are undisturbed, full of my film reels, video tapes, scripts and potpourri of neglected promotional materials.
  • * And my vote for best news story of this or any year: Tiny Swiss watch found in undisturbed 400-year-old tomb. Quick Ones ยซ Gerry Canavan
  • Occasionally he put up a hand to satisfy himself hair remained undisturbed.
  • Of course, I read the book on my iPad -- in an otherwise pitch-dark room, while my wife snoozed away undisturbed. Dr. Philip Neches: iPad in the Dark
  • Buckingham Palace is thought to have booked all dozen seats in the rear first-class compartment to ensure that the couple were undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Balearics pockets of rural life and inland villages are undisturbed.
  • The contents of the coat, which had lain undisturbed for approximately eight months, are currently in the process of being catalogued and analyzed, but early reports already have the scientific community buzzing.
  • Hidden treasure sitting undisturbed for four centuries, which divers risk their lives to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • At last I was able to work undisturbed.
  • Cherry blossoms floated by on the breeze and looking up into the sky was like plunging towards an undisturbed pool of tropical water.
  • The water in a pond is at equilibrium when the surface is undisturbed. Optics basics: What is a wave? Part I (updated) ยซ Skulls in the Stars
  • Buckingham Palace is thought to have booked all dozen seats in the rear first-class compartment to ensure that the couple were undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one point I sat for about five minutes, totally undisturbed in the small 1000 seat theatre.
  • The grass beside the well, buoyantly undisturbed, leads to an analogy with sedge which is growing near the sea on much shakier ground. Poem of the week: What mystery pervades a well! by Emily Dickinson
  • How does she continue to live with her father and go along with undisturbed blitheness in the face of her older sister's accusations?
  • By not allowing Anthony Mascheck undisturbed sharing of his point of view as a former military man, the group demonstrated their disinterest in engaging in a mannerly debate and exposed their true desire to provoke and instigate. Marco Reininger: ROTC at Columbia University: Regarding the Heckling of a Veteran
  • The many private ranches that have opened for safaris are a direct response to the demand for undisturbed game viewing.
  • Better still, the indigenous plants could have been left undisturbed and they would have survived the floods.
  • If the tape remains undisturbed, they know the property has been abandoned and add it to their hit list of places to stay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then it becomes our duty to screen not only the advance of our own troops and to secure to our Infantry the advantages of being able to advance undisturbed, but the climax of all these duties will be reached _in the far more important duty_, in the now indispensable task, of securing the _widest possible sphere of intelligence_. Cavalry in Future Wars
  • The topsoil could then be pushed back across the site and to all appearances undisturbed agricultural land was left.
  • But for one consideration their confidence in early and complete success would be quite undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And in a box in my study, about two dozen offprint copies of my article in Anglo-Saxon England sit undisturbed, and un-asked for. posted by Dr. Richard Scott Nokes at 1: 38 PM Non-academic perspectives
  • I had expected to escape the bustle of the metropolis and soak in the undisturbed beauty of nature.
  • If a bulb plant is to develop to its full potential, it must be provided with good growing conditions and a suitable niche in the landscape where it can remain undisturbed without the need for its foliage to be prematurely removed.
  • Halve, or quarter, this estimate if you will, in order to be certain of erring upon the right side, and still there remains a prodigious period during which the ancestors of existing coral polypes have been undisturbedly at work; and during which, therefore, the climatal conditions over the coral area must have been much what they are now. Autobiography and Selected Essays
  • The mystic is, in short, invulnerable, and must be left, whether we relish it or not, in undisturbed enjoyment of his creed. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • In the absence of tragedy and terror, they were left undisturbed to create private, coded worlds.
  • In the other are those who forcefully reject new tourist attractions, preferring to remain a quaint backwater, undisturbed by 21st-century concerns.
  • Turn off the oven, and let the pot remain undisturbed for an additional 10 minutes. Saag Gosht (Beef in Fragrant Spinach Sauce)
  • Hidden treasure sitting undisturbed for four centuries, which divers risk their lives to recover. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, all animals deserve an undisturbed and safe breeding season.
  • After a good autumn feed-up, snails, bats, butterflies, snakes, ladybirds, dormice and others find somewhere they hope will remain undisturbed and usually dry.
  • One of the funniest episodes of the television program I ever saw featured an elderly couple of poshos with an oil painting that had lain undisturbed and unloved in their garage for decades.
  • If the bulbs are planted deeply it is possible to leave them undisturbed for two or three years although acid or neutral soil will have to be limed.
  • He plans to return the basin to a more natural state by thinning some sections, fencing cattle out of others, and leaving large islands undisturbed for wildlife.
  • Peonies react badly to being moved and are best left undisturbed.
  • We captured undisturbed birds and collected the initial baseline blood samples by puncturing the alar vein and collecting blood in heparinized microhematocrit 100-l tubes.
  • You will need to be somewhere you can safely close your eyes for ten minutes and remain undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • _achromatic_, and admits into the judging mind a pure white light, and records an undisturbed, uncolored image, undiminished and unenlarged in its passage; and he has the moral power, courage, and conscience, to use and devote such an inestimable instrument aright. Spare Hours
  • Across a two-mile expanse of water, Dorchester Heights, bosoming to the skies with luxuriant verdure, was at that time undisturbed by any habitation of man, save one small, rude building, where dwelt a fisherman and his wife, to whom we shall more particularly refer hereafter. Nix's Mate
  • Leave to cook undisturbed for 3 minutes until the layers of the cut sides are dark and charred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amelia sat opposite Amanda, silently tending her own thoughts, letting her twin cogitate undisturbed. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • The earth was rich with undisturbed deposits of leaf mould and beech mast. Times, Sunday Times
  • In that crystal air, instinct with its delicate, dominant implication of things imponderable, the personality of each persisted undisturbed, in a kind of adamantine unconsciousness. Romance Island
  • Inside he found the undisturbed skeleton of a top pyramid builders' village official.
  • We lurked in the shrubbery until the last light had been extinguished, then broke in using the side window that Raffles had jemmied the previous evening -- the butler had evidently not thought it worth bolting the stable door, so to speak -- opened the safe, and took the stones, which were, Raffles whispered, quite undisturbed. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • The grass beside the well, buoyantly undisturbed, leads to an analogy with sedge which is growing near the sea on much shakier ground. Poem of the week: What mystery pervades a well! by Emily Dickinson
  • Of course, I read the book on my iPad -- in an otherwise pitch-dark room, while my wife snoozed away undisturbed. Dr. Philip Neches: iPad in the Dark
  • Amelia sat opposite Amanda, silently tending her own thoughts, letting her twin cogitate undisturbed. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • The estate forest has numerous waterholes, which have observation machans overlooking them, providing the guest undisturbed wildlife viewing.
  • In the minds of Evangelicals, they were recreating the Puritan's self-exile from England by looking for a purer and better place, this time not a geographical "place" but a sanctuary within their minds and in inward-looking schools and churches undisturbed by facts. Frank Schaeffer: The Roots of Republican Actions Today
  • Thomas had looked at his brother, completely undisturbed by the foul glare he was giving him.
  • Rousseau had been living in Switzerland, but his heterodox religious views had made him enemies there, nor could he rely on being undisturbed in France.
  • The remains have been left undisturbed and the ledger stone has now been replaced. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you think that diseases evolve to avoid killing their hosts, that animals evolve to manage their population size, that ecosystems evolve to efficiently recycle nutrients, that nature left undisturbed achieves a harmonious balance, that earth's entire biota qualifies as a single organism (the Gaia hypothesis), or that human society can be compared to a single organism, including technology leading to a single global brain, then you are a naรฏve group selectionist. David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection III: Na๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝve Group Selectionism
  • Amelia sat opposite Amanda, silently tending her own thoughts, letting her twin cogitate undisturbed. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • So, the artists' shell remains intact, the fusty public image undisturbed.
  • Care for them as you do any other house plant until mid-April when they can be slipped with root balls undisturbed into garden soil.
  • Untouched for thirty years, ideal for a nature trail - the undisturbed habitat of birds and animals.
  • Sa Dec is a small city of 30,000 inhabitants and relatively undisturbed by tourists. The Sun
  • Having plucked and trussed these long beaked birds, leaving the remaining entrails undisturbed, pull out the stomachs and intestines (guts).
  • Some of these ordinary people lay quiet and undisturbed in the churchyards of our parish churches, mouldering silently away, their faith in the certainty of bodily resurrection yet to be realized.
  • If a wine is left undisturbed in a cold cellar for long enough it will settle and clear naturally. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Cocoa-nut trees fringe the river bank for some distance, and there are some large, spreading trees loaded with the largest and showiest crimson blossoms I ever saw, throwing even the gaudy Poinciana regia into the shade; but nothing can look very attractive here, with the swamp in front and the jungle behind, where the rhinoceros is said to roam undisturbed. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • He continued to listen, but the silence remaining undisturbed, he began to think he had been deceived by the singing of the wind among the leaves; and was preparing to reascend, when he perceived a faint light glimmer through the foliage from afar. A Sicilian Romance
  • A very likely answer is that there is a thermocline, a layering effect where the upper, changeable parts of a body of water separate out from the deeper, colder, temperature-stable areas; these remain undisturbed for long periods of time. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It is where celebrities are left undisturbed to enjoy simple fish suppers or go for walks along the endless beaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • If riparian vegetation is left undisturbed, organic matter accumulates in the soil and enhances microbial activity.
  • The barley grew up undisturbed till the month was accomplished, and, at the expiration of that time, hundreds of people thronged to be present at the disentombing of the fakeer.
  • Reindeer herding depends on unbroken tundras and undisturbed vegetation.
  • Buckingham Palace is thought to have booked all dozen seats in the rear first-class compartment to ensure that the couple were undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officials say undisturbed asbestos in a good condition can be safely managed and contained, and need not be removed.
  • The shape of the red cell during the tank-tread motion resembles a triaxial ellipsoid with the longest axis almost parallel to the direction of the undisturbed flow.
  • The undisturbed enjoyment of income was held to be essential as an incentive.
  • Mystery surrounds the death of a fun-loving man whose body could have lain undisturbed for up to six days at his home in Bradford.
  • The moon is a very quiet and undisturbed place compared to the earth.
  • Another way to characterize these deepening levels of concentration is by the amount of time the mind can remain undisturbed.
  • The new graveyard garden will have extra shrubs planted with existing trees left undisturbed.
  • Her features were clear-cut, flawless; the expression exquisitely grave and pure; the large grey eyes had that steady glow which shows a firm and undisturbed will. AE in the Irish Theosophist
  • We stopped perhaps 200 yards from the herd, and they remained undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is wise in the hot weather to pull the purdah, which is the Indian way of saying to shut the door, in the face of a young and unattached girl with a tawny head and opalescent eyes; especially if the dust has long been undisturbed upon the threshold of the secret places of the male heart supposed to be entirely in your keeping. Leonie of the Jungle
  • The exhibits all remained undisturbed. Somewhere East of Life
  • His remains, which lay undisturbed for 59 years, have been found in a swamp near the town of Nieuw Chappelle, along with the wreckage of his plane.
  • Peonies react badly to being moved and are best left undisturbed.
  • Leaf anatomy and morphology were studied in 11 tree species growing in an undisturbed forest for over 50 years.
  • I can spend the whole day undisturbed at the warehouse.
  • Until that changes, the island will remain an undisturbed fragment of history.
  • The effect of wealthy undisturbed ease ( "lees") on the ungodly is hardening: they become stupidly secure (compare Ps 55: 19; Am 6: 1). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Its micro-climate, prestigious mountains, vast unspoilt glacier, rivers, forest of larch and arolla pines, protected flora and fauna mean that in Evolรจne you can alternate between taking up the challenge of the great outdoors and relaxing in undisturbed peace.
  • Marsh orchids can be abundant now in damp, undisturbed meadows, often alongside rivers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tried to conceal this as much as possible, that I might not debar him from the pleasures natural to one who was entering on a new scene of life, undisturbed by any care or bitter recollection. Chapter 2
  • Wind farms commit the unpardonable sin of being built on land that has โ€˜remained undisturbed for a thousand yearsโ€™.
  • In my fantasy life, I spend an entire Sunday morning in this sanctuary undisturbed until I finish both my coffee and the paper, and then, in my ultimate dream world, I close my eyes and take a luxurious catnap. Left Neglected
  • For me, I'd rather leave the fishes to enjoy their lives undisturbed.
  • In the weeks which followed, several domiciliary visits were paid, not a shack or tent in Nome escaping, but Fortune lay in his cranny undisturbed. WHICH MAKE MEN REMEMBER
  • His impeccably attired Death walked along the beach, but he whistled an SOS and passed undisturbed. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Builders are adding a new wing to the already substantial house, creating an office where he can work undisturbed.
  • The law enforcement officers have taken a back seat giving these prostitutes the leeway to do their business undisturbed.
  • An area of grassland near Lower Pen Pond was designated a protected zone to encourage the skylarks to breed undisturbed.
  • Yes, and back of the house he would have a small garden, a place of meditation and repose, with goldfish in a tiny lakelet, and wind bells tinkling in the several trees, and there would be a high wall all around so that his meditation and repose should be undisturbed. THE CHINAGO
  • The hair is very brown and lustrous, though immobile and undisturbed by the running. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will be doing them a huge favour, because if they are left undisturbed for more than a few years, they lose energy and gradually stop flowering. The Sun
  • The snow was undisturbed to left and right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The remains have been left undisturbed and the ledger stone has now been replaced. Times, Sunday Times
  • He started an internal witchhunt that targeted exactly the wrong people, leaving KGB moles undisturbed.
  • The undisturbed forest was criss-crossed by natural swales that drained runoff to a wetland in the valley north of the site.
  • It is where celebrities are left undisturbed to enjoy simple fish suppers or go for walks along the endless beaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect of wealthy undisturbed ease ( "lees") on the ungodly is hardening: they become stupidly secure (compare Ps 55: 19; Am 6: 1). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A few of the smaller burghal forts were short-lived and have remained largely undisturbed by subsequent development since their abandonment.
  • It is a particularly good plant for a shady area where it can grow away undisturbed and give a beautiful display of creamy flowers in spring.
  • As we left, a yellow-breasted kiskadee set off from the cannon, ascending in a great arc over the water, soaring high above the hook-shaped archipelago of the Great Sound toward the distant outline of Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, the beat of her wings thankfully undisturbed by the sound of gunfire. Losing Oneself in Bermuda
  • They sought a home in a fresh wilderness, where they might be undisturbed by superior human authority; they had no doctrinarian notions of equality, nor of the inequality which is the only possible condition of liberty; the idea of toleration was not born in their age; they did not project a republic; they established a theocracy, a church which assumed all the functions of a state, recognizing one Supreme Complete Essays
  • An arched doorway had opened from the house into this thickened square, but it was soiled and dusty; and the damp weeds that overgrew the quadrangle drooped undisturbed against it. Uncle Silas
  • The point of such criticisms is not to recommend a โ€˜materialistโ€™ poetics supposedly granting direct access to a realm of concretion undisturbed by concepts.
  • Undisturbed layering around the stigmarian roots is consistent with their sedimentary burial, not with the intrusion of roots into an already layered soil.
  • If chemists have identified substances that have fallen in Europe as sand from African deserts, swept up in African whirlwinds, that's assuasive to all the irritations that occur to those cloistered minds that must repose in the concept of a snug, isolated, little world, free from contact with cosmic wickednesses, safe from stellar guile, undisturbed by inter-planetary prowlings and invasions. The Book of the Damned
  • She said one of the urns was in perfect condition, with the cremated remains undisturbed from the time they were buried 1,800 years ago.
  • He lives below the ridge and currently has an undisturbed view of the hogback and the valley beyond.
  • The scoreboard, undisturbed by the chaos, went ching!
  • The earth was rich with undisturbed deposits of leaf mould and beech mast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of these ordinary people lay quiet and undisturbed in the churchyards of our parish churches, mouldering silently away, their faith in the certainty of bodily resurrection yet to be realized.
  • The Karmayogin enjoys a vast peace and silence within; this state becomes deeper in the midst of external noise; any external disturbance does not harm that inner askesis, it remains undisturbed. Often the supreme knowledge dawns all of a sudden at a critical and momentous hour
  • We need to find out if the whole site is undisturbed and unchanged.
  • It just rests there, undisturbed, andwe are givencontext as to why this flipped car is so personal to this cop. This Week In Trailers: My Name Is Khan, Jerry Cotton, Bushido 16, 9:06, Celine: Through The Eyes Of The World and More | /Film
  • Reindeer herding depends on unbroken tundras and undisturbed vegetation.
  • Haunted by memories of the terrible mistake that drove him to this island and away from a successful career as a surgeon, he lives in a stasis so complete an anthill grows undisturbed in his living room. BookBrowse Previews April Books
  • The khalif An-nasir, whose prosperity in mundane affairs became proverbial, had only fourteen days of undisturbed enjoyment during a reign of fifty years, seven months, and three days. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine โ€” Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
  • Once hatched in the incubator, the chick should be left undisturbed for up to eight hours so that it can rest and dry after the emergence process.
  • It is unusual because the prehistoric ground surface is intact and undisturbed, allowing archaeologists a rare glimpse into the world found by the first colonists. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the principles of safe emendatory criticism, it should therefore be left undisturbed. The Treasury of Sacred Song
  • For this reason unlimited time is undecaying and immortal, painless and hungerless, thirstless and undisturbed; for ever and ever no one will be able to overpower it or make it not all-over-ruling in his own affairs. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • If so I hope they let them lie undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Prince was there to learn about a nearby elephant corridor, land cleared of villagers so that elephants can pass through on their migratory routes undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The topsoil could then be pushed back across the site and to all appearances undisturbed agricultural land was left.
  • When the gold is accompanied by a larger proportion of silver, and both have to be determined, the cupellation must be conducted exactly as in a silver assay, the usual precautions being taken to moderate the temperature so as to lessen the cupellation loss and to promote a slow and undisturbed solidification in order to avoid spirting. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • The atmosphere was conducive, and he could think undisturbed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I continued my search, working with delicacy, leaving the contents of each drawer undisturbed.
  • This action of fundamental life manifests itself as a _polarization_ of the internal personality: almost at a point of crystallization, around which, provided there be homogeneous material and an undisturbed environment, _the definitive form composes itself_. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • The radiocarbon-dated feature that produced the wild rice was located at the bottom of an undisturbed Late Woodland midden that had been capped with a layer of sterile sand.
  • There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the European Community , Jean Monnet.
  • Farms where the forest canopy is preserved support nearly as many species of migratory birds as mature undisturbed forests.
  • The earth was rich with undisturbed deposits of leaf mould and beech mast. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pressure of the water in these swirling vortices is lower than it is in the undisturbed fluid around the fish.
  • The kitchen was a mouse paradise, offering undisturbed shelter and a limitless supply of food on the unswept floor and the surfaces beside the sink, which were buried beneath a mountain of used plates, bowls and cups.
  • I had all along maintained a quiet post at a corner of the table, where I had been able to indulge my humour undisturbed: listening attentively when the story was very good, and dozing a little when it was rather dull, which I consider the perfection of auditorship. Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists
  • Victoria was strangely undisturbed by this symptom, even though her husband and family were frightened.
  • The spectacle of animals grazing peacefully while birds peck away at them undisturbed is a familiar one in South Africa. Operation Oxpecker: Red-Billed Oxpeckers Rediscovered By Cowherds As Natural Debugger, Replacement For Toxic Pesticide Cattle Dips
  • Now fork out the other three quarters of the cake and leave the remaining quarter undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the mass graves remain undisturbed, fragments of bone poking through the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The occasions for such tenderness towards him were so many, that her mind misgave her often, it would indeed be better to go back to the old house, and live again within the shadow of its dull walls, undisturbed. Dombey and Son
  • Buckingham Palace is thought to have booked all dozen seats in the rear first-class compartment to ensure that the couple were undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In short, you hold by purchase, and may sell the right to, the undisturbed possession of that little space within the church edifice which you call your pew during the hours of divine service. Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
  • They often live in dry, littered and undisturbed areas, such as in closets, in woodpiles and under sinks.
  • Third, locate the building where the foundation can be poured on undisturbed ground.
  • There was a small restaurant on Sullivan Street where we could talk undisturbed.
  • It would be the only time they got a full night's undisturbed sleep. The Sun
  • A specially built badger highway, allowing them to sleep and eat undisturbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can fish undisturbed for bass and porgies at Menemsha Beach on the North Shore.
  • Plant in sun or partial shade and leave undisturbed where they will attain their full height once established. Times, Sunday Times
  • Footprints left on the Moon by astronauts could remain undisturbed for centuries. Archive 2004-09-01
  • If a wine is left undisturbed in a cold cellar for long enough it will settle and clear naturally. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • In 1977, Andronikos undertook a six-week dig at the Tumulus and found four buried chambers which he identified as hitherto undisturbed Drag to Playlist - Business News
  • The snares were undisturbed, but poking about in the thickening undergrowth yielded another discovery - the pale, speckled shape of a fungus coaxed into emergence by the recent rains.
  • The raiders were so quiet that even the Luddingtons' family dog was undisturbed by their activities.
  • The contents of the coat, which had lain undisturbed for approximately eight months, are currently in the process of being catalogued and analyzed, but early reports already have the scientific community buzzing.
  • Along the foot of the mountain flows a clear trout stream, secluded and undisturbed in those awful solitudes, which is the "Mercy Brook" of the old woodsman. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • Probably the evil; else why was the effect that of unrest rather than of undisturbed charm? Daniel Deronda
  • The vintage paddle steamer, the Bellevue, has lain undisturbed on the lakebed since sinking in a storm in 1864.
  • It seemed to Odo as he gazed on the long line of faces as though their owners had entered one by one into a narrowing defile, where the sun rose later and set earlier on each successive traveller; and in every countenance, from that of the first Duke to that of his own peruked and cuirassed grandfather, he discerned the same symptom of decadency: that duality of will which, in a delicately-tempered race, is the fatal fruit of an undisturbed pre-eminence. The Valley of Decision
  • If a wine is left undisturbed in a cold cellar for long enough it will settle and clear naturally. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Why does a conductor so fastidious and precise with an orchestra always seem so blithely undisturbed by such unidiomatic, out-of-tune singing?

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