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How To Use Undeveloped In A Sentence

  • These undeveloped land or uncompleted property projects have brought negative social and economic effects.
  • Rural and undeveloped land rings the metropolitan area, and Galveston Bay to the southeast (image lower right) provides access to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The science of planetary ecology is still young and undeveloped.
  • These undeveloped humans are struggling through the lower chakras, trying to get out of the dark worlds of the mind.
  • Development is not imagined as a unilinear process, involving a move from undeveloped to developed.
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  • Official institutions, like the church, remained undeveloped and weak.
  • I think he's too - well, undeveloped to have realized how serious the drugs business was. COME AND BE KILLED
  • The kiss of the prince breaks the spell of narcissism and awakens a womanhood which up to then has remained undeveloped.
  • The basis of the economy continues to be rice agriculture, and much of the population farms at a subsistence level, linked by a relatively undeveloped market system for rice, fruits, and vegetables, and using the riel for currency.
  • But there was an announcement of the potential return of Development Land Tax (on unrealised gains on undeveloped land).
  • And, by the way; Chiapas is not a place with beautiful beaches but has a huge, uninviting and undeveloped coastal region of dismal black sand and turbid Pacific coastal waters interspersed with poverty stricken and impossibly hot and humid villages existing in utmost poverty. Plan Puebla-Panama. Yay or Nay?
  • taxes on undeveloped lots are low
  • But following new Government planning guidelines, the undeveloped land looks set to be placed back into the protective green belt.
  • This is a block of undeveloped land.
  • The alternative to exports is to leave gas undeveloped in the ground and electrical generating capacity underutilized on virtually a permanent basis. Regulation in the Canadian Petroleum Industry
  • The remaining birds, whether on the breeding or wintering grounds, mostly inhabit public or undeveloped beaches.
  • Suppose the United States disposes of its surplus to a country with undeveloped resources like, say, Brazil. Chapter 9: The Mathematics of a Dream
  • Globalization increases the demand for natural resources in remote and undeveloped regions.
  • Parts of the golf course are adjacent to undeveloped chaparral.
  • Waterloo has launched major new housing developments to the west of the city, and the undeveloped lands north of campus are soon to become a high technology centre.
  • The land was the last major undeveloped zoned industrial site on the Cork Road inside the city boundary and attracted very considerable interest.
  • He rises with the occasion, and the sheepish "gaby" becomes the knowing practical man; his is now the voice of authority, and his comrades recant on the spot, acknowledge his superiority without a murmur, and perform "ko-tow" before the once despised man of undeveloped abilities. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • Dogs kept exclusively in cages and kenneled and not exposed to people at all after 14 weeks of age may have severely undeveloped social skills.
  • In their undeveloped corner of the Himalayas, these people still dress in traditional tribal clothes, barter their produce and scratch a living from land that would be discarded as uncultivable in most Western countries. Daniel Keeler: The Big Green Gamble
  • The big losers will be the undeveloped countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa.
  • An elastic metropolitan area is one in which the central city can easily annex undeveloped land and in which there is ample undeveloped land within the central city for growth.
  • When the flower opens, styles are short and the stigma papillae are undeveloped; pollen grains do not adhere.
  • The island is undeveloped and there are none of the classic Caribbean white sand beaches to which 21st century travellers flock.
  • It is of the highest importance to the developing soul to unfold into a realization of this relationship and unity, _for when this conception is once fully established the soul is enabled to rise above certain of the lower planes, and is free from the operation of certain laws that bind the undeveloped soul_. A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga
  • Instead of verdant green, I'm a glow-in-the-dark sickly pale, bearing only the beginnings of undeveloped fruit and struggling to survive.
  • Though fishermen and picnickers sometimes appear in the afternoons or evenings, the lakefront on both sides of the promontory is pristine and undeveloped. The Wrath of Khan
  • Flumorph and SYP-48 all can restrain later development phase of Daphnia magma's embryo, such as larval curved or unextended shell spine, undeveloped antennae.
  • the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting
  • It is unfortunate that, only after having occupied ourselves for a long time in the collection of materials, under the guidance of an idea which lies undeveloped in the mind, but not according to any definite plan of arrangement -- nay, only after we have spent much time and labour in the technical disposition of our materials, does it become possible to view the idea of a science in a clear light, and to project, according to architectonical principles, a plan of the whole, in accordance with the aims of reason. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Dogs are still one of the primary vectors for transmitting rabies to humans in undeveloped parts of the world.
  • The coastal regions, especially in the south-east, have undergone rapid economic growth while the vast remote areas remain undeveloped.
  • Perhaps residents of the Brewton household crossed this unimproved, seemingly unclaimed strip on their way to dump refuse on some other, yet-undeveloped tract.
  • It was in this way that Homer, the great old ballad-maker of Greece, wrote -- or rather chanted, for in his day pens were scarce, wire-wove unknown, and the pride of Moseley undeveloped. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847
  • The Hughes Center consists of five modern office buildings and about 45 acres of undeveloped land in downtown Las Vegas.
  • Hofmokl also describes the case of a young girl with an undeveloped vagina, absence of the uterus and adnexa, who during a forcible and unsuccessful attempt at coitus, had her left labium majus torn from the vaginal wall. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Still, U.S. financial markets were relatively undeveloped and subject to periodic panics and financial crises.
  • It also looks as if one of the last two undeveloped lots across the street from the ditch will become a construction site within days.
  • A simple enough rule which struck his rather undeveloped mind with the force of divine inspiration.
  • Due to its relatively unspoiled and undeveloped condition, this area is also host to large populations of numerous other species.
  • The difference the professor points out, namely the fulvous colour and the thinner undeveloped horns, exist in various specimens of the Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • The land consists of 9 acres of undeveloped land in North Oxford, between the railway to the west and the towpath of the Oxford Canal to the east.
  • As it has already been proved that they readily learn to choose the right box under discriminable conditions, it seems reasonable to conclude either that they lack green-blue vision, or that they have it in a relatively undeveloped state. The Dancing Mouse A Study in Animal Behavior
  • If this open space were ever lost, the only undeveloped land left in the vicinity would be the private and enclosed playing fields belonging to the school.
  • This is a block of undeveloped land.
  • Waren Mill was typical of the undeveloped tidal havens frequented by small coasters during the industrial revolution.
  • Don't expose undeveloped film to light.
  • Not many young girls are going to relate to the large busted tiny waists and big sultry eyes of the princesses while being an undeveloped and confused child. while the guy who made this is a numskull and hasn't learned about photoshop yet its a valid point that LITTLE GIRLS (not you or I) are taking bad values away from those movies. alesia Sociological Deconstruction of the Disney Princesses » E-Mail
  • He will make over to the ignominy of ignorant and barbaric ages, -- 'for we call a nettle but a nettle,' he will turn into a forgotten pageant of the rude, early, instinctive ages, the yet brutal ages of an undeveloped humanity, that triumphant reception at home, of the Conqueror of Foreign States. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Similarly, it is irrational to consider undeveloped human bodies as if they were fully developed ones.
  • That is, of course, why sprawl happened in the first place — builders almost always find it less of a hassle to build on undeveloped land than to create so-called "infill" housing. McMansions Out of Favor, for Now
  • Confusion is an unfortunate byproduct of having 50 states set their own election laws, overlain by an undeveloped set of federal election laws. Brian J. Siebel: The October 4th Voter Registration Deadline Is Here, But Millions Can Still Register and Vote
  • They claim that countries in the Third World are not poor because they are inherently backward or undeveloped.
  • The vote said that every nation, large and small, developed and undeveloped, had to accept some responsibility.
  • ” Thackeray, happily, lived at a time before the strong-minded woman had come into fashion—at a time when it was generally received and believed that “woman is not undeveloped man, but diverse. Criticisms and Interpretations. IV. By William Samuel Lilly
  • Major changes to drilling regulations could have a significant impact on the U.K. because its main deep-water area, west of the Shetland Islands, is thought to be home to the bulk of the country's undeveloped oil and gas resources. U.K. Panel Questions Readiness to Fix Spill
  • It will require the latest techniques in medical science to separate Lakshmi from her "parasitical", headless, undeveloped "twin", which is joined to her body at the pelvis. Twin Girl with Eight Limbs to Have Surgery | Impact Lab
  • But it will take a further step in advance when it reverts to that plan on the footing above indicated; when it adopts the _plan_ without the evils which in an ignorant and undeveloped age necessarily accompanied it. Continental Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 1, July, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • It must still run a gauntlet of periwinkles, oyster drills, and mud and basket snails, most of which leave egg masses that cover any undeveloped real estate on the shell.
  • Since techniques of observation were largely undeveloped, many microscopists were not certain precisely what it was they were to look for, nor of the nature of their subjects.
  • vast unexploited (or undeveloped) natural resources
  • The digression is far too short and undeveloped to plausibly stand on its own as an apocalypse without such an intertextual hermeneutical link.
  • The area is still very rural and undeveloped.
  • The area beyond the patio, down to the riverbank is also undeveloped and has further potential.
  • Evolution, seeking to be consistent, answers: "It is true that faculties cannot be evolved out of a thing unless they exist in a crude and undeveloped state in that thing, but these higher faculties _do exist_ in the lower orders, potentially, or in a germ form and are developed and become operative only in the higher forms of life. Evolution An Investigation and a Critique
  • puddler," the untrained, undeveloped "tiger-man," heated by a quart or two above his usual measure, comes home and kicks his irritating and injudicious wife to death. The House of Souls
  • In these, her first and feeblest attempts to animalize organization, it is latent, because undeveloped, and merely potential; while, in the human brain, the last and most consummate of her combined energies, it is again lost or disguised in the subtlety (15) and multiplicity of its evolution. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • He felt very strongly that communism was all but necessary for undeveloped nations to industrialize. Matthew Yglesias » Overestimating the USSR
  • The poser and attitudinizer whose] individuality remains undeveloped might become all too common in the sophisticated, complicated modern world, he feared.
  • Industrial estates or undeveloped land are likely to be the most suitable sites.
  • The Hughes Center consists of five modern office buildings and about 45 acres of undeveloped land in downtown Las Vegas.
  • The coastline is still largely undeveloped.
  • The remaining birds, whether on the breeding or wintering grounds, mostly inhabit public or undeveloped beaches.
  • Windy expository passages drag down the narrative while plot points dead-end and several characters go virtually undeveloped.
  • The garden is situated on the undeveloped edge of a large city park, among the muted tones of sagebrush, oak and eucalyptus.
  • This means building new homes for York's growing population - ideally on land which has been used before but also on previously undeveloped land.
  • Built on flat ground, and flanked on two sides by undeveloped woodland, this quadrant of the Grove had rapidly gone downhill. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Vast tracts of the country are wild and undeveloped.
  • First, worldwide patterns of population growth and migration have resulted in increased urbanization, not only within the established industrialized states, but also in many undeveloped and developing societies.
  • The international expansion continues apace in parts of the world where retailing is relatively undeveloped, unconsolidated, and unsophisticated.
  • Most of these extracts contain the coloring matter in two states, the developed and the undeveloped, and an oxidizing mordant such as bichromate of potash causes the latter as well as the former to enter completely into combination with a metallic base; whereas many of the other mordants, such as alumina or tin compounds, merely take up the developed portion of the coloring matter together with such small and variable proportions of the undeveloped as might undergo oxidation during the process of dyeing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889
  • Luckily it was built in 1922-26 when the oceanfront was still undeveloped.
  • When the observatory was bult in the early 20th century the location was undeveloped. Brazil « Climate Audit
  • The aircraft was therefore self-sufficient and did not need to rely on truck-mounted stairs - a timesaving circumstance of particular importance when small or relatively undeveloped airfields were being served.
  • Unlike missionaries from Italy and Gaul they came from a tribal, warrior society not unlike that of the English, non-urban and economically undeveloped.
  • The modern proponents of self-esteem argue that the undeveloped self, however callow, should be praised as it is.
  • Take a pile of mystery keys, dismembered action figures, dead flashlights, assorted calculators and undeveloped rolls of film.
  • These undeveloped areas offer smooth and empty roads for cyclists.
  • The word "plumule" struck me; it turns out it's pronounced PLOOM-yule /"plu:myu:l/, and it means 'rudimentary shoot, bud, or bunch of undeveloped leaves in a seed' (it's from Latin plūmula, the diminutive of plūma 'small soft feather, down'), so that "shoots and plumules of one's experience" is a very tasty phrase, incorporating both the visible (as it were) and the embryonic shoots sprouting up from the depths of our lived lives and mulish memories. PLUMULE.
  • The aircraft was therefore self-sufficient and did not need to rely on truck-mounted stairs - a timesaving circumstance of particular importance when small or relatively undeveloped airfields were being served.
  • The thyroid gland, located in the neck, is sometimes malformed, or completely undeveloped.
  • This is a great area to cruise, one that is still somewhat undeveloped and off the beaten path.
  • Ten years later it was proposed to transform the undeveloped centre into a coal power plant.
  • These lands are not in agricultural use, the lands comprise a residual area and is the only remaining area of undeveloped land within the former UDC boundary in this part of the town.
  • I like watching old movies when an actor like Robert Mitchum takes his shirt off – male actors like him all have undeveloped abs and they often pull their pants up over their bellies and puff out their chests to look brawnier. Pacemakers 101 « Awful Library Books
  • There were just two small areas of land within the city's draft local plan that remained undeveloped, he said.
  • A simple enough rule which struck his rather undeveloped mind with the force of divine inspiration.
  • Large amounts of undeveloped land, a finite resource, have been covered by roads and built development.
  • In my childhood our neighborhood was largely undeveloped so I know about that freedom to roam, to build brushy forts, and to be the hero in all the adventures your imagination can conjure.
  • Their skulls are very small and their brains undeveloped and malformed.
  • You can take cuttings from culms whose buds are completely dormant or with undeveloped central branches. 4.1 Nursery establishment
  • Even now, although this land is being developed in places in the village, there are still vast areas left undeveloped.
  • The City Council's official's response was that standing regulations entitled the council to repossess undeveloped pieces of land after a stipulated time frame.
  • Groups of these morphological elements formed _morphological divisions_, such as the vertebral segments of the head with their highly developed neural arches, or the segments of the neck with their undeveloped hæmal arches. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Courses in interior design were rare and undeveloped.
  • Most biotech companies are small and have undeveloped or fledgling product lines.
  • You can see cities and towns in San Francisco's Bay Area gobble up undeveloped land and merge, or you can watch Washington, D.C., spread far beyond the beltway and fuse with Baltimore.
  • There is to be a tax of one-half penny in the pound on the capital value of undeveloped land, and there is to be a ten percent reversion duty upon any benefit accruing to a lessor from the determination of a lease. The Parliamentary Crisis in the United Kingdom
  • The system's generally built on old railway alignments or strips of undeveloped or cheap land.
  • Characters are left half-developed or undeveloped so that as much plot as possible can be crammed into two hours.
  • Examples of costuming are highly particularized and undeveloped. The Times Literary Supplement
  • ICC - MY interconnects with a network . ICC that are undeveloped fully has immature slow waves.
  • The deterministic musing could have easily been Loughner's as he took undeveloped film of himself posing in a G-string with a Glock over his privates to Walgreens for prints. Travis&Jared
  • There are substantial undeveloped reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas.
  • The Australian skull is remarkable for its narrowness and for the thickness of its walls, especially in the region of the supraciliary ridge, which is frequently, though not by any means invariably, solid throughout, the frontal sinuses remaining undeveloped. Essays
  • The latter had been undeveloped while I lived in alien cultures.
  • The participants then shoot their films and hand back the unedited, undeveloped stock, along with a co-ordinated CD soundtrack.
  • But as someone who came to Arsenal unproven and undeveloped, he appreciates how the atmosphere at the club allows raw talent to thrive.
  • The portfolio, which includes 16,300 unbuilt home sites and thousands of acres of additional undeveloped land in 11 states, represents about one-fifth of Calpers' residential land portfolio. Calpers Downsizes Housing Portfolio
  • The exacerbation of local corruption in undeveloped and lesser developed countries by imperialist powers seeking political and economic influence indirectly or through colonization is a world wide phenomenon and has been for centuries. Topics on Mexico
  • At the edge of an undeveloped patch of land we even managed to spot a magnificent turkey gobbler with his tail feathers spread in a massive fan, a visual treat in the middle of the city.
  • NR5A1 is expressed in the undeveloped follicles during the preantral phase. 38 It is also expressed in theca interna cells, in luteinized and nonluteinized granulosa cells, and in corpus luteum during the luteal phase, as well as in both atretic follicles and degenerating New England Journal of Medicine
  • The coastal regions, especially in the south-east, have undergone rapid economic growth while the vast remote areas remain undeveloped.
  • The final conclusion was that people who live in well-off places usually feel superior and look down upon people who live in relatively undeveloped regions.
  • Vast tracts of the country are wild and undeveloped.
  • courses in interior design were rare and undeveloped
  • Roads fragment wildlife habitat, eliminating creatures that require big tracts of undeveloped land such as forest birds, elk, caribou, lynx, wolves, wolverines, and grizzlies.
  • The spartan public ferry taking me there is less glamorous than the private jet we flew to Montana, but it's a gorgeous July day, and Orcas is bucolic and unassuming - an undeveloped Pacific Nantucket.
  • The latter had been undeveloped while I lived in alien cultures.
  • His latest is an ensemble piece, set in an undeveloped beach front community in Florida, where the old ways are beginning to atrophy, as property sharks circle.
  • I'm in a highly urban area near no forests, no undeveloped areas.
  • During the summer we explored the surrounding brushy lots of our largely undeveloped neighborhood.
  • Westmoreland County's undeveloped forestlands also contributed to some flood prevention.
  • We do not desire a system of education which picks out for promotion minds gifted with certain kinds of capacity and stimulates them with the offer of material rewards, while the so-called humdrum remainder are left, with their latent talents undiscovered and undeveloped. Progress and History
  • He said that the use of the lake by larger, slower boats was appropriate but that there were more suitable places for such facilities than this largely undeveloped area of the lake.
  • The development features nature trails, a wetland boardwalk, undeveloped lakeshore, and a pier for canoes and rowboats.
  • The fact is that these lands are largely undeveloped and possess great non-commercial value.
  • Let's point them at the Russians and all that undeveloped land up in Siberia just waiting for someone to find the oil and dig out the gold and mine the coal and havest the timber. 32 million extra males.
  • NR5A1 is expressed in the undeveloped follicles during the preantral phase. 38 It is also expressed in theca interna cells, in luteinized and nonluteinized granulosa cells, and in corpus luteum during the luteal phase, as well as in both atretic follicles and degenerating New England Journal of Medicine
  • Westmoreland County's undeveloped forestlands also contributed to some flood prevention.
  • Mongolia, population 2.3 million, lives on mostly undeveloped land with so much mineral wealth that coal deposits sit on the desert surface.
  • undeveloped social awareness
  • If he chose to confess, there might be some undeveloped reasons for clemency.
  • He is archiving hundreds of thousands of his photographs, some of which even he has never seen before, discarded as they were on rolls of undeveloped film.
  • The central part of the old airfield remains undeveloped, home to six football pitches, a nature reserve and a model aircraft flying zone.
  • The coast is relatively undeveloped at the moment but is likely to grow significantly in the next few years.
  • In certain, fortunately rare and neglected, cases in which the intermaxillary bone is undeveloped the following procedure, which With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon

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