How To Use Undeterred In A Sentence

  • But undeterred she went and prodded the man's massive, muscly arm.
  • The art world seems undeterred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undeterred they worked out a fairly tortuous coach route to get them to Lingfield in time for the first at 1.30. The Sun
  • Undeterred he ploughs on, and all are soon engaged in jolly banter.
  • We will remain undeterred in our efforts to empower the hardworking people of the Bronx, who have relentlessly and untiringly met the challenges of building a better life for themselves and their children, and we will not allow the actions of the worst among us to diminish our progress. Ruben Diaz Jr.: Continuing Our Fight Against Illegal Guns
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  • Undeterred, Heavey flew to Senegal, reading an oil primer en route to learn the lingo.
  • The students seemed undeterred by the 3 km distance they covered as the mercury touched an all-time high in the town today.
  • Undeterred by the stubborn green tomatoes, Samuel has chopped them into chunks and fried them in oil, garlic and chillies with a splosh of sweet Spanish vinegar.
  • Yet they leave bettors - those undeterred when they don't at first succeed - with the resources to try, try again.
  • pursued his own path...undeterred by lack of popular appreciation and understanding
  • This champion and pioneer of the natural world remains unrivalled and undeterred by age or geography. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undeterred, he sets out to follow in his parents' footsteps. The Sun
  • Speed camera bosses are undeterred by vandals who defaced signs warning drivers that mobile speed cameras operate in the area.
  • Undeterred by the getting lost and being brought back in ignominy by the local cops, I did it again soon after (but was more careful to chart my course so that I didn't get lost). Home again, home again
  • There are very few answers to questions like that but if these people have one thing on their side its their undeterred hope and enthusiasm.
  • Undeterred, Barnes launched an extensive publicity campaign amongst members.
  • But I pressed on undeterred and two days before our interview was arranged, an uncorrected proof of his book arrived in the post and within a couple of hours I was salivating.
  • Undeterred, I trawl the net for advice about what to do next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten-year yields set a record low this week as investors snapped up Treasuries on signs of slowing growth and a widening debt crisis in Europe, undeterred by Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade the U.S. Bill Gross at Pacific Investment Management Co. said in a Twitter posting that investors should "be leery" of what he called "exuberance" that sent stocks up and bonds down yesterday. -- Top News
  • Haverford took a new sheet of paper and continued to compose, undeterred.
  • Undeterred, the couple walled it in and blended it with the kitchenette by placing the refrigerator and wet bar to either side.
  • Undeterred, I trawl the net for advice about what to do next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undeterred, the taxmen looked for a return fixture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slightly thrown off course but undeterred, I ploughed bravely on.
  • He was undeterred by the rain and fog, however.
  • BUndeterred, the group is revising its proposal and plans to contest every license that comes up for review.
  • Undeterred he ploughs on, and all are soon engaged in jolly banter.
  • Despite his first shot only travelling a dismal 30 yards, the golfer was undeterred and played nearly a third of his rounds in the rain.
  • Undeterred by his early failures, he decided to keep writing.
  • Undeterred, we just keep plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intermittent chug of a passing taxicab momentarily scathed Lincoln's vision, but undeterred she preached on to a deaf society.
  • BUndeterred, the group is revising its proposal and plans to contest every license that comes up for review.
  • It was raining heavily but he set out undeterred.
  • Our troop advanced wave upon wave undeterred by the hail of fire.
  • They hit one scarp particularly hard and Rex was convinced they'd blown a tire, but the truck rattled on, undeterred. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Still all three were undeterred by the weather or indeed by the 26 miles and each showed immense grit to finish the three-lap course.
  • This year, several families have made the trip, undeterred by the weather or the sodden campsite where they are staying.
  • It's fresh, a triumph of spirit, like spring sun undeterred by dirt-encrusted windows, first breath of morning against your naked spine.
  • Undeterred, he laid about the Spanish with his sword.
  • He was undeterred by such considerations, which should tell us something.
  • Weston is undeterred by the less-than-successful track record of eclectic compilations.
  • Shoplifters are taunting them with these minor thefts, undeterred by CCTV cameras.
  • And though it seems the project will go forward, the architect is undeterred.
  • Undeterred, he took out a patent in 1797 for incombustible material: floorboards constructed from long, thick strips of fired clay.
  • Undeterred by threatened punishments, many soldiers fraternized flagrantly. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • When angry Nature struck, sparing nothing in its wake, the citizens of Mumbai, undeterred, fought back.
  • But he emerged unscathed and remains undeterred about following his uncle into F1. Times, Sunday Times
  • The students were undeterred by the miserable wet day.
  • The macho star is also undeterred with the failures of period dramas in Bollywood, as both Shah Rukh Khan starrer "Asoka" (2001) and Aamir Khan's "Mangal Pandey: The Rising" (2005) have been box office duds. Bollywood Entertainment News | India
  • ‘The guys said they would go, but at another date,’ says Todd, who is undeterred by the set-back.
  • He again repeated that she was the world-renowned performer on the zithern; and, undeterred by the audible remark of a lady in the pit to the effect that she'd "never 'eard on' er," added: John Ingerfield and Other Stories
  • Years of rental had taken its toll, but, undeterred, the family slowly started to reinstate the house's original integrity.
  • His passion for bikes remains totally undeterred despite the accident.
  • Undeterred, he hatched a scheme for a Board Of Fringe Classification which would award 18 certificates to offensive shows.
  • Temperatures yesterday hit a high of 86F, and people in the city were undeterred by the minor threat of rain.
  • Although told that such usage might be metaphorical or figurative, Tess is undeterred.
  • Undeterred, we just keep plodding on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intent on being as bold, brash and undeterred as possible and brooking little nay-saying from any quarter, she even felt free to jump the gun on movies made by directors whom she championed. David Finkle: Easy Reader: Kellow's Pauline Kael: A Life in the Dark Throws Radiant Light on the Renowned Movie Critic
  • It is undeterred by uneven terrain, small rocks, sand or any smaller obstacles typically found on a ski trail.
  • The massive corporate wave of crime, fraud and abuse rolls on, is undeterred by regular exposes in the business media itself.
  • Speed camera bosses are undeterred by vandals who defaced signs warning drivers that mobile speed cameras operate in the area.
  • But Kato was undeterred even though the French expedition declared the icefall destroyed and unusable.
  • Undeterred by the heat of the by-elections and VIP cars rushing by, this group of floriculturists in Thumbakkam continues with its work.
  • But he emerged unscathed and remains undeterred about following his uncle into F1. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, undeterred, they carried on with their good work.
  • She is a visionary, driven by a remarkable energy, determined and brave, undeterred by threats and harassment and numerous arrests and uncomfortable nights in stinking police cells.
  • Today's practitioners and enthusiasts of the genre appear to be undeterred by these realities.
  • Undeterred, my husband joined our friends for a skating session, while I stood on the raised platform round the edge with my three year old to spectate.
  • Undeterred by a permanently ankylosed knee joint, he joined the Malayan medical service.
  • But people involved are undeterred and bent on taking it forward.
  • They hit one scarp particularly hard and Rex was convinced they'd blown a tire, but the truck rattled on, undeterred. MINUTES TO BURN
  • They do not preach learning precepts , they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.
  • Another was an American newspaperwoman who roved around France, undeterred by a wooden foot she called Cuthbert. Shadow Knights
  • Throughout her life in athletics O'Rourke has been undaunted by challenges and undeterred by setbacks.
  • BUndeterred, the group is revising its proposal and plans to contest every license that comes up for review.
  • He said he was undeterred by the lobbying and would continue to run, representing the interests of the community.
  • Undeterred, Supaporn, accompanied by one of her employees, followed the man down the street and onto the beach, still insisting he pay up on the 10 bar chits.
  • Unfortunately that goal was missed by a mere 75 minutes thanks to the elements conspiring against her, but undeterred she is pressing on with another stab at it in November.
  • Many of his innovations faced surgical opposition, but he remained undeterred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undeterred by the lack of these three factors at its disposal, the high street has embraced the mullet skirt with Olympian vim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Undeterred, the bomber chief got down to details as small as intervalometer settings for spacing bombs from various heights, and came to a conclusion. Whirlwind
  • On the way out I noticed penguins gathered by the visitors' centre fence, undeterred by humans, watching, motionless.
  • Undeterred, he had himself crowned as Robert I in 1306 and, thenceforth, fought a relentless war against England.
  • He remained undeterred by several incarcerations, but his growing suspicion of authority caused him to move to a place from where he could easily slip out of reach.
  • Undeterred, Samson reinvents the carny into a religious revival show with Ben as the star attraction - a healer.

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