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How To Use Underweight In A Sentence

  • Diving underweighted can lead to buoyant ascents at the end of the dive, so I am not advocating that everyone knocks a couple of kilos off the next time they dive.
  • Because he's been chronically underweight since before hitting puberty, his body is used to having to survive on unnaturally low weights, but there's a limit to how much it can take.
  • But in the longer term there are supportive arguments for not aggressively underweighting the sector.
  • In recent photos (like this one) she looks painfully underweight, but I'm hoping that's just how her metabolism is rather than any digestive issues or eating disorder. Blah blah blah blah blah & etc.
  • It is possible to be underweight or overweight in BMI terms and still have a healthy percentage of body fat. The Sun
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  • A lifelong yoga addict and juice faster, she was always underweight, a non-smoker and a healthy eater. MeiMei Fox: Barbra Streisand Takes the Stage for Women and Heart Disease
  • We are overweight in economy-sensitive stocks, technology, industrials and financials, and are underweight in utilities and telecoms - stock selection is becoming ever-more critical.
  • The second question posed in this study asked whether groups composed of experienced individuals underweight base rate data.
  • A BMI under 18.5 indicates that you're underweight.
  • So says J.P. Morgan Chase, which has downgraded the company to "underweight" -- meaning, in its parlance, "sell. Foreign, Energy Bets Start to Haunt Janus
  • I have visited 'thinspiration' galleries, where photos of underweight celebrities and models are worshipped by the pro-ana community. Times, Sunday Times
  • You might run your car underweight and then chose to put weight in different places.
  • According to the hospital chart he's four kilos underweight.
  • Regular readers of this blog will have noted previous entries on the “paradoxical” reverse epidemiology of obesity and cardiovascular mortality, where risk is apparently higher in underweight compared to normal weight, overweight or even mildly obese individuals (for e.g. of previous blog entries on this click here, here or here). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity Paradox also Holds in Denmark
  • Each cow that the veterinarians identified as underweight was shot and killed with a rifle," the judge said. | Top Stories
  • I know I shouldn't complain because I can eat what I want and not gain weight, but it's not good being underweight.
  • One in ten parents expressed some concern about underweight in normal weight children.
  • The coal is six pounds underweight / underweight by six pounds.
  • Legal & General said its $500-billion fund is "neutral" on Italian bonds and holds fewer Spanish securities in its portfolio than recommended by benchmarks used to measure the fund's performance, a so-called underweight position. -- Top News
  • A People who are underweight are probably less able to pack sufficient vitamins and minerals in to their overall food intake compared with people who are overweight. The Sun
  • The telltale signs are underweight children, poor academic performance, and health problems.
  • The first question posed in this research asked whether individual HR managers would underweight base rate data.
  • Being underweight and exercising excessively can increase the risk of anovulation, subfertility, and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnancy
  • We used these early data together with information collected on cohort members at the age of 50 to explore the effects of childhood obesity and underweight on adult obesity and risk factors for disease.
  • He is still underweight in technology stocks, which he considers expensive, and prefers traditional old economy businesses such as paper and steel.
  • Watch your weight: if you and your partner are overweight or very underweight, you are less likely to conceive easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each episode will feature one overweight and one underweight youngster. The Sun
  • Although being slightly underweight, outwardly Stacey appears to be just like any other 11-year-old.
  • Perhaps your exercise regime is too demanding, since your body mass index (height to weight ratio) suggests you're not underweight.
  • A recent visit to a nurse showed that she is 5lb underweight but otherwise healthy. The Sun
  • Being overweight or underweight can harm your chances of conceiving. The Sun
  • They and most of humanity are so UNBELIEVABLY SHALLOW that they looked at a NORMAL woman, and snickered because she doesn't look like the over-siliconed, underweight bimboes you see on other reality TV shows ... Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The fund has a so-called underweight position in Spanish bonds, he said. -- Top News
  • Although it recommended that investors switch to US shares, it still recommends that investors be underweight in US equities.
  • At first we were told he was healthy but underweight. The Sun
  • JPMorgan, for example, is overweight on CSR and underweight Boral and James Hardie, as it expects CSR may have the best exposure to improving Australian residential markets.
  • And so what we find is that the insurance companies may give us enough time to get someone up five pounds, but they still may be 30 pounds underweight, which is still life-threateningly dangerous. 'Unrealistic Weights'
  • Others target specific stocks that are in an index, overweighting those they think are especially undervalued and underweighting those thought to be too dear.
  • Many entertainment celebrities are underweight, some anorexically so.
  • Even more interestingly, it shows that being underweight is as much a danger to health as obesity, and that a few extra pounds in otherwise healthy adults seems to increase longevity. Eat. live. enjoy.
  • At this point, it seems right to raise the topic of underweight models, a trend that she has been accused of nurturing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In market parlance, they overweight the most recent information and underweight the information that came before.
  • Being overweight or very underweight both reduce fertility. The Sun
  • The students are all undernourished and underweight.
  • By contrast, in America institutional investors remain overweight equities underweight government bonds.
  • UBS initiated an "underweight" recommendation on global equities in a report dated Sept. 2, saying risk assets have come under pressure from weak data and a re-escalation in Europe's sovereign-debt crisis. -- Top News
  • After a follow-up of 10.4 years, compared with normal weight individuals (BMI 18. 5-24.9) all-cause mortality was higher in underweight (BMI Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity Paradox also Holds in Denmark
  • She wants to convince magazine editors and advertising executives to stop using so many underweight models and digitally enhanced photos. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was still rather underweight at 100 pounds, okay, very underweight, but she ate healthily, exercised a normal amount and gained a ton of self-confidence.
  • I assume your daughter is underweight, not just thin.
  • Being very overweight or underweight, which affects the hormone balance. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Each episode will feature one overweight and one underweight youngster. The Sun
  • There would be checks that women were not underweight or overweight, both of which can cause problems with conceiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may have to take nutrients or eat foods containing certain vitamins so that you do not become undernourished or underweight.
  • I was a geeky, scrawny, underweight kid who liked strange music and didn't fit in at all.
  • Women who are underweight are much more likely than women with more meat on their bones to say that they prefer shopping with their friends, the survey finds.
  • Since then she had been in a re-hab centre and was now considered only slightly underweight.
  • Higher levels of protein and calories may be needed in underweight horses, but should not be fed to normal or overweight horses.
  • The group is also holding an inquiry into the use of underage and underweight models in the British fashion industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last year we were underweight lodging stocks.
  • Both underweight and overweight can cause sleeping problems. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • Athletic women who are underweight at the start of the pregnancy commonly gain more weight, while overweight women may gain less.
  • Almost overnight, big-boned, N-frame six-guns like the Model 28 found themselves out of vogue, replaced by underweight versions sporting a slimmer and trimmer body.
  • Some babies born to immigrant parents are incorrectly classified as underweight - which could lead to unnecessary tests - when they're actually within the normal range for their ethnic groups, Canadian doctors warn. CBC | Top Stories News
  • The almost untried Belarusian crew, who never got to test their boat speed at Munich, after being disqualified for an underweight boat, took an early lead.
  • These children tend to be underweight and emaciated, with decreased muscle tone.
  • The baby was dangerously underweight at birth.
  • For such a strategy, an investor makes a forecast on an asset class or sector and overweights or underweights it accordingly.
  • Although not approved by the FDA for this purpose, cyproheptadine has been used to stimulate appetite in underweight patients. Uz General Advice
  • On examination, she was underweight (weight 2nd percentile, height 10th percentile).
  • The editors of Vogue worldwide have agreed not to use underweight or under-age models knowingly in their magazines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teodora's plate was piled high with pork because her family felt she was underweight.
  • People who are under-nourished will not be eating enough and be underweight because their diet will not be providing them with enough energy.
  • Is her stature inherited from her mother or is she underweight and lacking in vitality and energy? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nearly a third of the children were severely underweight.
  • A while back my sister made an effort to gain weight; her body mass index indicated that she was underweight.
  • We were underweight but changed tack about a month ago and are now slightly overweight.
  • Although not approved by the FDA for this purpose, cyproheptadine has been used to stimulate appetite in underweight patients. Uz General Advice
  • She is a few pounds underweight for her height.
  • A while back my sister made an effort to gain weight; her body mass index indicated that she was underweight.
  • Her periods stopped and she was so dangerously underweight she had to be admitted to hospital. The Sun
  • She has an intense need for control and is scared of gaining weight even when extremely underweight.
  • They are just disqualified from the show ring because of underweight or overweight.
  • JPMorgan, for example, is overweight on CSR and underweight Boral and James Hardie, as it expects CSR may have the best exposure to improving Australian residential markets.
  • Earnings estimates still have to come down and as a result we are underweight in technology stocks.
  • I'm more underweighted in financials, still looking for stocks that don't correlate with the market. Economic Consequences Of Stealth Dollar Devaluation
  • Persons with anorexia nervosa eventually become visibly recognizable because of their severely underweight status.
  • Pro-ana", or pro-anorexia, and "pro-mia", pro-bulimia, websites advise young women on techniques to lose weight while showing pictures of dangerously underweight young women as role models. Latest news breaking news current news UK news world news celebrity news politics news
  • A national poll of more than 2000 men asked whether they considered themselves underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese.
  • ‘We will also start a child-weighing exercise because lots of under-five children are underweight,’ said Pastor Bill.
  • Childhood undernutrition, defined as underweight or low-weight-for-age, is the leading risk factor contributing to the global burden of disease.
  • The anorexia sufferer is more likely to become disastrously underweight, while the bulimic will vary between the extremes of "normal".
  • Shouldn't a GP investigate why a child is underweight, and share his or her concern with the parents?
  • A national poll of more than 2000 men asked whether they considered themselves underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese.
  • Already, smaller ice packs have reduced hunting grounds for polar bears, leaving some dangerously underweight.
  • Nearly a third of the children were severely underweight.
  • The trend persisted for fund managers, underweight in banks by and large, to hunt for good news from lenders and studiously avoid the bad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether you are underweight, normally weighted or overweight, your eating solution can become a problem.
  • While a few attempts are being made to promote ‘bigger’ models on the catwalk, the fashion industry remains dominated by the underweight and stick-thin.
  • Then you would underweight technology stocks?
  • Anyone found using underweight models will incur a prison sentence of up to six months and a 55,000 fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • People with anorexia limit their food intake severely, and so become very underweight.
  • According to the hospital chart he's four kilos underweight.
  • Each episode will feature one overweight and one underweight youngster. The Sun
  • The trend persisted for fund managers, underweight in banks by and large, to hunt for good news from lenders and studiously avoid the bad. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the hospital chart he's four kilos underweight.
  • In addition, research shows that teenage girls, particularly those who are underweight or dieting to lose weight, are not getting enough calcium.

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