
How To Use Underwater In A Sentence

  • The pylon is to be the centerpiece of a planned underwater museum featuring relics uncovered from the Mediterranean seabed. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • At 3.1 kilometers, this dive is the longest underwater traverse of two cave systems in the world.
  • It lives subtidally (from the high water mark, which is rarely inundated, to shoreline areas that are permanently submerged), or occasionally intertidally (the area that is exposed to the air at low tide and underwater at high tide). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Leonardo's inventions - a parachute, hang-glider, tank, underwater diving suit and robot - are built and put to the test for the first time, 500 years after he designed them.
  • She said the divers will have to work with the tides and underwater visibility to do their job.
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  • In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater MIKE MEEKS
  • Subjects may hyperventilate for several minutes before diving to increase underwater time.
  • The Breadalbane and Lake Ontario expeditions have opened a new era in underwater archaeology, Nelson says.
  • This paper at tentatively studies the theory of traveling bubble cavitation noise emitted from high-speed underwater self-navigator of Schiebe body.
  • He might surface, gasp for air and taunting by his pirate comrades and then be keelhauled back underwater.
  • The Red Sea guide is illustrated with full colour aerial photographs with overlays showing suggested underwater routes.
  • Mary Ball (1812-1892) discovered the underwater stridulation of the Notonectidæ The Prime Minister's haiku
  • One of only four aquatic frogs (those able to feed underwater) known to live in Australia, this frog inhabits the continent's driest areas, hunting in gilgais after rain for insects, shrimps and tadpoles.
  • We were on the rock and had to deflate the boat underwater to reduce the pressure the water was exerting upon the boat.
  • In Mortal Coils, an interaction of oneiromancy and mediumism was embodied in multiple projections among slowly twisting ropes, as if something were dimly viewed while transpiring underwater or in a netherworld.
  • They will pass out underwater and it is only a matter of moments before their body relaxes and attempts to begin breathing normally. How To Hold Your Breath Longer… or Not | Lifehacker Australia
  • Their bones are very strong to withstand the underwater pressure.
  • I found something quite significant while watching the tapes: the best underwater kickers don't kick parallel to the surface.
  • If you have trouble with water going up your nose breath out whilst your underwater or consider using a nose clip.
  • Support for a wide range of data styles, including ‘interleaved data’, backsights, underwater surveys performed with a depth gauge, and unsurveyed visual connections.
  • She repeatedly invokes the ocean's radical non-humanity, asking readers to imagine underwater 'tides so vast they are invisible and uncomprehended by the senses of man', or lights traveling over the water 'that flash and fade away, lights that come and go for reasons meaningless to man', though 'man, in his vanity, subconsciously attributes a human origin' to them. Rachel Carson's environmental ethics
  • Anyone who thinks they can see anything from a glass-bottomed boat is living in airy-fairy land - the North Sea being notoriously bad for underwater visibility.
  • The delay enabled the Japanese garrison of 19,000 troops to construct the most formidable beach defences, a way through which had to be cleared by underwater demolition teams.
  • Many thousands of acres now lie underwater or are so wet that they will be inaccessible for many months.
  • To be honest it's no time at all before I'm completely disorientated and it's only thanks to David literally dragging me around that we make it from one underwater location to another.
  • It's shockproof and can survive half an hour underwater. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its members have been checking underwater structures and helping the Coast Guard patrol the harbor whenever a cruise liner berths.
  • An underwater video shows the fuel assembly inching up, then swinging free.
  • Their underwater acoustic sense and echo-location skills are legendary.
  • The stealthiest way of launching the mini-sub will be underwater, via another submarine. Times, Sunday Times
  • They dive from the water's surface to pursue prey underwater, propelled by powerful, webbed feet.
  • Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide.
  • Gavin took the end of the rope and, with an impressive lack of hesitation, disappeared underwater.
  • He's been down in every imaginable piece of diving gear known to man as well as a wide array of underwater submersibles and crafts.
  • Fashionable Victorians flocked to promenade through this new underwater marvel, an amazing twin-bore arched corridor lit by flickering gaslight.
  • I learned how to hold my breath underwater, blow bubbles out my nose, and kick.
  • Now, those pumps could themselves be underwater if the river overflowed its banks.
  • Bufflehead Bucephala albeolaThe bufflehead is a small diving duck that forages underwater, eating primarily aquatic plants and fish eggs. Rare birds flock to British shores in record numbers
  • The SUNS system can determine positions underwater by the use of small buoys which broadcast the position and time references by sonar signals.
  • The voice penetrated my deep cloud of sleep, a silvery bolt of lightning flashing through the underwater dream-currents.
  • View sunken ships, underwater castles, and other detailed underwater experiences, all from the perspective of being safely behind the glass of an underwater diving vessel.
  • She surfaced, gasping for air, then ducked her head back underwater. BLINDSIGHTED
  • It was raining and the light was poor, but underwater visibility wasn't bad.
  • Shapeshift into aquatic form . Increasing swim speed and allowing the druid to breathe underwater.
  • From Eric Zener's amazing underwater scenes to Doug Bloodworth's incredible pop art, I hope you enjoy this wonderful collection of my favorite photorealistic paintings.
  • Meanwhile, officers were waiting for an underwater team to arrive to begin a search of nearby ponds.
  • A Royal Navy survey ship has been sent to investigate the epicentre of the underwater earthquake which created the disastrous tsunami in the Indian Ocean.
  • Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.
  • It burns quite happily underwater, or soaked in foam, it contains its own oxidiser. Archive 2007-02-01
  • They were found on what was once the Thames foreshore, and would have been stored underwater in a wattle enclosure to stop the wood drying out and splitting.
  • While the issue of legal responsibility is still to be determined a to where the legal responsibility lies between the rig operator or BP, BP is not caviling and says it is prepared to do whatever it takes to stop the underwater gusher and clean up the spill. Raymond J. Learsy: A Tale of Two Companies -- Goldman Sachs and BP
  • He pointed to the dark mouth of another underwater cave.
  • Fabroc is currently being used for outdoor clothing of all types including underwater wetsuits for deep-sea use.
  • These are important, not to find fish so much as underwater islands and plateaux in deeper areas just off shore.
  • They suggest that fish are very rare in Cambrian and Ordovician rocks because they were active swimmers and could generally escape from the underwater avalanches.
  • This toll bridge was at Whitney suffered damage from the fast flowing flood, and parts of Hereford are already underwater.
  • The acronym for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus is acceptable in all references. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Another shows how the grebes' lobed feet travel in a nearly circular pattern when they dive underwater, with the toes folded and rotated to decrease water resistance on the backstroke.
  • It is a sea mountain, blasted by volcanic forces more than a mile up from the ocean floor, and stretching underwater for nine miles.
  • I wonder how many of these realtors' signs represent families in financial distress, underwater on their mortgages and/or maxed out on their credit cards.
  • Few people who use the word readily register the fact that its letters initially stood for words: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. The English Is Coming!
  • It never wrinkles like pyrites, never rusts nor tarnishes, even after centuries lyin ' underwater. PAINT THE WIND
  • English divers are beginning to cotton on to the underwater delights of Ireland's Atlantic coast.
  • I managed to swim 2 widths underwater.
  • They pose balletically in studios, chase each other underwater, admire themselves in store windows.
  • Pumpkin carvers got a little wet in Key Largo during an underwater carving contest. Couple Wins Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest | Impact Lab
  • Divers can explore the underwater wonders of Eastern Indonesia on seven to eight days cruises to the islands of Komodo, Alor, Flores, Sumbawa and Lombok.
  • The team will extract cores from the pila and analyze them later this year to assess the underwater curing rate of the concrete, he said.
  • The penguins can be viewed, not just from a sloping arena but also from underwater viewing areas.
  • It is nature which appears to speak to us when she presents time-lapse photography of emerging seedlings, shots of swaying underwater flowers blooming or pinkish shots of the earth taken from space.
  • On Facebook, a group dedicated to the oil spill includes suggestions like using explosives to stop the gusher, which is about 5,000 feet underwater. Gulf Oil Spill Remedies: Corks, Hair Are Among Suggested Ideas
  • Drainage Ditch: Georgetown" 1995 is a cross-section of that city's eccentric ecology, including a filthy-looking underwater habitat full of discarded tires and dog-faced fish, one with newborns—gross but poignant. An Illustrative Career Depicting Dystopias
  • In May an arm of the Chinese government submitted plans to explore the seafloor around an underwater ridge in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar, where hot springs in the ocean bottom called hydrothermal vents have created deposits containing gold, silver, copper, nickel, cobalt, and tellurium (used in computers, CDs, and DVDs). Mining’s Final Frontier
  • Cruising underwater, you see pale outlines of the irregular sea bottom.
  • Underwater World (Underwater World) in a transparent tunnel, can be clearly observed 250 species, 2500, is Asias largest marine museum, the storage capacity of 310 million liters.
  • Fashionable Victorians flocked to promenade through this new underwater marvel, an amazing twin-bore arched corridor lit by flickering gaslight.
  • When the wrecked underwater vehicle is in the condition that the sea state is terrible and the angle of trim and heel is bigger, it is very difficult to mate with rescue vehicle.
  • Then she rolled him through her enclosure like a beachball and pushed him underwater. The Sun
  • Do you know that in Nevada 70 percent of the home mortgages are underwater?
  • The style is barefoot sophistication and ideal for honeymooners, escapists and divers, with an excellent dive school and some of the best underwater scenery in the Caribbean just offshore.
  • Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid - ocean ridge, constitute a rich world of the ocean floor.
  • A desperate police search, involving underwater frogmen and mounted police officers, was launched but no trace of the teenager was found until his body finally surfaced 12 days later, close to the spot where he fell in.
  • Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.
  • Later on a mass of blue scilla surrounds the foot of the tree and the headstone and it looks as if the unknown Huckins was buried underwater. Incubus
  • Try-dives are organised to give anyone interested a taste of breathing underwater using a scuba unit in a safe, controlled environment.
  • Now they have underwater ships to resupply their submarines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now and then a pair of lobsters, plated in Prussian blue, jousted in their underwater dungeon.
  • Julia Gorodetskaya (@gorodetskaya), a Ukrainian TV journalist, sent the first underwater Tweet from the bottom of a dolphinarium, TechCrunch reports. First Underwater Tweet Sent By Ukranian Journalist Julia Gorodetskaya (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
  • Explore coral formations, underwater walls and sheltered caverns aswarm with fish of all colors.
  • Relationship between butt joint gap and cold crack rate of 16 Mn steel underwater wet welding is studied.
  • They show adaptations for underwater swimming, including flattened tarsi and humeri, and shorter wings and higher wing-loading than most other petrels.
  • In an area of heavy traffic, from massive oil tankers to tiny fishing dhows, Echo carried out detailed surveys to locate underwater hazards such as rocks and shallow banks.
  • I finally allowed my eyes to close as the sounds of the ocean picked up through an underwater microphone that emitted its pickup through speakers in the room.
  • But you try doing the splits upside down with your head underwater and all the while keeping a smile on your face.
  • The centre offers diving, spearfishing, underwater photography, and simply sailing.
  • I well remember my first underwater encounter with a basking shark.
  • I also used my first nautiloid model sculpting time a bit more than a half hour, painting time with water colours many frustrating hours... to make some photos of a prehistoric underwater diorama by photographing in front of a page from a book about the prehistoric seas: Color Underwater
  • We move like an underwater runner from the dark and spiry pine forests of the base past the timberline to the snow-dusted, rocky outcroppings of the seven-thousand-foot shoulder. Richard Bangs: Here Be Dragons: Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland
  • The ship was underwater when they reached her.
  • They were close, very close, the smooth surface of the water already beginning to swirl and roughen as they approached the sharp, underwater rocks. A Sorcerous Mist
  • Such opportunities are highly-valued by the scientific community, as the thickness and quality of the polar ice can be measured with a great deal of accuracy from underwater.
  • Once underwater, the pair let the outside world disappear, communing with the natural elements beneath the sea's surface in an attempt to banish their worries forever.
  • [5] Around Lake Issyk Kul, some "mani" stones have been found underwater near Przhevalsk and along the southern shore at Tamga Gorge, as well as at the Julku and Barskaon Passes to the south and Issykata Pass to the north of the lake. Historical Sketch of Buddhism and Islam in West Turkistan
  • Other recent infamous victims of superlarge lip engorgement -- Nicole Kidman, Christina Aguilera, Meg Ryan, Melanie Griffith, Priscilla Presley and Lisa Rinna, who have given up their naturally attractive kissers, in exchange for lips that are seen in nature only on underwater species. Bonnie Fuller: Oh No! Now Hollywood Lips Explode in Size
  • Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.
  • Police officers have combed the area with dogs and an underwater team has searched the canal near his work.
  • Raising the sub was no mean feat of underwater engineering - it weighed twenty-four thousand tons underwater and lay in 350 feet of water.
  • You can indulge in some chromotherapy with underwater LED lighting change colors with a control panel to get your ideal lighting effects. News
  • What lives 1, 800-feet underwater, spews molton rock and sounds like a tractor trailer?
  • Despite endless numbers of underwater visitors, it still rates as one of the best dive sites in the world.
  • Native gambusias are the best choice for mosquito control; those desiring underwater color should invest a pittance in dime-apiece ‘feeder goldfish.’
  • Easier to watch were the anhingas,who between long dives underwater swam with nothing but their snaky necks and heads above the water's surfaces.
  • Trapped underwater, a female salt marsh-dwelling wolf spider (seen in an undated photo)--one of 120 in a recent experiment (full story)--is on the verge of drowning, and "resurrection.
  • Using their two large pairs of long, flat, stiff-rayed fins, the darters cling to the base of the vertical rock surface while still underwater, then inch themselves upward with strong lateral movements.
  • Getting changed after swimming (it's got easier again, but I still must look like someone doing semaphore underwater), and a dad comes in with his two children - who are both girls.
  • Four years later though, and I was the only one still thrashing around in the shallow end, terrified of getting his head underwater.
  • Verdict: The only compact camera for the underwater enthusiast.
  • Others say that the squid deaths have been caused by underwater seismic surveys using air guns.
  • What Ralph and Jack would ‘see’ underwater is not a ‘fairy realm’ in all its magic detail but a polychromatic blur with a few vague shapes.
  • Monterey Bay is more likely to yield up orcas, humpbacks or minkes at this time of year in what is America's largest marine sanctuary in an underwater canyon the size of the Grand Canyon.
  • Conservation measures of this kind help to explain the enormous cost of both wetland and underwater archaeology.
  • The primary structure of steel arches was chosen to span a cavernous underground cistern, part of the city's drainage system, and avoid underwater foundations.
  • I knew from experience that before you went swimming off a dock for the first time each summer, you needed to check the sides and the ladder carefully for bryozoa, colonies of slimy green critters that grew on hard surfaces underwater think coral, but gelatinous—shudder. The Boys Next Door
  • The underwater landscape is a tumbling continuation of the cliffs above, with huge slabs of rock strewn about on a bed of chocolate-coloured sand.
  • Romance is also key to Blimp, which begins in the midst of World War II and flashes back after Blimp/Candy is held underwater in that Turkish bath and a voice intones rather goofily "40 years ago...40 years ago..." to the early 1900s. Michael Giltz: Movies: "Blimp" Is Back! British Gem Is Beautifully Restored
  • The breaches in the underwater pipe will be a source of total confusion. BARRACUDA 945
  • Poseidon is fighting the Titan Oceanus (underwater, of course) but tells Percy it is time for him to hear the prophecy. (more …) Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » May
  • A Royal Navy survey ship has been sent to investigate the epicentre of the underwater earthquake which created the disastrous tsunami in the Indian Ocean.
  • The second fan generated a semblance of underwater movement in Atlantic, scrim rippling along the flow.
  • You need to call your lender if you're either underwater on your mortgage or behind and you need help.
  • The surreal absurdity of all this is a joy in itself, while the iridescent underwater scenes border on photorealism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the clutter of computer screens, racks of original prints and an underwater camera casing are enlarged copies of the rare archive photographs taken of the sinking boats.
  • More than 200 officers will be drafted in for crowd control, backed up by an underwater unit, mounted police and a helicopter team.
  • It then suddenly becomes an underwater fantasy with a strong metafictional overtone. More stories : Bev Vincent
  • Underwater visual surveys in the Philippines have revealed densities of both anemonefish and anemones significantly lower in exploited areas. Practical Fishkeeping
  • The breaches in the underwater pipe will be a source of total confusion. BARRACUDA 945
  • I had to resort to clouting her with my underwater flashgun; she looked at me reproachfully with her enormous eyes and went off in search of more receptive playmates!
  • In these steep underwater cliff areas were chimneys of gravel that contained datolite nodules.
  • Three times a day, behind a wall of four-inch-thick plate-glass, half a dozen mermaids - and the occasional merman - jive and pirouette in the world's only underwater spring theatre.
  • Since that time, considerable advances have been made in the science of underwater acoustics and the hardware used for the detection of faint signals.
  • The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank.
  • The next steps involve the whole stroke, removing the fins, underwater kicking to stroke start and finally the block start.
  • Gurgling underwater cries of ‘Manny’ were lost on my fellow strokers, but at least I entertained myself.
  • After reviewing the echo structural characteristics of the underwater target, a method to accurately pick-up the direct wave separated from the surface-reflected wave is discussed.
  • Some species attach the cocoons to stones underwater and others carry the cocoons with them until the young hatch.
  • Notice the three large gills that the animal uses to ‘breathe’ in its underwater environment.
  • They were not quick enough to escape the sudden underwater avalanches during the Flood, and paid the price.
  • Dense tufts of pea-green underwater foliage, rising to the surface during the summer and affording shelter for fish and their fry.
  • The angry birds squawked and dove over the water a few times to try and recapture their victims, but Kathy and Sam had enough sense to stay underwater till the monsters left, still cawing and pecking at each other in a frustrated way.
  • `There has to be some tarnishing or discoloration, an indication that the thing has been underwater for half a century. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Few people who use the word readily register the fact that its letters initially stood for words: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. The English Is Coming!
  • The police helicopter and the force's underwater search unit were also bought in to assist.
  • This was an underwater version of gliding and parachuting, except that we had to avoid missing another drop-off.
  • We think of dragonflies as aerial creatures, but they spend most of their lives - one to three years - underwater as nymphs, eating small insects and larvae.
  • This can lead to humorous variations, such as buffing someone with Underwater Breathing in the middle of the Barrens. Civicus
  • Despite the Jessica accident, tourists still flock to the Galapagos, tempted by a once-in-a-lifetime chance to return the antediluvian stare of a giant tortoise or turn cartwheels with playful sea lions in an underwater ballet.
  • We clambered out of the water after some serious underwater rock climbing.
  • Diving beetles typically have natatorial legs as they spend most of their time underwater.
  • Popular with everyone from trainees to experienced divers, this site is the start of several interesting routes around the next headland to underwater canyons such as the Cresta Run and Divers' Hole.
  • ‡ Most of the ice in an iceberg is underwater, leaving only the “tip of the iceberg” visible—a fact that is often alluded to in discussions of subjects in which the most important aspects are hidden from view. Iceberg
  • As your body undulates with a powerful underwater dolphin, make sure your energy is directed forward by keeping the hands and arms as level as possible.
  • As she handed out photo enlargements of the underwater laboratory, she started to explain.
  • Soar above glacial peaks and swim underwater through the icy caverns submerged within the Chaos Glacier.
  • Flicking off the underwater torch, Stone tried to localize the source of the glow. CORMORANT
  • The company also found an alternative to repricing for underwater options, ‘a voluntary option exchange.’
  • High natural durability, duramen is resistant against biological attack; however it's resistance to underwater insects is low, vacuum-pressure chamber is recommended.
  • In completely blacked-out underwater conditions, two divers conducted a tactile search to locate a sunken Iraqi minelayer with her deadly load.
  • While the animals lack sonar, they do posses superb directional underwater hearing and the ability to see in near-darkness.
  • As many as one in six homeowners are currently what's known as underwater.
  • This is the final splashdown for students who have spent months designing, building and testing remote-controlled devices that operate underwater. Underwater Robots Compete in NASA Astronaut Training Tank
  • After a brief survey of the three factors for ranging error of underwater noise ranger, the inherent error caused by the error of arrayfixing is discussed.
  • I found the silence underwater really eerie.
  • Its members have been checking underwater structures and helping the Coast Guard patrol the harbor whenever a cruise liner berths.
  • The Banded Demoiselle only lives for a week or two as an adult, but spends most of its life as a larva (or nymph) underwater.
  • Yes | No | Report from bigjake wrote 12 weeks 5 days ago you going to have best luck if you know anything about the water your fishing on, you should focus on dropoffs, underwater humps, and the deepwater side of large weedbeds. So Im new at the whole ice fishing thing, during the summer me and my friend pike fish all the time now that we got our lisences
  • This is basically an underwater parachute which fills with water and slows the boat down.
  • All submitted answers are subject to the rules set forth in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. from bigjake wrote 12 weeks 5 days ago you going to have best luck if you know anything about the water your fishing on, you should focus on dropoffs, underwater humps, and the deepwater side of large weedbeds. So Im new at the whole ice fishing thing, during the summer me and my friend pike fish all the time now that we got our lisences
  • Underwater Demolition Team UDT Also known as frogmen Operatives, Spies, and Saboteurs
  • The ocean swell presses a thick plankton soup into the fjords and channels in the area, forming a base for an impressive array of underwater life forms.
  • When the wrecked underwater vehicle is in the condition that the sea state is terrible and the angle of trim and heel is bigger, it is very difficult to mate with rescue vehicle.
  • Atholville, New Brunswick, lay underwater in a coastal estuary, a brackish fresh and salt water environment teeming with life.
  • Underwater, the muffled bubbling sound of the frantic struggles of the people about her.
  • And, for good measure, there is a versifying King Rat, pleasantly old-fashioned scenery from Terry Parsons, and a spectacular underwater film sequence, requiring 3D specs, in which octopus-tentacles alarmingly reach out to us, and sharks loom in our faces. Dick Whittington - review
  • He dug his thumbs into the eyes, a red bonfire blazing at his chest, and heard an underwater bubbling squeal.
  • The shorter, loonier second half is livelier, as we go first underwater and then to a desert island. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her spare time, she is a keen sports diver and underwater archaeologist.
  • What kind of consolation is that for the 50 million Americans who have lost their homes or are struggling to pay off mortgages that are "underwater"? Robert Scheer: Payback at the Polls
  • The "Thumbs-Down" hand signal communicates "go down" or "descend" underwater.
  • Shannon Tooker, right, and Marcy Terry from the Weeki Wachee Mermaids synchronised underwater aquabatics troupe perform in the Ocean Reef display, at the Sea Life London Aquarium, London, Friday, May 14, 2010. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • An eddy occurs when an underwater object causes river current to reverse itself in a circular motion. > News
  • As of March 6 the search was using 32 helicopters and nine fixed-wing aircraft; seven boats and underwater sonar units were searching lakes and reservoirs.
  • The tessera was recovered from the Ninfeo of Punta Epitaffio during the underwater excavation in the sea in front of Baia, which nowadays is a little town near Naples.
  • The aqualung opened the underwater world to diving adventurers in the 1940s.
  • An Oregon scientist has discovered the first known species of gilled underwater mushroom, Psathyrella aquatica, in the cold waters of the Rogue River. Archive 2007-11-01
  • They also build dens in stream banks with the entrance underwater.
  • One of the most peaceful places on earth is actually 15 metres underwater on the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Underwater arches, eel gardens, reef walls, sharks, octopi - everything a diver could want, especially deep water close inshore.
  • Per his suggestion, we storedthe bottleupsidedown and disgorged it underwater, allowing the yeast plug to shoot out before turning the bottle rightside up. What We Drank
  • The outer shape apparently evolved before some microscopic changes that may play a role in penguin's underwater prowess. Inkayacu Paracasensis: Giant 'Water King' Penguin, 5 Feet Tall, Discovered In Peru From 36 Million Years Ago
  • When approached underwater they give an alarm or warning signal consisting of a series of quite rapid and quite audible grunts.

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