
How To Use Undervalue In A Sentence

  • What is left in ‘her’ wake, however, is an acerbically astute representation of a social environment in which mothers are routinely erased, undervalued, and ‘trapped’ within the domestic milieu.
  • The company had undervalued the building by £20 000.
  • Mr. Icahn's offer reflected a view that merchant power generators like Dynegy, which owns 18 coal-fired and gas-fired power plants, are undervalued because of current low power prices. Dynegy Top Officers, Directors to Leave
  • We also fall prey to the fundamental attribution error, where we overvalue "dispositional" elements "She's bad at money" and undervalue NYT > Home Page
  • He is also a hardworking and undervalued writer.
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  • It is not evidence of a sale at an undervalue in November 2000.
  • There are two sure ways of making a fortune in art: buy an undervalued old master, or a Cremona stringed instrument.
  • Jackson has successfully realised the most monumental movie-making feat in recent memory, yet the scale of his achievement seems undervalued and unrewarded.
  • The manager has a preference for undervalued stocks and favours mid and small-cap companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Education is currently undervalued in this country.
  • Investors were looking at an opportunity to buy an undervalued currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The privilege afforded famous scientists, Surowiecki argues, has undervalued the genius of the scientific ethos: its commitment to meritocracy.
  • There's a feeling among the nursing profession that their work is undervalued.
  • The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have.
  • By contrast, the best way to invest is to pick managers who buy undervalued stocks, hold them until they are overvalued and then sell them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why It's Undervalued: If you need a tough, durable, comfortable twin for high and hot, there's not much else you can buy for the same money.
  • Nevertheless let no one think that because sanitary nursing is the subject of these notes, therefore, what may be called the handicraft of nursing is to be undervalued. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • While real estate seems still to be undervalued compared to stocks and bonds, this is a year for careful selection.
  • And remember, do not undervalue the element of surprise.
  • He sold the watch at an undervalue to Trevor and asked William to look after the lighter for him until he wanted it returned.
  • He argued that this situation came about because the fixed exchange rates overvalued the European currencies and undervalued the dollar.
  • Tzadik has done a typically great job of recognizing and recording an undervalued piece of music.
  • He should also visit a forensic science lab to see the marvellous work they do in solving crime while underfunded and undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Analysts claim that the firm's assets were undervalued by £300 million.
  • Indeed, you probably feel underpaid and undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • The police complain bitterly about being undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also according to the IMF research the peso is remarkably undervalued in comparison to the USD, they exstimate the exchange rate at PPP (purchase parity power) should be 7.6 instead of current 13.2, meaning living cost in Mexico is about 43% lower than in the USA. Mexican pesos bonds
  • We clearly undervalued him as a member of our team.
  • It is also ludicrous to suggest - as has often been argued during this dispute - that doctors are undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • In those circumstances, allegations such as those relating to alleged sale at an undervalue ought never perhaps to have been made.
  • The offer significantly undervalued Spice, it said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even multinational corporations, resentful of China's undervalued currency and protectionist streaks are voicing their displeasures. China: The Big Free Rider
  • Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
  • Identifying previously unrecognised or undervalued treasures was the Roadshow's stock-in-trade. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Bacon not only despised the syllogism, but undervalued mathematics, presumably as insufficiently experimental. He was virulently hostile to Aristotle, but thought very highly of Democritus.
  • I am continuing my search for undervalued or oversold quality stocks and have been watching Rio Tinto.
  • The "Monthly Review" sneers at me, and asks "if 'Comus' is not _good enough_ for Mr. Lamb?" because I have said no good serious dramas have been written since the death of Charles the First, except "Samson Agonistes"; so because they do not know, or won't remember, that "Comus" was written long before, I am to be set down as an undervaluer of Milton! The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
  • Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors.
  • The Chinese renminbi is widely considered by economists to be undervalued - perhaps by as much as 40 percent, representing a hefty subsidy for Chinese exports. House slaps China on currency policy, deepening trade dispute
  • We have presented a compelling offer to Pure shareholders, including Arrow scrip, which is significantly undervalued, particularly if you use the BG offer for Pure as a valuation guide," said Arrow Managing Director, Nick Davies. BG Launches Rival Bid for Pure Energy
  • We have proved that sport has the real potential to tackle problems like social exclusion, and personally I feel sport is greatly undervalued in this role.
  • The very opposite of the girl who is misunderstood and undervalued because of her shyness, is the girl who, because of her boldness and independence, her carelessness of speech, hilarity and adventuresomeness is misunderstood. The Girl and Her Religion
  • Motherhood is a demanding full-time job on its own, but sadly it is greatly undervalued by modern society.
  • The currency, the renminbi, fixed about 8,26 to the dollar, is significantly undervalued, making China's goods cheapest and drawing the world's manufacturing into its factories.
  • We must never undervalue freedom.
  • He often undervalued the literary works of young writers.
  • Grafton's share price is currently undervalued and has much upside potential, according to a number of analysts.
  • Trouble is, the company might look undervalued because it's trading in an overvalued sector.
  • Society undervalues staying home and looking after children.
  • In the final lines of the play she seems more excited by having triumphed over her rival than by having regained her husband's love, an emotion that is undervalued throughout.
  • However, we consistently overestimate the dangers and undervalue the benefits we obtain by living in a complex society.
  • But it can also make the search for undervalued assets to invest in that much trickier. Times, Sunday Times
  • With regard to your editorial "The Election Gong Show" (Oct. 14): High tariffs and a worthless dollar are not the route to American prosperity, even if the Chinese yuan is undervalued. Devaluation and Tariffs Are Madness
  • American manufacturers contend that undervalued Chinese currency puts them at a competitive disadvantage and is a key reason for the huge trade gap between the two countries.
  • An undeniable attraction of an auction is the possibility that some undervalued item may be for sale.
  • It enables any transaction at an undervalue to be avoided by the trustee in bankruptcy, if it was made with the intention of defeating the claims of creditors.
  • Even then, I sold as little of my stock as possible to satisfy the calls, because I was convinced that it was undervalued and would increase in value.
  • It looks for value in US stocks and focuses on company cash flow generation with the aim of identifying undervalued companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being respected and trusted are undervalued qualities in a captain, arguably more important than the ability to conjure up funky field placings. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would guess that equities are not only not overvalued but may still be undervalued. DOT.CON
  • In announcing board approval for a buyback, Mr. Buffett, who controls one-third of Berkshire's voting stock, is sending a strong signal that he believes his shares are undervalued.
  • Tell them that you feel friendship is undervalued in this helter-skelter crazy materialistic world.
  • He then plans to pick up an undervalued company for between 1billion to 5billion. The Sun
  • The offer vastly undervalued Rio and its growth prospects, he argued. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours.
  • It argued that the offer not only undervalued it but was fraught with risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the greatest underweening of this life is to undervalue that, unto which this is but exordial or a passage leading unto it. Christian Morals
  • It argued that the offer not only undervalued it but was fraught with risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some companies are seriously undervalued because the market just doesn't know how to value non-profitable companies.
  • Subsequently the executrix discovered that an asset of the deceased had during his life been sold at an undervalue.
  • Share prices look undervalued until a bidder comes along and makes an offer at a big premium. Times, Sunday Times
  • Extensive market research revealed that the site was substantially undervalued and a more realistic figure would be well over £100000.
  • This meant that the wave of demand for undervalued European stocks lifted both the good-quality and mediocre companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first two groups are undervalued, underowned and unloved, which is reassuring. The Contra Contrarian
  • These two films took a critical drubbing from some of the more thoughtful critics, but I think they have been undervalued.
  • Others target specific stocks that are in an index, overweighting those they think are especially undervalued and underweighting those thought to be too dear.
  • Some midwives reported feeling depressed and undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of God's choicest blessings to mankind, being thus easily parted with, are really undervalued; and it is an evidence of very great incogitancy. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • If he sells at an undervalue he is entitled to recover the loss from the auditor.
  • An undeniable attraction of an auction is the possibility that some undervalued item may be for sale.
  • The offer significantly undervalued Spice, it said. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hardly suggests that the currency was vastly overvalued then and is undervalued now.
  • The venerable British confectioner rejected out of hand the American food giant’s offer, saying it “fundamentally undervalues” the company, which could continue to thrive on its own.
  • A man may undervalue life as well as overprize it.
  • I think that notated music is very undervalued right now, for all sorts of reasons.
  • But while his essays are rightly complimented, his novels remain undervalued, sniped at by academics and denigrated by the reactionaries who see any attempt to knock America's heroes down to size as an act of treachery.
  • Ultimately, when the assets have been devalued and it is quite patently clear that those who end up in control are incompetent, they will pass to someone else at a gross undervalue.
  • A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the current climate, commitment and hard work within public services appear to be very much undervalued.
  • A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once again, one should never undervalue the innate decency of ordinary and not so ordinary Americans.
  • A particular stock may be undervalued, or it may be lousy value.
  • But in celebrating genius we willy-nilly undervalue, even devalue, the importance of effort, and with serious consequences.
  • This may mean they undervalue something (and therefore the market doesn't provide enough of it) or they may overvalue something (in which case the market will provide and distribute too much of it).
  • A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The history department was good at teaching, but research was undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steven Johnson's great book Where Good Ideas Come From uses the term "bricolage" to describe the random and often undervalued raw material from which innovations are crafted. Michael J. Critelli: Playing With What You've Got
  • Share prices look undervalued until a bidder comes along and makes an offer at a big premium. Times, Sunday Times
  • They weren't trapped, they weren't undervalued, they weren't depressed, they weren't not using whatever intelligence or skills they had.
  • The purchase was made under the guidance of Peter Silverman, a Canadian collector who has a reputation in the business (though he dislikes the term) as a "picker" - someone who scours auction houses for undervalued works. GoodShit
  • The sale is likely to be of interest to buyout firms looking to swoop on undervalued assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company had undervalued the building by £20 000.
  • The new company, often trading under the same or a similar name, uses the old company's assets, often acquired at an undervalue, and exploits its goodwill and business opportunities.
  • The two have repeatedly denied they are planning a takeover bid and said they see United as undervalued, representing a good long-term investment.
  • They have left the teaching profession, demoralized and undervalued.
  • If the stock price is less than the intrinsic value, the stock is undervalued and investors should buy it. DOT.CON
  • We clearly undervalued him as a member of our team.
  • The police complain bitterly about being undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Folks like to blame an undervalued currency.
  • For years, U.S. politicians and economists have groused about China's heavily undervalued currency. What's the Yuan Worth?
  • Reforms that undervalue these contributions are likely to do far more harm than good.
  • England know this day, that we lie unthankfully under as full a dispensation of mercy and grace as ever nation in the world enjoyed, and that without a lively acknowledgment thereof, with our own unworthiness of it, we shall one day know what it is (being taught with briers and thorns) to undervalue the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus. The Sermons of John Owen
  • They rejected the new deal, saying that even though the price was well above market value, it still undervalued the company.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives will vote Wednesday on a measure that would punish China and other countries who allegedly undervalue their currencies.
  • As it was felt, justifiably, that most Riojas were undervalued anyway, the increases implemented at the time have remained in place.
  • It's not surprising he views it as an undervalued asset. Times, Sunday Times
  • This asymmetry magnifies capital flows into emerging markets with open capital accounts, heightening upward pressure on exchange rates that are flexible and fueling inflation in economies with managed, undervalued exchange rates. Emerging Nations Reject Capital Plan
  • Additionally, his aim was to try and eliminate market risk by buying undervalued shares and selling overvalued ones.
  • He thrives by relentlessly exploiting market mismatches - by mining data that his rivals ignore and by scooping up assets that others have undervalued.
  • Avoid a tendency to undervalue yourself and your ability to make a worthwhile contribution.
  • But still, even as a full-timer, he felt underused and undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if there is a sale of an undervalue, duty is assessed at market value?
  • I know this sounds pompous, (it's supposed to) but sitting down to a communal family meal is seriously undervalued.
  • Doctors who want to devote much of their time to research are undervalued.
  • I felt overworked, undervalued, and unappreciated.
  • In all cases where land is transferred to a director or employee, an inspector must consider whether the transfer is at full value and, if not, whether the undervalue is a profit from the directorship or employment.
  • The problem with job evaluation is that without extra funding, work that has historically been undervalued (typically performed by low paid women) will not be uprated enough.
  • We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.
  • The rise from the mid-1990s was from a position in which prices were undervalued by a record amount. Times, Sunday Times
  • While spi is an undervalued stat and items with spi in it are often cheap, sta is always a good stat, loved by all classes so you can ask a good price for that, and items with agi in them tend to be more expensive than others because many rich players create a twink rogue to play with. Steelblossom's guide to making money in WoW
  • A consensus persists that the single European currency is undervalued at present levels and should recover over the medium term.
  • In The Greatest Prayer, Crossan argues that Christianity's best-known invocation is misunderstood and undervalued in today's society. Understanding The Lord's Prayer With John Dominic Crossan
  • Cathy has been knowingly undersold, under-respected and undervalued.
  • It is also ludicrous to suggest - as has often been argued during this dispute - that doctors are undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only are equities more undervalued than bonds at present, they will offer big gains for investors as companies profit from economic growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have always tried to fight the tough fight and accumulate investments when they were undervalued and sell them when they were overvalued.
  • In the case of a corporate borrower the most relevant provisions are those concerned with attacking transactions at an undervalue, preferences, and certain floating charges.
  • His bill, which has 132 co-sponsors, would authorize the Commerce Department to apply anti-dumping and countervailing duties against "injurious imports" from countries with undervalued currencies.
  • They have left the teaching profession, demoralized and undervalued.
  • The rise from the mid-1990s was from a position in which prices were undervalued by a record amount. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bacon not only despised the syllogism, but undervalued mathematics, presumably as insufficiently experimental. He was virulently hostile to Aristotle, but thought very highly of Democritus.
  • He should also visit a forensic science lab to see the marvellous work they do in solving crime while underfunded and undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • It just depends on recognizing the market imperfections that create the undervalued assets in a given market.
  • Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
  • An undeniable attraction of an auction is the possibility that some undervalued item may be for sale.
  • Other means of paying the debt are either inflation (debasement of the value of money), or economic growth - which is falsely measured because it is based on undervalued exhaustible resources and unvalued pollution. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
  • The Great Plains are a dynamic but often forgotten landscape -- overlooked, undervalued, misunderstood, and in desperate need of conservation. - Articles related to French holiday firm debuts 'Eco-Nature' resorts
  • Many analysts are also of the view that the ringgit is undervalued, but the Malaysian government maintains that it is at a competitive level.
  • Contrarian investors buy stocks that are undervalued and are fundamentally strong that are out of favor due to overpessimistic views, which drive the price down. US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors.
  • The economic fundamentals suggest that the rupiah is way undervalued.
  • ‘We don't need an inquiry to know that we are underpaid and undervalued,’ says Ken, the local union chairman.
  • You're looking at undereducated, undervalued and underdeveloped, men, women and children.
  • We had undervalued the flat by 5000.
  • The police complain bitterly about being undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of all, it is a public celebration of that most underpaid and undervalued form of journalism: the book review. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think Tom is a hugely undervalued talent.
  • The Chinese yuan is clearly undervalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember a man ill at ease with his height and fearful that his profound musical abilities were undervalued.
  • Alternatively, if unrealized and undervalued tax assets like tax credits and losses are on hand, a share purchase will be favoured.
  • Some of these complaints are well-founded, others are not; but even if all were true, they would misdescribe and undervalue what is going on here. China Makes, The World Takes
  • They have left the teaching profession, demoralised and undervalued.
  • They reiterated that the properties were being sold at undervalues.
  • A buy-back increases shareholder value if the company is truly undervalued.
  • Society undervalues staying home and looking after children.
  • If astrologers skulk around in the netherworld of ‘not worthy’ or undervalue their own personal abilities to offer a professional service to people, then nothing changes.
  • It looks for value in US stocks and focuses on company cash flow generation with the aim of identifying undervalued companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company had undervalued the building by £20 000.
  • The offer vastly undervalued Rio and its growth prospects, he argued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Provided you are satisfied that the market has undervalued that business, thank your lucky stars for the golden buying opportunity.
  • Alternatively, if unrealized and undervalued tax assets like tax credits and losses are on hand, a share purchase will be favoured.
  • China will also continue with the policies that allow its undervalued currency to inch up. Times, Sunday Times
  • It undervalued the tremendous job done by thousands of nursery workers.
  • Too often, we've undervalued our achievements.
  • Don't undervalue Jim's contribution to the research.
  • I didn't undervalue the choleric Colonel Clotho or the grim-voiced Lachesis, either; there was authority and purpose in the way they sat themselves down at either end of a table, the hooded heads facing me; from what the fat monster had said, the hidden faces must be well-known, to Americans at least. THE NUMBERS
  • In Mr. Barnett's case, he is quick to seize on undervalued assets that have potential for beautifully architected communities. Judy Shapiro: The Art and Science of Building Communities in the Digital Age
  • A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • True, scriptwriters are undervalued in Hollywood and Bollywood.
  • The statement that the Bulgarian lev is undervalued is in contradiction to statements from some economists that the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy is increasing at a slower pace than those in EU countries.
  • With the firm seriously undervalued he took it private and its value has soared.
  • They have left the teaching profession, demoralised and undervalued.
  • The job of a crossing patrol is undervalued and has become more dangerous.
  • Instead spend some time reading through the free annual report and then decide whether you believe the shares in the company are undervalued or overvalued.
  • Chairman Steven Roth is known as a shrewd real-estate deal-maker who is willing to take risks to take property he sees as undervalued. Big Shoppers Bag 26% of J.C. Penney
  • The risk with value investing is that undervalued stocks can remain so for a long time!
  • If the stock price is less than the intrinsic value, the stock is undervalued and investors should buy it. DOT.CON
  • Analysts claim that the firm's assets were undervalued by £300 million.
  • I would guess that equities are not only not overvalued but may still be undervalued. DOT.CON
  • ‘Our society undervalues some people's contributions (teachers, public servants) to building a healthy and wealthy society and overvalues others,’ he said.
  • He always undervalued his work.
  • They claimed that his accounting system was based on a liquidation value orientation, which would undervalue the firm as an entity whose sum value is greater than its parts.
  • It looks for firms whose debts are undervalued and trading at a large discount to their face value.
  • The world's biggest airports operator rejected the transport company's 810p a share bid on Friday, saying it undervalued the firm.
  • The House of Representatives voted to approve a bill that would allow the Commerce Department to put duties on goods from countries with undervalued currencies; its main target is China. House Passes Bill Aimed At Chinese Currency
  • A company that buys undervalued life insurers and merges them to make a more profitable entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The key attraction of a Fallen Angels approach to investing is that markets can overvalue winners and undervalue losers from the past.
  • Investors tend to buy undervalued stocks and sell overvalued stocks, and, in a market of many participants, the result can be anything but efficient.
  • Yet despite of our dependence on water, society still routinely undervalues it.
  • If a strike by railroad employees cripples the nation, that is an indication that these workers are undervalued.

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