How To Use Understanding In A Sentence

  • Luckily, I have a very understanding boss.
  • Advancing age has occasionally brought resolution, more often just a little understanding, to many of these riddles, but not necessarily to the resilient ambiguity of history.
  • Words are confusing, but they're nothing compared to non-words, mainly because non-words lead to rash assumptions and misunderstandings.
  • This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.
  • “Jill, someone who is cisgendered has an interpersonal sense or understanding of their gender and genitals that match or correspond (or what some might argue a “normative” state).” Third-Gendering « Bound, Not Gagged
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  • An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
  • Work with your staff on understanding the regressive behaviors that may be exhibited.
  • For if I pray in an unknown tongue , my spirit prayer, but my understanding is unfruitful.
  • In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
  • Each person makes his or her own decision according to personal perception and understanding.
  • It is critical to an understanding of deixis to recall that even very ‘local’ elements of context, such as a speaker's own corporeal experience and perceptual field, are susceptible of schematisation.
  • Knowing and understanding our limitation is very crucial and a significant part of emancipating ourselves from its control.
  • And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
  • This will give your small group a more complete understanding of what the original language depicted. Christianity Today
  • He had a good scientific understanding and quickly dismissed the beast.
  • But this volume considerably expands our understanding by widening the regional sphere of comparison and by taking on board issues of secrecy, cultural heritage and museology.
  • An affectionate arm around the shoulders, a warm and reassuring hug, a gentle touch upon the arm, even just an understanding glance, are enough to drive away the blues and kindle hope in a heart beset with workaday cares.
  • Whatever the fate of sense-datum theories might be as general theories of exteroception, their appeal as a model for understanding pains and other intransitive bodily sensations is very strong. Pain
  • Because there are several layers of appeal he can go through if he does not waive, that is our understanding also. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2006
  • He was quick to learn and was literate in both English and Irish and had a good understanding of the Brehan law.
  • The local curate expressed understanding at their sense of loss.
  • In a previous essay, we saw that a super-majority of evolutionary biologists self-identity as "pure naturalists," providing us good reason to think that a non-teleological prism is used to shape our current mainstream understanding of evolution. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others.
  • Cultural misunderstandings do happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
  • The absence of a clear understanding about those root causes largely explains why several would-be peace agreements ended up dishonoured or discarded.
  • The so-called audience learns about the proposer herself, measures her credibility, considers her ideas, and deepens her understanding of the current exigency as the rhetor sees it.
  • A number of vitamins, minerals and botanicals have emerged as key players in the bone-building story, and scientists are still working for a better understanding of their roles.
  • His comments need careful consideration, particularly given his deep understanding of commercial cases and his outspoken criticism in some serious fraud cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was only requisite for my understanding clearly to discern, to be convinced of the insuperability of this obstacle. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
  • Despite increased understanding of the nature of the disease in general, the factors that contribute to symptomatic destabilization are little studied and much remains conjectural.
  • A better understanding of Pre-IE gemination may li... Etruscan Tarchon and Hittite Tarhun: Crazy or no?
  • What needs to be globalised is knowledge and understanding.
  • Conclusion Over the past decade there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how cells use calcium to regulate their activity.
  • But, James, isn't the title indicative of "right" interpretation according to monotheistic understanding in opposition to Trinitarian understanding? and human moral development? Gratitude Mingled with Theological Concern
  • T. Golan Stockholm, SwedenAmerica needs to invest in long-term counterterrorist measures like cultural understanding. Mail Call
  • Collectively, the papers make a significant contribution to our understanding of science and cognition.
  • The tactful use of his skills and a clear understanding of the game have made this young man an instant favourite with the crowds in an alien land.
  • And that's one of the keys to understanding the fulfillment of future prophecies.
  • France and the U.S. have cooperated in space programs that have resulted in significant advancements in the understanding of such phenomena as El Niño, climate change, and seismology.
  • In classical episteme, the understanding of the same tragedy category is different to some extent because of in different time and space, but they are similar on the whole.
  • Firman said the dispute was triggered by a minor misunderstanding between a member of the police's Mobile Brigade and a group of marines.
  • We will have erected barriers to understanding and entrenched a division among people.
  • He reiterates the issues at the end of each chapter, with a brief summation of the argument, thus giving the reader a basic understanding of each author's particular intention.
  • This study offers new perspectives to clarifying our understanding of the specific phenotypes of bacterial biofilms and thus enables control of their development.
  • The show cloaks itself in wholesome, old-fashioned japery with its broad misunderstandings ("I said ghosts, not goats!") and knowing winks at Hi-de-Hi! and Frank Spencer, and the way Miranda's mother (Patricia Hodge) flits in and out as if through a time portal to a 1950s Whitehall farce. Rewind TV: Miranda; The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret; Accused: Willy's Story; Garrow's Law
  • Graduation is a time for rejoining and is also a time for reflection.You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself.Wish you well in all your understandings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • Here he sounds like the cautious elder, advising a sympathetic intellectualism that would open people to self-understanding.
  • They argue that as a tool of understanding rather than explanation, activity theory is supported primarily by means of idiographic, qualitative, and/or case studies.
  • The organisation also campaigns to raise awareness and understanding of mental health conditions and improve services. The Sun
  • Recognition is a prerequisite to understanding.
  • Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life. 
  • I wanted to convey a similar feeling for our progress toward a complete understanding of the laws that govern the universe.
  • I am not to learne, that these accidents by thee related, may happen to fooles, who are voide of understanding or shame: but such as are wise, and endued with vertue, have alwayes such a precious esteeme of their honour, that they wil containe those principles of constancie, which men are meerely carelesse of, and I justifie my wife to be one of them. The Decameron
  • As reported at ThinkProgress, Joe the Deacon, had this to say about replacing baby Jesus with a lump of Christmas coal in Silent Night: "I'll put my years as a Sunday school teacher, church deacon and church musician up against just about anybody else when it comes to understanding hymnology and respect for religious traditions. Justin Callaway: Joe the Deacon and the Church of Clean Coal Carolers: How to Faith-wash Green-washing
  • To gain a richer understanding of the problem of holism we must therefore distinguish it from the problem of determinism.
  • The importance of understanding the factors that play a part in EI formation and composition is critical to EI research.
  • It sure would bring a new level of understanding to our world of intoleration. Trolls, Anger, Taking Offense and One-Hit- Wonders
  • This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony. Radio stations in Oaxaca
  • It aims to give smokers a proper understanding of nicotine addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are worries that cultural misunderstandings can lead to lost sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through such models, some understanding can be gained of the way in which many settlements formerly operated in their local landscape.
  • Many mathematicians are musical and many musicians have good intuitive understanding of maths. Times, Sunday Times
  • The apodeictical proposition cogitates the assertorical as determined by these very laws of the understanding, consequently as affirming a priori, and in this manner it expresses logical necessity. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • The understanding that these diseases are genetic in origin, and different, has for the first time given humanity powerful tools with which to beat them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable.
  • It is beyond any understanding how he could have been caught up in all of this.
  • Such statistics aid our understanding of population movements but they mask the bewildering complexity that was the reality of the situation.
  • You're so good with people today and clear up any kind of misunderstanding - and then get on with enjoying all the festivities. The Sun
  • She added'I think it will give the public quite a good understanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wisdom and understanding have always been powerful and effective weapons against a poor belief/approach.
  • The first is the battle to win a deeper public understanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • My understanding (let alone expertise) in such fields is nonexistent and some of my opinions others on this site find wrong-headed.
  • a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: 6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • We bought the cupboard on the understanding that we could return it if it wasn't suitable.
  • There has been significant progress in in understanding the HIV infection.
  • It perpetuates the image of the boorish, boerewors eating, brandy drinking supporter when, in fact, our supporters are highly intelligent with a keen understanding of the game.
  • Today is your birthday,my darling.I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks for what you have done.Thank you for your cares and understanding and the at support you offer me when I need it.A whole of love to my dear husband.
  • Want the messiness of human life and understanding in microcosm? Archive 2009-09-01
  • His discoveries were of considerable use in understanding disease and they provided the basis of the biotechnology industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • But though this darkness were wholly removed, there is another darkness, that ariseth not from the want of light, but from the excessive superabundance of light — _caligo lucis nimiæ_, (240) that is, a divine darkness, a darkness of glory, such an infinite excess and superplus of light and glory, above all created capacities, that it dazzles and confounds all mortal or created understandings. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • His understanding of English is good.
  • He emphasizes that the guideline for research work is to serve the industry. Now, there are three important features in metal-cutting research work: A better understanding of the mechanism of the c...
  • Kaylin's understanding of the Dragon term hoard wasn't exact, but time had made clear that it meant 'touch any of my stuff and die horribly'. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The creditor would not be concerned with the question whether or not the surety had an adequate understanding of the transaction.
  • The overarching goal of my research program is to study and gain a better understanding of the impact of different factors on growth, population and community dynamics of agrestal, ruderal, and environmental weeds.
  • The principle that they were agreed on the understanding of the law at the time will apply.
  • Since plants suck up more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide than anything else on the planet, understanding leaf veins is an important part of grappling with the global carbon budget puzzle.
  • Perhaps that will inspire some radically new approaches to speech understanding that will supplant the methods we're developing now.
  • Never before have I seen such a poor understanding of the highway code.
  • You need support and understanding to quit before you do yourself irreparable harm. The Sun
  • It is very idealistically that we can all be liberated that comes from the philosophical understanding of life itself. Stacey Nemour: Shaolin Kung Fu: An Interview With Abbot Shi Yongxin
  • When reviewers and prize jurors tout a repetitive style as "the last word in gnomic control," or a jumble of unsustained metaphor as "lyrical" writing, it is obvious that they, too, are having difficulty understanding what they read. A Reader's Manifesto
  • Understanding these dynamics help a person gain insight and harmonize all their life activities.
  • True, we are expected to moonwalk across the vast waters dividing technology from the masses and tiptoe back on egocentric eggshells, circumventing treacherous misunderstandings and political back-stabbing.
  • Will we start to see signs that understandings have been reached between the two operators?
  • I trust his sincerity, but not his understanding of the abstractions which underpin good, stickable, co-ordinated policy. UNCoRRELATED
  • A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them.
  • Graphic organizers may be used in conjunction with synectics to promote learning and understanding.
  • Jeez," says Bill, shaking his head in frustration, not understanding why Microsoft can't get it right. Culture Club
  • For purposes of philosophical self-understanding, however, it is important to be clear that a phenomenon such as addiction can present different kinds of obstacles in the way of our acting well.
  • The student acquires knowledge, understanding and a range of competencies in a particular domain.
  • His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems.
  • On the part of those on whom they operate, they are indicative either of improbity or intellectual weakness, or of a contempt for the understanding of those on whose minds they are indicative of intellectual weakness; and on the part of those in and by whom they are pretended to operate, they are indicative of improbity, viz., in the shape of insincerity. Fallacies of Anti-Reformers
  • there was an understanding between management and the workers
  • Being able to develop English thinking, mother - tongue understanding, communicate and applicate flexibly.
  • My understanding is that with a fair wind behind him he may get a slightly bigger budget next time.
  • Because different groups have different values and understandings of right and wrong, the state would have to be neutral between them.
  • When I stood on my native hills, and saw plain and mountain stretch out to the utmost limits of my vision, speckled by the dwellings of my countrymen, and subdued to fertility by their labours, the earth's very centre was fixed for me in that spot, and the rest of her orb was as a fable, to have forgotten which would have cost neither my imagination nor understanding an effort. Introduction, I.1
  • NASA funding would be adequate to engage in concurrent engineering for our new systems and programs if the people knew the potential impact of not rapidly developing our capabilities and understanding of the space environment. Alan Stern on NASA's Cost Increase Problems - NASA Watch
  • Then we are left with an empirical question of understanding how nature and nurture interact.
  • The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by _commendation_ or _infeudation_ came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • Understanding the desires of both the developer and the golfer fuels the creative fire of most golf course architects.
  • He has a deep understanding of the environment.
  • The dynamism and energy of youth or the understanding and wisdom of maturity? Times, Sunday Times
  • This will give your small group a more complete understanding of what the original language depicted. Christianity Today
  • The El Pueblo gift store is an extension of these organizations' commitment to fostering understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity.
  • The Fund will support research projects intended to lead to an increased understanding of personal factors, social arrangements, social institutions and physical factors affecting the well being of disesteemed or disadvantaged persons.
  • As King said, "We must see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. John W. Whitehead: The 2010 Elections: Full of Sound and Fury, and Signifying Nothing
  • These objects confirmed us in a traditional humanist understanding of the world beyond our own.
  • The Administration proposed and the Senate approved a similar understanding in its resolution of ratification of the Convention against Torture.
  • I'm glad we've cleared that misunderstanding up.
  • They like to have a deep understanding of how to do business.
  • In the latter case, dreams may be illusory, but their nature is familiar to us from our understanding of the waking world. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • We conclude that it is still possible that our current understanding of planetary systems is unduly coloured by our intimate knowledge of our own solar system.
  • Still we manage to spend whole lifetimes together based on such understandings.
  • Maybe it helps understanding one kind of hoarder, but its presentation obscures understanding of – and arguably imposes shame upon – another. Of Shoes And Ships And Sealing Wax And Hoarding Stuff And Things | Her Bad Mother
  • His working-class origins and his experience as a manual labourer allowed him to bring a practical understanding of the industrial world to his studies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only is phylogeny important for understanding paleontology, but paleontology in turn contributes to phylogeny.
  • As they also lacked a written language, our understanding of their construction techniques remains piecemeal. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Too few dancers seem to me to have even a decent sense of rhythm, let alone demonstrate musical understanding.
  • He adds, a few lines further on, that this term freedom is an indefinite, and incalculably ambiguous term… liable to an infinity of misunderstandings, confusions and errors.
  • This philosophy allowed for an understanding that a part of the body could stand for the whole.
  • Many see understanding as accepting or condoning a behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also provided an understanding of another form of ecofeminism, class oppression. Caring for the Earth « AAUW Dialog
  • Softened by the events of the past week, affected by the melancholy beauty of the autumn day, Soames came nearer than he had ever been to realisation of that truth — passing the understanding of a Forsyte pure — that the body of Beauty has a spiritual essence, uncapturable save by a devotion which thinks not of self. To Let
  • She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.
  • This argument aimed at the understanding rather than the emotions.
  • Since the loan is for $10,000, it is our understanding that the foregone interest would not represent taxable income to him. Christianity Today
  • There must have been some misunderstanding between the minister and his secretary.
  • For an understanding of the role which the idea of revolution has played in the language of politics it is important to keep in mind that the meaning of the term reaches from simply designating a change in government to the belief in a heaven-determined, cyclical, political development. REVOLUTION
  • Where positivists emphasize facts and cause-and-effect relationships, interactionists emphasize insight and understanding.
  • Baptism implies full membership of the Church and must never be separated from that understanding.
  • This method a simple understanding of the radiation processes in compartment fires such flashover.
  • This understanding is as yet embryonic, unformed, nowhere near as solidly defined as citizenship was in the very recent past.
  • We are hoping to gain a better understanding of the underlying process.
  • It's been my understanding ever since law school that fee-splitting, except where both lawyers actually do some work AND where the client consents -- is indeed unethical according to state codes of ethics for lawyers. Why is This Legal?
  • Facilities such as these will allow the engineer to possibly gain deeper systems understanding and through this obtain greater diagnostic certainty.
  • The key lies in understanding what causes miliaria and following the simple steps to prevent it.
  • With an understanding that these old houses and cane fields tell no story to those who are removed from their history, the maintenance of the gravesites is a necessary act in the preservation of ancestry.
  • Accounting function is the external aspect of the nature of accounting which depend on the accounting environment and ideological understanding level of human. It is variable.
  • Maybe it's all just a big misunderstanding.
  • Because travellers to endemic areas are also at risk, healthcare providers should have an understanding of the spectrum of infection, how to diagnose it, and what the appropriate treatment is.
  • Academics sitting in ivory towers have no understanding of what is important for ordinary people.
  • It is this which he takes as the key to an understanding of contemporary society, and of culture itself.
  • Lest any misunderstanding should remain - and it is likely that I have sometimes used incautious language in presenting the theistic case - I must stress the following points.
  • SARAH PALIN, (R) ALASKA: When my amniocentesis results came back showing what they called abnormalities, oh, dear God, I knew I had instantly an understanding for that fleeting moment why someone would believe it could seem possible to change those circumstances, just make it all go away and get some normalcy back in life. CNN Transcript Apr 17, 2009
  • Not only are the claims made for rave exaggerated and in many cases unwarranted, but they rest on a misunderstanding of history.
  • An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
  • Another aid to understanding and recall is to make diagrams or sketches. 23 Steps to Successful Achievement
  • It is an admirable method to avoid misunderstanding and mistranslation of the source text, which often provides insight into the source culture.
  • The meters are connected on a network that is not on the internet and the government said that reports of loopholes were based on misunderstanding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Understanding of religious freedom may vary from one social system to another.
  • I must be especially watchful for assumptions which can be the root of misunderstandings.
  • So it is important for insurers to package products to suit unique requirements, besides pricing them competitively and providing a clear understanding of the cover with simple, easy-to-understand policy wordings.
  • Those Antipodeans had the same understanding of rhythmic lyrics, chord progressions and harmonising melodies as Ezio.
  • He went on to say while initially it was his understanding that the monument was to be moved, it subsequently emerged that there were problems in doing this.
  • To his rescue, to head off any eviction warrants, comes Mrs Whatsername, from Whatever Company, complete with a patronising understanding smile.
  • At the moment though your claims of what the industry writ large is up to is lacking in sourcing & wider understanding. Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)
  • So my aim widens to include some understanding of my fellows. The Education of a Gardener
  • Your mind is clear and you can do the straightforward talking that helps build understanding at home. The Sun
  • I was given a chance to go through some of the gawkiest stages of growing up in an atmosphere of sympathy and understanding.
  • In college, Jeannette is singled out by a professor for not understanding the plight of homeless people; instead of defending herself, she keeps quiet. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls: Questions
  • But many of the slights, misunderstandings and, yes, conniving, are typical of any bureaucracy, as officials pursue a range of different agendas.
  • I think that understanding these rough fault lines helps to recognize the unarticulated starting points that lie behind many modern legal debates.
  • This misunderstanding is yet another example of bad communication .
  • Street sweeping requires a rudimentary understanding of how a brush works. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had no pity, no compassion, no understanding of what the victims of war suffered.
  • Full appreciation of its many other medical uses requires understanding of both historical usage as well as modern scientific studies.
  • Noise, perceived control, perceived freshness and misunderstanding all discussed as possible causes for the apparent disjunction.
  • ˜God is good to us™ understanding of God's goodness is ruled out on this approach: for the notion of ˜good to us™ is a normative notion. Theological Voluntarism
  • Yet, by the end of the semester, this was the book that most illuminated their understandings of the complex causations behind forest change.
  • There is much interest in understanding the interaction of peptides with lipid bilayers at atomic detail.
  • Putting Bloom through his never-ending role-playing may be mis-guided but beyond the showmanship is a simple understanding that his brother is his number one concern. Mark enjoys the company of THE BROTHERS BLOOM! | Obsessed With Film
  • There is a big gulf in that understanding that we have allowed to grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Sanders said the controversy is a misunderstanding. Victoria Advocate - Navy says candidate was no SEAL
  • Discovering and understanding the many benefits of luxury and convenience from a Quality Air Mattress Bed.
  • Minor corrective surgery can help and some understanding reassurance could help your wife too. The Sun
  • From then on, they referred to the bodacious OSS assistant by that “Dumas title,” and on such a slender reed a mutual understanding was formed. A Covert Affair
  • Gina looked blank; then understanding dawned.
  • So the theme that understanding requires love to attain its end merges by this route into theology.
  • The hardest part of this job is understanding the new technology.
  • Put aside all Facing the misunderstanding to keep cool.
  • A further dimension is added to our understanding.
  • The research aims to investigate the contribution to pupils' understanding and tolerance made by language teaching.
  • His theory is therefore more able to explain change, and even to initiate change through the understanding which it gives.
  • Sabriel felt a strong undercurrent of understanding pass between them, and received the profound impression that she had made a loyal friend for life.
  • It would be an uneven match in terms of learning and informed understanding.
  • Is he the man who most advances our understanding of the quarry? Times, Sunday Times
  • I have not read Temin's lecture, but it is my understanding that the Hitler regime was marked by even greater cartelization and concentration than anything done in the US. American Mugabe?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

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