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  1. provide with a base, support, lining, or backing
    underlay the boards with joists
  2. put (something) under or beneath
    They underlaid the shingles with roofing paper
  3. raise or support (the level of printing) by inserting a piece of paper or cardboard under the type
    underlay the plate
  1. a pad placed under a carpet

How To Use underlay In A Sentence

  • Never use the foam underlayment with moisture barrier on wood floors or wood subfloors.
  • The 25-year-old burglar had fallen asleep on a roll of underlay and given himself away by snoring.
  • Keep the floors covered with close-fitted carpet with a foam backed underfelt or underlay.
  • There were profound political issues that underlay our choices about what we sang, and what we did and why we did it.
  • The passion that underlay her opinions - which could seem arbitrary at times, and were often as unpredictable as her temperament - was doubtless genuine.
  • The new trick - the key to the work - is that Periton now underlays each black silhouette with an exact replica made in a dayglo tone of pink, orange, green or red.
  • For draughtproofing remember to fit underlay beneath carpets or laminate flooring to reduce heat loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • By recycling old carpets the team hope to reduce the pressure on landfill sites and provide a low-cost alternative to underlays currently available.
  • Objective: To estimate and compare the therapy effects of tympanoplasty between oversleeve sandwich method and underlay method.
  • With right sides together, stitch the placket underlay to the front facing raw edges, using a 3/8 ‘wide seam allowance.’
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