How To Use Underhand In A Sentence
I feel the whole practice of gazumping completely unfair and underhand.
‘No Clymer, I want you to try serving underhand,’ Mrs. Toth said, sounding exasperated.
It was of course the law of the place that they were never to take no notice, as Mr. Buckton said, whom they served; but this also never prevented, certainly on the same gentleman's own part, what he was fond of describing as the underhand game.
In the Cage
Campaigners for tenants' rights say that the number of unscrupulous letting agents exploiting tenants and landlords with underhand tactics has risen dramatically over the past two years.
Times, Sunday Times
A more transparent and honest way of charging would be preferable to the underhand and morally dubious system currently employed.
Times, Sunday Times

Could it be because they use exactly the same underhand tactics?
The Sun
It is willing to be underhand and devious.
Times, Sunday Times
He said: ‘I think it is underhanded and duplicitous and it is double standards.’
Doug and I came up with a sneaky, underhanded and brilliant plan which kept us strong and under little pressure for the first three years.
The head of Nato in Libya, Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard, said Col Gaddafi's forces had employed what he called underhand and immoral tactics in their seven-week drive to dislodge the rebels from the city.
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an underhand stroke
It also accounts -- the sinking of the Edinburgh, I mean -- for the rather underhanded decision to use the San Andreas.
This would apparently allow players to know their market worth and to find the best deal for them, without the need for underhand wheeling and dealing.
Although their values are similar to my own, doesn't their method of getting laws passed seem a little underhanded?
A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens.
My experience on a recent trip from south Wales to Southampton must be near the top of its class for underhand police methods of catching errant motorists.
Times, Sunday Times
And despite underhand pitching, this isn't costume softball.
This pass is thrown off the dribble, as the ball comes up to the dribblers hand, in an underhand motion.
It's a devious and underhand tactic.
Times, Sunday Times
Horrified at having her spending curbed, she resorts to underhand methods until she is caught cheating at her favourite wine bar.
The Sun
It is just so disappointing to see him try and do it in this underhand way.
A refusal to bend to underhand practices is admirable, but an inability to present a united front has been negligent.
Times, Sunday Times
-- A combined stope is made by the coincident working of the underhand and "rill" method (Fig. 27).
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I feel it's very unfair and underhand - they don't give you the chance to put it right.
No, you must play underhand with me, knowing that this billet was the one chance for me to get on my feet again.
Bunches of Knuckles
And its history is pebbledashed with scandal, from ball-tampering to spot-fixing, from underarm bowling to underhand dealings.
The Sun
To deceive by sly or underhand means; cheat.
I've had four years of his sneaky, underhanded, dirty ways.
It always seems to me a kind of spiteful and devious and underhanded sort of job.
A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens.
It always seems to me a kind of spiteful and devious and underhanded sort of job.
They believe that people, when they hear the term swift boat, know that this -- or believe that that is sort of a code for underhanded politics.
CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2008
The floating two-handed underhand lay-up: Can be used by a hard driving guard coming down the lane in front of a closely defended basket.
His behaviour in administering the injections was consistent with the underhand and covert manner in which he purchased the drug.
The Sun
He was merciless, cruel, underhanded, dirty, and brutal to his enemies.
What a ridiculous and gutlessly underhanded stunt.
Surely, the activists will not stop until they have tried every means, no matter how underhanded, to get their way all across the country.
But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhand.
The film has three slackers riding their way through college on scams, cheats and underhanded stunts.
Despite some underhand tactics from her opponents, Erin emerged as victor and her smile filled the Guildhall.
To effectuate this was the work of Alfieri -- of Alfieri, who, of all men, was most interested to keep Mme. d'Albany in her husband's house; of Alfieri, who, of all men, was the least fitted for any kind of underhand practices.
The Countess of Albany
There was nothing underhanded or secretive about this at all.
To complete this workout, perform pull-ups - if you have an appropriate place to do them - to hit your back (and your biceps, especially with an underhand grip).
He tucked it under his wiry forearm and smiled at me with what I took to be an underhanded beneficence.
Cena hangs from a bar overhead using a narrow, underhand grip.
There was always a hint that he was being underhanded, sneaky.
She admits agents have a tarnished reputation for being greedy and alleged underhand dealing but says money is not the top priority for her agency.
The Sun
I have watched her from time to time, and I can not find that she has ever been guilty of disobedience to rules, or any kind of underhand behavior.
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If he tries anything underhand, he'll be struck off.
One of her thoughts was, ‘on pitch shots, you should have the sensation that you are tossing the ball underhand to the pin.’
For instance in softball the pitcher throws underhand.
At a time when even the secret services are bound by the demands of openness and transparency, nobody dares put their name to any demand that might be construed as underhand.
In their eyes, he has reached covert deal with contractor, that is the contractor bribed him underhand so as to get the contract to build the city roads and bridges. 6.A cat may look at a king.
The bow is held underhand with the palm upwards, the up-bow therefore being the stronger bowstroke.
Our politicians would love to tell the press what to print and so cover up their underhand way of life.
The Sun
I use an underhand grip and start with my hand near the opposite deltoid.
So last week we finally resorted to underhand tactics.
Hold handle with your right hand in an underhand grip, palm up.
Before the sword was near him, he struck the horse's head with an underhand swing, knocking the beast onto its side.
There had to be a hidden secret, underhanded or malign.
But Crassus is very generally blamed for his changeableness in his friendships and enmities, for his unfaithfulness, and his mean and underhand proceedings; since he himself could not deny that to compass the consulship, he hired men to lay violent hands upon Domitius and
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I would never have expected her to behave in such an underhand way.
Fortunately, she chose to serve underhand.
A caller to a phone-in which I heard yesterday took umbrage at the underhand tactics employed by Nasa.
Try these forearm-strengthening exercises: While sitting on a chair or a bench, hold a dumbbell in your hand with an underhand grip and place your forearm on top of your thigh so that your hand hangs over the edge of your knee.
England's bid team members have made clear that they are not prepared to use underhand tactics.
Times, Sunday Times
oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the align Germany with the Western democracies
You, of all people, should know the nature of my character - I have no qualms over using the most destructive, underhand methods to get what I want.
Taking that an 'putting it with the murder an' other funny things that's been happening about Mr. Sumner lately, it 'pears to me that something underhand is going on, he said with a deferential bow.
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This is blackhearted, underhanded, and criminal.
Few things rouse your anger more than arrangements that are underhand.
Times, Sunday Times
A personality of smallness and egotism and petty underhandedness seemed to emanate from the letters themselves.
He shouted the score, and hit it underhand over the net.
Grasp a barbell with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart.
But while sending in two reporters dressed as Arab sheikhs might seem underhand to some, the story garnered by these methods was firmly in the public interest.
He thrived with a peculiar underhand delivery, behind which there's another story, perhaps true.
Grasp the barbell with an alternating grip (one hand overhand, one hand underhand) and with your hands slightly wider than your legs.
It all seems very underhand, and we had no knowledge of it whatsoever when we applied for planning permission.
Few put the victory down to underhand influence however.
Mr Livingstone accused the government of being underhand.
So fuel bills for the thousands of people on this tariff will go up by 25 per cent, which seems to me to be sneaky and underhand.
Times, Sunday Times
All of a sudden, Dayne has become this slow, plodding running back who wasn't fast enough and couldn't catch a ball if you threw it underhand.
However, the grenades do have a new secondary function - underhand toss.
Picking a round so confidently smacks more of huge self-belief than anything underhand.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile two books are coming out soon about the sport's language, amid claims of some underhand play.
So they had me play second base, where I could flip the ball underhand to first base.
It finally ended with the guy throwing an underhand pass from behind the line of scrimmage, then falling on his back at the 13-yard line in exhaustion.
Putting is like tossing a ball underhand, I told her: As you get farther away, you increase your arm swing, using a short backswing and longer forward throw.
Basically, the setup and execution are the same as for reverse wrist curls, except for the grip, which is underhand.
We haven't done anything underhand.
Times, Sunday Times
We don't do things underhand to score points on one another.
achieved success in business only by underhand methods
He's gentleman and would never say anything underhand about me.
This device allows you to pull the handles into the sides of your waist, again targeting the lower lats, a focus accentuated by using an underhand grip.
We do not vote these people in to act in this underhand way.
The Sun
The statement is cut short as the blind man draws his sword underhand, drives the point into his damaged right foot, and contorts his body with torso straining into a ninety degree bend.
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Rubin, 60, sees Obama as the villain -- he genuinely doesn't like him, calling him "the most underhanded politician since Richard Nixon;" and depicting him as a kind of flim-flam man/flip-flopper (on FISA and public financing, for example) whose supporters are like "cultists.
Carol Felsenthal: Still Pushing Hard for Hillary -- for President
While seated beneath the bar, unlock it using an underhand grip with your thumbs 8 inches apart.
I use underhanded methods in order to accomplish good things.
They have been underhanded and they have used cheap media ploys.
For barbell rows, I used an underhand grip and kept my torso at about a 70-degree angle in relation to the floor.
But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhanded.
No one was lying or doing anything underhand.
Times, Sunday Times
His antipathy towards personalised politics is long established, but that hasn't stopped others from making him the subject of unpleasant and underhand methods.
‘Go back to bed,’ a tired Serilda yelled as she lazily tossed a pillow underhand at Kaatje.
The entire display works on you in this slippery, underhand manner.
Times, Sunday Times
People who, up to this point, had let things roll by, were suddenly up in arms, venting their spleen, crying blue murder, suggesting some kind of unfair and underhand arrangement had been reached.
However, I alternate sets, using a very narrow grip with thumbs touching for one set and a close underhand reverse grip for the next set, for a total of four sets (two sets with each grip) per exercise.
Doug and I came up with a sneaky, underhanded and brilliant plan which kept us strong and under little pressure for the first three years.
Is McCain secretly exploiting underhanded attacks on Obama?
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Almost every player shot a two-handed underhand free throw that started from around the knees, or lower.
He'd done a lot of things that could be considered underhanded, even duplicitous.
He told us that despite the delay and some confusion, there was nothing improper or underhanded about how events unfolded.
He would bob his head, turn his back on the batter, look skyward or into the field boxes, then deliver the ball from a bewildering array of angles, overhand, sidearm or even underhand.
Alright, so it was a rather underhanded method of extracting the truth.
It sounds dull but it this sort of underhand skullduggery that bloggers should be uncovering.
I was no longer the poor unwitting victim of some innocent's stupidity; I had been selectively harvested and used as a disguise for an underhand trader.
We do the dirty jobs: the ohs the press call stinking and underhanded.
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The hiring and unhiring of new employees was like an underhand rag-toss into the cyclone that was thrashing around just under his unwatchful eye.
Now grasp the barbell with an underhand grip, keeping your thumbs below the bar.
Surely it is the politicians that have brought politics into disrepute with their spin culture, deceit, half-truths and underhand dealings?
The film has three slackers riding their way through college on scams, cheats and underhanded stunts.
He'd done a lot of things that could be considered underhanded, even duplicitous.
This man was underhanded and sneaky, preferring to let others do the fighting for him.
Another great exercise for your biceps is to take an underhand grip on a chinning bar and draw your body up towards the bar.
Front arm raises are also vital in some underhand throwing and hitting actions, as in bowling, softball, baseball, racquetball and other sports, to allow for greater force production and to prevent injury.
Mean revenge, committed underhand
However, the grenades do have a new secondary function - an underhand toss.
You lost the “spiritual” warfare at that point when you opted for underhanded avariciousness.
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Parties and organisations who encourage such shameful, underhand practices are a disgrace to democracy.
The Sun
She admits agents have a tarnished reputation for being greedy and alleged underhand dealing but says money is not the top priority for her agency.
The Sun
Needless to say, I was forced to adjust my back routine after tearing my biceps, which meant switching from an underhand to an overhand grip.
Say, for instance, the underhand toss the hurler sent toward the behind (aka catcher) went to the spot you'd indicated and you walloped a shot to the second sack man.
There is nothing covert or underhand about what has been going on here.
They did it all in such an underhand way.
Deputy President Thabo Mbeki's office on Sunday issued a statement rejecting what it said were suggestions in weekend newspaper that he played an "underhand" role in Cyril Ramaphosa's decision to quit as deputy chairman of the New Africa Investment
ANC Daily News Briefing
Note: Rhines threw sidearm, except for the “upcurve” which was thrown underhanded, and appeared to break upwards.
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The floating two-handed underhand lay-up: Can be used by a hard driving guard coming down the lane in front of a closely defended basket.
To fulfil this ambition he was prepared to go to any lengths, nomatterhow underhand or devious they might be.
He played an underhanded trick on me.
However, I feel that this should be the final act in our war of dirty, underhanded tricks.
Diplomacy as a game values the sly, the cunning, the underhanded, the crafty.
A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens.
It also accounts -- the sinking of the Edinburgh, I mean -- for the rather underhanded decision to use the San Andreas.
I found this post kind of troubling - Mr Raymond clearly feels guilty about his part in corrupting the system - his expose is an attempt to cleanse his conscience and sleep peacefully - but most of his post is an underhanded justification of why campaigns are corrupt!
How to Rig an Election? Ask the Author - Freakonomics Blog -
In any event, the fuel levy is an underhand tax with a history of abuse in this country.
You're not owed anything but, at BEST, the neglect of a postliterate culture, and at worst the sort of calumny and brickbats otherwise reserved for child molestors and the people who hang their toilet paper in the incorrect underhand manner.
Nick Mamatas' Journal
Grasping the bar with an underhand (palms facing up) grip, hands about shoulder-width apart, she pulls the bar in toward her abdomen.
Can you not see, yourself, that what you did was sneaky and underhand?
Times, Sunday Times
Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip at approximately shoulder width.
It also accounts -- the sinking of the Edinburgh, I mean -- for the rather underhanded decision to use the San Andreas.
They are trying underhanded ways to sabotage the celebration.
The partnership was finally broken by a underhand throw from Hanif at cover point, disturbing the wickets from side-on.
Hold the bar in an underhand grip and curl the bar upwards.
The Sun
For biceps and back, progress from modified chin-ups (bar at chest height, with feet on ground and body in piked position, underhand grip) to regular chin-ups.
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Everybody in the county was aware of Jasper's talent for underhanded dealing, you probably considered him an answer to your prayers.
Isleworth councillors have accused Hounslow Homes of being ‘underhand’ about plans to reduce the concierge service for residents of the four tower-blocks on the Ivybridge Estate.
Pulis would likely take grave offence if you suggested he'd been up to anything as underhand and fancy as tiki-taka but the increasing use of silky wing play has helped move the side away from a reliance on Rory Delap's long throw-ins and sundry other set plays, all arrowed towards the big men in the box.
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Could it be some kind of underhand marketing strategy, designed to get us to max out our credit cards?
I believe the Council has acted in a sneaky and underhand manner and this is proof we have them worried.
Then I decided that I would show up and let you know what I thought of such despicable, underhanded behaviour.
I don't think the founders wanted the 1st amendment "whored" to achieve underhanded political ends.
The Young Turks
Most pornographers are exactly the same as any unscrupulous business owners in their underhand ways of drawing people into using their products.
Underhand work of that sort is against the grain with me.
My struggle to gain my livelihood was for some time rendered considerably more difficult by this kind of ungenerous and underhand antagonism.
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Underhand work of that sort is against the grain with me.
Please reject this underhanded attempt to subvert democracy in Illinois.
They believe that people when they hear the term swift boat, know that this -- or believe that that is sort of a code for underhanded politics.
CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2008
The school cares and has anti-bullying policies, but bullying is often secretive and underhand.
The only victory in this sad display of arrogance and underhanded political dealings is that it will ensure Republican takeover of Congress and the Presidency in upcoming elections.
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Mr Livingstone accused the government of being underhand.
He could hand off with the best of them and, on the rare occasion he was told to throw the ball, he did whatever it took - even tossing the ball underhand or leaving both feet to get more oomph on a throw.
Hold the bar with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, palms up.
The Left constantly claims to be for these groups and, especially, against stereotyping of them, but the very existence of these groups which you are put in whether you want to be or not – another example of the insidious underhand coerciveness of the Left forces stereotypical behaviours, attitudes and outlooks upon those within them.
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The pass would either be a backward flip as he veers to the side without turning to look at the trailer or a two-hand underhand pass after he pivots quickly and protectively back toward the middle.
A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens.
On a break, he dribbled up the wing, tossed an underhand scoop towards the rim, took two steps, launched and then jammed it home with authority.
In the end, it was all right, I was cleared of any underhand dealings.
He tried to dishonour you, and I was resolved to dishonour him by hook or crook, if it took a lifetime, and if what I did was dishonourable, too, and underhand and sly, I don't care a docken!
They have threatened me to pushback and obviously they were asking for some bribe. I chose not to waste more time and I had to settle that matter with $20 dollar underhand.
The big mobile phone companies, it is fair to point out, do not obviously condone underhand practices.
Times, Sunday Times
I remembered, with a sense of irony, the distaste I had had for such underhanded methods.
It can only be the devious and underhand tactic of incorporating it in 90% of the world's web browsers.
Stacy's deceit is never very funny or amusing - it's just sneaky and underhanded.
Keep your hands about shoulder-width apart with an underhand grip and fully extend your arms downward and in front of your thighs.
He made one president, and could have been it himself, instead, if he'd be'n willing to do a kind of underhand trick, but I expect without it he was about as big a man as anybody'd care to be; Governor, Senator, Secretary of State -- and just owned his party!
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Griffith and Viya both used such immoral, underhanded tactics to achieve what they wanted.
This man was underhanded and sneaky, preferring to let others do the fighting for him.
The store is underhanded in the Christmas season.
I found this post kind of troubling - Mr Raymond clearly feels guilty about his part in corrupting the system - his expose is an attempt to cleanse his conscience and sleep peacefully - but most of his post is an underhanded justification of why campaigns are corrupt!
How to Rig an Election? Ask the Author - Freakonomics Blog -
Sometimes people think that because pitching underhand is such a natural movement, we don't need to rest and that's not true.
And as much fun as it was to scour the internet for the chestiest pic of Salma we could find, we still don't approve of this kind of underhanded hackery.
The store is underhanded in the Christmas season.
Mostly from land and underhand deals.
Times, Sunday Times
ZAKARIA: And what do you say to people who say, this was a kind of underhand move, it should have been done by referendum?
CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2008
an underhand pitch
A more transparent and honest way of charging would be preferable to the underhand and morally dubious system currently employed.
Times, Sunday Times
Why do brands employ such underhand tactics to sell to us?
Times, Sunday Times
An honest man doesn't do anything underhand.
For a man to be disorderly in a civil state, yea, oftentimes through turbulency to break the peace, is nothing to an underhand combination with some formidable enemy for the utter subversion of it.
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