How To Use Undergrowth In A Sentence

  • The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
  • As the struggle between the exotic island's warring factions reaches critical mass, further questions emerge from the tangled undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • We love writing about bands and singers that emerge from the tangled undergrowth and come blinking into the bright glare of publicity. The Sun
  • A plump, fast running bird which keeps to the undergrowth, the black francolin only flies when disturbed.
  • Alas, the thickening undergrowth has also proven the undoing of one of the less bright avian ground feeders.
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  • As she approached the local railway station at the end of her route, she was struck by somebody from behind, held in an armlock around her throat and dragged off towards nearby dense trees and undergrowth.
  • Barracks, tents and makeshift shelters sprang like undergrowth from the soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tortuously narrow Lolo Trail, blocked by crags, trees and undergrowth, was quickly traversed by Joseph's uncomplaining cavalcade.
  • They are usually found in the mossy undergrowth in woods but we've found them right by the roadside.
  • There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth.
  • A new approach was being mooted in the heaving undergrowth of ultra-left literature.
  • Police discovered the body hidden in thick undergrowth.
  • Many beaters like to carry their own stick, to help them get up and down banks, as well as for beating the undergrowth.
  • We clambered over the stile and onto a well-worn path fringed by dry rotting undergrowth.
  • Like adventurers, we followed him up and up through the bracken, heather and gorse, thrashing the undergrowth aside with sticks.
  • The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth.
  • The gasping clouds of my breath mingled with the fog as I followed the spoor, pushing through denuded branches and the winter skeletons of undergrowth.
  • Prolonged dry periods and seasonal high winds in spring help create ideal conditions for wildfire to spread quickly through highly-flammable moorland undergrowth.
  • They suffered nasty cuts as they clambered over rock faces and waded through undergrowth. The Sun
  • I could hear an animal scuttling about in the undergrowth.
  • We love writing about bands and singers that emerge from the tangled undergrowth and come blinking into the bright glare of publicity. The Sun
  • Much of the undergrowth is dense and difficult to penetrate, but the possibility of following free-roaming flocks is still relatively good, because walking paths criss-cross the area.
  • Garden birds need undergrowth to hide and rest in and nest sites in your large hedge, away from the prying eyes of the magpies.
  • The work will involve removing undergrowth, felling scrub and a large bonfire!
  • They suffered nasty cuts as they clambered over rock faces and waded through undergrowth. The Sun
  • The mesophilous semideciduous forest with fluctuating moisture has an arboreal story 8-15 m high, an undergrowth of microphyllous and thorny deciduous species (with leaves 1-6 cm long), and a rich herbaceous layer formed by numerous geophytes. Cuban dry forests
  • I follow the paths in the dense undergrowth leading into bushes or spaces under trees hidden from view, particularly in the heavy growth of summer.
  • Chaparral, also called the elfin forest, survives in hot, dry conditions and features plants that have thick leaves to minimize water loss and animals that have thick fur to protect them from rough undergrowth.
  • He dropped his reins, and his horse began nosing about in the undergrowth for forage.
  • The parklike understory turned into rank undergrowth, and the inevitable result was a bushfire that destroyed all the old-growth, hollow trees.
  • We heard a grunt from the undergrowth, then a rustle of leaves, then something pawing impatiently at the ground.
  • The undergrowth of thorns and shrubs was bad enough, but in addition the whole place was chock-full of a sort of reed with long leaves about an inch or so broad.
  • We love writing about bands and singers that emerge from the tangled undergrowth and come blinking into the bright glare of publicity. The Sun
  • It was slow work, for the trees were close, and in places dense with the bare vines and stalks of undergrowth.
  • The explorers beat a path through the thick undergrowth.
  • The undergrowth is often dense with dwarf palmettos and with such vines as earleaf, saw greenbriers (both very prickly), muscadine, and summer grape, all tough on hikers.
  • tried to push through the matted undergrowth
  • In the undergrowth you can see white anemones, while the marshes are punctuated by kingcups and irises.
  • They are mainly active by day, and use well trodden paths, but disappear into dense undergrowth when alarmed. Animals of the World
  • Pak Rabun was padding along the mulch in the sparse undergrowth when he stopped and went tense.
  • With such visible history, the sun-blackened ruins poking out from the undergrowth and overgrowth, Nevis is fun to explore.
  • The Cumberlands were covered with rich undergrowth of the red and white rhododendron, the delicate laurel, the mountain ivy, the flameazalea, the spicewood, and the cane; while the white stars of the dogwood and the carmine blossoms of the red-bud, strewn across the verdant background of the forest, gleamed in the eager air of spring. The Conquest of the Old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, 1740-1790
  • I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth.
  • In addition we have taken the opportunity to remove an unused reservoir on the site and to tidy undergrowth within the site boundary.
  • When they arrived, the 100 ft-long rockery was smothered by undergrowth and the Japanese acers were invisible to the eye.
  • The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
  • The path wound in and out of deep ravines, through thick oak and pine forests and dense undergrowth.
  • We would have had difficulty identifying it as a logging site as the stumps were mossed and the beech seedlings and undergrowth were abundant - a total contrast from the sites we were accustomed to seeing after harvesting by the old method.
  • The occupants of a house with a large garden found the body of former nurse Mrs Paines hidden in bushes and dense undergrowth at the far end of their property.
  • The murder weapon was found concealed in undergrowth.
  • It usually took three difficult days to get there, since the mountain itself was so covered with thick vegetation consisting of huge broadleaf hardwoods and undergrowth that one had to fight through the plants to get to the house.
  • The event, which takes place twice a year, involves clearing back undergrowth and picking up litter from the area.
  • The north shores of Loch Maree are rich in oak wood and associated undergrowth and the glens are full of wild flowers.
  • He said the big cat was gone in a matter of seconds, but he was left shaken as the animal darted away through trees and undergrowth.
  • The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth.
  • On the way we discovered fossils buried on the bank, frightened the geese, met a dog called Ronnie, picked tall bullrushes and got thoroughly lost in the undergrowth trying to find the path.
  • I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth.
  • We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.
  • I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth.
  • Suddenly she about-faced and grappled him into the undergrowth.
  • Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
  • I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth.
  • The undergrowth will take care of itself, and there’ll still be some thirty sazheens of fire-wood left on each desyatin,’ said he to himself. Master and Man
  • He said the big cat was gone in a matter of seconds, but he was left shaken as the animal darted away through trees and undergrowth.
  • This butterfly always flies close to the ground in shady places or among the jungle undergrowth.
  • I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth.
  • The clearing of undergrowth for trek paths and human interference had badly affected the thrushes, babblers, warblers and bulbuls in this region.
  • He said that, if London were destroyed to-morrow, in ten years 'time its site would be covered with a forest of maple, sycamore, robinia, showing an undergrowth of Persian willow-herb. The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Volume 2
  • Jax reached the jungle, diving headlong into the dense undergrowth just as the barrel exploded.
  • We cleared through this banking last winter, taking out or coppicing overgrown shrubs and controlling the undergrowth of brambles and ferns.
  • She would always talk to us about our troubles, help us when we cut our knees crawling through the undergrowth and give us ice creams.
  • We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.
  • the ferny undergrowth
  • Meanwhile, the much smaller ornithischian dinosaurs - the ornithopods and stegosaurs - browsed on the undergrowth.
  • This particular story involves disappearing houses, old men crawling through the undergrowth, beautiful women impaled on railings and deception on a grand scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • A kindly, gray-whiskered old gentleman came tottering and rocking into view, his rosy, wrinkled face beaming benediction on the world as he passed through it -- on the sunshine dappling the undergrowth, on the furry squirrels sitting up on their hind legs to watch him pass, on the stray dickybird that hopped fearlessly in his path, at the young man sitting very rigid there on his bench, at the fair, sweet-faced girl who met his aged eyes with the gentlest of involuntary smiles. The Tracer of Lost Persons
  • The undergrowth was so thick that we had to file our way through it.
  • After sheep, the second most populous wildlife were grouse, which regularly flew out in pairs from the undergrowth with a violent batter of wings. A walk in the back paddock « Mad Dave and Lil
  • The humid air was thick with the squawks and cries of birds, the distant roar of howler monkeys, the electric buzzing of cicadas, and mysterious rustlings in the dense undergrowth.
  • She stopped as she came to a small stream meandering through the dense undergrowth.
  • Warm weather is thought to bring the otherwise shy and timid snakes out of the undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • We hope that the undergrowth of limitations is sparse enough to let the flowers of Oz grow unwithered.
  • Most anglers refuse to engage in the severe bushwhacking required to penetrate the thick dense undergrowth surrounding these newly created watercourses.
  • The undergrowth was not too thick; they had found an easy way under the canopy of oak and hickory, blackgum and beech, pierced here and there by a tall pine or leatherleaf, or the white slash of a paperbark. The Great Hunt
  • I was leading the group, hacking through the undergrowth with my trusty knife when all of a sudden we heard a sound, barely perceptible, like a whiffling in the undergrowth.
  • Though the trees and the undergrowth had been cut back, branches and dense foliage stooped overhead.
  • The lines of dungareed cadets beating the undergrowth? Gridlock
  • Picking a path as they went on Jack and his companions pushed into the deep everglade, the lush undergrowth sometimes quite impeding their progress, and making their advance very slow. The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island
  • Something wonderful is stirring in the undergrowth across much of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first garden warblers are back in woods with good undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of a movement-coining colossus like Clement Greenberg, what we have instead are a thicket of bloggers and commentators, all happily exploring Australia's cultural undergrowth with considerable craft and application. - Comments
  • The undergrowth was so thick that we had to file our way through it.
  • The incident illustrated on the first page is where the riflemen are advancing their skirmishers through the undergrowth towards the Confederate gum, while other Federal regiments are making a flanking movement by a detour on each side to clear the pine woods. Illustrations of the Civil War in America
  • They are usually found in the mossy undergrowth in woods but we've found them right by the roadside.
  • They rely on thick undergrowth to help protect their young. The Sun
  • The graveyard was buried by undergrowth for two centuries - added to by locals using the site as an unofficial dump, and few islanders knew the role the cemetery played in Barbadian history.
  • There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth.
  • The doorstep was barely visible through the undergrowth - and weeds were sprouting out of one section of the roof.
  • The woods in front of them degenerated into a thick grove of bamboo and undergrowth.
  • They recalled the languorous siesta of hot mid-day, deep in green undergrowth, the sun striking through in tiny golden shafts and spots; the boating and bathing of the afternoon, the rambles along dusty lanes and through yellow cornfields; and the long, cool evening at last, when so many threads were gathered up, so many friendships rounded, and so many adventures planned for the morrow. The Wind in the Willows
  • There the glancing foliage obscures heaven, as the silken texture of a veil a woman's lovely features: beneath such fretwork we may indulge in light-hearted thoughts; or, if sadder meditations lead us to seek darker shades, we may pass the cascade towards the large groves of pine, with their vast undergrowth of laurel, reaching up to the Belvidere; or, on the opposite side of the water, sit under the shadow of the silver-stemmed birch, or beneath the leafy pavilions of those fine old beeches, whose high fantastic roots seem formed in nature's sport; and the near jungle of sweet-smelling myrica leaves no sense unvisited by pleasant ministration. The Mourner
  • They were waiting for her by the time she reached the shady green undergrowth of the oak tree.
  • They can even trace remains in woodland or in thick undergrowth and cover vast tracts of land. German Police To Use ‘Sniffer’ Vultures | Impact Lab
  • The thick undergrowth spilled over rotting remnants of fences and a crooked signpost at the intersection of the drive.
  • If we ask for undergrowth to be cut back and litter to be dealt with on a particular path we are as often as not told it is a leisure services responsibility.
  • First, the settler underscrubbed using a slasher and an axe to begin clearing the impenetrable undergrowth, the saplings, and the small trees.
  • Before Italy joined the euro, nobody really paid attention to the political undergrowth there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another time I decided to test my new mountain bike by riding it through some thick undergrowth.
  • The accident had occurred in the midst of a wooded stretch, wild and uninhabited, with "soup" (as Sydney called the boggy land) on both sides in the dense undergrowth. The Mystery at Number Six
  • The two-storey, nineteenth-century Gothic, red brick building is currently buried in undergrowth.
  • A loader hands him the gun to bring down the quarry which is then retrieved from the undergrowth by trained hounds.
  • He'd struck off the path to scramble up a muddy hillside dense with undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • brushy undergrowth
  • I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth.
  • Her twin sister Carly, who was in the front passenger seat, suffered a perforated eardrum and cuts from the smashed windscreen after the car piled into undergrowth.
  • The snake wound its way through the undergrowth.
  • It prefers woodlands with an open canopy coupled with dense undergrowth and some clearings.
  • On most days we would wind our way through two or three miles of lush undergrowth, only to find our way blocked by a fallen tree.
  • The bomb was used by the air force to blast helicopter landing zones in dense undergrowth.
  • While in the undergrowth the bright wrappers would be dirtied by mud and buried by leaves.
  • With Ian massaging his arm, John collecting handfuls of stones to throw at the snake and Tim stripping the leaflets from a frond of bracken, they made their way through the undergrowth to the small pond.
  • There were the small herbivores and scavengers and hunters scuttling in the undergrowth, hiding from the larger predators who occasioned down from the heights.
  • A small dwarfish creature, largely hidden by rag coverings with a protruding hook of a nose and sparkling yellow eyes emerged from the heavy undergrowth.
  • At the bottom of the hill, as the road swerved away to the right, the trailer and our precious oil tank decided to go straight on, the towbar crashing into the kerbstone, sending the whole works spinning into the undergrowth.
  • They recalled the languorous siesta of hot mid-day, deep in green undergrowth, the sun striking through in tiny golden shafts and spots; the boating and bathing of the afternoon, the rambles along dusty lanes and through yellow corn-fields; and the long, cool evening at last, when so many threads were gathered up, so many friendships rounded, and so many adventures planned for the morrow. The Wind in the Willows
  • Usually the hen bird would fly off and work her way through the undergrowth in rather a flurry as one approached the nest, so this usually served as a warning to tread carefully.
  • The undergrowth is often dense with dwarf palmettos and with such vines as earleaf, saw greenbriers (both very prickly), muscadine, and summer grape, all tough on hikers.
  • The kalmia and the alder gave undergrowth and brilliancy to the foliage. The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • The undergrowth was, in places, thick, but nowhere impenetrable.
  • This open ground beneath the trees made walking anywhere easy in contrast to eastern forests with their thick bushy undergrowth and giant jackstraws deadfalls. Bird Cloud
  • Meanwhile, the much smaller ornithischian dinosaurs - the ornithopods and stegosaurs - browsed on the undergrowth.
  • Her theme is her environment in the rural Kidds Beach area, the mat of undergrowth in the bushy Eastern Cape forests and her deep love for this.
  • Suddenly she about-faced and grappled him into the undergrowth.
  • It was slow work, for the trees were close, and in places dense with the bare vines and stalks of undergrowth.
  • The undergrowth will take care of itself, and there'll still be some thirty sazheens of fire-wood left on each desyatin, 'said he to himself. Master and Man
  • This particular story involves disappearing houses, old men crawling through the undergrowth, beautiful women impaled on railings and deception on a grand scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The teenager learnt his trade in the rough rugged country of inland Taranaki, lugging theodolites, slashers and supplies, locating and cutting lines through dense undergrowth and heavy virgin bush.
  • He hid his canoe in the bushes and strode rapidly across the islet, pushing with impatience through the twigs of heavy undergrowth intercrossed over his path. Almayer's Folly
  • The undergrowth and the weed will be at its heaviest and the natural food available to the fish will be at its most abundant.
  • The woods are renowned for their porcine mushrooms, but they're not that easy to make out against the rest of the undergrowth.
  • The ground was fairly free of undergrowth, the anemones sprinkled, there was a bush or two, elder, or guelder-rose, and a purplish tangle of bramble: the old russet of bracken almost vanished under green anemone ruffs. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth.
  • The ravine would also need to be cleared of undergrowth and trees.
  • He changed directions at an immense speed, and pelted off into the jungle, tearing through the undergrowth for his life.
  • Each stroke of the blade sent branches crashing into the undergrowth and gouged deep scars into the old oaks.
  • The prides came right out of the undergrowth and close enough to the vehicle for the researchers to observe the tiny nicks and scratches that help distinguish one animal from another.
  • The woods in front of them degenerated into a thick grove of bamboo and undergrowth.
  • The trees were thicker, the undergrowth denser, but he could follow the tracks well enough.
  • Benjamin heard the faint crackling in the undergrowth but took one look at me and gave up any idea of pursuit.
  • The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.
  • Her son lives locally and clears the undergrowth from the backyard once a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • All over the UK there are millions of rabbits cowering in the undergrowth awaiting the moment when they can hop hopefully to the nearest patch of grass and nibble to their heart's content.
  • But while others were finding themselves becalmed on Saturday, he was among the small number, including Angel Cabrera, Adam Scott, Charl Schwartzel and Bo Van Pelt, who came out of the undergrowth to snatch places near the top of the leaderboard. Masters 2011: Lee Westwood and Luke Donald in fight to seize the day | Richard Williams
  • A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth.
  • Meanwhile, the much smaller ornithischian dinosaurs - the ornithopods and stegosaurs - browsed on the undergrowth.
  • We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.
  • After scrambling up the steep banks and ploughing through the undergrowth with my boat in tow, I emerged bedraggled and muddy.
  • The country around Hickory is rolling, falling away somewhat boldly on the south and southwest towards the outlying spurs of the South Mountains; less boldly towards the north and northwest, where it expands itself in gently undulating folds; the whole covered with a not very dense growth of oak, hickory, chestnut and pine, with an undergrowth of dogwood, gumwood and chinquepin. A Sketch of the Tobacco Interests In North Carolina. Being an Account of the Culture, Handling and Manufacture of the Staple; Together with Some Information Respecting the Principal Farmers, Manufacturing Establishments and Warehouses; with Statistics Exh
  • They are very shy birds, lurking on the ground in the undergrowth of woods or flying very fast along a wood's edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon the scouts were riding through towering trees, unobscured by undergrowth, as it had been long since permanently wiped out by the hundreds of hooves that passed over it every year.
  • It is now apt to form a dense carpet of undergrowth beneath which little can survive. Times, Sunday Times
  • After scrambling up the steep banks and ploughing through the undergrowth with my boat in tow, I emerged bedraggled and muddy.
  • Several colossal, yet dormant, volcanoes lorded over a steamy jungle realm of rice paddies, nipa huts, majestic palm trees, and lush undergrowth.
  • In cloth caps, camouflage trousers and sleeveless, khaki, quilted jackets they stalked the undergrowth capturing and killing.
  • The elephants trumpet with panic as they crash through the undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them.
  • Not only do tall pines grow everywhere, but there is a thick undergrowth of _encina_; the Yucca is large and green, mountain sage covers the soil, and grassy levels are dotted with flowers. Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico; Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos Papers Of The Archæological Institute Of America, American Series, Vol. I
  • In the thick undergrowth of the Scottish hills the Beardie would control stubborn ewes by bouncing and barking in front of them.
  • He pushed his way through the thick undergrowth that had long since made the ruins their own, brambles tearing at his shirt and trousers as he passed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now that most of the old undergrowth has been removed the birds are swooping to get all the insects and worms I've disturbed as well as enjoying the occasional dust bath.
  • In San Andrés isolated trees and small localized groups of trees survive, apart from secondary bushy vegetation in uncultivated areas or forming an irregular undergrowth among the crops of coconut palm, while there are some remnants of the forest in the central massif of Providencia. Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
  • The undergrowth will take 5-7 years to develop, but the edible browse at the edge of the exclosure tends to attract deer, especially during the winter. Deer sheds
  • On the lower slopes the undergrowth is composed largely of begonias and berberry. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • Suddenly she about-faced and grappled him into the undergrowth.
  • Underneath the thick undergrowth I could make out a sleeping bag of sorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
  • Far below them in the undergrowth, hare, jungle fowl along with peacock and quail, lived in harmony.
  • Penny whinnied again, pranced in place and stared at the wall of undergrowth. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • He was leading through dense undergrowth, and she struggled to keep up with his light-footed steps.
  • And at the notion of Scipio, in gilt-laced hat and livery, tearing wildly through the undergrowth in the joy of liberty, she halted and laughed aloud. The Mayor of Troy
  • Grumbling, Lacey finally emerged from the undergrowth with a few choice words for Alaindar.
  • Ferns grew among the boulders, and further on the spring undergrowth was already dense.
  • They used their knives to clear a path through the dense undergrowth.
  • Twice, after tortuous effort, squirming and twisting, he failed in breasting the big trunk, and on the third attempt, after infinite exertion, he cleared it only to topple helplessly forward and fall on his face in the tangled undergrowth. CHAPTER 23
  • The snake wound its way through the undergrowth.
  • The undergrowth encroaching upon them from all sides gleamed coldly in the light from the high-intensity flood lamps. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • Between 1150 and 2500, the trees are leafy with a canopy between 25 and 35 m tall and the undergrowth has arborescent ferns and palms, many plants with prop roots and abundant vascular epiphytes and woody lianas. Santa Marta montane forests
  • I ran through the trees like a broken-field quarterback, crashing over the undergrowth, weaving through the tree trunks directly at them. The Glass Rainbow
  • He had mechanical problems which forced him to make four bike changes, and then he crashed for a second time, overshooting a bend and tumbling into the undergrowth.
  • They have all been harvested, re-planted, coppiced, grazed, undergrowth-burnt for hunting, managed for tan-bark, cut over for charcoal and rootled over by domestic pigs for pannage for more than a dozen feudal centuries. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Warm weather is thought to bring the otherwise shy and timid snakes out of the undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her body was found buried in dense undergrowth in Donore, Co Meath, more than three weeks later.
  • Its name is thought to mean the rough ground covered with brushwood and undergrowth.
  • In Spain we know _montebaxos_, or coppice shrubs (as you might call them), and we know _tomillares_, or undergrowth; but in Corsica nature heaps these together with both hands, and the Corsican, in despair of separating them, calls them all _macchia_. Two Sides of the Face Midwinter Tales
  • Bushwhacking is also a term for using a machete to hack through thick jungle grass or undergrowth, which is used more to scare off animals near you than to carve a path.
  • There was a considerable Gothic charm, although in places, everything seemed overgrown, the undergrowth rampant. A SEASON IN HELL
  • They say the programme of tree felling and undergrowth clearance is being carried out at the wrong time of year, disturbing kingfishers, otters and bats.
  • Our land typifies the condition of the vast forests of the American West, where increasingly crowded undergrowth has fueled the huge fires of recent years.
  • They turned aside from the run-way at a place indicated by Binu Charley, and, sometimes crawling on hands and knees through the damp black muck, at other times creeping and climbing through the tangled undergrowth a dozen feet from the ground, they came to an immense banyan tree, half an acre in extent, that made in the innermost heart of the jungle a denser jungle of its own. Chapter 24
  • The forest has little undergrowth and is mainly composed of beech and pine, interspersed with a few oaks and hornbeams.

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