How To Use Undergo In A Sentence

  • In these experiments, test subjects with maladies ranging from severe brain trauma to bipolar disorder undergo a battery of visual tests.
  • Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.
  • Other specialties have undergone relative declines such as orthopedics safer cars and fewer smashed bones. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Another Idea
  • The jockey was said to have undergone lessons in etiquette; the horse had not, though it acquitted itself extremely well. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had previously undergone insertion of a gold weight into the left upper eyelid.
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  • At least the physical agonies that students undergo will be restricted or minimised.
  • Causes of hemoptysis in children with congenital cardiopathies, whether they undergo surgery or not, are many: extracorporeal circulation, pulmonary infections, coagulopathies, vascular disorders.
  • Every Est é e Lauder formula has undergone stringent evaluation for ingredient integrity, non - irritancy and overall efficacy.
  • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
  • Bob Miller, the Kings' play-by-play announcer since 1973 and a Hockey Hall of Fame media honoree, is scheduled to undergo what he called a precautionary surgical procedure on - News
  • Quinn herself was keen to have the first test - a matter of weeks after William's birth - because she and her husband were undergoing fertility treatment at the time the child was conceived.
  • The system of education and discipline pursued has undergone some modifications in recent years -- notably during the provostship of the Rev. Francis Hodgson; but radical defects are still alleged against it. The Grand Old Man
  • It is now evident that entering a new decade humanity is undergoing a global reassessment of ideological and political values. The Golden Thread - Asian experiences of post-Raj Britain
  • No other athlete in Britain has undergone such an exhaustive, globetrotting search for success. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way we work has undergone a radical transformation in the past decade.
  • Iron sucrose is a hematinic agent that was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis who are receiving concomitant erythropoietin therapy.
  • I should think," meditated Page, taking the matter into serious consideration, "that the vitalness of even that experience would depend somewhat on the character undergoing it. The Bent Twig
  • And this helps patients undergoing cancer treatment, according to researchers in Australia. The Sun
  • Women who undergo cosmetic surgery still far outnumber their male counterparts.
  • The adherents to the Peace Alliance had to undergo a serious reorientation in their political attitudes.
  • Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. 
  • Yesterday a Durham Police spokesman said the consultant in charge of Pringle had told detectives he is to undergo further surgery next month.
  • Bhaiya, meanwhile, sent self-pitying letters from near Delhi where he was undergoing military training of his own trials in a world that he found ‘frightfully Poona: chukka, pukka, whisky soda and tiffin: still, I exist.’ Chaplin’s Girl
  • Usually they are painless and only cause lameness under certain conditions, as when they begin to develop themselves under the stimulus of inflammatory action, or when large enough to interfere with the functions of the tendons, or again when they have undergone certain pathological changes, such as calcification, which is among their tendencies. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The helmet is designed to limit the rotational forces affecting the head during an impact and is currently undergoing bench tests.
  • The last is particularly common in the elderly and in immunocompromised patients undergoing anti-cancer chemotherapy.
  • It can be used routinely to select the appropriate cases to undergo MRCP, which could obviously reduce the hospitalization costs and shorten the hospitalization time.
  • The possibility that this scrappy specimen has also undergone very significant deformation should be considered.
  • This country is undergoing a radical transformation because of illegal immigration and our President will do nothing to stop it.
  • You need to take certain oaths, read prescribed texts, pass tests, and undergo initiatory rites.
  • Yet the realist vision shifts to the phantasmagoric, as spectator and spectacle undergo carnivalesque reversals and interpenetration, in their darkest and most violent manifestations.
  • The nuclei of larger sunspots sometimes undergo disintegration or splitting into several parts.
  • Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.
  • The further revision and preparation that the letters have undergone is shortly this. The Love Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54
  • This time the objects have undergone a process of distillation into primal forms. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But when you are undergoing a small procedure in hospital for a minor ailment, the experience can be quite pleasant. Times, Sunday Times
  • All 27 workers at the Piccadilly store were told that it will shut on June 3 to undergo an extensive refit.
  • Perhaps the nurse is struggling to insert an indwelling catheter in a patient who is about to undergo a total hip replacement.
  • Ten celebrities are out to prove they are more than just pretty faces and have undergone months of rigorous training. The Sun
  • These defects and vacancies could be what , in effect , undergo Bose - Einstein condensation.
  • He went on to say that the fugitives had been pursued and captured and brought back to bondage; and upon Borrow's admitting that he had been the instigator of the adventure, he was sentenced to be flogged, and that it was on the back of this very Martineau that he had been "horsed" to undergo the punishment! Hawthorne and His Circle
  • Not all patients who develop the antibody will undergo red blood cell hemolysis.
  • Sumire sighed, used to the routine she had undergone all during first through eighth grade.
  • This was also a society undergoing huge change and upheaval – phyically as the railways shrank the land and technology changed the world of work from field to factory, mentally as the revelations of Darwin detonated under Christianity. Evil Book Thingy
  • These studies have led to the findings that bundles of several doublet microtubules can propagate bending waves, and a pair of outer doublets can undergo cyclical association/dissociation interaction.
  • He got the eggs from bits of ovary that had been removed from women undergoing hysterectomies.
  • Boys undergo no period of constraint, in contrast to their lot among the Shavante.
  • Patients with signs of aortic stenosis on physical examination should undergo testing, including chest x-ray, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph.
  • All patients with chronic kidney disease should undergo urinalysis and renal imaging as part of the diagnostic evaluation.
  • There are sports bras, nursing bras, bras designed to take prosthetic breasts for women who have undergone mastectomies.
  • This appellation is undergoing much-needed revival but old vintages suggest that the potential for long-lived, concentrated reds is there.
  • ~ In all the changes which matter can undergo, whether physical or chemical, two factors must be taken into account, namely, _energy_ and _matter_. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • No Sin Left Behind yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'No Sin Left Behind'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Public interrogations of piety and faith, such as undergone by the Democratic candidates earlier this week, amount to a sort of religious litmus test for public office. No Sin Left Behind
  • During the ages of history human nature has undergone no essential change.
  • Essentially you do indeed undergo a metamorphosis on reaching 35. You become invisible. Times, Sunday Times
  • This particular arrangement of nucleons is unstable and so tritium readily undergoes radioactive decay to yield a helium atom.
  • Can you possibly imagine all the horrors we have undergone since I last wrote you?
  • In the first place, I must remark that these human remains, which are in my possession, are characterized like thousands of bones which I have lately been disinterring, by the extent of the decomposition which they have undergone, which is precisely the same as that of the extinct species: all, with a few exceptions, are broken; some few are rounded, as is frequently found to be the case in fossil remains of other species. On Some Fossil Remains of Man
  • The word larva referring to the newly hatched form of insects before they undergo metamorphosis comes from the Latin word lārva, meaning “evil spirit, demon, devil.” Unmasking religion
  • This terraced house is undergoing refurbishment, retaining period features such as open fireplaces and stripped wooden floors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Methods: We retrospectively reviewed a consecutive series of 202 shoulders that had undergone magnetic resonance arthrography between 2004 and 2005.
  • The Alley has undergone a rebirth under Boyd, who became artistic director in 1989.
  • This quaint ceremonial, still annually observed in the secluded capital of Buddhism-the Rome of Asia-is interesting because it exhibits, in a clearly marked religious stratification, a series of divine redeemers themselves redeemed, of vicarious sacrifices vicariously atoned for, of gods undergoing a process of fossilisation, who, while they retain the privileges, have disburdened themselves of the pains and penalties of divinity. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • Chlorine does not undergo combustion, although it does support combustion in much the same way as does oxygen.
  • The boundary of a tissue undergoing convergent extension is maintained by the behavior of cells at the boundary.
  • These devices are substantially attracted to the static magnetic field of magnetic resonance systems and, therefore, may be uncomfortable or injurious to a patient undergoing an MRI procedure.
  • She had to undergo surgery and has since been released from hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • A British woman has undergone a life-saving kidney transplant after having her blood plasma frozen and filtered to ensure that the organ was not rejected. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as she winds her black belt around her waist, however, her personality undergoes a remarkable change.
  • This week, Pastor Justin, uncle Tak and Pastor Ching would be on vacation and our facility is still undergoing some electrical, air-conditioning and IT fine tuning.
  • And her whirlwind rise to national sweetheart is not the only drastic change she has undergone this year. The Sun
  • Patients may also undergo phlebotomy at a blood center.
  • We may have to give up saying, for instance, that a piece of paper is simply destroyed when it is burnt to ashes, or even that a human being simply ceases to exist upon undergoing a fatal accident.
  • A quarter of the women had undergone Caesareans, with one in three of those describing the care they received after the procedure as ‘appalling’.
  • Most of the specimens have been washed, and all have undergone scientific osteological analyses.
  • Some organisms, such as flukes, have life cycles that take them literally through one or more host organisms, and many insects undergo significant metamorphic changes in bodily form through their life cycle. The Biological Notion of Individual
  • True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to appellation. George Washington 
  • It's absurd things like that that balance the movie off its pain-film miserableness; this is a really funny movie, despite the constant stream of tragedy, loss, degradation and soul-shattering identity crisis its characters undergo.
  • The pronephros undergoes rapid atrophy and disappears. XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
  • Mobutu, undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, has been operating largely from his villa in nearby RoquebruneCap-Martin.
  • Normally, the adult proximal germline contains germ cells undergoing gametogenesis and proliferation is restricted to the distalmost part of the adult gonad.
  • It is the duty of the cardiologist to take reasonable care in determining whether to discharge that patient or whether that patient should undergo further investigation.
  • On the other hand, the temporal value of the unit which appears as the result of subjective rhythmization undergoes a progressive decrease in absolute magnitude as the rate of succession among the undifferentiated stimuli is accelerated. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • If the quasar results are eventually confirmed, our concepts of space and time are sure to undergo radical transformations.
  • Our patients who did not undergo bilateral plication showed a similar pattern.
  • Tim Henman is confident of returning to full fitness after undergoing surgery on his injured shoulder.
  • Which is exactly why the rum warehouse has undergone this transformation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not recognizing this, they undergo endless and continual suffering.
  • Morrison had to undergo surgery on an injury to his left knee.
  • Whatever trials he'd undergone to anneal his spirit for this moment, they were not enough. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Cocooned in scaffolding and planks, Manchester's majestic John Rylands Library is undergoing a facelift that will see it restored to its original glory, albeit with some modern touches.
  • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
  • Let's talk about Carrie's decision to undergo electroconvulsive therapy. Homeland Bosses on the Season Finale: Showtime Really Wanted Damian Lewis for Another Year
  • Although most women who have undergone a cesarean delivery because of dystocia can have a successful recovery, the percentage may be lower than for those with nonrecurring indications.
  • A pine tree is called a sporophyte because it develops from a spore produces spores is haploid can reproduce sexually and asexually cannot undergo meiosis Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Methods: 688 college students were undergone PPD experiment for epidemiological findings and statistical analysis.
  • Some of the excited atoms undergo radiative deexcitation.
  • Although an individual transporting a diplomatic pouch may have diplomatic immunity, that individual and his or her nondiplomatic accessible property and checked baggage must undergo screening and all alarms must be resolved. Wired Top Stories
  • Since throwing down her crutches and declaring her knee operation a success, she has been undergoing therapy for nine hours every day.
  • The industry has just undergone a period of rapid expansion .
  • All civilians possessing army-distributed guns must return them and undergo physical and psychological tests to determine their fitness to bear arms.
  • A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming, climate scientists warned yesterday.
  • He has undergone two ops on his left ankle and had a cortisone jab during the Ashes tour when he began suffering pain. The Sun
  • At the same time, the makeup of the business is undergoing rapid development.
  • Each haploid cell undergoes a mitotic division to produce the generative and vegetative nuclei.
  • Unlike those in the NASA program who face training in domestic locations in the US, travellers to Galactic Suite will undergo their astronautic preparation at a luxury hotel on a tropical island in the Caribbean, Space Resort Opens in 2012 | Impact Lab
  • He is recovering in hospital after undergoing an operation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yakovenko notes that Fedotov's main claim to fame, his coauthorship of the Russian media law, came 18 years ago and during that time, many in Russia have undergone "metamorphoses" straight out of Franz Kafka. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • After meiosis, the four meiotic products undergo an additional mitotic division to yield eight haploid nuclei, which differentiate into an octad of eight ascospores.
  • The Alley has undergone a rebirth under Boyd, who became artistic director in 1989.
  • The service is undergoing a rapid expansion to 20 or more blogs (as he mentions in the comment referenced above).
  • It is they who make her undergo the discomforts or miseries of what we call conventional life or bully her into exile or death. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • The character of the inner city has undergone a marked transformation since the City set up a rejuvenation plan five years ago.
  • An exchange occurs when at least one incoming, and at least one outgoing process undergoes a change in the value of the conserved quantity, where ˜outgoing™ and Causal Processes
  • Will we one day have to undergo scores of vaccinations in order to feel safe, or live in sterile bubbles?
  • Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
  • New recruits undergo six weeks' basic training at this naval base.
  • Life is a thing which is capable of undergoing evolution by natural selection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The system has previously undergone six months of preliminary tests in the same Redwood City neighborhood, with officers firing blanks.
  • It was just over four years ago that the 57-year-old staked his future on bookmaking and he's now reaping the dividends as the formerly illicit world of gambling is undergoing a mainstream makeover.
  • The college dropout has survived pancreatic cancer and undergone a liver transplant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is Brick Lane now undergoing another metamorphosis? Times, Sunday Times
  • Why do we have a broadcasting environment where the skills displayed in the remake aren't channelled into a new idea, a different comic take on a middle - aged man undergoing a breakdown, rather than an attempt to recreate the unbetterable. The Guardian World News
  • During the deodorization process a portion of the canola oil undergoes partial hydrogenation, a fact published in a couple of technical oil processing papers. Blink | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • A sensitivity test should also be taken before undergoing collagen injections. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • When proteins are denatured, they undergo a change in their tertiary structure.
  • Some species undergo reverse torsion (‘detorsion’), but evidence of having passed through a twisted phase can be seen in the anatomy of these forms.
  • What else happens when a cabin undergoes explosive decompression?
  • Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
  • The study was still undergoing substantive editing in order to incorporate the suggestions of the lawyers and public policy analysts who reviewed its preliminary drafts.
  • The majority of patients undergoing this procedure experience immediate pain relief.
  • I hope thou hast also undergone that true baphometic fire-baptism, whereof the worthy Diogenes Teufelsdröckh hath discoursed so appetizingly, causing us to long after it, none the less that he hath scrupulously refrained from expounding whatever it is. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • Yes, but, sir, the docks at Maput are undergoing a rolling programme of containerisation.
  • It has since undergone six name changes and numerous revolutions in technology, style and editorial philosophy.
  • Pray for sister Kam - Lan Lee as she is undergoes kidney dialysis.
  • Firms are sponsoring the scaffolding on buildings undergoing restoration, then exploiting a legal loophole allowing advertising to be hung from the structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dombey may explain himself, and relieve the torture I undergo, which is extremely wearing. Dombey and Son
  • At the time the decision to apply for trust status was made, it was undergoing citywide changes, and there was a sense of innovation throughout the city.
  • My feeling for him undergo a revulsion when I discover his cruelty.
  • Every successive element of fluid undergoes the throttling process in a continuous stream.
  • Each process had to undergo careful scrutiny by the Environmental Health Department, and the cooks had to pass medical tests.
  • Parents undergo their own share of stress as the build-up to exam-time takes its toll.
  • Each driver must undergo a three - month probationary period before being allowed to operate independently.
  • Plants also undergo programmed cell death in a variety of situations.
  • The home visiting service affords benefit to those who are unable to leave their home, due to frailty, disability, illness, or the effects of undergoing cancer treatments.
  • M. Naudin states, that a certain kind of furze or thistle, of which cattle are very fond, may be made to grow without thorns -- an important consideration, seeing that at present, before it can be used as food, it has to undergo a laborious beating, to crush and break the prickles with which it is covered. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 448 Volume 18, New Series, July 31, 1852
  • This can happen if some one becomes convinced that they are food-allergic or food-intolerant without undergoing proper diagnosis.
  • The free-swimming larva settles and undergoes metamorphosis into a juvenile sponge.
  • They then undergo further morphological changes into swollen and irregularly shaped organisms.
  • Laurie undergoes a series of trials, trying to find some backbone against his phobias, while singing TV jingles.
  • “On the various induction courses magistrates undergo, of which diversity training plays a major role, there is a constant stream of questioning, often denigratory, of everything the police stand for, their actions and their attitudes.” I haven’t had a dream in a long time « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Trafalgar Square is at present something of a building site as it undergoes partial pedestrianisation.
  • The most distal cells undergo mitotic proliferation and serve as a stem-cell population.
  • Each individual undergoing treatment takes a solemn oath to change their behavior.
  • One woman had undergone surgery for the removal of milk ducts. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • Many organic molecules undergo structural changes as a result of catalytic reactions with acid or base.
  • Objective To investigate the platelet inhibition ratio by thromboelastography (TEG) and its clinical impact in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
  • The UK has lost a major bookstore chain in the last two years, and the remaining one has had to undergo retrenchment. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you visit a place frequently you undergo a strange transition in feelings towards it.
  • Such objections as that the accused, at the time of the arraignment, is undergoing a sentence of a general court-martial, or that owing to the long delay in bringing him to trial he is unable to disprove the charge or to defend himself, or that his accuser was actuated by malice or is a person of bad character, or that he was released from restraint upon the charges are not proper subjects for motion prior to plea, however much they may constitute ground for a continuance or affect the questions of the truth or falsity of the charge or of the measure of punishment. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10214
  • They had to undergo genetic alterations to prepare them for the gravitational pressures of these gates.
  • They are largely patients from the Middle East who have been flown to this country to undergo surgeries or be trialed on medications that they could not receive otherwise. Between Expectations
  • Protecting the Kidney : A 25-cent pill called acetylcysteine is often given to patients undergoing diagnostic X-rays of their coronary arteries to prevent contrast dye used in the procedures from damaging kidneys. Four Heart Treatments Questioned In Studies
  • The school curriculum has undergone critical examination in recent years.
  • Vice President Rafael Espada said the government had located five men in the western part of the country who will be brought to the capital to undergo medical tests to determine if they suffered any adverse after-effects from the American experimentation. Breaking News: CBS News
  • During balanced growth, cells undergoing binary fission must double the number of every kind of RNA and protein molecule every cell cycle.
  • When a nonlysogenic bacterium is infected by a temperate phage, it will either undergo lysis or become lysogenic. André Lwoff - Nobel Lecture
  • You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing success.
  • Evaporites undergo changes on burial owing to reactions between interstitial brines and previously deposited salts to produce new suites of minerals.
  • Bagehot's work continued to be regarded as an authoritative work long after the Constitution had undergone fundamental change.
  • The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.
  • Silicon microelectronics has undergone relentless miniaturization during the past 30 years, leading to dramatic improvements in computational capacity and speed.
  • Vajapeya sacrifices, or if he undergoes the severest austerities with head downmost. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • It has no nitrogen and is easily created when acetone undergoes acid-catalyzed cyclization to form a 9-membered ring containing three peroxide bonds.
  • What is clear is that the landscape of English football has undergone a transformation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where most unstaffed weather stations have undergone technology upgrades, consistent use of the sling psychrometer has helped provide scientific precision to the Mount Washington climate record. Mount Washington
  • Many of these have been interpreted as the product of englacial thrusting in ice that has undergone strong longitudinal compression, especially at the thermal boundary between warm and cold ice.
  • The men will undergo voluntary DNA testing of their saliva.
  • Lots of people had already undergone an older, less-reliable treatment called RK (radial keratotomy), but my doctor was anxious to get the word out about the new technique. Nad hen j��c eto
  • She has undergone 17 operations to reconstruct her face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sufferers can die within a few weeks unless they receive a kidney transplant or undergo dialysis, an expensive procedure for cleansing the blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike his other duplicates, this clone would not undergo growth acceleration or docility tampering.
  • The unfortunate consequence of this aggressive approach has been the development of hypoparathyroidism in more than 10 percent of patients undergoing surgery.
  • Frey is, we are to understand, a man of sorrows, who has undergone excruciation if not crucifixion, and has been stigmatised by his bad press. The Final Testament of the Holy Bible by James Frey – review
  • Their cars can undergo a potentially expensive conversion to the R-134a coolant that is being used in new cars.
  • But there still clung to her what I fear we must call a perverseness of obstinacy, a desire to maintain the resolution she had made -- a wish that she might be allowed to undergo the punishment she had deserved. Can You Forgive Her?
  • There it is to undergo refurbishments, including repairs to a stabiliser fin damaged in transit.
  • The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification.
  • The move effects all of the 40 support staff workers at the Deane School - including secretaries, caretakers, and technicians - as the school undergoes a revamp.
  • New data centers and those that undergo significant refurbishment are directed by the 1987 Montreal Protocol to use halon alternatives because of ozone-depleting properties of halon.
  • All candidates have to undergo a personality test.
  • The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories.
  • The extract from the heartwood is not a dye until it undergoes oxidation into hematein, which is an acid chromogen.
  • The fluid undergoes shear
  • In the absence of melanin, the ascorbic acid undergoes metal-catalyzed autoxidation.
  • The world today is undergoing a transformation as profound as the industrial revolution. Sociology
  • Candidates who respond to Fallis' postings on Craigslist and Facebook must fill out a detailed email questionnaire and undergo two rounds of phone interviews and three in-person interviews.
  • The exterior and the interior of the house will undergo a major facelift.
  • Two rival laser surgery systems are undergoing clinical trials in the US.
  • Once considered a low class hooch, tequila has undergone a huge image change over the past two decades to become the toast of Mexican high society, giving a heady euphoria to the country's drinks industry.

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