How To Use Underdeveloped In A Sentence
We berate those who cross the line and leave the immature and underdeveloped open to the physical abuse of contact and collision sports.
The budget should reflect policy priorities of social needs cluster departments as a re-affirmation of government's strategic focus on developing the poor and underdeveloped communities.
Even though her storyline - which follows João on the road to stardom, with several stopovers in prison - can seem underdeveloped, Ramos is always charismatic.
The bulk cargo handling facilities for our inland harbours are considerably underdeveloped.
What's worse, none of these genres is given enough time to develop, resulting in a scattered and underdeveloped plot.

Children who live in underdeveloped areas of the world may be prescribed a preventive deworming medication.
During walks in the woods, Rusty, whose blindness is caused by underdeveloped retinas, would follow Dugan, staying right at his ear.
Respiratory distress syndrome also known as hyaline membrane disease occurs when the underdeveloped lungs of the premature infant cannot expand and contract as they should with each inspiration.
Mothering Twins
Tampering tends to be the recourse of underdeveloped political forces or rulers that are weak or unable to afford the luxury of costly campaigns.
Since it is still considered to be an underdeveloped country, most of the economy revolves around the import and export of food.
I do agree that there have been a few too many underdeveloped characters lying around (a criticism which can be levelled at many US ensemble dramas of late) and I still miss the soapier aspects of the first season (Sam's hooker girlfriend etc).
Archive 2003-09-07
Whenever he's in New York he drops in to suggest I write a book about the underdeveloped psyches of psychiatrists.
The city has been so underdeveloped for so long that there is plenty of capacity there.
A lot of these web designers are young people working late, with too much coffee, too little sleep, not enough adult supervision and an underdeveloped sense of what I call diplomacy check.
The Chronicle Herald - Maintenance Feed
Dude actually the cost of establishing a giga bit speed internet connection is way too high and people in underdeveloped and developing cannot afford it.
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Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.
We should be putting resources, people, and money, into helping underdeveloped countries deal with their own serious health problems.
But in an underdeveloped country full of tobacco stands and rubiaceous trees
Typically, students are not taught about the global economy and the impact of free trade on underdeveloped countries.
It's in the poorer, underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
You can buy special kits containing sanitised hypodermic needles and blood plasma for travel to underdeveloped countries.
It is most prevalent in regions of temperate climates that are highly industrialized, but rarely occurs in areas that are underdeveloped.
It's in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
It's in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
This article discusses the necessities, feasi-bilities and urgencies of educational metropolitan area network constructed in the underdeveloped areas as the example of Yueyang City.
The program, done for six to eight weeks in the preseason, consists of strength-training to build underdeveloped muscles, agility training to learn how to land correctly, plyometrics and other exercises.
New Steps to Help Prevent Knee Injuries in Teen Sports
She obviously has talent, but it is underused and underdeveloped here.
When the plot is so haphazard, the themes so underdeveloped, the characters so sketchy, such obvious imagery seems to be hopeless compensation for the film's failure to articulate anything else competently.
Wen suggested holding meetings and signing a memorandum of understanding to help underdeveloped agricultural areas in the subregion, which includes Yunnan Province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China.
She is often referred as odd and is picked on for being short and underdeveloped.
Most underdeveloped countries have not closed the development gap with advanced countries; very few have done so.
It belongs to an underdeveloped genre critical of our wholesale accommodation to technology.
Alas, Bleuler's views were largely neglected, probably because schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms (such as affect, anergia, apathy) make it easy to assume that they have underdeveloped emotional experiences.
Because it sees all psychopathology as reflecting self deficits—that is, gaps, missing, or underdeveloped elements in self-structure that come about as a result of unattuned or traumatic caretaking, treatment based on self psychological principles provides patients with a second chance to complete their development.
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
Neither did they have the support of leaders from underdeveloped countries, who benefit from the exploitation of resources and labor in their own countries.
Yet, in the final analysis, they remain just that: underdeveloped suggestions that still require substantial clarification.
The burden of debt is made even worse when it is considered that the area is one of the most economically underdeveloped regions in South Africa.
How citizens would be persuaded to make such a move remains unclear, and the assumption that these underdeveloped regions could offer enough profitable jobs to sustain a large influx of people is equally dubious.
The global mining industry thereby makes national development under global capitalism extremely difficult for underdeveloped countries.
It seems to me that the only hope for us here in the West is for the East to colonise the West and bring some of their values of wisdom and deep appreciation of life to our shallow underdeveloped society here, else we are doomed to becoming a society of lobotomised chimps fighting over washing machines crapped out like confetti by the far East.
Cairo protests:The west has a duty to nurture democracy | Observer editorial
For anyone with an underdeveloped sense of self-esteem, this is a lifeline, providing a short cut to coherence and purpose.
The term therefore implies that the third world is exploited, much as third estate French commoners were exploited. • the economically underdeveloped countries of Africa,
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In recent weeks, angry Chinese have reportedly taken to the streets not only in underdeveloped interior regions but also in prosperous coastal areas in the south of the country.
The band's songs are underdeveloped in the sense that they earnestly try to cram a catchy melody into every minute of every song, which dilutes the potency of the album as a whole.
I have divided the thirteen largest underdeveloped countries into three groups: moderately advanced, intermediate, and poor.
Some of the beats aren't bad, but there's just nothing exceptional about this album - no hooks and slightly underdeveloped voices - nothing really to keep you coming back.
Under such a system, manufacturing organizations would be centred on those parts of the world where labour is both most competent and most tractable, leading to the economic development of underdeveloped regions.
Traditional societies in underdeveloped countries are no more immune to creeping moral decay than their more sophisticated cousins in rich, developed nations.
They provide an interface between strategic sealift ships and lighters, and between the lighters and the beach or underdeveloped ports.
I'm short, skinny and have excruciatingly underdeveloped social skills.
Nonetheless, there are times in the film, especially during the second half, when the plot is somewhat scattered, leaving many introduced themes unfinished or underdeveloped.
It's in the poorer, underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
He's awkward, he's aimless, he has no friends - he's a poster boy for emotionally underdeveloped young moderns everywhere, the victim of a nameless and invisible sickness of the societal soul.
With or without laws and a police force, Dlasa was underdeveloped.
In other words, ID is oversold and underdeveloped.
One of the most interesting questions in economics is why we are so wealthy today compared to our ancestors of 200 years ago and our contemporaries in underdeveloped countries.
On heterodox Economics and Innovation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Some story threads are underdeveloped, and Emily's soppy character is wisely ditched early on.
It's in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.Sentence dictionary
Alright, instead of "not very grown up" would you be happy with 'solipsistic', or 'not self-aware', or 'immature', or 'underdeveloped'?
The Big Philosophical Question
The recovery of unpaid fiscal debt interest has been an obstacle to the development of Agricultural Development Bank in underdeveloped areas over the years.
As a result, satellites will be instrumental in helping to raise the standard of living in many underdeveloped countries where there is little or no communications infrastructure.
But Stack carries the comic weight of the show on his puny underdeveloped shoulders and succeeds as an Atlas of anarchy.
It is all very well home-grown managers moaning when heavyweight clubs import multilingual coaching nous but how many would be prepared to follow in the footprints of Europa League finalists Fulham's much-travelled Roy Hodgson and hone hitherto underdeveloped skills in sometimes testing, technically demanding, overseas habitats?
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Because your animal speech was as underdeveloped as the unpracticed human speech of a child.
We will do that, but I regret to report that in my experience, the internet is still an underdeveloped and relatively small phenomenon in their world.
It is possible to build a critical audience and a variety of tastes but that takes time and consistency, not an easy task for underdeveloped countries with no money or devotion to long-term goals.
The old man watched her go, a slight underdeveloped girl, wearing a ragged pair of boys' shorts too big for her, a lustrous mop of untidy hair falling in glossy black waves almost to her bony shoulders.
Because the brain or respiratory system may be immature or underdeveloped, the baby may not be able to regulate his or her own breathing normally.
Perhaps the best-known Vibrio infection is cholera, which sickens many people in underdeveloped countries through contaminated food and water.
`A typical remark of an underdeveloped foreign culture," Samantha retorted, impassively sipping her celery juice.
Every economic study shows that the costs to American industries and our economy would be disasterous unless we spent billions of dollars buying carbon credits from bankrupt countries like Russia and underdeveloped nations through a scheme that could rival the Iraq OIl for Food program in corruptness.
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Aside from the official fivefold regional division of Brazil, a simpler economic distinction is made between the poor, underdeveloped North and the wealthier, more industrialized South.
Citizens of economically underdeveloped countries typically have shorter life expectancies than do citizens of the developed countries.
In particular, the frenulum is a very erogenous region known as the "sex nerve" in France that is either ablated during circumcision or is extremely underdeveloped on the circumcised penis.
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He encouraged dialogue between the wealthy industrial nations and the underdeveloped countries.
This vital missing ingredient leaves the characterisation grossly underdeveloped, and the plot, somewhat on the thin side.
The western world has contributed to the immense amount of suffering in underdeveloped countries.
He sang kind of sharp and with some questionable rhythms, seemed somewhat overparted, but mostly sounded really great and managed to make an underdeveloped part interesting.
That's the reason you see so many great benchers with flat or underdeveloped chests but huge front deltoids.
The most telling discovery is that the prefrontal lobe in a baby's brain is underdeveloped, which limits the capacity for internally driven attention and goal-directed behavior.
Our local commercial hub is underdeveloped and I want more density to support it.
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The growing and undelayable need to solve underdeveloped makes us return,
When economic expansion began to decline in the 1970s, it was more profitable to export capital to underdeveloped countries where wages were low, than to import workers.
I thought that untidiness and dirtiness were the characteristics of cities in some underdeveloped country of the past, like Calcutta, Bombay, Rio de Janeiro or elsewhere, but not here in Australia.
People in underdeveloped countries do have many positives, despite their circumstances.
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By contrast my legs - while not being exactly underdeveloped - are not accustomed to taking the strain of my upper body without locking at the knees for extra support.
The challenge is especially daunting, considering that 55 percent of the population remains in underdeveloped rural areas where local governments have scarce budgetary and technical resources.
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`I take it, Sloan, that Dlasa is what it is fashionable these days to call underdeveloped ?
Underdeveloped countries, as to be expected, make full use of supplier and buyer credit facilities available in the industrialised nations.
Underdeveloped countries, as to be expected, make full use of supplier and buyer credit facilities available in the industrialised nations.
It's in the underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
Self psychology sees all psychopathology as reflecting self deficits—that is, gaps, or missing or underdeveloped elements in self structure that come about as a result of unattuned or traumatic caretaking.
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
The 35-year-old from Dry Ridge, Kentucky, USA, suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which causes brittle bones and underdeveloped lungs, and means she failed to grow.
They voted aid for the underdeveloped countries in Asia
Also the male co-twins to freemartins are usually considered to be normal and fertile, although a few may have underdeveloped testicles and some may have reduced fertility.
It's in the poorer, underdeveloped eastern region of the country that the biggest problems exist.
The birds have had to rely on haws and berries and there are no cornfields in the western regions, most birds are thin and underdeveloped because of lack of sustenance.
Togo's stagnant, underdeveloped economy is largely dependent on agricultural exports.
You're looking at undereducated, undervalued and underdeveloped, men, women and children.
Because your animal speech was as underdeveloped as the unpracticed human speech of a child.
Likewise, allowing skyscrapers in underdeveloped areas such as Anacostia might encourage investment there and would do so without impacting the character of the city's monumental core.
Should D.C. raise its height limit?
There are wealthy creditors and bankrupt debtors; there are super rich countries and underdeveloped countries, super wealthy speculators and impoverished malnourished children.
So she keeps throwing in underdeveloped characters to serve as random obstacles.
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Their immune systems are underdeveloped, their skin is thin and easily penetrated by bacteria, and they are born with problems that require invasive procedures such as catheters and respirators to keep them alive.
Responsible adults have been caught up in bystander apathy, so underdeveloped teen age brains, I just don’t know.
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It's just not enough, though, because first, the characterisation is underdeveloped, and second, there is no attempt to establish an audience-character relationship.
Such lighters, usually flat-bottomed barges, were used in lightening or loading and unloading vessels that could not be wharfed, or where harbour facilities were underdeveloped or too small.
Like most taverns of underdeveloped areas, this particular watering hole was poorly furbished and far from hygienic.
In particular, developing states are handicapped as effective international actors by having relatively underdeveloped diplomatic machines and by a restricted range of policy instruments.
An endomorph has a soft body, underdeveloped muscles, round physique and hold most of their weight in their middle; weight loss is difficult but the endomorph can build muscle easily like the mesomorph.
These areas were rich in natural resources but had not been exploited because of underdeveloped or non-existence of infrastructure.
He encouraged dialogue between the wealthy industrial nations and the underdeveloped countries.
The usual result of an amateur stunt sequence is underdeveloped, static motion that looks like obese octogenarians swing dancing.
There must be no more division of the world into civilized and uncivilized, developed and underdeveloped.
It's tough being a student; between lack of funds, daytime classes and that underdeveloped work ethic, it's almost impossible to diligently pursue something.
The real problem is tiny, underdeveloped lungs.
The report recommends a maximum height of 12 storeys in underdeveloped areas such as around Heuston Station, Spencer Dock and the south docks.
Vine identification and the study of individual varieties' characteristics and aptitudes is a decidedly underdeveloped field of activity.
Many pastors find a new creative outlet during their sabbatical time through painting, pottery, music, or some other previously undiscovered or underdeveloped talent.
Without giving too much away, the tepid love story is just one of several underdeveloped subplots, all of which culminate with the men eventually entering the Royal Horticultural Society's garden contest.
These photos are underdeveloped
This country, he said, was a land of unlimited opportunities, with a growing middle class and an impressive savings rate, yet with an underdeveloped banking system ripe for reform.
At the 34th period of sessions of the UN General Assembly, in October 1979, we proposed, in the name of the nonaligned countries 'movement, the undelayable need to create an additional fund of no less than $300 billion at the real values of 1977, to be distributed in yearly quantities over the next 10 years in the form of donations and long-term soft loans among the underdeveloped countries.
The U.S. must work with those underdeveloped nations to improve their quality of life.
Van Praagh says there are people who claim to be mediums who have what he calls underdeveloped abilities. - Latest News
Children's Hospital doctors, working with The Technology Dependence Center (TDC) team, diagnosed Connor with multiple medical problems, including an airway that was prone to collapse, underdeveloped lungs, a seizure disorder, severe gastric reflux, bilateral brain hemorrhage and developmental delays.
Assistive therapies: oxygen, mechanical ventilation
In 1903, a method of increasing the annual tax on vacant or underdeveloped land was adopted.
However, the combination of glucose and ABA caused an inhibition of early wild-type seedling growth that resulted in underdeveloped plantlets that were chlorotic and anthocyanic.
A recurring issue in all underdeveloped countries is a lack of credit.
I’m never ever going to be able to hoard all of Barbara’s cooking from the rest of the world by trying to play off of her underdeveloped sense of gastronomic genius, and telling her he cooking is awful and I have to save her reputation by eating it all up.
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The underdeveloped twin may have to be surgically separated to save the larger twin.
The arts market in Yorkshire is underdeveloped, yet we know there is enormous scope for growth.
We have seen the migration of the garment industry from the developed world to the underdeveloped world.
No leader of any underdeveloped country of any size has been a world figure as long as the Cuban caudillo.
He's absolutely correct about what we ought to do about those underdeveloped countries.
Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology.
Perhaps it is the sad fate of the so-called underdeveloped world to make the same mistakes as the developed world.