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How To Use Underage In A Sentence

  • Police in Newquay are warning underage drinkers that the party is over. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are not all adults here, clearly you forget about the underage minors that try to obtain alchohol illegally. stupid is .... Booze News « PubliCola
  • The case here was endimic at the place throughout the 90s, at least, as were other outrages and abuses (I know about this … managers who couldn’t care less let underage stockers tool around in forklifts that they have no training, and one I know of even tipped the forklift over going around a corner too fast). Wal-smart « BuzzMachine
  • Wisconsin Brewery Tour bells brewery profile cellar series craft fauerbach fresh hops jt whitneys lake louie mbr meet-up news old fashioned pairings point brewery prices pricing rowland's calumet saison thanksgiving thermo refur underage drinking wine altbier aran madden baltic porter barriques beer games best of 2008 Madison Beer Review Presents Beer Talk Today
  • This is with the view of saving lighterage and plunderage, and bringing the great mass of commerce so much nearer to the heart of the City. The Life of Thomas Telford
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  • In some countries the law states that if underage youngsters break the law the parents are held responsible too.
  • Proffered concerns about underage drinking are thus merely a stalking horse for the financial interests at stake in these cases.
  • DICKINSON: I guess it would connotate ratings, wouldn ` t it, just, you know, to drill up all this trash about what she does with underage drinking? CNN Transcript Jan 5, 2007
  • He was convicted of having unlawful sex with an underage girl.
  • He points to the UK where, despite a generally prudish approach, underage pregnancies are rife.
  • Similarly, retailers can be responsible and accountable for underage sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are laws against underage sex and underage drinking.
  • The following team managers were appointed for the coming year to take charge of the various teams at underage level.
  • WHEN was the last time anyone saw the police in pubs checking for underage drinkers? The Sun
  • They were underage and not wearing helmets. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are expected to cite the fear that shipping wine from California to a consumer's doorstep will boost underage drinking.
  • Do underage drinkers not have parents and do those parents not have any responsibilities? Times, Sunday Times
  • Cville’s best location for picking up drunken underage UVA poontang is now history. Wild Wings Closed? at
  • At many stores, persons who buy spray paints are "carded" because underage graffiti artists use spray paint. Match THIS for Stupidity: Taxing a House of Cards
  • Snow White, a tale about an underage girl who is rescued from a deep sleep by her true love and in the end marries him and becomes a happily ever after princess. Art Appreciation Moment of the Day: J. Scott Campbell | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Officers seized 500 bottles and cans of alcohol from underage drinkers. The Sun
  • This blunder means that we have miseducated a whole generation of young Irish people into having underage sex.
  • Newgate Market, off Parliament Street is controversially claimed to be a popular hang-out for underage smokers, while a city car park is tipped as a spot where a passing student may be persuaded to buy youngsters a litre of cheap cider.
  • Critics charge that Jennings, who is himself openly gay, condoned what they called statutory rape, even child molestation, because they say 20 years ago, he failed to tell authorities an underage student had sex with an older man. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
  • Still, to deter underage drinking, the states that allow direct shipping require an adult signature upon delivery.
  • A similar campaign ran in the summer, revealed a national statistic of 32 per cent of licensed premises suspected of selling alcohol to underage customers.
  • Calls for his resignation have been growing since "Rubygate," as the scandal over the underage girl has been dubbed. -- Top News
  • Off-licences selling alcohol to underage drinkers could be targeted as tough tactics are adopted to stop teenage hoodlums terrorising a town.
  • But my first exposure to Joyce was in a sleepy little black shoebox theatre, where a troupe of mild-mannered turtlenecked barnstormers read from Dubliners from a stage decorated with high stools, and where I, underexposed and underage and over my head, had too much to drink and fell asleep in mid-performance. After the Race | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • The main thrust of the bylaw is to force businesses with underage clientele to place a ban on smoking.
  • My parents use to sneak me into jazz clubs when I was underage
  • Brian was an outstanding underage player, possessing blistering pace, lethal finish and he is also an accomplished goalkeeper.
  • Adults to refrain from drinking at under-age functions and Clubs to prohibit advertising at underage events.
  • Calls for Berlusconi's resignation have been growing since "Rubygate," as the scandal over the underage girl has been dubbed. -- Top News
  • Changing his name to Zach and then Tyler, he spent time with some underage girls who didn't mind his habit of crooking his forefinger over his mouth when he laughed. Eldorado
  • He's someone who learned the hard way about how naivety is exploited on that scene, with underage actors blithely cast in barebacking scenes by studio guys who pay little attention to age certification legislation. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Police in Newquay are warning underage drinkers that the party is over. Times, Sunday Times
  • They alleged that surveillance indicated the venue was a den of iniquity and a haven for drug users and underage drinkers.
  • Skye was a devout opposer of alcoholic beverages and spent much of her time at the parties lecturing on how they were all breaking the underage drinking law with the keggers that were faithfully donated every night.
  • In Italy, where for years Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has regularly made sexual innuendoes and jokes, the premier's recent trial on charges of paying an underage girl for sex—charges he denies—has prompted women's groups to protest what they call the male establishment's demeaning attitude toward women. Across Europe, Views on Strauss-Kahn Diverge
  • If more was done to deter underage buyers, they might not try so often. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rooming houses" or "boardinghouses" have been increasing, but west side residents in the 4th ward neighborhood say many times there are problems such as home maintenance, underage drinking, parking and high-turnover related to college students that contradictsthe character of the neighborhood. Archive 2009-02-01
  • She didn't like being made to feel like an underage teenager who couldn't control her emotions.
  • Similarly, retailers can be responsible and accountable for underage sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • America's Underage Drinking Epidemic promised a salacious exposé of youth gone very, very bad.
  • Where pretty girls in angora sweaters faced tough questions like whether or not to have a drink underage? One makes sense, the other doesn't.
  • I was an underage teen sneaking into grownup punk clubs, high on moshpit fumes (and, truth be told, lots else). Boing Boing
  • They've vilified me in the whole world with this underage business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only one underage person in our sample gambled regularly in New Zealand casinos.
  • In this post, he makes some very interesting and intelligent remarks about underage drinking.
  • Do underage drinkers not have parents and do those parents not have any responsibilities? Times, Sunday Times
  • Underage drunken youths are a menace to the serenity of The Green, Castledermot.
  • Like Schnieder, Eja TaUmojo, a 57-year-old university instructor, started bar-hopping when she was still underage.
  • LOS ANGELES Hollywood Reporter - Primetime TV shows that appeal to teenagers are promoting the "sexualization" of girls at an alarming rate, including more portrayals of underage females being objectified than adults, especially for laughs, according to the Reuters: Top News
  • The 17 year old daughter is a "fornicator" as well as the hockey player, who is also a "rapist," having relations with an underage teen. Elections - fresh news by
  • This is also a favourite hang out for the local underage kids to smoke cigarettes out of the view of oblivious parents.
  • WHEN was the last time anyone saw the police in pubs checking for underage drinkers? The Sun
  • And while social programs are nothing to scoff at, the more mundane stuff, like where to go when you're 17 on a Friday night, is what most underagers are most concerned with.
  • The opinion of a twice convicted underage alcoholic, is worthless. Jenna Bush may not back McCain
  • The law on underage drinking is broken routinely, with few prosecutions.
  • I pleasantly tell him that she is underage and both he and our department could get in legal trouble for having her look at such material.
  • They also express concern about the addiction and underage gambling they believe will be the inevitable partners of online gambling.
  • The label featured a cartoon snake wearing sunglasses and a member of the public complained that it held "underage appeal". Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • No wonder smoking has been banned this year: in the minds of the producers, these people are terminally underaged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their distributors are fighting back, bringing up arguments such as easy availability of alcohol to underage drinkers.
  • As in the earlier study, many of them were underage when they gambled illegally in casinos.
  • Alcoholic drinks bought in off licences are to be traceable as the Government bids to clampdown on underage drinking, and drunken, disorderly behaviour.
  • An architectural solution to dead urban space became a convenient location for underage drinking and irritating backside noseblunts.
  • A security firm owner who provides bouncers to a nightclub claims no underage drinkers get in when his staff are on duty.
  • They also express concern about the addiction and underage gambling they believe will be the inevitable partners of online gambling.
  • Incredibly, it was the schools and churches which seemed to encourage boozing by giving it to underage drinkers as prizes at fetes and garden parties.
  • If you weren’t underage, Herondale, it would be monomachia for us. Clockwork Angel
  • Aside from farm labor, underage boys work in tea gardens as waiters, auto repair shops, and small wood and metal craft industries.
  • The charity also wants a 16 per cent increase in alcohol taxes and more vigorous enforcement to stop underage youngsters buying booze. The Sun
  • It rams home the danger of underage drinking with cold, clear simplicity. The Sun
  • Or the other word could be an adjective modifying the noun, as in underage drinker.
  • It was written and recorded right before Kelly got busted for videotaping himself having underage kinky sex and the song titles say it all to dorty to repeat them here, go look for them on amazon. com the album is called "the best of both worlds", in these songs he asks the young women to call him
  • The group is also holding an inquiry into the use of underage and underweight models in the British fashion industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • It rams home the danger of underage drinking with cold, clear simplicity. The Sun
  • Police seized 20,945 litres of alcoholic drinks 44,265 pints from underage drinkers during a February half term clamp down on public drinking, Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker announced today. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Off-licences selling alcohol to underage drinkers could be targeted as tough tactics are adopted to stop teenage hoodlums terrorising a town.
  • Even the underage foreigners are tempted into the late night activities.
  • Mr Berlusconi is facing charges of tax fraud, embezzlement, corruption, paying a underage girl for sex andabusing his office in an attemptto cover up the allegedrelationship. Berlusconi's Party Trails in Milan Race
  • And according to Lelyvard, Gandhi the pacifist was a wife-beater, denied sex to his wife for decades, was purported to be a "celibate" living life as an ascetic, but actually was a pedophile who ritualized sleeping naked with underage girls in order to test "the ferocity of his sexual desires," and at one point left his wife for a male lover. Irene Monroe: The Gandhi None of Us Knew
  • Registration for underage players is €16 and registration for overage players is €26.
  • I didn't know Kathy when she was underage, and what she told me about her life as a teenager could be a complete fabrication.
  • He was the closest thing to underage.
  • William reserves his disgust for the insalubrious hotels on the circuit and the presence of underagers on the streets.
  • That Wharfingers ihouldbe Uabto for plunderage of goods in the warehoufcs under their charge y (which is known to be very extenfiv. e at prefent;) and that fiich Wharfingers a»nd 'Warehoufe-men ffiould fee that all ffigar calks are flowed upon their bulge, and not upon their ends, as at prefent, to prevent drainage. A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis: Containing a Detail of the Various Crimes and ...
  • I could clearly see just how underaged most of the frosh really were.
  • Overview: When news reports overflowed on the dangerous rise in binge drinking in young people, college campuses cracked down with zero-tolerance policies on both underage and legal drinking among students. FH Boom Daily Digest - September,1 2009 (The Boomer Blog)
  • Wisconsin Brewery Tour altbier aran madden barriques brewery profile brewfarm cellar series chris staples craft distilled spirits fauerbach fresh hops industry lost abbey monroe st bistro old fashioned pairings point brewery prices rowland's calumet saison sand creek style study thanksgiving thermo refur underage drinking wine badger porter baltic porter beer games best of 2008 Audience Participation: Excitement Builds
  • While its protagonists partake in awkward coupling and underage tippling, Gilligan's book is in fact a rather old-fashioned teen romance.
  • Ably led by Noel Lyons and Marie Mannion, this group of enthusiastic people organised the underage teams with great success.
  • I got thrown in once when I was underage, not to eventful though...tried to get a cop to drive me home, he said sure and drove me straight to the tank.
  • First of all, I had been doing motocross for a while, even though I wasn't allowed to, being underage and all.
  • A system which clearly informs what a video contains, and a stricter law for selling to underage people would in my opinion allow any video to be issued uncensored.
  • “This part of town is for people from New Jersey and underage drinkers,” she says, rather snobbily. The Double Life is Twice as Good
  • Ally said her underage client, who his neighbors in the Washington Houses described as the "baddest boy in the building," had not been arrested before. NY Daily News
  • I heard that the goats he fellated were underage. rapier says: Matthew Yglesias » Feel the Kausmentum
  • The family day takes place on Sunday, with a feast of underage football, bouncing castle, glamorous granny competition, bonny baby competition etc.
  • Police officers are cracking down on underage binge drinkers and alcohol-related violence, with target numbers of licensed premises to visit in a shift.
  • From over at Wonkette, we have a mind-numbing, alleged online chat session with the Bush bimboes, Barbara (the underage-drinking one) and Jenna (the binge-drinking one), in which the twins do their best to channel Mr. Spock, or perhaps Constable Benton Fraser from the Canadian TV series Due South: Canadian Cynic
  • However, the first he knew of her career was when she asked him to witness her record contract, as she was still underage.
  • Tilden died broke, and shunned by many because of his conviction for homosexuality with underage partners.
  • Southend stores and off-licences are freely selling alcohol, tobacco and fireworks to underage youngsters, an investigation has revealed.
  • Officers seized 500 bottles and cans of alcohol from underage drinkers. The Sun
  • ‘Limiting access to alcohol in underage drinkers is crucial in reducing attempted suicide figures,’ he said.
  • As well as the concern over violent computer games, research has shown that the majority of underage smokers buy cigarettes and tobacco themselves from retailers.
  • No; in Labour, box-ticking, Britain the response is a po-faced "We take the sale of alcohol to underage people extremely seriously. The UK's box-ticking culture
  • New York's Gambino crime family might have hit a new low by allegedly introducing underage prostitution into its operations, authorities say, but just as shocking to some was the appearance of a female among the list of defendants in a federal indictment unsealed Tuesday. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, April 21, 2010
  • If more was done to deter underage buyers, they might not try so often. Times, Sunday Times
  • My fondest MG memory will always be sitting in Bienville Square on Shrove Tuesday, surrounded by thousands of drunk and getting drunker revelers, and watching the cops on horseback ride by and yank underage drinkers up by the collar to escort them on the horse's thigh to the nearest station for processing. Laissez la bonne exposition de seins
  • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who labeled House Republicans 'behavior here "abhorrent," is a vocal opponent of parental consent laws with regard to abortions for underage girls. Sound Politics: Cantwell divorce file resealed by court, yet to be explored by mainstream press
  • Those of appropriate age ordered a variety of alcoholic drinks such as daiquiris and margaritas, and the rest of us, underage, settled on virgin margaritas or sodas.
  • Police officers on the beat are also on the lookout for underage drinkers.
  • I was the only one underage but sometimes gimpiness freaks servers out so much you don't get carded. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.
  • Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.
  • With the influx of cyberbullying cases, school violence and all the underage drinking, does a school have the right to access to your child's Facebook or MySpace account?
  • Xiang is pretty unvergleichlich herself, but big hair and bigger hairpins tend to remind me of an ugly scene from my youth involving a vice cop, an underage Carmen Miranda drag queen, and a glory hole ... Das Motelzimmer stinkt nach Blut und Scheiße...
  • The way the swipers use the information might surprise them as well: Some bars and restaurants scan driver's licenses to catch underage drinkers and fake IDs, but they're also using the information for marketing purposes.
  • The women defending the practice of underage sex seem terribly sad to me.
  • Rather than a flaw on the part of Mayo, this is more likely symptomatic of the unpredictability of underage football.
  • My parents use to sneak me into jazz clubs when I was underage
  • I hung out at Tysons Corner Center over the weekend, figuring I'd bump into kids buying the kind of skanky, sequined hookup outfits they saw on the show, or rather, the kind that would soon be peeled off the underage bodies on the show. For teens, MTV's 'Skins' offers allure of the forbidden
  • James, well I think that anybody who engages in deviant sex be it women and underage boys or child molesters or homosexuals should be punished for their action. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • If you're underage, 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint extract can be substituted for Creme de Menthe.
  • The charity also wants a 16 per cent increase in alcohol taxes and more vigorous enforcement to stop underage youngsters buying booze. The Sun
  • It also takes in underage convicts receiving reformatory education.
  • If more was done to deter underage buyers, they might not try so often. Times, Sunday Times
  • Retailers in Kingston selling fireworks to underage youths in the run up to Guy Fawkes night had better watch out.
  • One thing not so easily remedied is what I think remains the biggest threat to future league success: underage players. - Stern pro, union con on age limit
  • The precise 'gatekeeping' mechanism used to stop underage viewers from watching unsuitable content will be left to individual organisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • My fondest MG memory will always be sitting in Bienville Square in downtown Mobile on Shrove Tuesday, surrounded by thousands of drunk and getting drunker revelers, and watching the cops on horseback ride by and yank underage drinkers up by the collar to escort them on the horse's thigh to the nearest station for processing. This Post Is Rated R
  • Apparently, many underage Korean scamps borrow adults' resident registration numbers and credit card numbers to log onto adult sites.
  • He's someone who learned the hard way about how naivety is exploited on that scene, with underage actors blithely cast in barebacking scenes by studio guys who pay little attention to age certification legislation. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Underage drinking exists in this country because it is a taboo and therefore cool to indulge in.
  • Ally said his underage client, who neighbors in the Washington Houses described as the "baddest boy in the building," had not been arrested before. NY Daily News
  • Not that you'd know it unless, as per usual, you were made all too aware of alcohol by strolling through a vomit-spattered town centre, passing a barful of celebrating bankers in the City, or waiting for a night bus amid the dismal caterwauling of underage soaks. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • Just a bunch of college kids grooving to bad dance music, acting immature and possibly drinking underage.
  • Back on the dark streets of noughties Britain, underage drinking has become a modern epidemic.
  • Nurturing the game of racquetball at underage level has always been a central feature of the club's policy.
  • When an Adult Male holds an underage girl in complete captivity, and sexually assaults her over and over, and never acknowledges his crimes, what would you call the perpetrator of such evil acts! Rep. Davis (R-KY) Apologizes For Calling Obama "That Boy"
  • Perez Hilton, Miley Cyrus and the whole underage 'upskirt' photo dilemma [poll] Channel 13 Sports

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