- not given to open expression of emotion
How To Use undemonstrative In A Sentence
- He worked for a while in fashion photography, but his shy and undemonstrative personality was not suited to this world, and he concentrated more on very mundane subjects such as plumbing fixtures.
- These days, after a handshake with this undemonstrative, measured, charming man, you might have a quick check that your arm is still affixed.
- However, on Wednesday night the normally undemonstrative boss was obviously delighted with the result.
- Certainly, it is undemonstrative in its perfection; but that very perfection is a quality we should treasure.
- Socially he was undemonstrative, but he had a dry and perceptive wit, which was a source of considerable amusement to his colleagues and friends.
- This equestrian boss nowadays is no longer already in those days that undemonstrative " pony elder brother ".
- He was the most undemonstrative of cricketers.
- Normally undemonstrative, Murasaki flung her arms about her father and kissed him soundly.
- Undemonstrative, quick-witted, alert and intelligent: he has it all.
- a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man