How To Use Uncultivated In A Sentence
The Earth's rice production must expand by about 1 percent annually to meet increasing demand, and almost no available uncultivated land is suited to intensive agriculture.
And those who possess or have cultivated in themselves this fine moral sentiment of unselfishness, justice, and considerateness, will be surrounded by an atmosphere of culture though their dwelling-place be an uncarpeted cabin, while those who lack this restraining grace will be "uncultivated" though their surroundings afford every comfort, beauty, and luxury.
Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls
Usually uncultivated and fallow lands need cleaning and leveling.
Although irreverently trivialized in the Western world -- perceived by outsiders as uncultivated or lacking structure -- dances like Lamba from the Bambara people of Mali could rival any French derived Grand rond de jambe.
Sasha Brookner: Sabar: African Hip-Hop
In San Andrés isolated trees and small localized groups of trees survive, apart from secondary bushy vegetation in uncultivated areas or forming an irregular undergrowth among the crops of coconut palm, while there are some remnants of the forest in the central massif of Providencia.
Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
In this respect, the Persians, Turks, and the so-called uncultivated people, are much more generous than we are.
A Woman's Journey Round the World
I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
For I was now upon the limit of Velay, and all that I beheld lay in another county -- wild Gevaudan, mountainous, uncultivated, and but recently disforested from terror of the wolves.
Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes
No corner is left unsprayed or uncultivated.
Times, Sunday Times
Each member's plot is demarcated with either a fence or an uncultivated strip of land.
Leaving one-half or one-third of the land uncultivated each year had become a widespread practice in the Middle Ages as a way to restore nutrients.
I have uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
Would you be kind enough to go back on deck and tell Kay that I said she's an uncultivated, ill-bred sybarite?
Under these systems, one third to one half of the land was uncultivated each year, while the cultivated land yielded only four or five units of harvested grain for each unit sown.
Who was this uncultivated person to introduce such base objects to a serious discussion?
Outfield is uncultivated upland pasturage used for summer grazing.
Forty-eight square miles of good sound fame your not inerudite correspondent can conscientiously lay claim to; and although there is, with regret I admit it, a considerable portion of the square superficies alluded to, waste and uncultivated moor, yet I can say, wid that racy touch of genial and expressive pride which distinguishes men of letters in general, that the other portions of this fine district are inhabited by a multitudinity of population in the highest degree creditable to the prolific powers of the climate.
The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
The stalky marshland plants huddle in dense bunches on uncultivated areas bordering South Florida's sugar farms.
On the far side of the lawn was the wild patch, an area left uncultivated to attract insects and small animals.
For I was now upon the limit of Velay, and all that I beheld lay in another county-wild Gevaudan, mountainous, uncultivated, and but recently disforested from terror of the wolves.
Travels With A Donkey In The Cevennes
The bus lurches along a bumpy road through a landscape of uncultivated desolation.
I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday? perishes tomorrow which person of the implored.
The whole is a sweet Spot of Earth, not a Span hardly uncultivated with Sugar-Canes; all sides bend with an easy declivity to the Sea, and is ever green," was how one visitor described the island in the 1730s.
Colonial riches in Barbados
They expect to find the whole area intensely wooded, unaware that the word originally meant an area of land, wild, uncultivated and largely treed.
Would you be kind enough to go back on deck and tell Kay that I said she's an uncultivated, ill-bred sybarite?
This book does a fair job of describing the loggers themselves, uncultivated men for whom an ancient tree is nothing more than a potential fee.
The idle pleasure of the shepherd and shepherdess would have reminded seventeenth-century viewers of the human condition in an uncultivated environment.
Thus, in a minor degree, the emigrant from the southern seas who has been for years amongst the cabins on the outskirts of uncultivated plains, where cities were built of huts, where spireless churches of thatched roof served for the basilicas of divine worship, and where public justice was administered under canvas, is startled and delighted with the refinement and civilization of his more favored fellow-mortal who lives in the French capital.
Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius
An appeal has gone out to farmers not to plough uncultivated land.
They leased uncultivated land to the owners of huge flocks of sheep.
Uncultivated Russians, for example, as Halima knew, usually became enraged at being called uncultured.
Most farmers could only harvest one crop per season due to the minimal rainfall common to the area, and thus left their land uncultivated and searched for alternative sources of income.
He, too, knew what it was like to look at an empty, uncultivated piece of land and imagine it blossoming with trees.
Ignored was that local law stipulated that "uncultivated" land could be owned by individuals.
Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion
They grew up together on the moors: the wild, rough and uncultivated terrain.
The characteristic landscape of Merovingian villages is a settlement composed of scattered little hamlets, with a multitude of little fields separated by uncultivated lands.
‘How can such an uncultivated man govern the country?’
Nearly all processed nuts came from uncultivated trees growing in wild populations.
Rolling hills, rising away from the swampy ground that bounded L'Enfant; scattered trees, uncultivated fields.
The current architectural mandarins tell us all this, and they've cowed many; in matters of taste, no one wants to appear uncultivated and unsophisticated.
It is only the ill-bred, that is, the uncultivated imagination that will amuse itself where it ought to worship and work.
A Dish of Orts : Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare
But the difference between the states does not appear to me so great as the gentleman imagines; and I beg leave to say, that in proportion to the increase of population, the southern states will have greater weight than the northern, as they have such large quantities of land still uncultivated, which is not so much the case to the north.
Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of North-Carolina, Convened at
The land is mostly uncultivated and, the driver tells them, when the monsoon passes, the area is a desert.
But these concerns seem to have been appeased because only unenclosed and uncultivated land, aside from a small strip of improved farmland near Crymych, has been opened up.
Many of these lepidopteran pest species of pome fruit have a broad host range that can include cherry, peach/nectarine, grape, citrus, kiwi, and pistachio, as well as uncultivated hosts.
It is also one of the reasons why these signs may be taken to signify uncultivated territory and places where wild animals roam.
As the sun was declining, mercifully, the road began to descend, passing through surprisingly lush but uncultivated land.
As I have already said, we had from the beginning felt called especially for itinerating work, the work of looking out new fields and preparing the way for other laborers, the work of preparing the soil in uncultivated regions, that by twos and threes, and in greater numbers when God's time arrived, the sowers of the Word might come to dark Tibet to scatter the seed unto a glorious harvest.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
Again, this is a place to include uncultivated herbs such as dandelion, chicory, chickweed, malva, watercress, nettles and mustard greens.
Within Tanzania the area is important for retaining uncultivated lowland vegetation, for the arid and semi-arid plant communities below 1,300 m, for its abundant shortgrass grazing and for the water catchment highland forests.
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
Nest boxes were on strips of uncultivated land planted with young trees among three cultivated fields, adjacent to a wooded area with large trees.
When Arthur Young wished to ascertain the relative proportions of cultivated and uncultivated land in France, he cut up a map of the country, and weighed them one against the other; but the platometer would have helped him to a more satisfactory conclusion.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 434 Volume 17, New Series, April 24, 1852
The Coptic is an uncultivated and formal tongue, with monosyllabic roots and _rude inflexions, totally different_ from the neighbouring languages of Syria and Arabia, _totally opposite_ to the copious and polished Sanscrit.
Notes and Queries, Number 53, November 2, 1850
No fences at all to be seen… no cattle… huge groups of rocks… hundreds of miles of seemingly unowned and uncultivated land.
He pushed through a law which enabled the landless to take over some uncultivated land last year.
Much of the land remains uncultivated partly because its ownership is questionable, partly because its owners have moved away or are dead and mostly because there is no machinery to do the heavy work.
This was the finishing blow to Liston's offended dignity -- to be invited to dinner by a fat fleshmonger, merely to amuse his uncultivated cubs, was too much for the nervous system of the comedian to bear; but how to retreat?
The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
We are aware of no such studies of wild legumes growing in uncultivated soils.
The stalky marshland plants huddle in dense bunches on uncultivated areas bordering South Florida's sugar farms.
uncultivated land
We are aware of no such studies of wild legumes growing in uncultivated soils.
Woad robs the soil of nutrients, forcing medieval woad growers in Europe to move frequently in search of uncultivated land.
Native prairie grasses and plants blanket the uncultivated tribal land.
The power of feudal lords was reduced, and the richest settlers progressively gained control of uncultivated land.
The villages were abandoned, and the land lay around in uncultivated wastes.
The Scottish Chiefs
Mass conversion of uncultivated land for bioenergy could also be devastating for wildlife, he added.
Times, Sunday Times
An organism, especially a cultivated plant, such as a banana, not known to have a wild or uncultivated counterpart.
Job wrote his epic poem in a state of society which we should probably term uncultivated; and when Lamech gave utterance to the most ancient and the saddest of human lyrics, the world was in its infancy, and it would appear as if the first artificer in "brass and iron" had only helped to make homicide more easy.
An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
In a census year a piece of uncultivated land was not taxed until the following census.