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How To Use Unction In A Sentence

  • The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • $this - > _updated = true; else throw new Exception ( "Invalid server response"); public function setLoginPassword ($login, $password) $this - > _login = $login;
  • I've got a couple of equipment malfunctions which I'm struggling with.
  • Construction here would include offices, retail and hotels with the objective of integrating the docklands with the city centre and extending its functions to the east.
  • And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank! The Name of the Rose
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  • Objective:To observe the effects of transurethral vaporization for prostate (TVP) and suprapubic prostatectomy (SPP) on sexual function of the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
  • He can dissolve the parliament, and nominate people to all the key state functions.
  • Fitness functions include a simple linear problem for binary strings and classification of data sets which are dynamically loaded from a specified data file.
  • Dysfunctional families seem to be occupying the minds of Scotland's visiting choreographers.
  • The digital flux that frames our experience of physical and socio-political realities functions through continuous additions, subtractions, and disappearances.
  • Administration. Quality assurance must be integrated into local health care management functions. 3.
  • For perciform fishes, the pectoral fin and tail are known to play important roles in propulsion and there is now a substantial literature on the function of these fins.
  • With the collapse of the Soviet economy, prisons could no longer function as an industrial monolith.
  • Since the anito is the cause of all bodily afflictions the chief function of the person who battles for the health of the afflicted is that of the exorcist, rather than that of the therapeutist. The Bontoc Igorot
  • Coblentz had its ancient name of Confluentes, from its standing at the junction of the two rivers. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 04: Caligula
  • The measurements were consistently made from the same point of the junction of the wing veins.
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • Furthermore, functional and structural divergence might, in some cases, precede rather than follow gene duplication.
  • Option 1 is to connect the supply cable as a spur to an existing loop-in ceiling rose or junction box.
  • At a recent function in the village's memorial hall, the residents presented her with a bouquet of flowers and £910 that had been collected in the community.
  • It was battery operated, and would not rely on a malfunction in the main power supply.
  • There was to be an incredibly customisable interface, not just skins, but how it all worked, so more experienced users would have more functionality available.
  • It is, however, evident that this action on chromatin is most important for proper functioning of the genome and for maintenance of genome integrity. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • Mr Fothergill's 1991 seed catalogue includes a fully functional model which has a traditional iron wheel and is priced at £179.
  • And also barely functioning as an able-minded human being. IN ODDER NEWS: Kathy Griffin’s Emmy Speech, Uncensored | Best Week Ever
  • It is generally longer than it is wide and its floor slopes downwards towards a junction either with another valley or a plain.
  • For convenience and safety, some skid-steer loader manufacturers mount switches on the steering control grips or levers to control these multifunctional tools.
  • We have devised a functional approach to clone genes involved in the regulation of cell growth and senescence.
  • Preserving the launch configurations also gives the developer the ability to run the server inside the JDT debugger, so he can set breakpoints on his user-defined SQL functions.
  • The dependent clause functions as a substitution item in a frame, the frame being the rest of the sentence.
  • Species with 120 chromosomes are classified as functional diploid species, species with 250 chromosomes as functional tetraploid species, and with 500 chromosomes as functional octaploids.
  • It packs motorized faders, multifunction rotary encoders and a host of keys.
  • It appears that the function of the interspinous ligament may be to maintain the tension in the thoraco-lumbar fascia.
  • Baker, while on a visit to Göttingen, was inspired by Klein to study algebraic function theory.
  • Even supposedly essential functions are subcontracted out.
  • There will be a representative from Crumlin Hospital attending the function to accept the cheque.
  • It is known as the substructure of B generated by X, and we find it by first adding to X all the elements cB where c are individual constants of K, and then closing off under the functions First-order Model Theory
  • Chronically stressed mammals produce hormones called glucocorticoids, which can suppress certain immune-system and gonadal functions when the hormones remain elevated.
  • To make best use of existing technology investment and implement future-proof design and platform functionality.
  • A new spellcheck is a valuable addition, as is the enhanced search-and-replace function.
  • The course content included identification, screening and early intervention and medical implications like epilepsy, hyperactivity and brain dysfunctions.
  • Objective To observe the rehabilitation treated effect of children arrhythmia caused by autonomic nerve functional disorder.
  • It was, in fact, the accidental discovery of several mind-altering drugs in the middle of the 20th century that drew me into research on brain functions and mental illness.
  • Petal length was measured as the length of the petal from its apex to its adaxial junction with the receptacle.
  • Water dilutes, dissolves and helps eliminate toxins and trash that could otherwise inhibit immune function, muscle recovery and growth.
  • The capitalist who, alone or in conjunction with his fellows, performs some great industrial feat by which he wins money is a welldoer, not a wrongdoer, provided only he works in proper and legitimate lines. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • If the ventral curvature of tail is real, then that, in concert with its extremely narrow scaupulae, suggests that a more appropriate functional analog would be found in arboreal chameleons.
  • In many communities switching between languages serves important functions.
  • Histones physically control access to genes, and adding small functional groups such as acetyl or methyl units to them can selectively switch certain genes on and off. Innovations-report
  • Almost all non-functional programmers are unaware that tail calls facilitate a programming paradigm that they have never seen. what's new online!
  • Traditionally the province has functioned as the country's breadbasket.
  • Bind a function to that button that triggers a click of the currently selected tab, use the methods tabsClick and tabsSelected, like (untested): var $tabs = $ ( '#tabs'). tabs ({... Klaus Hartl - Stilbüro
  • Ten plant functional types (PFTs) are differentiated by physiological, morphological, phenological, bioclimatic, and fireresponse attributes. Effects of climate change on landscape and regional processes and feedbacks to the climate system in the Arctic
  • Katy chose to focus on design, as in functional contemporary design rather than fine art and sculpture.
  • The speaker had, finally, demonstrated the synthesis of hippuric acid and sulphate of phenol in the excided kidney as a function of its cells, by adding to the blood pouring through the kidney, in the first place, benzoic acid and glycol; in the second place, phenol and sulphate of soda. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • Armantrout's short lines, use of rhetoric, aggressive lineation, disjunctions and juxtapositions, discursiveness, parataxis, and myriad condensatory techniques are all exemplary, but never overbearing. Seth Abramson: November 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • But there are myriads of other discrete territories, such as deserts, mountain ranges, peninsulas, and islands, that function as bioregions.
  • The "SynchroRev Match" function automatically controls and adjusts engine speed when shifting to the speed of the next gear position, essentially "blipping" the throttle to smooth out any up / down shifts. Autoblog
  • The Sub – Prior readily obeyed the first part of the Abbot’s injunction, but paused upon the second — “It is Friday, most reverend,” he said in Latin, desirous that the hint should escape, if possible, the ears of the stranger. The Monastery
  • This camera also supports high-speed continuous shooting of images at the maximum 10-MP size (3648 x 2736) at 10 fps, and offers a sport continuous mode, which allows for continuous shooting at up to approximately 120 fps*, and a function for recording high-definition movies with stereo sound. Digital camera reviews, photography news and views
  • Vans carrying publicity materials are stopping at junctions across the State.
  • He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • In a study of guinea pigs, oral administration of diiodotyrosine prevented alterations in thyroid and pituitary function induced by ovariectomy.
  • By the use of the eigenfunctions, the formulas of the propagation of the transient wave along rod, beam and beam-rod structures are derived in the present paper.
  • Post offices serve many functions apart from postal services and many elderly people cannot travel a great distance to reach one.
  • This web page will be refreshed after the API data is updated daily, or after the 'recalculate' function. - New Projects
  • However, it also emphasizes that the efficient and effective functioning of the system in its entirety is bicentric to the success of some display programme, irrespective of the display method chosen. Xml's
  • But what you gain in fashion you lose in function: Unlike the "callet," you have to pull the phone from the case to make a call, check a text or take a photo. $39 plus $20 shipping; The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • In this chapter, we give some operator inequalities and norm inequalities by means of spectral decomposition and functional calculus.
  • Energy is more readily conveyed to the various parts of the smaller mass, and hence the lesser organisms will more actively functionate; and this, as being the urging dynamic attitude, as well as that most generally favourable in the struggle, will multiply and favour such forms of life. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • Furthermore, we have developed a background monitoring function which automatically protects your computer against heavy fragmentation without your having to get involved.
  • Categorization of the life-world is a manifest function of this active embodiment.
  • Trouble signals are indicated when a detector becomes too ‘dirty’ to properly function.
  • We use the fact that processed pseudogenes and functional genes are subject to different nucleotide-substitution patterns.
  • He is also known for applications of the kernel function to conformal mappings.
  • When the eyelids are open, an elliptical space, the palpebral fissure (rima palpebrarum), is left between their margins, the angles of which correspond to the junctions of the upper and lower eyelids, and are called the palpebral commissures or canthi. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • They go for feel and function, leaning towards seam free, simple, unfussy styles.
  • The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days. Hullabaloo
  • A certain nutrition and health function of transgenic metallothionein mushroom on ICR mice was studied in this paper.
  • The first fortnight will see closure of Slade Lane Junction to replace signalling equipment and trackwork, including switches and crossings.
  • There is no cure for cystinosis, which takes its toll on sufferers' kidney function. The Sun
  • Functionalism as a linguistic approach is different from generative and cognitive approaches in that it makes no claim as to the cognitive reality of the mechanisms it proposes - that matter is irrelevant to its usefulness.
  • He knew some members of the congregation, including the president, grew restive during his discourse, and would have preferred a more oratorical, hortative style, but he felt his type of sermon was more in keeping with his basic function of teacher, implicit in the word "rabbi. Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
  • He was the talisman, the cog in the clockwork that made the whole mechanism function.
  • You are responsible for your life. You can't keep blaming somebody else for your dysfunction. Life is really about moving on. Oprah Winfrey 
  • It is the male's prime function to patrol his territory against intruders.
  • The above utility function also has the property of diminishing marginal utility for each commodity.
  • The research team looked in particular at a condition called diastolic dysfunction. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • A recursive function is one that calls itself, often over and over again.
  • Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
  • Then you pass this to the date function with a common display format.
  • Wallace and Wolf trace the development of structural functionalism to Comte, Herbert Spencer, and Durkheim.
  • A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme form-a directory with a file named '' style. css '' make; itr equires only some familiarity with HTML and CSS, and no knowledge of PHP. Codex - Recent changes [en]
  • Fine screen, menu and function keys is also very intimate setting.
  • But in essence, the short-time Fourier transformation is a method of ingle resolution because it uses an unchanged short-time widow function.
  • I stretch Google Earth to its functional limits all the time in my hydrogeology research. Earth View Puts Google Earth Inside Google Maps On The Web | Lifehacker Australia
  • Loss of functioning lymphocytes is one of the reasons an individual may experience food and other allergies. The Allergy Handbook
  • A court's competence to grant an anti-suit injunction seems to derive from its jurisdiction to adjudicate.
  • Composition, balance, the skill of the draughtmanship, the function of the work and its emotive power are all integral.
  • Is there any other kind of test we can do to determine if the motherboard is non-functional (which seems rather likely at this point)? Help me, livejournal wan kenobi!
  • Instead, eat food first, then drink afterwards for optimal health and digestive tract function.
  • Gestures" — like the two-finger zoom function on the iPhone's screen — will become familiar .. CES 2008: Bill Gates's Last Days at Work
  • Nevertheless it is useful and justified to look at living systems from the functional point of view.
  • For example, if a unary function is considered as a set of ordered pairs, then the domain and codomain are given by the first and second projections, respectively. Combinatory Logic
  • I didn't grow much until I was about fourteen by which time it was still functioning as a mini gaberdine raincoat as per the fashion and with the belt buckled around the back as you did. Harbingers
  • Torque transfer is a function of the internal gearing, which generates frictional resistance to differentiation through the axial and radial thrust forces of the gears in the differential.
  • The Sporting Trust is an independent body that organises sporting functions to raise money for cancer.
  • Other functional ingredient contenders for the dairy arena include dietary fiber, whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrates, bioactive peptide systems and additional minerals and vitamins.
  • Elucidation of the genomic organization of the Oct-11a POU domain revealed a striking concordance of intron/exon junctions with Oct-2.
  • In patients with diastolic dysfunction, the cornerstones of treatment depend on the underlying cause.
  • About 300 people, including the headmen of 10 communities and children and teachers from Coffee Bay schools, attended the function.
  • He was soon drawn deeply into studies of how the small variations in carotenoid structures are involved in biological functions. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • The abstract ideas of which the air consists, indispensable for life, but irrespirable by themselves, as it were, and only active in their re-directing function. Pragmatism
  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • Try relaxing the value of each bounded constraint one at a time, solve the modified problem, and see what happens to the optimal value of the objective function.
  • These and other functions not performed by doctors are carried out by people trained or supervised by doctors, the lawsuit alleges.
  • It introduces the functions and characteristics of railways telex automatic switch network, the volume control of telex network, operation guarantee of network and effects of network operation.
  • Government stonewalling and a dysfunctional justice system also jeopardized the case.
  • First, if the shaft of a long bone be hit above the junction of diaphysis and epiphysis, the cancellous tissue in and extending from the medullary cavity is pulverised, and examination of fragments from such fractures gives the impression of the inner aspect having been scraped clean. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Part 2 introduces a new grammar, and includes a functional component.
  • An epigraph typically functions as a rebus for an essay, providing a gloss or indicating the author's approach.
  • The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
  • The metropolitan grouping reflects urban areas and a fully functioning tiered health care system with ready access to tertiary care.
  • Risk managers are charged with an important function within financial institutions, and to attract calibre candidates, salary levels tend to be competitive.
  • This system realizes the basic edit function and some functions in common use.
  • We suspected that most people would not spontaneously think in terms of this curvilinearity and would, in fact, think that fuel consumption decreases as a linear function of MPG. The Miles Per Gallon Illusion | clusterflock
  • The Labour party's draft document, which it did not dare to publish, refers to London policing functions.
  • The workers had also complained about the unit's single non-functional fire extinguisher, which was replaced by two new ones.
  • The most common reasons given by airlines for delayed flights were engine malfunction and inappropriate on-board service facilities.
  • One must choose either the particle mode, with localized positions, trajectories, and energy quanta, or the wave mode, with spreading wave functions, delocalization and interference. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • The Cabinet and its members fuse political and executive functions.
  • In this manner the brain avoids duplication of function.
  • Seubert J, Yang B, Bradbury JA, Graves J, Degraff LM, et al. (2004) Enhanced postischemic functional recovery in CYP2J2 transgenic hearts involves mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels and p42/p44 MAPK pathway. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In this sense cognitive therapy might sometimes serve a preventive function.
  • The function relation between difference and dyestuff concentration was obtained.
  • Without that, the mechanism of justice delivery would become dysfunctional.
  • Here is the power spectrum: amount of anisotropy as a function of angular scale (really multipole moment l), with large scales on the left and smaller scales on the right. WMAP results — cosmology makes sense!
  • What can generally be observed empirically is typically a form of irreducible complexity where if a part is taken away then a lack of function results. Assessing Causality
  • As in any hierarchical system, each functional level builds on the one below it.
  • Soon the most lucrative function of the resurrected orbital was as an alien adventure park.
  • We're definitely moving in a positive direction, but each time we make a leap to a new level of functionality, things get more complicated and fractured and difficult for a while.
  • Yes - even the placement of the delete function is, when viewed in context, diabolical.
  • Opponents would claim that the sight of placard-wielding pickets outside various religious functions presents the Gospel in a poor light.
  • The A-level of old had a specific function: to test the minority of young people who would go on to higher education.
  • Exposure to ozone causes acute changes in lung function, neutrophil infiltration, cytokine release, and potentiation of allergen-induced bronchoconstriction.
  • The design method of torque converter blade based on quadratic function distribution momentum was put forward.
  • While the idea of mechatronics may not be new, technology developments such as smaller, more powerful microchips, new approaches to communication networks and new materials are enabling us to translate our ideas into new products that deliver increased functionality and use fewer resources. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • Just because an obscure term is included on a sticker from a national organisation that primarily functions in academic circles does not mean that we as a society are inclusive.
  • In addition to fulfilling its expected practical function, the kitchen was also designed as a kind of recording studio.
  • Then, after a real fire, she chose to deep-fry her pork tenderloin, which didn't cook all the way through, thanks to more malfunctioning equipment, leading to her elimination. Top Chef's Carla: I Would've Sent Myself Home Too
  • Serum sodium concentration or tonicity are functions of water content relative to total body sodium content.
  • Usually they are painless and only cause lameness under certain conditions, as when they begin to develop themselves under the stimulus of inflammatory action, or when large enough to interfere with the functions of the tendons, or again when they have undergone certain pathological changes, such as calcification, which is among their tendencies. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Objective To study the nursing intervention measures for upper limb movement function recovery of patients with brain damage-caused hemiparalysis.
  • Preliminary Injunction means the court forces the infringers to stop ongoing infringement or events that are about to happen upon obligee's request before or during infringement litigation.
  • It was dishonourable to’ — ‘Peace, young man,’ said Herries, more calmly than I might have expected; ‘the word dishonour must not be mentioned as in conjunction with my name. Redgauntlet
  • Apple's iOS designs show an increasing trend towards skeuomorphic design, that is to say they add design elements that are non-functional but hark back to analogue objects. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Certain functions are best undertaken or coordinated at a regional level, so regions will always be required.
  • In 1873 he gave a continuous function with divergent Fourier series at any point solving a major problem.
  • Changes in social structure are thus likely to be accompanied by changes in the function of component institutions.
  • These six rules define the grammar of a two-function calculator designed to process input strings.
  • The draft reflects a similar innocence about how the media operate, while presuming to call shots and issue admonitions and injunctions in an often condescending way.
  • Function circuit executes any mode selected by the mode select section in response to the mode execute control signal generated by the controller.
  • The organisers thank all who patronised the function and also everyone who donated prizes for the raffle.
  • Methods Gender, age, economic income, vaccine history, residence and immunologic function of 35 cases of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and 70 normal people were analyzed.
  • It is already known that in some bowel cancers the K-Ras gene is faulty, leaving the switch permanently 'on'. patients who have a normally functioning K-Ras 'switch' might in some circumstances** benefit from new cancer drugs called cetuximab and panitumumab. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The energy functional is then written and the plate is discretized into the finite element method format on a small computer for performing the calculation.
  • Psychoses may be divided into two categories, organic or functional.
  • The functions which may be exercised by parish, town and community councils are nearly all concurrent functions with district councils.
  • The men worked extra shifts when malfunctions occurred: heavy machine parts and outsized tools had to be moved.
  • I am not of Paracelsus's mind, that boldly delivers a receipt to make a man without conjunction; yet cannot but wonder at the multitude of heads that do deny traduction, having no other arguments to confirm their belief than that rhetorical sentence and antimetathesis [I. 51] of Augustine, "creando infunditur, infundendo creatur. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • Smart clothes also make it possible for the wearer's vital functions to be monitored, using, for example, an electromyograph.
  • It most likely functions as an adhesion protein, connecting the placenta to the uterus.
  • Yet, with this effort falling flat, somehow I feel like life has settled into a loose conjunction with all things kismet, karma, and generally astrologically-aligned.
  • Along with elaborate vessels and sculpted creatures, Diakite creates platters, plates, bowls, and a variety of other forms that are sold as both functional objects and works of art.
  • Conversely, when the device is removed from the USB bus, the disconnect function is called with the device pointer.
  • The club serves a useful function as a meeting place.
  • It would also help unilingual francophones to function as unilinguals outside of Quebec, in so far as official bilingualism insures provision of government services in French.
  • As a first approximation, then, moral anti-realism can be identified as the disjunction of three theses: moral noncognivitism moral error theory moral subjectivism Moral Anti-Realism
  • Training the reflective function is the training of character, while the training of the purely physical side often, and the training of the intellectual side not uncommonly, have a distinctly deteriorative effect. Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. Of Trinity College, Cambridge Extracted From His Letters And Diaries, With Reminiscences Of His Conversation By His Friend Christopher Carr Of The Same College
  • Like much of urban Trinidad, this appears to be a functional if unaesthetic sprawl of small businesses, shops, fast-food outlets, homes, temples, mosques and Hindu prayer flags.
  • In the existing architecture we modified, the dumb.c draw function copies the source pixel memory area into the destination memory area.
  • Joseph had come to accept his own medical masquerade so thoroughly that he felt no compunction about taking this project on. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
  • There were ten functional stamens in each flower collected.
  • Later, however, he admitted that regular private functions (probably at least once a week) would not be so quiet.
  • A standard statement of compositionality would say that the meaning of compounds must be a function of the meaning of their components and their mode of combination. Discourse Representation Theory
  • The ownership function mainly has three aspects: productivity function, system function, resource allocation function.
  • Gradually, their entrepôt function was being changed by the opening up of efficient transport links to their hinterland, and its transformation by manufacturing industry.
  • Our results confirm the relation between birth weight and lung function measurements reported in other studies.
  • How did those incestuous acts and their interpretation function in relationship to other ideas about the family, gender, sexuality, and the social order?
  • When you were the defending champion the next year, you were criticized by the British press for showing up late to a function and acting like a boor.
  • The second function of music therapy is relaxation because the music can tranquilize the mind by nourishing the heart.
  • Here the author proceeds tondo by tondo, providing extended readings of each work, into which she integrates observations about the setting, function, and circular significance of the tondo made in earlier chapters.
  • The MP, who has previously obtained a super-injunction preventing the publication of private emails which had been leaked to the press, told a session of the joint Commons and Lords Committee on privacy and injunctions that such newspapers should be allowed to go to the wall. Zac Goldsmith criticised over concentration camp comparison
  • I'll do my best to keep the overall design and function clean and simple but I'm looking forward to getting properly to grips with the new methodology.
  • That is what is really meant by the term "dysfunctional family" -- a family with no function. The Full Feed from
  • Diagnosis of left - ventricular non - compaction in patients with left - ventricular systolic dysfunction a reappraisal of diagnostic criteria?
  • One person may function well in most areas of life, but be paranoid and hostile in certain circumstances.
  • If this refers to the references you previously cited then kindly cite the exact data you are using to support your claim that evidence for the cause of protein synthesis is linked to "specialization of function in self-replicators. Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • If each gene regulated by a transcription factor is viewed as one function of that factor, then most transcription factors are multifunctional.

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