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How To Use Uncovering In A Sentence

  • Nelly burbles about ‘not wanting to hide behind metaphor ‘and uncovering her ‘wiser self‘.
  • The work of art is true by virtue of uncovering or bringing out of concealment.
  • Lehrer and Sloan are founders of EarSay, an artist-driven non-profit arts organization dedicated to uncovering and portraying stories of the uncelebrated. Anthony Papa: Eugene Hütz of Gogol Bordello Featured in Animation, Globalization, by EarSay
  • I have tried to preserve the natural rhythm of the Latin text, while still uncovering some type of motivic repetition. Introits for Treble Choir
  • Single-molecule biophysics is slowly revolutionizing cell biology by uncovering important information regarding protein function that cannot be obtained from standard bulk experiments.
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  • Vintage woodworking machinery trade catalogs have proved invaluable in uncovering the history of some of these companies.
  • The Daily Beast obtained the script of the first episode, uncovering some reasons why the family would want what they called a skewed version of events to be kept off television. Breast Fondling, JFK's Affairs In Dropped 'The Kennedys' Miniseries
  • As they dig amid the rubble, recovery workers are uncovering corridors and gangways that lead to the cavernous vaults below.
  • The excavation explored the 60th anniversary of the end of the second world war by uncovering a former Georgian terrace bombed in the blitz.
  • Last week, we were asked to take part in a German documentary uncovering some of the most recent research into moles on your skin. The Sun
  • Being Norway's sole dino researcher, he appropriately played a hand in uncovering the nation's only known dinosaur.
  • Discovery is the process of uncovering each party's documents to the other before a hearing starts.
  • It was autumn, 1541. Following the uncovering of a plot against his throne in Yorkshire, King Henry VIII has set out on a spectacular Progress to the North to overawe his rebellious subjects there.
  • Erin awoke, uncovering herself from the mountains of blankets that covered her on her bed.
  • In my view so far, the purpose of this model by its creator ended at combining these divinatory practices together into a single model as a brief artistic statement of how these practices are connected by way of uncovering the future, but we're no doubt asking too much of the model to provide us with signs of their interrelationships on top of this. Finding structure in the Piacenza Liver despite academic claptrap - Part 3
  • A gradient of UV doses was achieved by uncovering successive sections of the bacterial streaks.
  • When the instrument is more than a simple tube, such as a flute with finger holes, the player can manipulate the size of the air column by covering or uncovering the finger holes.
  • It sounds dull but it this sort of underhand skullduggery that bloggers should be uncovering.
  • It used to be a commonplace that activities aimed at uncovering truth and knowledge set about the relatively simple tasks of making observations and recording results.
  • A thorough and accurate medical history and a review of systems is key to uncovering potential systemic causes of wrist pain.
  • Mr Cash is currently working on uncovering the missing pieces of Anne's life in the hope that it will lead him to the rightful heir of the fortune.
  • But the Met must not flinch from uncovering them, both swiftly and transparently. Times, Sunday Times
  • The redemption is achieved through memory, the uncovering of power's buried past: ‘They make you disremember, forget, dismember,’ the narrator says, ‘Remember… remember’.
  • We're still uncovering, as late as this morning, other incidents, other cases, that will be promptly investigated by the Department of Defense.
  • The search is due to continue today with Gardaí confident of uncovering more quantities of the drug.
  • After a lot of hard work, they found they were uncovering a more or less intact skeleton.
  • Uncovering that mispricing may require specialised knowledge that few investors possess , creating profitable barriers to entry.
  • Uncovering a novel mechanism of symbiont acquisition, researchers at Penn State and the University of Vienna have shown that the symbiotic bacteria infect tubeworm larvae through their skin. May 19th, 2006
  • He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
  • Keighley is a rich source of new stories and I look forward to uncovering more of them.
  • General Paulus : How are you feat to go uncovering this teen Russian?
  • Live brief demonstrations of cavity preparations, removing cold sores, tooth extractions, teeth desensitization, filling removals, fibroma removals, tori removal, troughing, frenectomy, crown lengthening and uncovering implants are also available. News Articles
  • Only by uncovering the precise underlying psycholinguistic deficit can therapy be properly targeted.
  • Ellen is not even a quarter-time medium but they end up uncovering a family secret at the end, so it's a play with a double twist to it.
  • When we learn to read or look or listen intensively, we are not just becoming adept at exposing falsehood or at uncovering yet more examples of the duplicities of culture and society. Michael Roth: Go Positive!
  • Similarly, they make a compelling case for attention to perception and cognition in uncovering what makes things funny. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There are two of us still to find, and the beldam is already angry with you for uncovering me. CORALINE
  • The uncovering of serious acts of judicial misconduct could end up with a recommendation to impeach a judge.
  • Others recalled the role that emission spectroscopy without this high time resolution can have in uncovering photodissociation.
  • These two quests ultimately lead us to the truth, and it is the gradual process of uncovering both falsehood and truth that provides the substance of this movie.
  • This afternoon I set out to solve the riddle, though so far I have only succeeded in uncovering more questions.
  • The trick is finding those peaks, and contrarians have a number of ways of uncovering them.
  • How do you go about uncovering the drum? Times, Sunday Times
  • The conclusion of Epstein's essay is of continuing relevance to the mythical role imputed to the press in uncovering Watergate.
  • But it is not just a matter of uncovering more historical information in order to complete the jigsaw.
  • To finish the pilaf, remove the casserole from the oven after 30 minutes and allow to stand for 5 minutes before uncovering.
  • He fought his tears and cautiously brought the blanket around Emma down a little, uncovering her bare chest.
  • Desiderio Camassa thought he uncovering a bronze leg as he cleared sand from a new discovery.
  • And again, "Time Magazine" uncovering a claim of responsibility from al Qaeda in Iraq with a message saying that basically it's aimed at those who are cooperating with what they call the occupier and its agents, saying ominously, quote, "We will reach you wherever you are. CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2007
  • Meanwhile, Fay Glinister has made a great article that seeks to smash apart what she identifies as a dogmatic belief by modern historians in Veiled and unveiled: Uncovering Roman influence in Hellenistic Italy 2009. Archive 2010-09-01
  • Uncovering patterns of morphological change within Polypteridae provides an important opportunity to evaluate if the mechanisms underlying morphological evolution are shared among actinoptyerygians, and in fact, perhaps the entire osteichthyan (bony fish and tetrapods) tree of life. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Since 1987 Forbes has scoured the globe tracking the fortunes of the world's wealthiest people and uncovering new faces.
  • A systems analysis by Bayesian networks further showed that the number, size, concentration of cargo and intracellular position of endosomes are not determined randomly but are subject to specific regulation, thus uncovering novel properties of the endocytic system. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • I ventured over to the tray and lifted the lids, uncovering grilled chicken, green peas, sweet corn, cinnamon bread, a red apple, and a red jelly donut.
  • Birkin, a Londoner who has survived the Great War but is left with a stammer, a nervous twitch, and vivid nightmares, is given the summer job of uncovering a mediaeval wall-painting in the church of a small Yorkshire village.
  • The Spruce Pine-related losses follow North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper's June uncovering of what he described as a sophisticated real estate fraud involving a planned community, the Village of Penland, in the western part of the state. United Community Cuts Outlook
  • The flip side is the work culture and manager's attitude to the uncovering of errors.
  • As our committee began uncovering a series of far-fetched CIA espionage plans, Goldwater called a news conference one day to discuss a bizarre gadget developed by the agency, a “bio-innoculator” that was supposed to inject poisons into targeted victims from long distances. The Good Fight
  • The uncovering of the buried town gives us a unique glimpse of the past.
  • To the apocalyptist, who literally awaits the Great Uncovering, all coincidence is synchronicity, all accident revelation. A Darker Place
  • And today we're in the badlands of cowboy capitalism, uncovering what the varmints have done to our retirement savings.
  • Too often IGs act as a disruptive influence in agencies because they make their reputations on uncovering fraud, waste, and abuse even when their is none to uncover. Did the White House interefere with more Inspectors General? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Spring came to the Bad Lands in fits and numerous false starts, first the "chinook," uncovering the butte-tops between dawn and dusk, then the rushing of many waters, the flooding of low bottom-lands, the agony of a world of gumbo, and, after a dozen boreal setbacks, the awakening of green things and the return of a temperature fit for human beings to live in. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • There are two of us still to find, and the beldam is already angry with you for uncovering me. CORALINE
  • Originally a steeplejack, cloth-capped Fred became an unlikely celebrity and has been the star of more than 20 documentaries uncovering Britain's industrial heritage.
  • Bronte's limited world was one of moorland and governesses, big houses and class strictures, but Boylan goes further, uncovering the underbelly of Victorian society with retrospective omniscience.
  • Celestite will also assist initiates in uncovering lifetimes that one's soul has had in the sea such as within the dolphin and whale species, and communing with such species in present time.
  • Originally a steeplejack, Fred became an unlikely celebrity and has been the star of more than 20 documentaries uncovering Britain's industrial heritage.
  • The film continues its sinister loop, covering and uncovering the person or object that is buried.
  • He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
  • He boasts of weeding old sanctuaries, and uncovering the ground-plans of old temples so that he could rebuild them as they were supposed to be.
  • He was a shrewd lawyer with a talent for uncovering paper trails of fraud.
  • How do you go about uncovering the drum? Times, Sunday Times
  • New techniques of analysis are continually uncovering previously unrecognized details about the internal anatomy and growth patterns of dinosaurs.
  • The uncovering of the buried town gives us a unique glimpse of the past.
  • Which brings me back to that make-believe laundry pile and my own lesson: uncovering a life purpose by defining my values.
  • He sits in the dining hall covering and uncovering his ears, listening to the noise that roars like a train.
  • Jesus conquers Satan by uncovering this deception; he shows that the way of God is that of non-violent faithful witness.
  • Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects.
  • There was also the whole etiquette of uncovering your head in the presence of your betters and men doffing their hats to ladies and so forth.
  • But uncovering incompetence, malpractice and abuse of power is another matter.
  • But the neuroscientists believe they have an answer to this scientific riddle, uncovering a distaff preference for red, hidden atop the universal liking for blue.
  • The initial letters of their names happily constituted the word "cabal", which with even greater serendipity had a slightly sinister echo of the word cabbala (a secret mystical tradition of Jewish rabbis uncovering hidden meanings in the Bible.) The Guardian World News
  • In the novel Stark assigns narrator Jack Burden the task of uncovering dirt on the universally admired Judge Monty Irwin.
  • Nobel Prizes have recognized a number of the triumphs along the way, among them Watson, Crick and Wilkins 'decipherment of the helical structure of DNA and Roger Kornberg's uncovering of the workings of the enzyme RNA polymerase, which turns DNA into RNA. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 - Speed Read
  • The lone investigator uncovering nasty truths and righting wrongs has proved as appealing as the cowboy hero; and he or she has survived longer than the cowpoke by adapting to change: in technology, in literary technique and in job description. And Then There Were Ten
  • Without doubt, uncovering nature's optical secrets has been, and will continue to be, a spectacular journey.
  • The Review, meanwhile, was uncovering the city's underworld, its gangsters and corrupt officials, its brutality and greed.
  • Kiara stuck her nose up in the air and marched past him, uncovering the ping-pong table along with its paddles and balls.
  • Then the team led by Bard and an Italian archeologist, Rodolfo Fattovich, started uncovering maritime storerooms in 2004, putting hard timber and rugged rigging to the notion of pharaonic deepwater prowess. Most Popular
  • The consequences of uncovering a large scale problem may be difficult to deal with, having major implications for the food, dairy, and pharmaceutical industries.
  • The possibility of uncovering conflicting gene genealogies in taxa that were separated a long time in the past but whose speciation has occurred close in time has already been discussed.
  • Boston University archeologist Kathryn Bard and her colleagues are uncovering the oldest remnants of seagoing ships and other relics linked to exotic trade with a mysterious Red Sea realm called Punt ... the team led by Bard and an Italian archeologist, Rodolfo Fattovich, started uncovering maritime storerooms in 2004, putting hard timber and rugged rigging to the notion of pharaonic deepwater prowess. Latest Articles
  • All it takes is one person becoming angry with another and doing something they would likely regret later - or even the thought of a houseguest uncovering suck intimate keepsakes is feasible.
  • This interactive web-based landscape will enable archaeologists to examine every aspect of the area's past by uncovering and interpreting clues left on the landscape.
  • All it takes is one person becoming angry with another and doing something they would likely regret later - or even the thought of a houseguest uncovering suck intimate keepsakes is feasible.
  • If all this is true, then what is the link between hypnotisability and Complete this quote "I briefly chatted about twin studies uncovering the genetics of religiosity. Neuroanthropology
  • Because you are a fair minded person you'll make a point of uncovering these shortcomings in their arguments and sharing what you find with other sensible people.
  • I was uncovering a powerful voice of womanhood, embracing woman's strength, and heeding woman's necessary urging call.

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