

[ UK /ʌnkˈɒmpɹəmˌa‍ɪzɪŋli/ ]
  1. in an uncompromising manner

How To Use uncompromisingly In A Sentence

  • Islam, the religion, is uncompromisingly insistent about the preservation of the free and fair market.
  • His is a story of a remarkable, unyielding spirit and uncompromisingly fierce defiance.
  • It is not uncommon for such types to feel impelled to state their vision of the truth boldly and uncompromisingly in circumstances where it would be more tactful and more politic to keep silent.
  • The notion of the forest uncompromisingly supplying fibre for pulp, paper and sawmills has been a basic premise or point of departure in all Baskerville's calculations.
  • It takes the form of the Anti-Libidinal Ego having 'an uncompromisingly hostile attitude' towards the Libidinal Ego and its associated Exciting Object.
  • The Shanghai collector was uncompromisingly firm in his refusal.
  • You may give any dam reason you please to yourself," said Nicky-Nan uncompromisingly, "so long as you don't start palmin 'it' pon me. Nicky-Nan, Reservist
  • Fueled by supremacist and puritan theological creeds, their symbolic acts of power become uncompromisingly fanatic and violent.
  • Shriver has her narrator write in an uncompromisingly opinionated style.
  • I'm not sure I entirely agree with his uncompromisingly conservative prescription.
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