How To Use Uncommonness In A Sentence
Later, when he left the company to launch his company, the mystique of his name followed (in part due to its uncommonness).
Game Designers Gain Notoriety
Hotspur is an uncommon man, whose uncommonness is unsupported by his father at a critical moment.
William Shakespeare
To the contrary, it is the uncommonness of such mobilization that draws attention and makes the mobilization effective.
American Grace
Talk about her growing appreciation of the uncommonness of common things.
Broken For You by Stephanie Kallos: Questions
It is not the uncommonness of the diction or phrasing but the uncommonness of the sentiment and appropriate expression that accounts for eloquence.
There was tea break after tea break, but never really a break long enough to snap out of the work and appreciate the uncommonness of the situation.
Our admiration of 'em does not so much arise out of their Greatness as Uncommonness.
It's in acquiring this "uncommon visage" that the meaning of human existence seems to lie, since for this uncommonness we are, as it were, prepared genetically.
Joseph Brodsky - Nobel Lecture
The uncommonness of the latter three species in the state is reason enough to warrant monitoring their known populations.
I can really make sense of your ungrammaticality judgment only as an aversion against the constructions excessive uncommonness (use of “whom” + overt relative pronoun in an object relative clause, which also seems to have become sort of uncommon) … Are “the boy to whom I gave the gift” and “the man whom I saw” really that much better for you?
Whoever v. Whomever! Cases collide! Match of the Century! « Motivated Grammar
I do not wonder that he discerned the uncommonness of the Christ.
Brooks by the Traveller's Way
But I am not common, and by cleaving to me and my leadership you bask in the glory of my uncommonness.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
The rate and amplitude of the current warming testify about its uncommonness during the past centuries Briffa et al.
Juckes and the Indigirka River Alter Ego « Climate Audit
I might give you a dozen pictures of our life, and yet mislead you as to its uncommonness; it was really commonplace life in strange and unfamiliar circumstances.
The Relief of Mafeking How it Was Accomplished by Mahon's Flying Column; with an Account of Some Earlier Episodes in the Boer War of 1899-1900
Twain was especially impressed with the brilliant color and uncommonness of the Eastern costume.