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How To Use Uncombed In A Sentence

  • Therefore, not to mention his clothes, which had seen three months' service in mire and dust, and his thick uncombed hair, the surface of his face and hands was dismally beclouded.
  • Her hair was uncombed, and she gasped through her smeared lipstick, as if she had just been embraced by a violent lover. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • My father was still wearing his light blue PJ's and his hair was uncombed.
  • I slid my headphones over my messy, uncombed hair.
  • My mother said that I could not leave the house with uncombed hair.
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Master English with Ease
  • To them he must have been a fearsome sight, disheveled with ragged clothes and uncombed greasy hair.
  • He looked messy with uncombed hair and his shirt wrinkled, but Claire said nothing.
  • A servitor, his apron stained with particles of food and slops of wine, hurried up, his greasy, uncombed hair masking his face. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • He slammed the drawer shut and ran his hands through a mess of rusty-red uncombed hair.
  • She wore an anorak despite the heat, hair uncombed and dusty. WHITE LIES
  • My hair was uncombed and my hands and face were caked with mud.
  • His dark hair was uncombed and he looked like he too had just woken up.
  • Her hair was uncombed and she looked like a little girl.
  • If your family enthusiastically throws splodges of oatmeal across the breakfast table and then lolls about all day with their hair uncombed and their boots on the sofa, you can stop reading right here.
  • A servitor, his apron stained with particles of food and slops of wine, hurried up, his greasy, uncombed hair masking his face. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Andrew muttered darkly to himself before strutting over to the front desk, brushing his messy uncombed hair back with his fingers.
  • Her long, black, uncombed hair falls over her normally cheery face, now slightly contorted with worry.
  • His hair uncombed, his face weather-beaten and drawn, he looks perhaps a decade older than his 42 years.
  • She is a bleary-eyed woman with long, uncombed brown hair, still dressed in her pajamas.
  • After a few steps, a door slides open from one of the rooms, and an ageing scientist, complete with thick glasses and wild, uncombed grey hair, walks over to them.
  • His right ear sported a gold ring and his long black hair was left uncombed and untied.
  • A servitor, his apron stained with particles of food and slops of wine, hurried up, his greasy, uncombed hair masking his face. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • There were livid bruises on his shoulder, and chest, he was unshaven, and his hair uncombed.
  • The Princess had a distinguished face, thin and drawn, set off by long black uncombed hair and she wore a long dark gown down to her feet.
  • The Princess had a distinguished face, thin and drawn, set off by long black uncombed hair and she wore a long dark gown down to her feet.
  • The shadows on his face accentuated his chiselled cheekbones and chin, and his uncombed hair hung over his face.
  • The emperor's jacket was unbuttoned, his lace cravat untied, and his crown of golden leaves sitting crooked atop uncombed dark hair.
  • His brown hair was uncombed and in a mess, hanging in front of his eyes.
  • Seven stalworth men shoot out from among a mass of rags on the floor, and with dark, wandering eyes, and massive, uncombed beards, commence in their native Italian a series of interrogatories, not one of which the detective can understand. An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
  • The black screen flickered for a moment before it came to life, showing a small boy with messy, uncombed blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
  • I raked my shaky hand through my uncombed, disheveled hair.
  • He had long, shaggy and uncombed flaming red hair.
  • Her hair was uncombed and she was without the protection of makeup.
  • Somerset looked as if it'd just got out of the shower and wasn't properly towel-dried yet, with trees and copses and hedgerows on all sides bedraggled and uncombed.
  • Jones depicts them as disgusted by Eva's physicality, her uncombed hair, and her black femaleness.
  • A servitor, his apron stained with particles of food and slops of wine, hurried up, his greasy, uncombed hair masking his face. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Even though she dressed in rags and her hair was uncombed, she was like an angel sent from heaven.
  • Standing at about five foot nine, Freddie appeared somewhat taller due to an enormous pile of wild, uncombed hair.
  • he was unwashed and uncombed with his clothes half buttoned

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