How To Use Uncivilised In A Sentence

  • To abolitionists, capital punishment is equally uncivilized and deserving of a definitive ruling of its unconstitutionality.
  • First most of them were imported from among the interior peoples, untouched by the Swahili culture, peoples contemptuously referred to as shenzi or uncivilized barbarians by the coastal peoples.
  • Yet, the possibility always remains that the signifying capabilities of the tongue, and, more generally, the body will exceed the narrow scope of its assignment, becoming rude, unmannerly, undisciplined, and uncivilized.
  • Many of his contemporaries shared his surprise and dismay and assumed that this apparent triumph of an uncivilised eastern nation over the best fighting machine in Europe was but a flash in the pan.
  • Regrettably, the counterpoint to that dominance is a tendency to relapse into aggressive and uncivilised patterns of behaviour from time to time.
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  • Though they defend themselves with a bravery, skill, and devotion that has absolutely no comparison, proving on every occasion their great superiority in dauntlessness and address, no advantages of daring and prowess can overcome the evil effects of their defensive policy, and the probability is that in a few years more the noblest race of uncivilized men, will become utterly extinct. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • In the aftermath of the American elections the chattering classes in Britain have portrayed the moral majority in America as the peculiar aberration of a raw, uncivilised culture.
  • They are not just men sacrificed to expediency, they are not men too civilised for an uncivilised world.
  • He did not think that Kiril was below him, that he was barbaric and uncivilized.
  • But I think it is a necessary confrontation, a final break with the wild and uncivilized world from which Enkidu derives.
  • To those who have rowed only clumsy country-boats, with their awkward row-locks and wretched oars, slimy, dirty, and leaking, trailing behind tags and streamers of pond-weed, or who have only experimented with that most uncivilized style of digging up the water called paddling, the real pleasure of rowing is unknown. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • The youths were described as uncivilised barbarians who savagely attacked innocent victims.
  • However, human rights monitors point out that the action of the Coalition forces and their presence in the country is posited on ending ‘uncivilised’ behaviour and installing a system of fairness and justice.
  • With a feather stuck in his hair and his deep blue eyes, Danlo did in fact look uncivilized and not a little wild. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The uncivilised vampires are described somewhat differently, their walk being "catlike" and "on the edge of shifting into a crouch" (TW18). Twilight Lexicon » Appearance
  • She may be unladylike, but she certainly was not uncivilized!
  • But was it fair to call Africa barbarous and uncivilized, and to say that the slave traders were doing no harm by removing people from that continent?
  • Last week, it emerged that even those trusted with getting children safely across roads outside school are bearing the brunt of increased aggression and uncivilised road behaviour by some motorists.
  • By counterposing the countryside to the city in this manner, the ‘uncivilized’ nature of the former is again contrasted with the ‘civilized’ nature of the latter.
  • Understand that spitting is an uncivilized act, prohibit the exercise.
  • The Orient is associated with an uncivilized nature, the Westerner with a proprietary consumption of it.
  • Please don't be as uncivilized, thoughtless, and cruel as the monsters who committed these senseless acts.
  • A couple of months ago when Deborah Howell was "deluged" with "uncivilized" comments about her failure to correct a blatant misrepresentation, the Washington Post ombudsman and others had a shrieking fit of the vapors and spent days on the fainting couch mumbling incoherently about the rude insults they had to endure. Hullabaloo
  • He characterized the action as ‘brazen, arrogant, uncivilized, and insensitive.’
  • Apparently bloggers really are considered the barbarians at the gates - unrefined, undisciplined and uncivilized.
  • With a feather stuck in his hair and his deep blue eyes, Danlo did in fact look uncivilized and not a little wild. THE BROKEN GOD
  • fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient
  • What is uncivilised is the secrecy, guilt, shame and sorrow that surrounds this issue as it stands now.
  • ‘What she offered,’ notes the author, ‘in her most sensual, primitive, uncivilized and, from the standpoint of normal aesthetics, distasteful acts slipped over the brink - and she could take you with her - into the abysms of the sacred.’
  • As cultured as they are supposed to be their village is uncivilized.
  • The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.
  • High, bright windows shone at us when children; told us of the happy life of music in those houses where the girls stepped daintily and smiled at us, a joke we thought uncivilised and cruel.
  • Still symbolic of uncivilized nature, wild game was transformed from an obstacle into a valuable resource in need of protection.
  • I think any sport involving animals where the animals do not have a choice is barbaric and uncivilized.
  • Hence a bumping lass is a large girl of her age, and a bumpkin is a large-limbed, uncivilized rustic; the idea of grossness of size entering into the idea of a country bumpkin, as well as that of unpolished rudeness. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 387, August 28, 1829
  • Cannibalism was regarded as a sign of barbarity, the marker of an uncivilised people.
  • Many American middle-class women, for example, expressed their revulsion at what they saw as the dirty and uncivilized nature of Irish women.
  • Yet this lack of acquisitiveness, this disregard for hoarding, has earned indigenous communities sobriquets like ‘uncivilized’ or ‘primitive’.
  • We always picnic in the room so it looks as if we're provisioned for an excursion into the uncivilized wilderness.
  • She may be unladylike, but she certainly was not uncivilized!
  • To rush through a meal is thought to be uncivilized behavior.
  • He is stern and severe -- with fixed principles of _duty_ which _nothing_ on earth will make him change; very _clever_ I do _not_ think him, and his mind is an uncivilised one; his education has been neglected; politics and military concerns are the only things he takes great interest in; the arts and all softer occupations he is insensible to, but he is sincere, I am certain, _sincere_ even in his most despotic acts, from a sense that that _is_ the _only_ way to govern; he is not, I am sure, aware of the dreadful cases of individual misery which he so often causes, for I can see by various instances that he is kept in utter ignorance of The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 A Selection from her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861
  • There must be no more division of the world into civilized and uncivilized, developed and underdeveloped.
  • Hence a bumping lass is a large girl of her age, and a bumpkin is a large-limbed, uncivilized rustic; the idea of grossness of size entering into the idea of a country bumpkin, as well as that of unpolished rudeness. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 387, August 28, 1829
  • It defines what it means to be civilised in uncivilised times, testifies to the healing properties of a sense of the ridiculous and hints that inner cheer can face down physical infirmity.
  • We will once more stand against the uncivilised cowards who gnaw at the soul of our democracies.
  • It was as if they couldn't see him, couldn't perceive his curiosity, his loneliness, and his uncivilized spirit. THE BROKEN GOD
  • He depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • It was as if they couldn't see him, couldn't perceive his curiosity, his loneliness, and his uncivilized spirit. THE BROKEN GOD
  • His was a wild, uncivilized kind of handsomeness, she thought, like that of a noble, untamed creature of the forest, changed by enchantment into a man and thrust into modern clothes. The Port of Adventure
  • She does not view the tribal people as uncivilized or primitive, but merely very different from the rest of the world.
  • Filson depicted the Kentucky frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by wild beasts and uncivilized savages.
  • 'decadence' which has come to its perfection in uncivilised and overcivilised Russia; and the woman whom Ibsen studied as his model was actually half-Russian. Figures of Several Centuries
  • Surely, human life could not have started in those uncivilized places.
  • If the boys sometimes cross their limit, the whole blame goes these uncultured/uncivilised boys, and the poor girl is just the victim.
  • These artefacts are correctives to the usual view of these people as completely uncivilized.
  • The uncivilized guest chewed with his mouth open.
  • Yet, the possibility always remains that the signifying capabilities of the tongue, and, more generally, the body will exceed the narrow scope of its assignment, becoming rude, unmannerly, undisciplined, and uncivilized.
  • With the advent of a universalist, Christian monotheism, the notion was added that all these outsiders were by definition not only uncivilized but ungodly.
  • The French don't like the Irish; they think they're wild, barbaric, and terribly uncivilized.
  • I believe that certain aspects of other cultures are primitive and uncivilized.
  • But we abolished this uncivilized custom in conclave, and thenceforth sat our meals out to the end. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Both believe that the Bible can do ignorant, sensual savages no good; both believe that nothing but compulsatory power can restrain uncivilized barbarians from polygamy, inebriety, and other sinful practices. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • For all its wacky irreverence, it is also a rather touching story of moral decay in an uncivilized world.
  • Apparently bloggers really are considered the barbarians at the gates - unrefined, undisciplined and uncivilized.
  • They believe foreigners deem it "uncivilised" and are worried it will cast the city in an unflattering light when Expo 2010 begins.
  • I'm far more offended by minstrelizing robots with no plausible connection to hip hop by any imaginative stretch and the use of mudflap a derogatory term involving the assumption of a dirty and uncivilized penis than a series of black monsters set in Africa of all places. Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
  • In reply to the first part of the objection, we would observe, that among all uncivilized people rites and customs prevail, which are abhorent to the better instructed christian; and with regard to the latter we would ask, what can be expected to result from a system which so degrades and brutifies a class of men, repressing everything that is noble and generous in them, and encouraging the growth of all that is vicious and mischievous in their merely animal nature. God's image in ebony : being a series of biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectual capacities of the Negro race, by edited
  • They are backward, uncultured, uncivilized, and completely alien to the good norms values and achievements of the present era.
  • The first he would have described as a natural system - like a primitive state of nature, an uncivilized, anarchic world where the most powerful tyrannize the rest.
  • In an earlier time, we would have said that such people were primitives, uncivilized.
  • In their wild and alien nature, these animals were the embodiment of all that was uncivilized and, therefore, of barbarian irrationality and evil.
  • Those who don't like boys-only schools would say they are barbaric and uncivilised.
  • It will pay us, I think, to stop configuring education as a battle of the geniuses against the uncivilized.
  • This is to counter the dumb who don't think they are dumb, and are at the same time crude, uncivilised and unreasonable.
  • All in all men are often insensitive and behave in an uncivilized manner.
  • I suspect that most rational New Zealanders would argue that this is not ethical development at all, but barbaric and uncivilised, and that these beliefs have no place with a State broadcaster.
  • ‘That is the kind of thinking that would be compatible with a very uncivilized world,’ he added.
  • The campaign has abounded in mutual accusations of uncivilised behaviour.
  • Western European “explorers” annihilated millions of indigenous people in the “New World” under the pretext that they practiced anthropophagy and were better off dead or enslaved than they were living in their natural “uncivilized” state. Flesh, flesh everywhere, Nor any morsel to eat...
  • You are absolutely the most rude, unsociable, uncivilized person I know!
  • As schooling became somewhat more standardized over time, these prescriptivist grammarians became almost Biblical in proportion, even to the point that during the Colonial period the aboriginals were discouraged from speaking their own language because it was uncouth, uncivilized, imperfect, and perhaps most importantly, non-Christian.
  • One week of that I spent visiting my Mum "up north" as we Canadians like to say -- it basically translates as "more northerly, colder and uncivilized than where I am currently located... suckaz", but other than that I don't have much of an excuse. Very Short Fiction -- Happily Ever After
  • He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers uncivilized regions. Erema
  • It amused Kemp that old man Colter had sent his daughter away for refinement and culture, then brought her back to one of the roughest, most uncivilized places in the country.
  • Well, of course it couldn't be the uncivilized place that some people say it is.
  • I wanted to simply disappear; I must have sounded so graceless and uncivilized.
  • They were described to be living a 'savage life' – wild, uncivilized, 'uncultured', Uprooting the Demon of Racism
  • _Fellatio_ and _cunnilinctus_, while they are not strictly methods of coitus, in so far as they do not involve the penetration of the penis into the vagina, are very widespread as preliminaries, or as vicarious forms of coitus, alike among civilized and uncivilized peoples. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • Traditional African masquerade, dating back to the era before emancipation, used rags, paint, and spears to portray an image of a miserable, uncivilised past.
  • Isn't it clear to the world by now, that the U.S. represents a different mindset than much of the uncivilized world?
  • Please don't be as uncivilized, thoughtless, and cruel as the monsters who committed these senseless acts.
  • This all led to uncivilised evening drinks at The Local, before wobbling home in an uncertain manner.
  • It is about giving assent, support and legitimacy at a transnational level to a most uncivilised field of research.

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