How To Use Uncheerful In A Sentence
Christmas Day -- the girls 'first Christmas Day without a home and a mother -- passed not uncheerfully.
The Palace Beautiful A Story for Girls
The speaker of these stunning poems appears heartbroken and haunted yet filled with abrupt passion and resistance to loss -- uncompromising, uncheerful but "acquainted with the night" -- an insomniac's rhapsody.
Carol Muske-Dukes: Scattershot Poetry Reviews -- Three Books
But, upon last night's caucus results after cheering for Obama in my mind I couldn't help but see millions of less than happy people do a very good updated shocked impression of a scene straight out of Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles when Sheriff Bart was first spotted and rode into a cheering and band-playing town, and then things went into uncheerful and no band-playing mode with some illuminating singular commentary.
Is it Racist if it's true?
The bill passed; but it was a different matter to enforce it, as many an excise officer reflected, uncheerfully, whilst riding a rail.
The Conqueror
Wherefore the Wilbur twin each Sabbath morning in the woodshed polished three pairs of shoes, and not uncheerfully.
The Wrong Twin
an uncheerful place
There were commonly no towns near the stations, which were not always uncheerful; sometimes there were flower-beds, unless my memory deceives me.
Familiar Spanish Travels
Hermia eyed her Dresden chocolate-pot uncheerfully.
Nor was he uncheerful in his cold garret and with his empty stomach, for
New Grub Street
But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent.
The Far Horizon
He obviously didn't want to be there (hell, neither did I), and I was feeling like his uncheerful mood was my fault.
Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when
Elsa glanced at me, timidly but by no means uncheerfully.
The King's Mirror
Bent on inspiring him with enthusiasm equal to her own, she declined to dampen what sparks he had caught by anything so uncheerful as a cold meal.
Yes, I suppose I'm dropped now," responded Billy, not uncheerfully.
Four Girls and a Compact
I merely cut the seal and gave it to her; she opened it and read it herself, afterwards she gave it me to read, and then talked to me a little and not uncheerfully of its contents, but there was then a languor about her which prevented her taking the same interest in anything she had been used to do.
Jane Austen, Her Life and Letters A Family Record
And here's another thing that has cheered immensely in these 4 terribly uncheerful years: The Democrats held the majority for 40 years.
Source: McCain, GOP Significantly Expanding Advertising Map Into New States
I don't want to repeat my rather uncheerful comment on Yelli's blog from the other day Sorry, Y! but suffice to say I'm an exile of love, to use Snooker's words.
Distance doesn't really make the heart grow fonder
a moody and uncheerful person