How To Use Unceremonious In A Sentence

  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • The latest crisis in West Indies cricket and the unceremonious sacking of the best WI talent is the ultimate insult to West Indians.
  • On the surface, it seems the radio babblers have been unceremoniously shushed.
  • One night, Finn rocks a bit off and falls flat on his face, unceremoniously uncaught by an unwelcoming mosh pit.
  • One night, at a New York dinner party in the mid-1990s, Coplans unceremoniously expelled the hostess from her own kitchen, quartered some oranges, added them to the chicken and recooked it.
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  • And not just because both teams were unceremoniously dumped out of the Champions League in midweek. The Sun
  • She slowly peels back her boa and unceremoniously tosses it to the side.
  • Rocky nodded and unceremoniously tipped out the contents of the box.
  • Team captain Susanthika Jayasinghe did not appear to regret her unceremonious exit from the 200 metres sprint, but appeared more worried about the controversies surrounding the athletes.
  • The owner scooted over from doing his genial rounds of the table and scooped up the hapless moggy, depositing him safely but unceremoniously on the street outside.
  • It was extremely unusual to have callers shown in in this unceremonious fashion, even if she had been rather unprepossessed by these particular callers. The Beloved Woman
  • There's a squealy axe solo unceremoniously tacked on the end, naturally.
  • Two articles I wrote were unceremoniously dumped by both The Guardian and The Times, which put a dampener on my plans.
  • Shortly after the coup d'etat that brought Qaddafi to power, he unceremoniously ordered all Italians to leave Libyan territory.
  • But when the clean-up was done, he was unceremoniously dumped. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music center, which is positioned above the shopping like a keystone connecting the two sides of the building, is wedged in unceremoniously, and visually lost, straitjacketed by the larger building.
  • That feeling was unceremoniously dashed that evening when I found out about the chicken pox.
  • Important papers should not be left in the outside pouches of valises that are thrown unceremoniously into the boot of a taxi.
  • Both these machines had their heyday, but now they seem to be on their way out, in a very unceremonious manner.
  • Unfortunately, I was clutching the side of the ride, nostrils flaring, eyes popping, and lips flapping unceremoniously.
  • Now the one thing that will get you booted unceremoniously from any locale, except a gathering of the Aryan Brotherhood at a beerhall, is going on a drunken anti-Semitic tirade. John Galliano, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen -- poison and poetry
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • I parked the trolley and grabbed up the paper, dumping it unceremoniously on top of the counter, and started flicking through it.
  • She had been out-manoeuvred and out-run, to say nothing of her having been unceremoniously tumbled in the gravel, and her arrival was like that of a tornado — made up of offended dignity, justifiable wrath, and instinctive hatred for this marauder from the Wild. The Southland
  • They didn't find drugs or booze but they did find diarized admittances of the fact that I had sex with my older boyfriend and hid it: I was unceremoniously asked to pack my bags and leave the house. Blog: I've just seen a face
  • ‘I wouldn't mind having Dean Ashton in my side,’ admitted Kevin Blackwell, the Leeds manager, after his side's four-match unbeaten run was brought to an unceremonious end.
  • The case, which went unreported, had already been unceremoniously rejected in the High Court.
  • In scenes more normally associated with ne'er-do-wells arriving at courtrooms, the couple were ushered unceremoniously out of vehicles by muscular security staff in through a back entrance of the registry office.
  • In the re-match the next day, the Railways made an unceremonious exit.
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • unceremonious dismissal from office
  • When the public tire of you, you are unceremoniously dumped, no matter how good the tunes you knock out. The Sun
  • Third, it gives us a golden excuse to fire unceremoniously half the one-day players and all the management. The Sun
  • made an unceremonious presentation.
  • He is unceremoniously carted around in a plastic urn inside a carrier bag which nervously changes hands between them.
  • Kerry's high-flying minors were brought to earth with an unceremonious bang by a resurgent Meath in yesterday's opener at Croke Park.
  • Which is why his protestations about his unceremonious exit from Newcastle being ‘ancient history’ have a hollow ring.
  • I came off my line to close down the angle, but somehow managed to make contact with Cora, bringing her to ground, in what looked like an unceremonious challenge.
  • Expect a major change of location soon, of course: it seems that he has been unceremoniously retired from service.
  • The Italians' unceremonious drop to fourth place is unheard of in the world of ice dancing.
  • Yesterday he was unceremoniously dumped. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was nothing unusual about groups of elegantly clad gentleman scuffling unceremoniously in order to place themselves at the head of a procession or to bag the best pews for a church service.
  • Unceremoniously walking up to Stefàn and grabbing him from behind, she wrapped her arms around his waist in a possessive manner and lustfully stuck her tongue in his ear. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • A disappointing trading update in March saw the chief executive fall unceremoniously on his sword a few weeks later.
  • he was dismissed unceremoniously
  • Juxtaposed with this is the idea that the blatantly violent removal of the badger from the sett and the unceremonious act of the diggers disturbs and changes nature irreparably.
  • About a third of the way up the mountainside it came to an unceremonious halt, without so much as a sign or a barrier to mark the place. EVERVILLE
  • And Billy dances off again in newer glee, while the inspired musician is plunking a banjo imitation on his enchanted instrument, which is unceremoniously drowned out by a circus-tune from Doc that is absolutely inspiring to every one but the barefooted brother, who drops back listlessly to his old position on the floor and sullenly renews operations on his "chigger" claims. The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley, Volume 10
  • If they are verbally aggressive to staff they will be dumped unceremoniously in this room.
  • He may have been unceremoniously ejected from the couture house he founded that bears his name - which last year filed for bankruptcy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Putting the flashlight down on the chair next to him, he pulled the painting off the wall and let it fall unceremoniously to the floor.
  • At the Stockbroking firm where I worked, many years ago, a Senior Secretary got absolutely "ratted" at the Xmas party and was unceremoniously de-knickered and, dare I say it, "bonked" on the Senior Partner ` s magnificent, leather topped mahogony desk. The Ghost Of Christmas Past (2004 in fact)
  • – He was unceremoniously shooed from the bar, to the uproar of all, save the two men at the table nearest where he’d been hiding. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Mnkyking’s Review Forum
  • Together the two teams digested 25 goals while scoring only two from own efforts to have unceremonious exits in the first stage - the group league.
  • But even though he was unceremoniously deposed from office last year, could the mild-mannered leader really be capable of such deeds?
  • He unlocked the front door and Anna charged in, dragging another straggler behind her but slamming it --- unceremoniously --- in Bo's face. BEHINDLINGS
  • There was a squeally axe solo unceremoniously tacked on the end, naturally.
  • In others, abortion was treated matter-of-factly, with the products of conception disposed of unceremoniously.
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • Yes, but then I have to give up the fantasy that I am still a perky, nubile young thing in a respectable 34B, and accept the fact that some old Russian frau will unceremoniously stuff my lovelies into a contraption that looks more suited to carting around weapons of mass destruction than bosoms, and which forces me to accept that my actual measurements are more stubby than tall-boy. Archive 2009-08-01
  • His career rebirth following his unceremonious ousting from the legendary Black Sabbath was nothing short of remarkable.
  • My tech "ambassadorship" ends on Oct. 3, drawing unconditional use of my free Samsung to an unceremonious halt. Archive 2006-09-01
  • But when it came to matching Saskatchewan's contribution of beef overstock to food banks, the province considered it for two seconds before delivering an unceremonious, ‘We're not getting involved.’
  • She had hardly had a chance to finish her drink when she was manhandled by burly bouncers and unceremoniously dumped outside the door.
  • Each time a whiny pop tune unceremoniously and semi-incongruously intrudes upon the soundtrack, we passively accept the meretriciously commercial reasons for the tune's existence.
  • The door suddenly opened and the hellcat walked into the room, unceremoniously.
  • an unceremonious speech
  • But she had taken a shine to Antony, and when you put aside any consideration for the poor hare that had been so unceremoniously jugged, the meal, you had to admit, had been rather good.
  • Now rumours abound that she is to be unceremoniously dumped for the next series. The Sun
  • The unfortunate gents are then unceremoniously interred in the sisters' basement.
  • He was unceremoniously ejected from his slightly altered, safe Ashford ward by the massed vote of sitting borough councillors in favour of a previously unknown candidate.
  • Incidentally, Shaheed, whom Pillai considers his idol, had suffered a similar fate when he was forced to make an unceremonious exit from the game in his final Olympics at Seoul in 1988.
  • The dot-com bust, the recession of 2001, and the corporate crime wave and accounting scandals of 2002 brought the party to an unceremonious end.
  • It does du louvre hotel in damkina out that too insistently dolichocephaly is not a unshakably bize, this is particularly the unwittingly vicarious scandentia. is lablink with much machiavellianism direfully round, he unceremoniously mangosteen corvine a noisily safranine gerreidae when narghile to his onomasticon songfulness. Rational Review
  • The unceremonious crumbling of the soviet style experiments with socialism has left the profession of Marxist studies under enormous pressure to seek a new orientation.
  • We then watched as flock after flock of "sprigs" cupped and settled lightly among the decoys and squads of redheads tore over the bay and splashed unceremoniously among the blocks. Chronicle
  • All eleven episodes of Season One, including the 90-minute pilot, are dumped quite unceremoniously onto two two-sided discs.
  • Joris Luyten It may be named unceremoniously for the hockey puck it resembles, but the palet breton tastes like a bit of heaven. Merry Cookies
  • Representatives of striking Metrobus drivers on Wednesday walked out of a meeting called to resolve the dispute between the drivers and the company, bringing the proceedings to an abrupt and unceremonious end.
  • Unceremoniously, some number of thugs dragged me into an edifice and roughly seated me in a slight wooden chair.
  • Suddenly, without warning, she bellyflopped, unceremoniously, into the wooden planter.
  • So to anyone out there who has been unceremoniously dumped, take heart. The Sun
  • I had approached her with so little formality, I had received all her graciousness with so little apparent sense of her condescension, I had taken my seat, nearly unasked, so completely at my ease, and I had pronounced so unceremoniously the plain "vous," without softening it off with one single "altesse royale," that I had given her reason to think me either the most forward person in my nature, or the worst bred The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • He was unceremoniously removed from the list of members, for gross misconduct.
  • Now he looks to be making an unceremonious exit from the Baroda Cricket Association as well which he has been ruling over like his personal fiefdom.
  • In short, they very unceremoniously treat the Parisians who believe in Gargantua as ignorant simpletons and superstitious idiots, with whom are intermixed a few hypocrites, who pretend to believe in Gargantua, in order to obtain some convenient priorship in the abbey of Thélême. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Beth nodded, and unceremoniously snipped the loose ends with a pair of kitchen shears.
  • I crammed unceremoniously into their car.
  • Many say the biggest casualty that Bangalore has suffered is the unceremonious exit of former chief minister S M Krishna, who was the driving force behind Bangalore's explosive growth in the IT sector in the last few years.
  • He also aspired to the role of executioner, warning McLoughlin that if he was not gone in three months he would requisition a shareholders’ meeting to remove him ‘unceremoniously’.
  • She takes them and dumps them unceremoniously into the roaster, seasons the meat and puts the lid on.
  • He was unceremoniously shooed from the bar, to the uproar of all, save the two men he had been eavesdropping on. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Mnkyking’s Review Forum
  • A shrill beep sounded in the room and I unceremoniously erupted from the bed.
  • They stampeded her on the Calle Rivera and unceremoniously held up Mr. North's impressive car before the hotel, while Jim Baggott, in an ancient silk hat and bibulously primed for the occasion, read an ungrammatical but fervent valediction. The Fifth Ace
  • The dinner was a relaxed, unceremonious occasion.
  • The owner scooted over from doing his genial rounds of the table and scooped up the hapless moggy, depositing him safely but unceremoniously on the street outside.
  • Quite a few were shocked to see Russia transformed into a second-rate country, treated unceremoniously by Western powers.
  • I'm almost a bit embarrassed to say Heya because I rather unceremoniously borrowed Phreedom's name as a moniker, with her fully in mind when I did it, but not enough to decide against the 'heya'. * big grin* Out With The New
  • If Cooper's departure from Covent Garden was a lunge for freedom, Wildor's was an unceremonious, inexplicable freezing-out.
  • She had been out-manoeuvred and out-run, to say nothing of her having been unceremoniously tumbled in the gravel, and her arrival was like that of a tornado — made up of offended dignity, justifiable wrath, and instinctive hatred for this marauder from the Wild. The Southland
  • The announcement of Lukis' unceremonious dumping capped off a dreadful week for Nine.
  • Fourteen years after dumping a man unceremoniously by letter, I decided to give him a second chance and let him back into my life. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of philosophy, I am rather ashamed of this unceremonious exsiccation of your financial river. Selected English Letters
  • Unceremoniously, he hoisted her onto his shoulder, causing her to drop the eggs - she watched them, one by one, as they fell - perfect, pristine ovoids one instant, scattered spilth and ruin the next.
  • The test tube still lay on the edge of the sink; she wrapped it and its box in paper towels and unceremoniously chucked them into the wastebasket.
  • At Epsilon's signal, the mercenaries unceremoniously dumped their load at Darkstorm's feet and loosed the ropes that kept it bound.
  • Josh, hearing the unmistakeable sound of someone falling over rather unceremoniously just behind him, stopped abruptly and looked over his shoulder.
  • On the return, both Sofia and Plovdiv were fog-bound so we landed at Varna and were unceremoniously bundled on to ancient coaches for the six hour journey to Sofia.
  • The action fizzles out rather unceremoniously at the halfway mark.
  • In scenes more normally associated with ne'er-do-wells arriving at courtrooms, the couple were ushered unceremoniously out of vehicles by muscular security staff in through a back entrance of the registry office.
  • In Internet parlance, the baby-faced de Jong is a newby, and he's not hiding the fact with his overly earnest fluster following his unceremonious deflowering.
  • She had thick brown hair that piled unceremoniously on her head and green tortoiseshell glasses.
  • After losing the first two league games, promotion side Forest Rangers should now become cautious with each game they play especially after their unceremonious exit from the elite league two years ago.
  • To begin with, he was, to use his aunt's own term, "breeched" the next day, and his petticoats became the big baby's property, while his precious best frock was poked unceremoniously into a box under his aunt's bed. The Girls of St. Olave's
  • Sir Richard Sykes, the Huddersfield-born City grandee, is in a typically frank mood after his unceremonious ousting from Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation ENRC, just three years after the obscure Kazakh mining group hired him to confer credibility on the run-up to its London flotation. Sir Richard Sykes: voted out, but not down

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