How To Use Uncanny In A Sentence
Golden eye or yellowtail grunts, chubs or scads would move unhurriedly across, changing direction with uncanny synchronisation.
Except for the fact that his hair was a solid black, the thin, slight boy of about fifteen or sixteen bore an uncanny resemblance to Kunihiko.
There is also an uncanny correlation of azimuthal phases between $\ell = 3$ and $\ell = 5$.
Science Press Release Synopses
There is an uncanny resemblance between this reasoning and that which had earlier led John Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry.
As a lightweight, he carried a pretty solid wallop to go along with his uncanny ring generalship.

He has an uncanny feeling for being in the right spot at the right time and the opposing goalkeeper can only watch and cry.
The Sun
He earned the sobriquet from an uncanny ability to always pick the right stocks.
Times, Sunday Times
An uncanny silence descended on a school as pupils made a superhuman effort to clamp their lips tightly shut.
stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures
Well, the only thing is he is so extraordinarily responsive and sensitive to any move that I make that it's uncanny.
There was an uncanny lack of sound for an attack until about fifty yards in front of the gate when the warriors took up a battle cry that sounded like a dull roar.
Golden eye or yellowtail grunts, chubs or scads would move unhurriedly across, changing direction with uncanny synchronisation.
Like its conceptual cousin, the uncanny, it delimits the boundaries of certainties about identity and experience.
Humankind possesses this uncanny ability to survive in the face of adversity!
Wearing a flesh-coloured foam helmet that gives her the proportions of a newborn, Lee performs an uncanny imitation of a baby in this almost dialogue-free exploration of the mother-child bond.
I have this uncanny ability to recognise some of the most obscure actors.
One of his more uncanny talents has been the ability to capture the zeitgeist before we even knew it was upon us.
His uncanny, unmistakable style crossed Cubist austerity with lush Surrealism.
Not ATHFcreator andMeatwad voiceDave Willis — who did briefly hop on the phone to say, without a tremendous degree of confidence, thatan Aqua Teen movie sequel is scheduled for 2011 – butthe actualMeatwad, who talked abouteverything from havingCase guest on his recordtothe uncanny similarity between George Lucas and Santa Claus.
Exclusive: Meatwad announces the 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force' Christmas album |
For this he often uses extremely closed and narrow space like a labyrinth that is made with cardboard. It causes an uncanny experience to the audiences who hesitate ones' next step in the dark space.
She has an uncanny ability to understand my mood - she just gets me.
The Sun
He hated how his uncle crept up silently on him; it was both eerie and uncanny.
People these days have an uncanny ability to smell deceit of any kind.
Christianity Today
This little pill targets cancer cells with uncanny precision.
For the next two weeks, the fully autonomous robot, which bears an uncanny resemblance to a Volkswagen Beetle, will plumb the previously inaccessible microbial mysteries of the sinkhole -- or "cenote" -- El Zacatón.
NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: May 2007 Archives
She speaks with uncanny timing in the most doggone delicious accent, and sings with irresistible sorcery.
His talent at piloting was uncanny and he had spent his time mooning about the docks, watching the skimmers.
Not a devastating puncher, the charismatic Baby Bull, more than makes up for it with uncanny speed of foot and hand.
The actor finds an unstrained vocal pitch that is as uncanny as it is hilarious.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
They were mopping up after a crisis that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we lived through recently.
Times, Sunday Times
But there is a second condition necessary for the production of the uncanny in fiction, a condition less psychological than narratological.
They have an uncanny knack of toppling the walls that society or circumstance build between people.
Times, Sunday Times
Their uncanny and unfailing ability to make life as difficult as possible for themselves.
The Sun
Most special-effects experts say "Benjamin Button" successfully crossed the uncanny valley, a term credited to roboticist Masahiro Mori, whose landmark article on the subject was translated into English in 1970.
Is It Brad or Is It Fake?
I thought that here was a fit illustration for a fairy tale; then I remembered the Colonel's account of how he had awakened in the act of entering this romantic plaisance, and I was touched anew by an unrestfulness, by a sense of the uncanny.
Bat Wing
So really, uncanny is a good translation in some ways, but unhomely gets at the sense from a different direction, starting with the expectation of homeliness, that comfort that comes from familiarity, and then reversing it with the prefix "un.
Home and Unheimliche
In an uncanny coincidence, on the night of its premiere Ferguson scored the only goal of the game in Everton's win over Manchester United.
His seemingly uncanny ability to accomplish more than an ordinary mortal could achieve would thus be explained.
Through the rest of the dinner he was silent, a prey to that dark exultancy, to that uncanny agitation.
The Best Short Stories of 1920 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
He hated how his uncle crept up silently on him; it was both eerie and uncanny.
He has an uncanny knack of noticing things that seem to have happened yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The sly, literate prose filtered through wavering vocals still dwells in corners of life either too big or too small to express with such uncanny eloquence.
In the enlarged versions, one notices his eye for composition and design, as well as his uncanny ability to monumentalize his sitters.
But worse things were to be found in the bedroom: on the jeweller's wife's ottoman, in a casual pose, sprawled a third party -- namely, a black cat of uncanny size, with a glass of vodka in one paw and a fork, on which he had managed to spear a pickled mushroom, in the other.
Archive 2008-04-01
Both shows start with the results of an actual business or challenge and it is uncanny how, in the face of those factual results, people still look to blame others, the circumstances, the economy, the weather, the "bitchiness" or some other failing of their partners or teammates.
James M. Lynch: Simon Cowell: A True Friend
Those details apart, the parallels were uncanny.
Times, Sunday Times
The Captain displays an uncanny ability to sweat and smoulder simultaneously, and boasts a command of German that goes above and beyond the conversational.
Longer, gentler cooking brings out a low, earthy sweetness in chard, collards, or kale, an uncanny flavor that plays well with other things grown close to the ground.
Stravinsky would produce a second masterly score for the 1911 season when Fokine choreographed Petrushka, the sad, sinister tale of a puppet which provided yet another vehicle for the uncanny talents of Nijinsky.
Sergei Diaghilev: first lord of the dance
He has an uncanny knack of noticing things that seem to have happened yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
It's almost uncanny how similar they are as bodies in motion.
Times, Sunday Times
The bonus is excellent handling and roadholding, with great steering responses and that uncanny ability to make a series of bends seem like a straight road.
And in the process instilled in us some uncanny, extremely unique, weird and peculiar inability and incapacity to fathom how this place works.
Belinda is a handsome woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to John Cusack.
Nonetheless, it has an uncanny ability to disturb.
Times, Sunday Times
His reading of poetry was vast, his memory for it almost uncanny.
Times, Sunday Times
The Bedlington Terrier is often described as a "lamb on a leash" because its unique blond, curly hair and soft, round features give it an uncanny resemblance to the farm animal.
And then there was a blinding flash of brightness before his eyes, like fireworks exploding in uncanny profusion, blue, yellow, green, red.
He just has that uncanny knack of knowing where to stand to get his chance and taking it.
The Sun
He just has that uncanny knack of knowing where to stand to get his chance and taking it.
The Sun
Something in that fresh, but uncanny, laugh of hers, which bounced off social proprieties.
Clinton had an uncanny ability to sense the pulse of the nation.
We may quite allowably heighten the above picture by supposing that the person in her trance, in addition to being mad, might have displayed some of the perceptive powers occasionally developed in trance; and so have evinced, in addition to her demoniacal ferocity, an "uncanny" knowledge of things and persons.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
Although he was one of the lankiest point-guards in the game, Gates had the uncanny ability to power his way through the competition, almost as if he was programmed to do so.
The Toque
Today they read as uncanny reflections of our own unstable, uncertain age.
Again and again he was saved only by the uncanny accuracy of his shooting.
However, the bird has uncanny precision when it comes to eating mixed birdseed.
The originality, the indefatigability, the uncanny sense of self-promotion, the converting of art into sensibility, put him, it seems to me, into the most rarefied circle.
Last year, he thralled and apalled observers when he wore a white suit with black braiding which gave him an uncanny resemblance to late king of rock'n roll.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Everyone in Canada will now have the uncanny ability of the chameleon.
I do rely on him because his technical expertise is superb and his ability to predict the future has been uncanny.
He had predicted with uncanny accuracy the result of a snooker championship.
He has an uncanny resemblance to the famous older horror writer.
Times, Sunday Times
To her they seemed inhuman and uncanny.
Emily Fox-Seton
Considered by many to be one of the strongest technical rikishi ever, Takanohana dominated the dohyo with an uncanny right-handed belt grip and an aggressive style that marked him for sumo greatness.
Even then he would have failed, had it not been for the patient's catlike vitality and almost uncanny physical and mental grip on life.
It is an uncanny phenomenon; the culture we placed our faith in is hounding our freedoms.
It seems that marathons have an uncanny knack of being run on the hottest days of the year.
Great Sporting Failures
It was starting to be unnerving, this ability of his to judge her with such uncanny accuracy!
I'll miss your uncanny ability to find a new way to annoy the living bejeezus out of me every week.
It seems that marathons have an uncanny knack of being run on the hottest days of the year.
Great Sporting Failures
And if his shot had an unorthodox release—generating as much sidespin as backspin—it also had uncanny range.
Their uncanny and unfailing ability to make life as difficult as possible for themselves.
The Sun
His rival's uncanny instinct outmatched his own methodical approach.
One of his more uncanny talents has been the ability to capture the zeitgeist before we even knew it was upon us.
The boy possesses the uncanny ability to eat like an elephant and remain as skinny as a stick.
And yet there was something uncanny about the meeting.
The English Civil War: A People's History
Maisie's ‘wondering’ consciousness becomes the medium of a perverse animation, an uncanny crossover or transmutation between animate and inanimate, person and thing.
You can barely hear the music over the carping, which appears to be getting louder as her debut album approaches: a cynic might say that's just as well, given the recent Saturday Night Live appearance in which she demonstrated her uncanny mastery of the vocal style deployed by Ian Brown during the Stone Roses' later years – she honked like the foghorn on Portland Bill lighthouse.
Lana Del Ray: Born to Die – review
The man has an uncanny grasp of the public mood and once again he seized it, reminding us all how right we were to re-elect him as Prime Minister at the last general election.
An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle.
Sahni was most impressed with him regaling the passengers with an uncanny ability to hold them with improvised speeches.
Again he read her with uncanny accuracy.
Some people seem to have an uncanny ability to grow personally regardless of their apparent setting.
his uncanny sense of direction
The whole poem is rich in such complementarities, in binary oppositions and contradictions, all meticulously calibrated, uncanny and unstable.
The Times Literary Supplement
Closer scrutiny reveals their raw, uncanny ability to represent the complexity and fluidity of human identity.
Not having to give verbal commands seemed uncanny at first, but before long it just seemed natural.
With uncanny instinct they have ducked out of the herding area into a region where hunting is almost totally banned.
Times, Sunday Times
Representation, the art of transferring reality to the page, means re-presenting the real in its uncanny fictional form, in a way that makes it easy for us to forget we are reading black and white markings on a sheet of woodchip and not in fact looking through a hidden window onto the world.
American Wife « Tales from the Reading Room
I took a few courses on statistics and understand how these things can happen, though they seemed to happen with such frequency that it seemed uncanny.
Within Blade of Tyshalle Stover illustrates in several sequences why he is, in my mind, the current preeminent describer of action sequences in speculative fiction, depicting actions that produce gruesome results with uncanny and realistic precision.
Blade of Tyshalle by Matthew Stover – review
The series demonstrated once again that Ferguson has an uncanny knack for turning controversy into lucre.
A psychoanalytic reading suggests that horror movies play on our individual nightmares, and specifically our fear of death and dissolution, which Freud called unheimlich or uncanny.
Either that, or something uncanny had gone on in the hours between her being snapped at an afternoon perfume launch and the moment she left.
The Sun
But long-running rumours are developing an uncanny knack of coming true at the moment.
Working high up a mast on the end of a yardarm isolated in the expanse of the southern ocean, it was an uncanny experience to eyeball one of these creatures.
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Must have been pretty intense,' he suggested with uncanny accuracy.
Times, Sunday Times
like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees posses, we have a horror of being.
For example, first I would talk about synchronicity and uncanny coincidence and tell her little anecdotes about that from my life.
Sounds emitted from the bushes: weird uncanny sounds made by unknown animals, for all sorts of things lived in forests.
He had this uncanny ability to slide tackle.
The Sun
He has this uncanny ability to understand the periodic table.
Times, Sunday Times
Though bavardage accounted for much of the general knowledge of every one's affairs, there was an uncanny mystery in the speed at which a particular secret spread.
Mystic Isles of the South Seas.
But worse things were to be found in the bedroom: on the jeweller's wife's ottoman, in a casual pose, sprawled a third party -- namely, a black cat of uncanny size, with a glass of vodka in one paw and a fork, on which he had managed to spear a pickled mushroom, in the other.
Archive 2008-04-01
I accede to your uncanny powers of prognostication.
Skeptics say he needs to improve his blocking, but his size and uncanny ability to find openings in defenses will certainly get interest.
BYU - Team Notes
He is an incredibly able businessman who has an uncanny ability to tap into all possible sources of finance.
This retrospective procedure has an uncanny import; by challenging us to discover its encrypted relationship to rhyme, the poem suggests that rhyme somehow operates inherently within articulation itself, even when, or especially when, the ear is unaware.
Rhyming Sensation in 'Mont Blanc'
You have an almost uncanny feeling.
Times, Sunday Times
He has this uncanny ability to understand the periodic table.
Times, Sunday Times
The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.
This point, or ebb, is called the uncanny valley - see the chart below.
Archive 2008-12-01
There is an uncanny resemblance.
The Sun
He has an uncanny resemblance to the famous older horror writer.
Times, Sunday Times
She used her earthy wisdom and uncanny discernment with kindness and humanity, seasoned with an enjoyment of the absurd.
Times, Sunday Times
With a queer uncanny innocence, he seems always to have taken this one thing for granted.
Dyer's mystical demonism accounts for the ambivalent, exhilarating, and uncanny dimension of his architecture.
That impresses me but not as much as his uncanny expertise on the topic of game and quiz shows.
A mixture of reef sharks and bulls, they have an uncanny ability to appear behind you or materialise from behind a coral head only feet away.
He delights in tracing similarities of metaphor, suggestive accidents of fate, portentous parallels, uncanny coincidences, and unexpected connections.
Their uncanny and unfailing ability to make life as difficult as possible for themselves.
The Sun
The confidence and burly purposefulness behind a 25-yarder that beat David Seaman and inflicted defeat on a resilient Arsenal were uncanny in a 16-year-old Everton substitute.
Guardian writers choose their favourite Premier League goal
the dancer was praised for her uncanny extension
They had uncanny ability to know where each other was on the football ground at any time of the match.
I'll settle for just saying no because kids kind of frighten me with their unpredictability and uncanny ability to spread disease.
Elfpvke Diary Entry
Palin excites the energy companies, she excites the 7th day adventists and the other people who believe we are living in the biblical end times but anyone who truly cares about America will avoid her like cancer due to her uncanny ability to say the dumbest things ever heard in American political history ...
Palin plans 'aggressive' fundraising push
People these days have an uncanny ability to smell deceit of any kind.
Christianity Today
I do rely on him because his technical expertise is superb and his ability to predict the future has been uncanny.
If it is true, as Yeats said, that ‘in dreams begins responsibility,’ what remains to be established in Ball's work is a sense of what responsibilities his luminous, arresting, uncanny dreamscapes call the reader toward.
Kieslowski started his career making documentaries, and uses an almost uncanny power of observation to capture the intimate details of everyday life in an objective and unsentimental manner.
Killinaskully is essentially a showcase for Pat Shortt, a gifted clown with an uncanny flair for playing manic rural grotesques.
With uncanny instinct they have ducked out of the herding area into a region where hunting is almost totally banned.
Times, Sunday Times
Graham Greene has an uncanny knack for keeping his readers on the edge of their seats.
(It's better in person — the palette actually tends towards an uncanny glowing verdancy.)
Archive 2009-06-01
He's less interested in presenting his characters' spiraling self-deception— though he does that with uncanny insight—than in laying bare the terrible isolation that underlies all human relationships.
A Hungarian Novelist's Literature of Fidelity
His reading of the game was almost uncanny at times and he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time.
The Sun
Sometimes when this happened a man might crawl inside, beyond the limits of the caisson, that is, to dramatize the uncanny nature of such a space, not to mention his own nerve.
The Great Bridge
There is an uncanny resemblance.
The Sun
But then, human determination, imagination and ingenuity, when put to the service of justice, have had an uncanny and unpredictable way of playing havoc with the plans of dominators.
Burns' ability to describe managerial styles is uncanny to the modern eye.
That this tropical drupe can somehow be made to taste like smoky bacon without the greasy mess (and more ethical considerations of course) is uncanny.
Will New York's uncanny streak of luck continue?
She has an uncanny ability to understand my mood - she just gets me.
The Sun
Google's success stems from its uncanny ability to sort useful web pages from dross.
Nonetheless, it has an uncanny ability to disturb.
Times, Sunday Times
However, I have noticed an uncanny ability to give good luck to those who are gambling.
And yet there was something uncanny about the meeting.
The English Civil War: A People's History
Then," I continued, "perhaps you have found a prince of the church, pale as alabaster, sitting in his red robe, who put together the indicatory evidence of the crime that baffled you with such uncanny acumen that you stood aghast at his perspicacity?
The Sleuth of St. James's Square
AP Enterprise: Husbands, others recall dismembered NC girl's stepmom as abusive, 'pure evil' AP Enterprise: Husbands, others recall dismembered NC girl's stepmom as abusive, 'pure evil' - Elisa Baker had an uncanny ability to stay ahead of bill collectors, police, social workers and her multiple husbands, The Associated Press discovered in an investigation of the woman who led authorities to the dismembered remains of her disabled, 10-year-old stepdaughter. rss feed
They have an uncanny way of escalating minor adversity into major confrontations and luring coworkers into the toxic circle of conflict.
The combination of percussion and reeds, and the frenzied pace of some of the pieces, creates some uncanny parallels with Moroccan trance music.
In fact, part of the reason I replaced Todorov's term uncanny with creepy in my own model, is that I think talk of the uncanny often carries a sense of angst felt in the face of the truly unknown -- i.e. when we are faced with a strange-and-creepy event so alien we are not even able to decide whether it fits our nomology or not, whether it is artifice or anomaly.
Archive 2008-01-01
They were mopping up after a crisis that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we lived through recently.
Times, Sunday Times
His powers of observation were uncanny.
I do rely on him because his technical expertise is superb and his ability to predict the future has been uncanny.
It's uncanny living in Beijing how it rains on the eve of major events.
His unique and keening vocal style was called the ‘high lonesome’, such was the uncanny depth of emotion it carried.
Clinton had an uncanny ability to sense the pulse of the nation.
She even – I'm told '– his lifted hand, with the closed fingers suddenly flung open, advertised the difficulty a sane person found in crediting the uncanny rumour –' I'm told that women even like public dinners. '
The Convert
Attestations of his uncanny powers as well as arguments that question them are found in a report of a narrative related by a man named Bartley Coen.
He says their offstage relationship bears an uncanny similarity to their roles in the play.
Again he read her with uncanny accuracy.
Boilly had the uncanny ability to record the individual and the crowd simultaneously.
It seems that marathons have an uncanny knack of being run on the hottest days of the year.
Great Sporting Failures
Her character's skill at disarming those around her is uncanny and belies her years.
With uncanny instinct they have ducked out of the herding area into a region where hunting is almost totally banned.
Times, Sunday Times
They performed uncanny sacrifices to chthonian deities; subterranean caves,, were opened, pigs thrown down into the depths; probably there was a bigger, secret sacrifice towards the end of the festival.
The Uncanny," because what it harbors is the deeply familiar, his creator's own repressed and most infantile drives.
Hogle, Introduction, Frankenstein's Dream, Praxis Series, Romantic Circles
There is an uncanny resemblance.
The Sun
His reading of poetry was vast, his memory for it almost uncanny.
Times, Sunday Times
I think the Greeks found something ominous or uncanny, something not to be lightly spoken of, in that all but disembodied spirit which we call a butterfly, and they called by the name of ψυχη {psychê}, the Soul.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
He had this uncanny ability to slide tackle.
The Sun
It's almost uncanny how similar they are as bodies in motion.
Times, Sunday Times
There was no sign of intoxication, but something was evidently working in the man's mind, and his breath came quickly, with a kind of asthmatic pant, from between his thin lips, still parted in the uncanny grin.
The Unclassed
She did numerology and astrology and tarot with an uncanny instinct.
And its title bears an uncanny resemblance to that written in 1995 by another young lawyer, just prior to launching his political career.
Podolski's Goal Brings Relief
Now that might be because honestly how many creative ways can an aircraft carrier in space be filmed, but, the likeness is uncanny.
Robotech=Battlestar or Battlestar=Robotech?
School psychologists should advocate for any high ability student who demonstrates uncanny ability or potential to make a mark in an academic field, even if their IQ score falls below the school district's cut-score; there is no single right answer for what IQ threshold or percentage of students should be identified as gifted, and the numbers can change depending upon changing criteria of academic excellence and available resources.
Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Who Is Currently Identified as Gifted in the United States?
Like both satire and the sentimental, the uncanny as a literary category has been the subject of significant theoretical work.
Their baby bears a strong resemblance/an uncanny likeness to its grandfather.
He has the uncanny ability to master the American accent which, along with his smile and look, helped set him apart from the other actors reading for the part.
These are just a few of the athletes that continually wow us with their agility and uncanny power and strength. We know them for what they can do from the neck down.
Hair has uncanny properties; it is a peculiarity that hair and nails continue to grow for a short time after death.
Not that there's any lack of huge, cavernous sound, and sound-effect; endless very slow, melody-free crescendos and diminuendos, uncanny thuds and knocks in the music's far distance, drones and whines and very-long-held notes that go up a semitone, stay there for a long time, and then slide back down again.
Archive 2010-02-01
Her skin had an uncanny translucence relieved by large dark blotches where nurses had tried to find a vein and she had bled under the surface.
CE 1 to Etruscan are not just coincidental, as I've already explained, since the combined mention of something "being poured" (trinaχe) and Vulcan (Velχanu) is uncanny for a situla, which, if you followed the link to the definition is precisely used for in ritual to "contain liquid".
Rhaetic and its relationship to Etruscan
It was positively uncanny, the heathen ceremonies those grey ones pulled off in burying their grey brother.
Discipline and training replace education for all but the privileged as schools increasingly take on an uncanny resemblance to oversized police precincts.